31 Dec 2012
ALWAYS DARKEST BEFORE THE DAWN : Ex-Feds and Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding
…as cocky and arrogant that these folks have been, they are headed for places unknown for some reason.
Sometimes the ‘facts’ are just accepted opinions and opinions are like fly crap.
…you can be sure they knew and were given many chances, to get on the right side. They chose the dark side, an impossible position to win from.
Each of us has a job and most already know what’s in their hearts to do, all folks need is the resources to participate and he whose job it is, is large and in charge, is making it happen, no matter the opposition.
People say to me, I don’t ‘see’ any changes, the folks in charge didn’t want anyone to see the lead up to the change, you don’t telegraph the movements of your troops.
When the door is opened for the masses, the messes which have been created will be cleaned up, the atmosphere, so we have clean air to breathe free of chemicals, pure water brought to the surface, and free energy to power your homes.
The lid has already been partially, lifted as I told you last week, now the total reset approaches, don’t be surprised at How things get done.
The folks in charge, know where you are and what you’re doing not necessary to get on somebodys’ list to get an invite to the party.
That’s work that’s already been done by the right people.
..in the Kingdom of ‘Reap what you Sow’. The Indians call this the law of karma. The crap you put out always comes home to roost. Humans have never been able to get away from it. No amount of physical denial can disconnect the connection between thoughts and deeds and its’ return to its source. So, as cocky and arrogant that these folks have been, they are headed for places unknown for some reason.
LINK ["Ex-Feds & Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding-Why?"]
There are some bones in this stew so let your gut push you to the truth. Sometimes the ‘facts’ are just accepted opinions and opinions are like fly crap. It is everywhere, forming specks on the clearest glass. Tho the masses have had no idea of what was up for the the global thieves, you can be sure they knew and were given many chances, to get on the right side. They chose the dark side, an impossible position to win from. This no place to negotiate from, they were always destined to lose. As I understand it, there will be no half measure, we’re not bumbling into the future, doing constant skirmishes, that’s not how you clean up a planet. Each of us has a job and most already know what’s in their hearts to do, all folks need is the resources to participate and he whose job it is, is large and in charge, is making it happen, no matter the opposition. People say to me, I don’t ‘see’ any changes, the folks in charge didn’t want anyone to see the lead up to the change, you don’t telegraph the movements of your troops. They have a habit of killing the innocent to make a point. the closer they get to utter defeat.
When the door is opened for the masses, the messes which have been created will be cleaned up, the atmosphere, so we have clean air to breathe free of chemicals, pure water brought to the surface, and free energy to power your homes. It’ll be better than the Jetson’s world. Many things have been sitting on shelves in various places, that research and development is not necessary. We’re not talking about anything long term here, just getting busy and ‘doing’ it. ‘The doing gets done in the being it’. Change your mind and your ##### will follow, think about it. lololol I suggest, be prepared to have long held beliefs challenged. Some of them are like the dog that don’t hunt.
All things end and begin, in this world. The lid has already been partially, lifted as I told you last week, now the total reset approaches, don’t be surprised at How things get done. Many are talking on the net with pieces of the puzzle so, they assume things which have no basis in actuality, but they sound good. The truth is stranger than fiction. So stay loose. Your personal business is your’s so, watch the ‘sharing’. The folks in charge, know where you are and what you’re doing not necessary to get on somebodys’ list to get an invite to the party.
That’s work that’s already been done by the right people.
.... POOF
29 Dec 2012
28 Dec 2012
The borg programmed hive mind does not compute any sense of humour....the genetic hybrids are in place.
The gimps are squeeling in delight with their servitude....biological androids operating on windows 8.1 all around plugged into the tv , electrical grid and the mind controlled matrix....
27 Dec 2012
You are in the insane conspiracies part again ... where Quantum computers rely on the bizarre properties of atoms and the other construction blocks of the universe. The world is a fuzzy place at its very smallest levels — in this realm where quantum physics dominates, things can seemingly exist in two places at once or spin in opposite directions at the same time ...
To lie and kill is to them a noble thing if it furthers the cause because to them humans are just so many herd animals to be directed and managed.
Even if that means eliminating a troublesome embarrassing diplomat or using drugs and microwaves on the brain of a schizophrenic kid in his moms basement to get him to to kill a lot of children and himself.

Important Document Released 12-25-12… Official Announcement From The One People’s Public Trust GLOBAL RELEASE OF FUNDS
Here is the prime highlight, in my mind.
