28 Apr 2011



The term Akasha comes from a 5000 year old Sanskrit language which means "hidden library".

This secret hall of records (known as the Akashic Records) can be revealed by diving into the subconscious mind in deep state of meditation.

The Akasha may be better understood in our technologically advanced world as a type of internal Universal Wide Web, where anyone can access the information freely about anybody.

We each have access to this information because we are each intimately connected to the Universe, yet sometimes the mind becomes very busy and blocks the connection to this infinite internal database.

The Akasha is real.

It is a subatomic energy field of quantum particles and waves of information which are found within everything and everyone in this Universe.

It is the informational highway that connects all people and things.

23 Apr 2011



What can one say ......GUILTY

The waiting is over, the anticipation can now finally be realized ....

The rulers of the world are maniacally obsessed with controlling, dominating and enslaving humanity, wielding ferocious power for power's sake, centralizing authority into a ruthless world government system, and ultimately enacting their "final solution" of global population reduction.

How will this tyranny unfold is highlighted in the message of the mysterious Georgia Guidestones, purportedly built by representatives of a secret society called the Rosicrucian Order, which call for a global religion, world courts, and for population levels to be maintained at around 500 million, over a 5.5 billion reduction from current levels.

The stones infer that humans are a cancer upon the earth and should be culled in order to maintain balance with nature.

The new elite that seek to capitalize on this blueprint for global enslavement are merely the latest generation in a long line of tyrants and their empires that have sought world domination throughout human history.

The fact that powerful people have always attempted to expand their authority and rule over others is a manifestly provable historical truth, but one that is often forgotten in today's world of mindlessness, self-obsession, entertainment and distraction.



...chemtrails,bloody everywhere

The death dumps, otherwise known as chemical trails, are being dropped and sprayed throughout the United States and England, Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Europe.
Birds are dying around the world.
Fish are dying by the hundreds of thousands around the world.
This is genocide.
This is poison.
This is murder by the United Nations.
This element within our society that is doing this must be stopped.

The ruling elite have devised chemtrails as a means of covertly microchipping us all in order to create antennas inside of us via nanotechnology so as to make us totally controllable via a “psychocivilized” (electronically mind controlled) society. Using HAARP microwave antennas, the National Security Agency (NSA) can establish a seamless computer link direct to our brains, but first they’re using chemtrails to get the nanoparticles into us which are reassembling in our bodies to form the antennas. 


CHEMTRAILS’ are a component of an integrated atmospheric weapons system , which has multiple purposes, including weather modification, population control, advanced surveillance, biological warfare, and artificial intelligence. In North America and Europe, the program is run under the auspices of the Pentagon and NATO, obviously with help from the American and European defense contractors (Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing, EADS, Honeywell, etc). Many others are involved (Monsanto).



What is happening to our bodies at the moment due to the photon belt?

Our Human Bodies Are Affected By The Light Of The Photon Belt.

Humans are affected by the Light from the sun AND FROM BEYOND THE SUN!

Human DNA is affected by the photon belt and Light from the Great Central Sun of this particular Universe.

Human brains are affected by the photon belt and from the Great Central Sun of this particular Universe.

Human chakra system is affected by the photon belt and from the Great Central Sun of this particular Universe.


“They” know that human bodies that are toxic, will not withstand the gamma radiation of the photon belt, and thus, they have poisoned the air, food, water, and soil because they don’t want many humans to survive. Many people who have accumulated wealth and manmade power have perpetuated war, violence, mind control and planetary destruction in order to gain more physical affluence.

16 Apr 2011



Some Old Templars designed the original Cathederals to resonate with the Earth Grid
and open up the Heart Chakra of Earth and Humanity.

The establishment understood this ( and destroyed them )
and carried on building cathederals based on the same design,
the Templars of today hide many of these secrets from the public eyes,
therefore I say ........they are not true Templars.

They (NEW WORLD ORDER) then went on to use Cathederals etc..
to help control the Grid and many of us through religion etc..

