UFO phenomena supported by a host of highly acclaimed individuals who have enough evidence to make the world believe what is actually going on in our world in contrast to what we can see from behind the massive veil of deception.
The dark clouds of lies. The so called elite love to lie to keep power over us all.
Area 51 is the most mysterious "top-secret military test facility" in the world. New technologies vital to United States national security are developed here.
Insiders claim that even recovered spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin are studied and test flown at Area 51. In a three-year investigation, a German film crew drove deeply into the secrets of "Dreamland" and Area 51, interviewing top scientists and security personnel who worked inside Area 51 and claim to have seen what can only now be described as alien spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin.
This video presents the facts about these amazing discoveries and includes stunning film footage of the remarkable flight maneuvers of these mysterious alien spacecraft secretly recorded during test flights at Area 51.
Inevitably thousands of innocent victims pay in different ways for the insanity of those in charge of administering our civilization. Legal errors, abuse of power, fatal political mistakes which degenerate into armed conflict, the usurping of power by financial mafias, obsolete or erroneous educational systems; all of this is in some way provoked by the mentally disturbed.
Included among these cases are the "sick" humans who sell their honor, dignity, decency, and their person for monetary rewards.
It is also true that there are successes, beneficial discoveries and very positive works, but unfortunately, for one reason or another, these works rarely produce results that are decisively positive for the world. This process is analogous to healing the branches of a tree while the trunk and roots are rotting. Therefore, no scientific event or discovery will be far reaching in importance until human nature is changed and raised to a higher level.
On the other hand, even small pebbles make a mountain after eons of time.
In order to understand this, it must be accepted that there will be no real progress and evolution until human nature changes.
The collective program (of the human soul) based on fierce and inhuman rivalry, obliges the individual to kill in order to eat. Death has many degrees, and physical destruction is the last of them, but before this, there is the slow decline that is a result of the destruction of one's inner longings.
We may kill by annihilating the will of others or pitilessly exploiting them; returning evil for evil; destroying their love, sanity, happiness, and peace; or slandering, insulting, or being icily hardhearted toward others' problems.
The future of the human race does not look promising: the accelerated development of a cold and inhuman intelligence without love
Even when searching for something superior, people go around in a vicious circle of behavioral standards dictated by culture.
The more they study, the less they know, and the less they understand. All their efforts are capitalized on by the central computer, which channels them into a community cultural fund.
Ideologically or mentally speaking the individual does not exist as he is inseparable from culture. He is governed by the behavioral standards accepted by society, which ultimately are controlled by the central computer.
Thus culture, which in some ways can do so much good for man, in other ways can be considered as the veritable murderer of the divine spark, of freedom, and of awareness.Culture encages, limits, obliges, impels, hypnotizes, and possesses the individual with irresistible power, shaping him in accordance with one single pattern.
This pattern is established as a prototype for the production of robot-men who are the slaves the central computer needs to keep the spectacle of life moving.
In a sick society such as ours, we will undoubtedly have a sick culture, one alienated by collective stereotypes. Our society is truly sick, and within this society we live out sickly dreams worthy of the Divine Comedy. Each being contains a world of problems and conflicts. Fortunately, or unfortunately, man blunts his higher faculties and is not aware of all the horror of his existence in a mad world.A popular aphorism says, "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." Something similar is happening to our civilization where the higher forms of government and community guidance are not submitted to any type of sane control.
We are guided to a greater or lesser extent by individuals, about whose degree of sanity or mental illness we are totally unaware. It is sufficient that an individual should appear to be normal and he will be accepted as such.
We are all aware that mental disturbances are some of the most difficult phenomena to discover and evaluate, even by specialized professionals. It is impossible for the ordinary man in the street to perceive this madness.
It seems incredible that in a civilization said to be advanced, such an important subject has been neglected. As we know, it is a small group of men who govern the great masses. How many of those forming part of this group of leaders are disturbed with serious problems? Thirty percent or perhaps fifty percent, or maybe the great majority? How does one evaluate the damage this implies for humanity?It would not be of great significance if serious mental disturbances occurred in those people not holding public office or important positions. On the other hand, for those whose range of social action is very wide, it seems absurd and irrational that they should not be obliged to undergo a periodic evaluation of their mental and psychological health.
At this time, it is perfectly possible that the judge who administers justice in one's local area could be mentally disturbed.
This possibility cannot be disputed by any psychiatrist, as mental illness is rarely blatant or spectacular, but instead is rather sly, hidden, and insidious. In fact, it is well known that there is scarcely anyone who does not have pathological traits in the way their minds work.