“The people, all people equally on earth, have an individual duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000.00) in lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER… over THREE QUINTILLION, FIVE HUNDRED QUADRILLION (3,500,000,000,000,000,000.00) just in duly verified EQUITY DEBT against the DEBTORS. There is an additional duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000.00) in lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER, for each of those people damaged by the actions and systems of the DEBTORS…over THREE QUINTILLION, FIVE HUNDRED QUADRILLION (3,500,000,000,000,000,000.00) lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER, in duly verified DEBT OF DAMAGES against the DEBTORS…”

UILO Doc. UCC No.’s
Caleb Paul Skinner
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
Hollis Randall Hillner
Guarding, preserving, protecting and implementing
the opportunity for Truth to BE by the knowledge from within
WITH DUE STANDING, AUTHORITY, and AUTHORIZATION, without prejudice, public policy, UCC 1-308, The Public Trust, through its duly bonded Trustees of record, UCC 1- 201(31) and (33), knowingly, willingly, and intentionally duly issues this OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT of DISCLOSURE regarding “POINT ZERO” pursuant to mandate, this December 25th, in the year of our creator, Two Thousand and Twelve as the creator lives, the following is true and correct and we are competent to say so:
Yes. The Commercial Registry. The Uniform Commercial Code. Commerce. Whether “Domestic” and “International”…matters not. Over many moments of present, it was quietly and covertly made the supreme law of all lands on earth, the secretly prized pinnacle of human capital and natural wealth registration and management of what have been formerly referred to as the “powers that be.” With feverish focus and commitment, it has been made uniform right before your very eyes…albeit, “eyes wide shut” for the most part. What is not widely known, is that this “supreme law” has been duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE and duly gifted to the people equally and jointly as their full indefeasible title, ownership, and rights as SECURED PARTY, a matter of record, unrebuttable and unrebutted.
In line with the most skilled magicians known and unknown, the existence of another sort of “magician” began to emerge. A sort with the unrivaled charisma, acting skills, and “backing” of the most decorated talent. A sort with a fanatically deep-rooted and cultured focus and commitment that was perceived by them as “un-rootable”, “undiscoverable.” This sort, deceptively tantalized the people with the distraction of CONSTITUTION and DEMOCRACY created by the slight of knowingly arrogant hand on one side, while the other hand covertly REGISTERED the Truth in COMMERCE by the “slight of the pen” with the other.
Swearing absolute solidarity amongst their own kind, this sort agreed to secrecy…never to reveal the Truth, for fear and absolute knowing that this sort’s world, nay their very existence, would end if the Truth were ever known to “their audience”, “their capital”, the people. At the very best, if the Truth be known, the people would no longer believe and pay tribute again, leaving this sort of magician to disintegrate in the sole vampiric company of their own kind. At the very worst….well, this sort never got this far. Their ego was so great they could not fathom someone outside of their inducted kind competent enough to discover the Truth, let alone someone being of capacity, willing and intent to effectively use and enforce it…
In order to insure this sort’s Agenda, they routinely and tirelessly trained their apprentices to practice this sort’s “magic”. At any and all costs, the Agenda was deviously preserved, protected, and, for the most part, quietly and covertly implemented by REGISTRATION in COMMERCE. When doubt crept in amongst their own kind, this sort would resort to the darkest methods imaginable and unimaginable to keep their kind “in line”, focused and “committed”. This sort did arm their unwitting and witting apprentices alike with the motto that “intelligence rules the world, and Ignorance bears the burden!”, and they reinforced the allusion of guaranty of the “truth” of this motto by using the same tricks of shock and awe, deception, fear, coercion and force that they used to keep the people “on the edge of their seats”, nevertheless, “in their seats”…like good “capital” should be. However, ego was to be this sort’s fatal flaw…resulting in their lack of contingency plan for the scenario of their failure to succeed by REGISTRATION of Agenda.
Not only did those with a fierce competency emerge throughout the many, many, many moments of present, but they knowingly, willingly, and intentionally did and do use and enforce it without conflict and without prejudice in a ever quiet manner, with a superior focus and commitment to Truth, and the highest good of all people, that baffles and disorients this sort of “magician.” Every action made is duly bonded and REGISTRED in COMMERCE and NOTICED. This sort of “magician” desperately tried to adapt at each of these moments of present, ever fearful, causing this sort to make fatal mistakes of transparency, albeit not known by the people in full context…yet. In the end, this sort’s overwhelming complacency, lack of competency, and lack of capacity by their own choice of action rendered this sort’s unfathomable end duly REGISTERED as absolute unrebuttable and unrebutted Truth in COMMERCE.