The Labyrinth of Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France

There are no words to describe the cathartic experience of walking within the Labyrinth. It is 12.87 meters (42.22 feet) across and 300 meters (984.25 feet) long but one does not walk across it.

One gently and slowly traces its path with your steps while contemplating an idea; any idea. The difference between a maze and a labyrinth is that a maze is designed to trap and confound you, while a labyrinth serves exactly the opposite purpose. It was purposefully constructed to give you time to be alone with your thoughts and feelings.

It is a time to reflect on the many fractured emotions that drive all of us onward. Like the many glints of light upon the surface of a rippling lake, the seat of our passion can only be regarded from a distance. By the time that you have completed its course, you will have had time to digest your feelings and ultimately reaching the center, you are renewed with purpose and the strength to complete life’s journey.

I recommend that each of you reading this make your way to Chartres, France and the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres.

The Solitron Vortex Energies and the use of Ley Line / Vortex Energies used in the Cathedrals of Europe which were designed by the ORIGINAL Templars, They built these resonating chambers out of LOVE for humanity.

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. It represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools. A labyrinth is an archetype with which we can have a direct experience. Walking the labyrinth can be considered an initiation in which one awakens the knowledge encoded within their DNA.

A labyrinth contains non-verbal, implicate geometric and numerological prompts that create a multi-dimensional holographic field. These unseen patterns are referred to as sacred geometry. They allegeldy reveal the presence of a cosmic order as they interface the world of material form and the subtler realms of higher consciousness.

The contemporary resurgence of labyrinths in the west is stemmimg from our deeply rooted urge to honor again the Sacredness of All Life. A labyrinth can be experienced as the birthing womb of the Great Goddess. Thus, the labyrinth experience is a potent practice of Self-Integration as it encapsulates the spiraling journey in and out of incarnation.

On the journey in, towards the center, one cleanses the dirt from the road. On the journey out, one is born anew to consciously dwell in a human body, made holy by having got a taste of the Infinite Center.


The man made crop circles are mostly headed by David Rockefeller, and this is less than 10 percent of the circles made.

There are many reasons for crop circles, but most importantly they can be engineered to help balance the earth grid through the heart chakra.

There are many many arguments for and against the purpose of the crop circles. When a crop circle is made, ley lines are created which connect the circle to existing vortices and lines. This happens whether they are man made or not. It is the same as placing a pin into an accupuncture point to heal the human body.

The pattern of a crop circle contains templates of concious information which is programed by the makers, again whether man made or not.

A crop circle could be made and programed for a negative purpose or a positive purpose and can be changed to a certain extent once created. The vortex in the centre of the circle moves energy in one of two directions, down into the Earth Grid or up and out into the surrounding Earth Grids. The directions are neither positive nor negative in motion, it is about taking energy away or bringing energy down.

ALL crop circles are embedded with a six pointed star whether visible or not. This six pointed star is the ORIGINAL sign of the Scalar Solitron Vortex Wave and is shown with the Swastika inside it. The swastika shows the spin of the energy, clockwise moves upwards and counter clockwise moves downwards. Hitler used this to gain his power. The swastika is not evil, it was the persons using it which used it for evil purposes.


Crop circles have a universal language of geometry.
I believe that the ancient sites of England around Stonehenge, Avebury and leylines have something to do with the crop circle phenomenon.

Somehow these crop circles are changing our perspective of life and our consciousness.



Crop circles are also embeded with a five pointed star. Many people claim this is to sumon demons thus making all crop circles bad. Again it is the persons using it which make it this way. The crop circles you see in the fields contain embeded five pointed stars which can be clearly seen when the crop circle is spun very fast. This represents the five elements; earth, water, fire, wind and the ether.

When the Illuminati practise their most demonic satanic rituals in private, they will draw these star grids on the floor and use the elements to change the energy to allow them to summon demons.

We can help balance the grid by sending LOVE FROM INSIDE OUR HEARTS to these crop circles and vortices. This includes the demonic ones i.e. war memorials etc...this is why the site at the Twin Towers is haunted.

It is important to understand this process, duality can be confusing sometimes.

