

6 Oct 2013

35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know

Numerous researchers believe that alien beings have been able to mind-kontrol top SSG and cabal leaders by infecting them with a cosmic parasite which transforms them into power obsessed individuals, filled with blood lust and desire to engender mass death and destruction, and best described as completely self-serving and the “ultimate evil”. This occurrence would explain why the top world leaders and those who run the SSG act the way they do.

These individuals are believed to be infected with a cosmic parasite that seeks energy they can somehow capture provided by intense and mass human suffering and traumatic death. This parasite makes them act like a power mad, blood thirsty mass murdering parasite against the human race, all the while believing the delusion that their eugenics and mass death is an attempt to purify and save the human race. Thus this cosmic parasite’s apparent script is to manipulate and mind-kontrol world leaders of the cabal to produce as much human suffering, shedding of blood and traumatic mass death as possible in order to extract energy from suffering humans and humans that are dying traumatically. Sick beyond words and yes, it’s demonic and pure evil if true.

And some intel insiders have alleged that it is “rumored” that DC is by far the most psychotronically mind-kontrolled geographical space in the whole world, being constantly bombarded with scalar/torsion/standing waves/ultra low ELF, and pulsed beam microwaves from stationary triangulated ground transmitters surrounding DC and satellite based nuclear powered transmitters from high tech large orbital space platforms. Thus not only are DC politicians and officials perhaps the most sexually human compromised, bought off/owned/bribed or blackmailed groups in history, but also perhaps the most cosmically parasitized individuals in recent history, causing them to personally function as the worst criminal psychopaths and parasites on humanity as well as the American citizens that have ever existed.

Some insiders have leaked rumors that the “beyond black” psychotronic technology is used to “hive” the susceptible subjects who have weak character or are psychopaths–this involves the aerosol spraying of something called “nano smart dust” from CIA or DOD contract aircraft; this dust is magnetic, has CPU properties when properly flashed after being inhaled and migrating to the brain across the blood brain barrier, and tends to create hived behaviors rendering top politicians, police and intel as mentally subject to the psychotronics of the central hive, usually mounted on towers or space platforms.

These particular nano particles were discovered from electron microscopy and chemical analysis of the magnetic particles in the brains of birds, bees, and other insects which appear to be externally navigated and controlled to serve their hive which transmits inter-dimensional signals via particle entangelment. Don’t expect the USG to confirm these rumors soon, because if true it is the glue that keeps their criminal psychopaths on script and one of their deepest secrets at the same beyond-black unacknowledged program level of their triple helix, self-healing hybrid super-soldiers with focused Psi-power and mild to moderate spontaneous remote viewing.

Read more here

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