Those of competency regarding this sort’s existence and “magic” knew that the most effective way to guard, preserve, and protect the people, all the people equally, was to ever quietly implement the opportunity for Truth to BE by the knowledge from within by action of REGISTRATION of “Zero Point” or “Prime” in COMMERCE, unrebuttable and unrebutted…knowing that the affects of the action taken to lawfully, legally and duly secure the people and their wealth domicil therein under perpetuity, the Truth, could be subsequently known in context from within the people. This Truth that this sort of “magician” knowingly, willingly, and intentionally attempted to “hide” from the people, “their audience”, “their capital”, by extreme deceptive acts, practices, systems and other heinous actions to keep the people “on the edge of their seats”, nevertheless, “in their seats”, like good “capital” should be. However, this sort’s actions and systems, a matter of record, have become their shackles that no amount of “magic” will free them from.
This sort’s actions and systems, whether under the deceptive guise of “government”, “office”, “treaty”, “act”, “constitution”, or “entity”, inclusive of the private systems formerly known as, “NATION”, “UNITED NATIONS”, and its special agencies of “IMF”, “THE HAGUE”, “WORLD BANK”, and “BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS”….from each family of this sort of “magician”, from land to land, sea to sea to “The Holy Sea”, all have been lawfully, legally and duly verified as REGISTERED in COMMERCE as duly FORECLOSED…duly verified DEBTORS to the people, all the people equally on earth, on October 24, 2012, as a matter of law, matter of fact, and as a matter of public policy…unrebuttable and unrebutted. Over many moments of present, the lawful and legal standing, authority, value, rights, and principle of law aligned with common law of the people, all the people equally, have been lawfully, legally and duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE as it was created by Prime, by Zero Point, by creation, as a matter of record, unrebuttable and unrebutted.
This sort, DEBTORS, are duly verified and REGISTERED as bankrupt. The states of body of the people, all the people equally, and the wealth domicil therein, have been duly “unhidden” from where it has always resided…where this sort of magician has always focused and committed its attention…on management of the people.
The people, all people equally on earth, have an individual duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000.00) in lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER… over THREE QUINTILLION, FIVE HUNDRED QUADRILLION (3,500,000,000,000,000,000.00) just in duly verified EQUITY DEBT against the DEBTORS. There is an additional duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000.00) in lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER, for each of those people damaged by the actions and systems of the DEBTORS…over THREE QUINTILLION, FIVE HUNDRED QUADRILLION (3,500,000,000,000,000,000.00) lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER, in duly verified DEBT OF DAMAGES against the DEBTORS.
This DEBT does not include the repossession of tangibles unlawfully and illegally obtained by the DEBTORS over the many, many, many moments of present…those, too, shall be duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE as the lawful and legal full title, ownership, and rights of the people, equally, and placed in a digital exchange, that shall also be owned by the people equally, for lawful, legal and transparent commerce and trade of such tangibles. Any and all titles, ownership and rights to land and sea have been lawfully, legally and duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE as unlawful, illegal, null, void, or otherwise canceled for cause and are being lawfully and legally “reset” in accordance with Universal Law. Any and all currencies, privately owned and issued paper, also formerly known as “current funds”, have been lawfully, legally and duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE as unlawful, illegal, null, void, or otherwise canceled for cause. You, the people, each one individually, shall make a choice of how to invest your GOLD and SILVER, inclusive of any possible REPRESENTATIONS of that GOLD and SILVER…you shall make a choice on what final systems and governance, if any, you chose to implement for your benefit, absent abrogation, usurpation, subjugation, violation, usurpation, and invasion to any other….
While the veil of allusion is systematically and finally revealed and DISCLOSED by Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth by various sources for you to consider and use to make informed choices, the people, the earth, and all value domicil therein, thereon, and therefrom shall continue to be guarded, preserved, and protected by the continued implementation of the opportunity for Truth to BE by the knowledge from within each of the people equally and duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE for all the universe and the people to rely upon. All underwriting duly REGISTERED and NOTICED, otherwise known as UCC’s, are further posted at www.peoplestrust1776.org for equal and unfettered access by the people domicil on earth by creation, without prejudice and exception.
Happy Holidays
DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, December 25, 2012, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, with unlimited personal liability, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with lawful Universal Contract, under governing law, International Law Ordinance UCC Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice as promised, preserved, and protected, public policy, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA: /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as Trustee, heather@peoplestrust1776.org , phone +12535094597, http://www.peoplestrust1776.org ; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Trustee, caleb@peoplestrust1776.org , phone +15037810925, http://www.peoplestrust1776.org ; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as Trustee, randall@peoplestrust1776.org , phone +18088211567, http://www.peoplestrust1776.org ; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as bondservant; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as bondservant; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as bondservant; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of body; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body.