14 Apr 2011





From the moment our senses first register the presence of our parents we are being shown the way that life apparently is. Through no fault of ours or theirs, our parents begin the programming process as their views of life, shaped by their education, employment and the media are imposed on us.

Formal education through schools, colleges and universities continues the systematic indoctrination where the 'correct' views and interpretations of science, history and society result in exam passes and the ability to 'get on' in life.

Alternative views and the rejection of establishment education lead to supposedly lesser jobs and a struggle against economic poverty. Our entire understanding of the world and current affairs is filtered through the mass media, interpreted by journalists and so-called experts. Their views become our views simply because we are not offered any alternatives.

To overcome daily problems within society we turn to elected representatives of our community. We give our decision-making abilities to these few people who are increasingly remote, as local council power is removed to national government and ever more to Europe.

Our experience of life is determined by the framework around our society. The basic premise is that the goal of each individual should be to become a minute part in the global machine of consumerism led by Western multinational corporations and banks. Every other consideration is subordinate to the prime motivation of profit.

Obviously, those in the positions of influence – politicians, bankers, corporate executives, media moguls – have been, according to their own definition, 'successful' within the System, so have an interest in maintaining the status quo at all costs. This framework shapes every aspect of our life through education, the media, health care, cultural and sporting events, religion etc.

With these framing conditions in place, the System regulates itself: individuals with attitudes that suit the perpetuation of the System achieve status and influence within it; those who accept the establishment rules soon find ways to impose those rules; those who are blind to the exploitative realities of consumerism attain positions to promote it.

Regardless of how the framework came to be imposed, the truth is that the same attitudes control education, media, governments and banks and therefore exert an irrepressible influence over every aspect of our lives, our thoughts and opinions.




The Bible UFO Connection is often criticized for presenting concepts contrary, or completely unsubstantiated in the orthodox beliefs of the church.

Virtually nothing the "church" teaches, practices, or believes has any basis in scripture.

Through exhaustive biblical research, this work presents a new paradigm about exactly what the Bible teaches, and reveals incredible truths buried under centuries of alteration of the very foundations of the true church Jesus inspired.






SS E-IV .......Development unit of the SS occult 

This group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler's free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass ..... FLYING DISCS

All knowledge and most SS officers working on these craft were smuggled '' legally'' ( PROJECT PAPERCLIP ) into America to work on the Nasa space programme and for the CIA intelligence gathering service ...to help with such programmes as .....CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA



MK-ULTRA. CIA program on Mind Control.


Hypnosis, drugs, and psycho-surgery; separately and combined, were the tools of this quest for the ultimate truth serum on the one hand, and the capability to create an agent who could not have his or her mission tortured out of them, or even be aware that they were carrying secret information given to them in an altered state of consciousness.

More and more sophisticated drugs were experimented with, such as LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybine.

Lobotomy and the implantation of electrodes were considered as methods for creating a compliant agent.

Electro-Convulsive Shock, combined with LSD, sedation for days at a time, and constantly replaying the patient’s own voice through helmet-mounted headphones was a notorious Canadian researcher’s recipe for mind control.




These ancient tribes have managed to remain intact due to the fact that they did not get involved in problems, conflicts, or wars that didn’t concern their own people. Remaining autonomous, they were relatively unaffected by the changes around them.

The Zuni and Hopi people, like other Pueblo Indians, are believed to be the descendents of the Ancient Puebloans who lived in the desert Southwest of New Mexico, Arizona, Southern Colorado and Utah for a thousand years.

The shamans play an important role in the community as they are looked upon for guidance as well as knowledge and healing.


    8 Apr 2011


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    THE NAG HAMMADI CODICES ( scriptures )

    The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient codices containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945. This immensely important discovery includes a large number of primary Gnostic scriptures -- texts once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define "orthodoxy" -- scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Truth.

    Gnostics provide insight on alleged Manipulative Extraterrestrial "Trojan horses" operating against human free will

    The name is derived from the Greek word "gnosis" which literally means "knowledge." However, the English words "Insight" and "enlightenment" capture more of the meaning of "gnosis."