The gravity of these factors is overlooked.
The case of the aforementioned judge, if he indeed had truly serious mental problems, would represent a horrifying example of someone who was mentally ill authorized by society to manipulate people, administering justice in accordance with his complexes, frustrations, manias, and traumas.
One can object that a judge only follows the letter of the law, but perceptive analysis will show that codes of law can be interpreted in many different personal ways.
At this point we should ask ourselves how many paranoid judges there are in the world who totally ignore the sacred impartiality of the law; how many important public officials are victims of hysteria, megalomania, egocentrism, unbridled yearning for power, sadism, or a total lack of self-criticism?
Our heroic destiny is to persuade everyone that the act of sharing will engender the trust they seek. To show that sharing is no longer an option, a choice, but the inevitable consequence of our realization that humanity is One.
What is required is a reassessment of who and what we are in our relationship to each other. The first step we have to take to address these problems is to see ourselves as one, brothers and sisters of one humanity. We have to get that sense of globality, that we are one people, one group – and therefore the food, raw materials, energy, scientific know-how and educational facilities of the world belong to everyone. These resources are given so that all people may evolve, which underlies our evolutionary process. As a result, we must share these resources more equitably.
When we share, we will create justice in the world, and when we create justice, and only then, will we have peace.
Through sharing people will come to know the meaning of love. Without sharing there can be no future for people, for the time has come to manifest love – or die.
Sharing provides the answer to all people’s problems and a sure entry into the future. Through sharing, peace will prevail. Through sharing, justice will be won. Through sharing and co-operation, brotherhood and sisterhood will flourish, and a new and glorious future open for humans.
If we would evolve, develop as a race, we must realize our oneness, realize that we are brothers and sisters of one family, under the one Divine Source, and identical with that Source. What happens in a normal family? They share whatever they have. A mother will not feed one child better than another, give one child 17 per cent and another 83 per cent of the food.
We have to realize that we are one family, and therefore must share the resources of the world more equitably around the world.
This would lead to a reduction of tension and of incalculable human suffering.
It would also bring about a revitalization of the life and of the economies of the already developed nations. The life-blood of the planet must circulate.
The stagnant economies of the richer nations can only be galvanized into motion through the recognition that the poorer nations, too, have a right to live and to enjoy a reasonable standard of life.
Only sharing can make this so.
Daily, the evidence mounts to show people that the world is One, that humanity is an organism whose well-being depends on the health of every part, and that to ignore the signs of danger and of disease is no longer possible or wise.
Many now see this and call for justice but only the cry of awakened humanity will suffice to shift the Powers from their positions of greed.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in the UK Air Defence Region ... The UK Ministry of Defence
The UK Ministry of Defence has released this report in response to a Freedom of Information request and is available to a wider audience via the MOD Freedom of Information Publication Scheme. Where indicated information is withheld in accordance with Section 26 (Defence), Section 27 (International Relations) and Section 40 (Personal Information) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
''That Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP or UFO) Exist is indisputable. Credited with the ability to hover, land, take off, accelerate to astonishing velocities and vanish. They can reportedly alter their direction of flight suddenly and clearly can exhibit aerodynamics characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile - either manned or unmanned. ''
''The Conditions for the initial formation and sustaining of what are apparently buoyant charged masses (of Plasma), which can form, separate, merge, hover, climb, dive, and accelerate are not completely understood.''
''Dependent on a color's temperature and aerosol density, it may be seen visually, either by it self generated plasma color, by reflected light, or silhouette by light blockage and background contrast.''
''Occasionally and perhaps exceptionally, it seems a field with, undetermined characteristics can exist between certain charged buoyant objects in loose formation, the intervening space between them forms an area, viewed as a shape, often Triangular, from which the reflection of light does not occur. This is a key finding in the attribution of what have frequently been called black "Craft", often triangular and up to hundreds of feet in length.'' - The UK Ministry of Defence
They do not want us to raise our consciousness because this would shatter all the old paradigms.
This society is built on a foundation of greed, consumerism, selfishness, even the common religions seem to center around external contact with a divine source, when the real divinity lies within.
The DMT Chronicles & Consciousness
Consciousness is life itself.
The life force that remains uncontaminated by thoughts, intellect, and body. The thing that had always been, never born and never to die. you are that consciousness......
.....that consciousness is a field effect.
As I understand this theory: we are rather like radios that believe ourselves to be radio stations.