25 Dec 2012
BENJAMIN FULFORD UPDATE : The New World Order has been defeated but the Old World Order is still fighting
The New World Order has been defeated but the Old World Order is still fighting
Posted by Benjamin Fulford
December 24, 2012
There are growing signs that the Bush/Nazi New World Order Nazi faction has been defeated, but that the Rockefellers and their allies in the Old World Order faction are still fighting to preserve their power. It has also now been confirmed that the new Japanese government headed by Shinzo Abe and the Liberal Democratic Party was put in place via a disguised military coup d’état, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. This implies the Rockefellers and their minions are being forced out of Japan, a CIA source added. This means 66 years of hostile foreign occupation of Japan may be about to end. There is still secret fighting going on, though.
The gnostic illuminati faction in the West, for its part, is claiming victory and saying that “President Obama will leave the White House hanging by his neck from a helicopter.”
Of course the jury is still out on all this and only actual events and not talk, will determine if what the various sources are saying is true. However, it looks like it will be a Merry Solar New Year (even the pope now admits Christmas was not Christ’s birthday), and the power of love and friendship is winning over the forces of fear and hate.
There is also strong evidence emerging that the new Japanese government is planning to end the cabal’s monopoly on the creation of money by government money or Japanese greenbacks. Doing this would allow the Japanese government to write off its entire debt with the stroke of a keyboard. This plan is no longer something mulled on internet “conspiracy” sites but is actually the subject of discussion at major government-sponsored conferences.
The IMF, for example, issued a report in August calling for government currency creation.
That report stimulated a recent conference of top policy makers in Japan who proposed their own version of this plan. The notes of this conference (in Japanese) can be seen at this link:
One of the lead economists behind this plan in Japan is Kaoru Yamaguchi, who says he worked with the authors of the IMF paper and that academic and government economists in Japan, the US and Europe are abuzz with talk of the concept of government-created currency. Not only that, Japan’s military, yakuza and most police also support such a plan, meaning that men in black sent by the Rockefellers etc. are not going to be able to stop it.
However, it is clear that there is still some fighting going on in the background. Yoshinori Watanabe, the former head of the Yamaguchi Gumi Yakuza syndicate was killed earlier this month, according to Yakuza sources. Japanese newspapers reported the cause of death as illness but Yamaguchi, who retired in favour of Shinobu Tsukasa, the current head, was killed and {that} revenge attacks are being carried out.
Yamaguchi was forced to retire after former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi cut off his government funding and money he earned from the meat business. However, despite the loss of funds he remained very influential and was working against the cabal.
The North Koreans are also now saying they will stop working for the cabal in Japan and in North Korea. However, they have been cut off from their “super K” CIA forged money as well as from the amphetamines business and need new sources of legitimate income to replace these important sources of foreign currency.
They are asking for Japanese help. The White Dragon Society has suggested that a tunnel {linking} Japan to Korea would be a good way to help North Korea because a rail link from Tokyo to London, via the Korean peninsula, would cut freight costs from Europe to East Asia and provide legitimate income to North Korea.
The North Koreans also want to build a pipeline to ship Russian LNG to South Korea. The new regime in South Korea is likely to be amenable to this sort of proposal.
In any case, the cabal is running out of thugs for hire in Japan and that means they are losing control of this formerly lucrative enclave of theirs. Time to pack your bags Michael Green.
There are also signs that something is changing within the Japanese royal family. In specific it is being said the current crown prince may not inherit the throne, according to a royal family source. That is because he was forced to marry princess Masako, the daughter of Rockefeller stooge and International Court of Justice judge Hisashi Owada. This is the opposite of the conventional story being put out in the media and on the rumour-mill that he forced Masako to marry him. The reason the crown prince was forced into the marriage was because the Sabbatean mafia wanted to substitute a cabal family member as his heir and take over the royal family of Japan. Of course, as with anything connected to the Japanese royal family, information from anonymous sources needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
It is clear though that the Abe government in power is a military regime and it has already taken on emergency powers. However, Abe will not provoke Korea, China or Russia because they are not the real enemies. He will also work closely with the Pentagon white dragon sympathizers. The Pentagon good guys already won kudos by seizing a Nazi nuclear device, destined for Tokyo, from a submarine in the Indian Ocean. Events over the coming days will make it clear exactly how much Japan has really changed.
However, we are also hearing that a fundamental sea change has happened in England as well. It turns out that a lot of the gold in the vaults of the Bank of England has been stolen and replaced with tungsten laced bars, according to an MI5 source. The theft has been traced to the Bushes and to funds that were used to finance the Euro. For that reason the English are now openly talking about leaving the European Union, the MI5 source said. Tony Blair is also going to be taken in for rigorous questioning on his involvement in all this. Jacob Rothschild and James Sassoon will be too.