    Gnosticism is not factual, intellectual, rational knowledge, such as is involved in mathematics and physics; that would have been more accurately represented by the Greek world "episteme."

    Rather, Gnosticism involves the relational or experiential knowledge of God and of the divine or spiritual nature within us …. that gnosis-knowledge requires ultimate transcendence of the merely intellectual to be actualized."

    Gnostics and Shamans believe that they have secret knowledge about God, humanity and the rest of the universe of which the general population was unaware.

    'The Sophia Mythos,' the Gnostic creation story, explains that the Archons arise due to an anomaly in the cosmic order. “The world system we inhabit came about by a mistake.” (The Gospel of Philip)

    The story of the Annunaki (Archons) is introduced in a cosmological perspective, and then it is analyzed.

    In other words, the Gnostics had a view of the cosmic origins of the Annunaki, and they also took a critical approach to intervention.

    The cuneiform record is just a story, without critical commentary. The description of alien interbreeding occurs in both cases.

    “The Archons came to Adam. When they saw Eve talking to him they said to each other, ‘What sort of creature is this luminous woman?’ … Now come, let us lay hold of her and cast our seed into her, that she may become soiled and unable to access her inner light. Then those who she bears will be under our charge… But Eve, being a free power, laughed at their decision.

    She put mist in their eyes [and escaped them].” (The Origin of the World, 116).

    Cuneiform tablets describe how two Annunaki leaders, Enki and his half-sister Ninhursag, produced a hybrid, slave race from the indigenous ape-like peoples of the planet.

    Hence, an alien “interbreeding program” is central to the Annunaki narrative.

    It is an indisputable fact that this story is written down in the oldest surviving records.


    Why do government elites indicate that they have, for example, no money to fight child poverty, worsening homeless, and a profound health crises on aboriginal reservations, but claim to have billions of dollars to fight apparently senseless wars ?

    What is the apparent cold calculating consciousness, that as human beings, we may have observed on TV newscasts, that reduces human casualties of wars from innocent civilians to soldiers as being, the “necessary 4price of freedom” ?

    What is the apparent group along with apparent agents of that group, that seem to posses the power of mass persuasion, but betray themselves to be liars?


    CREDO MUTWA ….African ‘’ ELDER ‘’ Shaman …Gnostic

    He indicates that "500 tribes in parts of Africawhich he visited in the last 40 or 50 years" described the shape-shifting creatures.

    As human beings, we may observe the widespread corruption of political institutions and large corporations. Those of us who are also environmentally conscious may be frustrated at the apparent unwillingness of these same political institutions, and large corporations, to redress the endangering of our planet Earth.

    Yes, many of us might have already resigned ourselves to the doom of our planet, in the hands of corrupt elites. Yet, many of us might still hold out hope that things can still change. But it may be critical for us as human beings, to expand our consciousness from the "reality tunnel" that these same elites have conditioned us to fully accept.

    In many western countries, when an old person dies it is simply the death of an old human being who has gone through life and whose days on earth now come to an end. But in Africa, the death of an elder- an old man or an old woman, becomes a supreme disaster because in the mind of that elder often carries knowledge passed down from parent to child.
    Knowledge that is not only valuable to Africa and her children, but to human kind as a whole. No matter where you go in Africa, no matter how deep into the interior of the dark continent you tread, you will find very ancient stories which are incredibly similar.

    You will find African tribes and races who will tell you that they are descendants from gods who came out of the skies thousands of years ago. Some however say that these gods came to them from the sea in magical boats made out of reeds or wood or copper or even gold. In some cases these gods and goddesses are described as beautiful human beings whose skins were either bright blue or green or even silver. But most of the time you will find it being said these great gods, especially the ones that came out of the sky were non human, scaly creatures, which lived most of the time in mud or in water.

    Creatures of an extremely frightening and hideously ugly appearance.

