24 Aug 2013

Why the Claims about Syria and Chemical Weapons are Bullshit


'The Pentagon Is Preparing A Cruise Missile Attack Against Syria'


'Earlier today, in "US Refines "Military Options" Ahead Of Syrian Strikes", we reported on what we thought was now inevitable especially since it was in agreemenet with what we predicted with absolute certainty over a month ago in "US Prepares For "Kinetic Strikes" Against Syria."

There we said: "The pre-story here is well-known to most: in a repeat fabulation of the Iraq "WMD" lie, the US and the entire developed world "found" Syria to have crossed a red-line when it used chemical weapons, despite subsequent reports that it was the Syrian rebels, aka Qatari mercenaries, who were the party responsible for chemical weapon use.

No matter though: the public media campaign was hatched, and merely waited for the catalyst. That catalyst may be imminent..."'


'False flags are an American tradition. They're an Israeli tradition. They're used strategically. They reflect Big Lies. Merriam-Webster calls them "deliberate gross distortion(s) of the truth used especially as a propaganda tactic."

Official stories are false. They're contrary to reality. They turn truth on its head. They point fingers the wrong way. They're pretexts for militarism, wars, mass killing and destruction, occupations, domestic repression, and other extremist national security state measures.

Wednesday's Ghouta incident raises disturbing questions. It was a clear anti-Syrian provocation. No evidence suggests Assad's involvement. Clear analysis shows he'd have everything to lose and nothing to gain.'


Why the Claims about Syria 

and Chemical Weapons are Bullshit

 'The official story is that the White House is certain that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against women and children near Damascus on August 21st. The White House is very certain of this, just as certain as they were that Saddam Hussein has nuclear weapons.

And because the White House is certain that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against women and children near Damascus, this grants the United States a right to invade Syria.'

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