The situation is less clear in the US but it seems that the Sandy Hook murders have provoked the exact opposite reaction from what was intended. The inconsistencies in the official story, the videos of laughing actors suddenly turning into “grieving parents,” the reports of multiple gun-men etc. have outraged military and law enforcement types. It was, as a gnostic illuminati leader put it, “a fatal mistake.”
However, many of these dangerous and desperate criminals are on the loose and can still carry out other atrocities. That is why we must keep our powder dry and stay alert so that we can make sure to finish the job.
Nonetheless, it looks like the tide has turned {and the} coming new year will be happy. Merry Christmas and solar new year.
22 Dec 2012
DAVID ICKE : The Illuminati Are Manipulating Your Reality
Alex talks with British writer and public speaker David Icke. David is the author of numerous books, including Love Changes Everything and Remember Who You Are: Remember 'Where' You Are and Where You 'Come' From.
The latest information and some samples of the evidence concerning the
upcoming posting from The International Common Law Court of Justice, and
its case of Genocide in Canada
19 Dec 2012
In this exclusive 80 minute video interview, legendary conspiracy author G. Edward Griffin explains how his research, which spans no less than 5 decades, has revealed a banking elite obsessed with enforcing a world government under a collectivist model that will crush individualism and eventually institute martial law as a response to the inevitable backlash that will be generated as a result of a fundamental re-shaping of society.
Griffin discusses the similarities between the extreme left and the extreme right in the false political paradigm and how this highlights a recurring theme - collectivism. Collectivism is the opposite of individualism and believes that the interests of the individual must be sacrificed for the greater good of the greater number, explains Griffin, uniting the doctrines of communism and fascism. Both the Republican and Democrat parties in the United States are committed to advancing collectivism and this is why the same policies are followed no matter who is voted in to the White House.
"All collectivist systems eventually deteriorate into a police state because that's the only way you can hold it together," warns Griffin.
Carroll Quigley, Georgetown University Professor and mentor to former president Bill Clinton, explained in his books Tragedy and Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment, how the elite maintained a silent dictatorship while fooling people into thinking they had political freedom, by creating squabbles between the two parties in terms of slogans and leadership, while all the time controlling both from the top down and pursuing the same agenda. Griffin documents how the Tea Party, after its beginnings as a grass roots movement, was later hijacked by the Republicans through the likes of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.
Pointing out how Republicans and Democrats agree on the most important topics, such as US foreign policy, endless wars in the Middle East, and the dominance of the private banking system over the economy, Griffin lays out how the left-right hoax is used to steer the destiny of America.
Griffin also talks at length on a myriad of other important subjects, such as the move towards a Chinese-style censored Internet, the demonization of the John Birch Society as a racist extremist group, the Hegelian dialectic, the power of tax-exempt foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations, the movement towards world government, and the question of whether the elite are really worried about the growing awareness of their agenda amongst Americans.
Why aren't these elite institutions not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield?
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World.
They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button!
18 Dec 2012
This Friday will be the long talked about Mayan etc. December 21st, 2012 end of the world date. When that date comes and goes, it will be time to examine forensically exactly who was behind the various Nibiru, Planet X, photon belt, rapture etc. stories that all predicted the death of 80% or more of all humans. We need to do this because a very real plot to start World War 3 and a fake end-times did exist and, although the plot has been stopped, many extremely dangerous mass murderers behind this satanic scheme still walk the corridors of power in the West.
The purge of the over 26 pentagon generals who and the fall of the Bush family are just a start. We need to deal with the rest of the cabal in order to make sure that humanity will never again be enslaved.
To help carry out this process, this week we will provide detailed forensic intelligence on some of the still active cabalists and their on the ground agents. We would also like to report extremely good, very concrete news on the new financial system but loose lips sink ships so we cannot give out much detail yet.
Since many of the top cabalists, like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are well known, we will concentrate on people who were directly involved in fighting against the White Dragon spokesperson. In Japan, the first people who began threatening, trying to drug and trying to kill me were self-described Ninja’s sent to me by former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka. Their names are Shiramine and Tenzan Nakai. Shiramine threatened to kill me and Nakai tried to get me to drink a glass of orange juice spiked with amphetamines so he could ruin my image by filming me stoned.
Later an agent then going by the name of Slasha Zaric but now going by the name Alexander Romanov came to me with 70 kilos of marijuana laced with mind-destroying chemicals. The marijuana was delivered to Romanov by a South African using the name Spencer. Spencer, who is linked to MI6 says MI6 was fooled into sending Zaric to me by the CIA and says the spiked marijuana came from a man named Rodriguez (now dead) who was the former right-hand man of Columbian drug lord Pablo Escobar. Steve McLure, the “music journalist” who talked me into taking a line of cocaine while being secretly filmed also got his cocaine from the same ultimate CIA route.