    Children of the Royal blood ...servants

    Some say that these creatures were like crocodiles, with crocodile like teeth and jaws, but with very large round heads. Some say that these creatures are very tall beings with snake like heads, set on long thin necks, very long arms and very long legs. There are those that tell us that these gods who came from the skies travelled through the land in magical boats made of bright metal, silver, copper or gold. Boats which had the ability to sail over water or even to fly through the sky like birds.

    It is further said that some of these sky gods carried their souls in little bags which hung from their belts. These souls being in the form spheres of crystals clear material. Spheres which could float about in the air, and which emitted a dazzling light. A light which could illuminate an entire village at night. We are told that some very brave African chiefs used to hold these great gods hostage simply by snatching their little shiny soul globes away from them and hiding them in holes deep in the ground.

    Uncanny likeness to Royal Annunaki

    Throughout Africawe are told that these mysterious beings taught human beings many things. They taught human beings how to have laws, knowledge of herbal medicine, knowledge of arts and knowledge of the mysteries of creation and the cosmos as a whole. We are told that some of these gods had the ability to change their shapes at will. They had the ability to assume the shape and the appearance of any creature that there is on earth whenever they had good reason to do so. A sky god could even turn itself into a rhinoceros and elephant or even a stork, a sky god could even turn turn itself into a rock or even a tree.
    We are told that some of the gods used to travel through the sky in swings made out of brightly coloured lengths of rope. The Wutwa people of the forests of the Congosaid about one such god, who swung through the sky on a swing whose ends were attached to the clouds in the sky and who could go anywhere, no matter how far away, and come back before sunset on his magical swing.

    In Africa these mysterious gods are known by various names, in West Africa, in the land of the Bumbara people these amphibian or reptilian sky gods are known as Zishwezi. The word zishwezi means either the swimmers or the divers or the gliders. It was said that these sky gods could dive from above the clouds down to the top of a mountain whenever they felt like it, they could also take deep dives into the bottom of the ocean and from there fetch magical objects and then bring them to the shore, placing them at the feet of the astonished black people.

    In West Africa again, these creatures are called the Asa, which means the mighty ones of magic. It is from this word asa, a word that speaks great magical power that comes the name Asanti, which means a king, but literally means, the child of asaand as you know Asanti gave birth to the word, Ashanti.

    In the land of the Dogon people we find the famous Nommo, a race of reptilian or amphibian beings who were said to have come from the Sirius star to give knowledge and religion to the black people of Dogon. Incidentally, scientists have never explained the meaning of Dogon; it means God Almighty and the Dogon people know themselves as the children of the God Almighty.

    There are tribes in various parts of Africa which regard themselves as God’s chosen people. These tribes call themselves by a name which means god. In South Africathere is a tribe that calls itself the Tonga,and another very large group which calls itself the Tsonga. And in Zimbabwe there are two tribes ,one of which is called the Batonga, and another that is called the Tongaila.

    The name Tonga, Tsonga or Donga means people of god and you will find these people living in some of the holiest and most spiritual places in Africa. For example, the Matonga people of Northern Zululand live in the area of the sacred St Lucia Lake which is believed by the Zulu people and other tribes in Natal to be the place where, hundreds of years ago, the great earth mother arrived in a boat of reeds, accompanied by her son and his two wives.

    And she came to give laws, culture, religion as well as healing arts, and other mysteries to human beings. It is said that the great earth mother was a huge woman, very, very fat with bright green skin and so was her son and his two wives. There once existed in Zimbabwe a very sacred place called Kariba Gorge, which is now covered by a huge lake as a result of the damming of the Zambezi River at this place. In Kariba Gorge there lived two remarkable tribes, the Batonga, which means people of God, and the more remarkable tribe whose name is the Tongaila. Tonga as you know means God, but the word Ila also means god, thus the Tongaila people are called the people of the God Ila- the wise old god, who according to some stories created the earth and everything in it.