This brings us to Tom Clines of Iran Contra South American drugs for weapons fame because his is the name dropped by Neil Keenan when he first contacted me.
MI6 asset Dr. Michael Van de Meer once warned me that former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair had bragged to him that I was going to be jailed on drug charges. Recall that Blair, together with George Bush Jr. both went to the pope to ask for protection and convert to Catholicism after leaving office.
Since that takes us to the Vatican, let us then return to the incident in Chiasso, Italy where two Japanese, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Tsuyoshi Watanabe, had $134.5 billion worth of bonds seized from them by the Italian police. After the bonds were seized, self-described Italian P2 lodge “prince” and heir Leo Zagami introduced Daniel Dal Bosco as a Vatican banker who could cash the bonds.
Neil Keenan was also involved because he was given an additional 1 trillion worth of bonds to hand over to Dal Bosco for cashing. Dal Bosco was then closely followed until the trail ended with the UN offering Dal Bosco $100 million to go away. Also, out popped a rival group calling itself the OITC, using David Sale as a spokesperson, claiming that it had the historical rights to the bonds.
At this point Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Agnelli Brothers, Giancarlo Bruno, Vincenzo Mazzara, the Orsini family, Baron Thyssen, Carl Rove, David Eisenhower and a whole bunch of characters straight from central casting pop out.
Then, when the money still did not flow from Asia to the cabal, Japan was attacked on March 11, 2011 with nuclear weapons placed on the seabed to cause a tsunami and timed with the destruction of the Fukushima nuclear plant with a micro-nuke planted by the Israeli company Magna BSP. J.Rockefeller, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Ichiro Ozawa, Benjamin Netanyahu, Leo Zagami and Peter Hans Kolvenbach have all been forensically linked with this attack. When this mass murder still did not force the Asians to fork over more money, multiple attempts, all stopped by the Pentagon, were made to start World War 3.
There has also been a rash of murders and murder attempts. Some of the victims have been Japanese finance ministers and ambassadors as well as Dr. Van de Meer. The Van de Meer murder has been linked to David Eisenhower and the Bushes. None of these murders has caused the funds to flow.
There have also been murder attempts. On March 10th, the night before the attack, an attempt to poison me was made by yet another self-described Ninja linked to J. Rockefeller. Alexander Romanov also survived an assassination attempt that day. The next poisoning attack against me, when I was stabbed with a poisoned needle in June of this year, has been traced to a North Korean agent by the name of Mutsuaki Okubo, according to Chinese sources.
My suggestion is to round all these people up and start questioning them if they do not voluntarily come forward to confess.
Meanwhile, the Cabalists now seem to have split into two opposing camps. The Rockefellers and the pope are hoping to arrest the Rothschild family and dethrone the Queen, according to Neil Keenan.
Keenan, who has just returned from Indonesia, meanwhile, succeeded in photographing the, until now, legendary bunkers full of cash and gold that are there. The photos can be seen at this link:
Nonetheless, Keenan has still not been able to actually start dispersing any of the funds because he is still being blocked at some mysterious level. The man who was supposed to help him remains in jail in Indonesia.
This writer was also shown bunkers full of gold and cash last week but I have not been given permission to publish any photographs of them. However, we believe that the new government in Japan and the soon to be new government in Korea will coordinate with the new bosses in China and the re-elected Obama government to release a flood of money to the people of the world soon. We would like to believe it will happen in time for the December 25th solar new year celebration known as Christmas.
However, that depends on all the players giving up selfish thoughts.
16 Dec 2012
DAVID WILCOCK : Top Russian TV Station Exposes Financial Tyranny PICS VIDEO

On December 4, 2012, one of Russia's top TV networks contacted us -- to do the world's first-ever full exposure of our Financial Tyranny investigation in mainstream media!
This show will air just hours after we have made this post -- and we hope to get a copy of it.
The significance of what REN-TV is about to do cannot be undermined.
REN-TV is one of the top television networks in Russia, with a potential audience of 113.5 million viewers. Their website is ren-tv.com.
[In the Russian alphabet, a P is equivalent to an R, and an H is
equivalent to an N -- hence the "PEH" in the above logo means "REN", not
some variant of "meh."]
No major media outlet has ever been willing to touch this story in
video form -- as it used to be considered far too dangerous... not to
mention classified.
Courthouse News Service was the only mainstream print media source to have ever tackled it -- and this was only on a website.
The first "official" independent video that revealed this case only
appeared just this past Thursday, on December 13, 2012 -- around 11PM.
We will have more about that, including a link to it, in just a moment.
REN-TV is about to make history -- releasing a documentary on the
stolen gold, the Keenan lawsuit, the Illuminati, the Federal Reserve, Financial Tyranny and the now-160-nation alliance that has formed to end the oppression.
This was arguably the most classified and dangerous information on Earth -- until the story began to blow open in November 2011, when tangible documents first started to be revealed.
Only then did the pioneering work of Benjamin Fulford -- the former
Asia-Pacific bureau chief for Forbes, the world's largest business
magazine -- produce a provable, indisputable piece of physical evidence.
This evidence appeared in the form of a lawsuit that Fulford had been telegraphing and anticipating for over a year.
The lawsuit was filed by Neil Keenan against the UN and many other global players. It was massive -- over 100 pages long -- and extremely detailed, as I revealed in this article.
This lawsuit was deliberately timed to be released on the anniversary
date of the Kennedy assassination, as we since found out.
15 Dec 2012
Press For Truth Presents: The Turning Point
You have been selected to attend the 60th Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31 - June 3, 2012. This conference brings together leaders of business, economics, media, finance, politics and military in a forum which will allow for open and off the record discussions of current events and global issues.
I must stress that this meeting is SECRET and by invitation only. We operate under Chatham House Rules, meaning you are not permitted to discuss anything that is said during the conference to members of the media or otherwise.
Please keep all of your arrangements confidential, including all of the information included herein. In recent years we have lost much of our control over the dissemination of information due to the rise of independent media sources and internet-based journalists. We intend to correct this problem and plan to discuss it at this year's conference.
The Turning Point - A Press For Truth Production
Produced and written by:
Steven Davies, Bryan Law and Dan Dicks
Edited by Steven Davies and Bryan Law
Music by Dan Dicks
For more information visit:
12 Dec 2012
BENJAMIN FULFORD UPDATE : Benjamin Fulford : Dec 10th
S&N Korea; Japan; China Going ahead and are forging a more harmonious world : against 300 years of western slavery and imperialism.
Japan Bank not yet handed over to the Japanese people.
Which will signal the release of funds for All.
Neil Keenan, a key person who hoped to get the rights to the global collateral accounts, has left Indonesia without yet clinching any deal. However, he claims to have obtained reams of hard evidence to be used in legal action against the cabal.
The Western military industrial complex is ready to contribute by sharing amazing science fiction-like technology with the rest of the world as it goes through a swords-to-plowshares transition.
On a different front, the White Dragon Society has been invited to inspect a major imperial gold cache in Asia that could be used to finance the proposed international economic planning agency ............
5 Dec 2012
CONGO ... THE BATTLE FOR CONTROL UN's failure to confront insurgents
DR Congo's resources have become a battle ground between Western countries and those who oppose them. Resources in the country, worth billions of dollars are driving some governments and their contractors to wage war on countries like DR Congo who have a weak government to defend themselves.
The UN's failure to confront insurgents who seized a strategic city in the Democratic Republic of Congo has raised questions about its largest and costliest peacekeeping mission.
The blue helmets gave up the battle for Goma in the eastern part of the country without firing a shot, standing aside as M23 rebels - widely believed to be backed by Rwanda - overran the frontier city of up to one million people.
For the French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, it was "absurd" that the UN troops had allowed the rebels to parade past them. He urged that the mandate of the more than 17,000-strong force be reviewed.
The DR Congo peacekeepers - known by their acronym Monusco - are authorised to use force to protect civilians and support Congolese army operations against rebel groups and militias competing for control of mineral wealth in the lawless east of the country.
AMERICAN KABUKI : Its Enough to Disturb Your General Constitution
Its Enough to Disturb Your General Constitution
December 2, 2012
By Brian K.
The Truth, supported by stone cold evidence revealed in this interview is enough to make even the folks down at Ripley's Believe it or Not, vomit.
Prior to my interview with Teri and Dennis, I was aware of the deception
and corruption committed by United States of America Corporation
against its own people, but not to the depth and degree that was
revealed. So many acts of treason at so many levels. Its difficult to
fathom how those behind the development of the system have gotten away
with it for so long. The most sickening part is that the perpetrators
rub it right in our faces. If they had done it openly, they know we "the
people" would not allow it to happen. They expected us to volunteer to
tie ourselves down to the tracks using rope we paid for, to get utterly
railroaded. Then they expected us to graciously ask for seconds.
I don't know about you but I'm done playing that game. Yes, I firmly
believe the cavalry is coming and there is a master plan playing out
behind the scenes that has a lot of promise in turning things around for
this country and the world. Much of which I uncovered in my interview
with Poof, for those of you who were lucky enough to hear it, before we
had to pull it offline, know exactly what I'm talking about.