    The Tonga and the Tongaila used to say that not only are the chosen people sent by God to guard the Kariba Gorge, but they are also in yearly touch with the great gods who come from the stars, whom they call the Bananaila, the children of Ila. Now let us go to West Africa for a while, in the land of the Dogon, there, one is told that when the Nommo arrived from the sky in their fantastic sky ship, there were several of them, thirteen or fourteen of them.

    And they created a lake around their sky ship and every morning they used to swim from their sky ship to the shores of the lake and there preach to the people who assembled in large numbers around the lake.

    It is said that before the Nommo departed, returning with a great noise back to their home star, they first chose one of their number, killed it and cut its body up into little pieces and then gave these pieces to the assembled people to eat in the first sacrificial ritual of its kind on earth.

    When the people had eaten the sacred flesh of the star creature and drunk its blood mixed with water, the Nommo took the lower jaw of their creature and by some incredible fact of magic brought the whole creature back to life again. We are told that this is the way that the Nommo taught our people that there is no death and that behind every death there shall be a resurrection.

    And also that an individual must sometimes sacrifice himself or herself for the good of the community. It is the Nommo, we are told that taught the people of Africa about the mysteries of reincarnation, about the belief that, that which goes away, gone off on the wings of death, will always come back again on the fragrant wings of life. In the land of Nigeria, we hear of how the great mother goddess, Mawi gave birth to human beings after having created the world, and that after a number of centuries, people on earth became filled with selfishness and other forms of negative behaviour and the great mother who was now in the land of the gods, sent down her daughter, Gabato, to earth to once more place human beings upon the path of righteous.

    It is said that Gabato arrived on earth in the mouth of a great serpent with all the colours of the rainbow, And this serpent, crawled all over the earth, and such was its size and so great was its weight that wherever it went it created gorges and valleys and canyons. What is very astonishing, was that in many countries of the world, amongst the aborigines of Australia, and amongst the native people of the Americas, as in Africa, you find belief in the rainbow serpent.

    And you also find belief in the feathered serpent.

    In the Americas, in South and Central America mostly, the feathered serpent is called Quetzalcoatl, and amongst the Zulus, we find belief in a serpent called Yndlondlo. The Yndlondlo is said to be a huge mamba or a huge python, whose neck is covered in greyish blue feathers, like the feathers of a blue crane, and at the top of the serpents head grow three feathers. One green one, one red one and a white one which look like huge ostrich tail feathers. The Yndlondlo, like the (South) American Quetzalcoatl, is associated with God the Son.

    Manipulative aliens including apparent invasive human mimics, with their allies, operate as a highly intelligent and disciplined consciousness against human free will. Apparently through an apparent tissue of lies, deception, and invasive technological control, alleged regressive aliens according to diverse presenters, suggest that the nature of ego-driven regressive aliens is that they neither seek to pursue honour nor integrity.
    Through greed in association with capitalism, along with organized religion, as a fraudulent simulation of spirituality, and through the fostering the pursuit of ego-driven power, that manifests in cultures of violence and war, Archons seek to prey on humanity as self-anointed shepherds over mind-controlled sheep.

    The ability of humans to substantively redress worsening local, regional, and international problems, may very well rely on the ability of humanity to wake up, in a very timely manner. The late reggae singer Bob Marley, had used the phrase “freeing your mind from mental slavery”.
    The secrecy of many of Earth’s institutions, that operate without public transparency, has provided fertile ground for the operation of demonic consciousness that pursue an agenda against the affirmation of human rights, social justice, democracy in relation to popular sovereignty, global peace, and environmental protection.

    Archons seek to operate within the authority systems of Earth, in the pursuit of an elite-driven agenda.
    Gnostic insights suggest that humanity needs to develop a critical awareness of what it means to be human, in order to help detect alien manipulation.

    The freeing from such an alien consciousness, would also need to be coupled with a conscious effort among humanity, to re-embrace a spirit of empathy among each other, and a bonding with Nature, along with the operation of integrity and mutuality in human institutions, of the sort that alleged regressive aliens and their agents have historically sought to undermine and to destroy.

    6 Apr 2011

    The Spirit Of Truth Will Set You Free

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    Illuminati Symbolism/numerology Exposed