But that doesn't mean we should all sit around twiddling our thumbs
waiting for the white knights to come save us. Fact is, the more of us
who stand up for what we believe in NOW and speak up for our rights, not
only citizens of the United States, but free citizens of the world, the
faster we will be able to earn our way into the Golden Age!
If you're like me and you're sick of waiting, then lets all do our part
now by signing the petition on the whitehouse.gov website and
re-declare our freedom and independence as Americans. It takes two
minutes to do your part and make a difference. We need 25,000 signatures
by Dec 25, 2012 to garner an official response from the governmen...
which is nothing with ALL of your support! Stand up NOW and let your
voices be heard!
Petition from the White House.gov website:
We The People Now Re-Declare in 2012…. The Declaration of Independence!
This petition is for the purpose of a public Re-Declaration of Independence that declares our Independence from the illegal US Government CORPORATION, thereby RESTORING our organic and lawful united States Government, which puts the illegal US Government CORPORATION and all its illegal BAR association members throughout ALL three branches of government on notice, and establishes a mandate by the Power and Authority of "We the People" for their immediate removal from office as mandated by the authority of the original 13th Amendment.
Created: Nov 24, 2012
Here is the link to sign the petition http://wh.gov/IIKC
Share it on your Facebook, tweet it, re-blog it, share this interview, send it out to your email network, shout it out from your roof top! NOW is the time to wake people up to the Truth! You HAVE to click the confirmation email for your signature to count.
Check out this video http://attorneysabovethelaw.com/blog/
Also, check out this article (mentioned in the interview) on the "Treasonous BAR (British Accredited Registry) Association: http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/001207.html
The Or
- Brian
AK Note: The text of the original 13th Amendment can be found on HERE on SCRIBD.
Also see my article on American Kabuki about the 13th Amendment HERE.
AK Note: The text of the original 13th Amendment can be found on HERE on SCRIBD.
Also see my article on American Kabuki about the 13th Amendment HERE.
American Kabuki host Brian interviews Terri Hinkle and Dennis Schuelke
about the recently discovered missing 13th Amendment from the 1800s that
disallowed titles of nobility and dual citizens from holding Federal
Offices to protect the national interest
4 Dec 2012
HACKED OFF UK Column Live - 4th December 2012 ... we in Britain pay the largest proportion of income on taxes which are funnelled to terrorist groups
Brian Gerrish and Louise Collins with a news update including Nick Clegg off to Europe to present the EU with its Nobel Peace Prize, Cameron's threats to the press, the similarities between Saddam Hussein and Chris Bryant, and we in Britain pay the largest proportion of income on taxes which are funnelled to terrorist groups.
JUSTICE DENIED Andrea Davison Jimmy Savile SERCO and How it all Fits In With Child Abuse Covert Arms Shipments and Governement Fraud
Orchestrated interference from highers-up
It raises the prospect that Savile was part of an establishment network as in freemasonry which invariably protects its members
It seems nowadays that everyone in the public eye is attempting to suppress the press and media.
It seems that the rich and powerful are quick to take drastic legal actions when stories in the press don’t suit their public image.
From sports personalities, celebrities and actors to politician’s indiscretions.
Andrea Davison found time to work tirelessly to investigate paedophiles named by victims in the Police and the establishment such as Tory Peter Morrison MP, and Tory Derek Laud. Both were close friends of Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, a close friend of Jimmy Savile who recently was exposed as a paedophile. She started to work with the then shadow Home Secretary Tony Blair who tried to get the then Home Secretary Kenneth Clark to take action against the Police.
But Clark who years later as Justice Secretary would make sure Andrea was prevented from having a fair trial refused to help and instead protected the paedophiles in his Government and in the Police.
Last Month Ben Fellows accused Clarke of being a paedophile
Andrea and journalist Pete Sawyer continued the exposure through Scallywag magazine who’s co founder, and editor of its successor Spiked, Angus James Wilson, died mysteriously in Cyprus around 1996.
Scallywag also exposed that MI5 took foreign diplomats and important people to the North Wales homes and secretly filmed them abusing and torturing boys to use the tapes for blackmail.
This is a classic Intelligence modus operandi with regard to child abuse by the famous and influential – especially politicians that they want to control.
The cover-up of child abuse over decades indicated the hand of the State Agencies.
This all linked covert arms deals and child abuse.
Were the police in awe of Jimmy Savile?
One of the most disturbing aspects of the Jimmy Savile scandal – and there is strong competition for that dubious distinction – is why police didn’t arrest him over child abuse allegations five years ago.
Detectives spent months investigating claims the BBC star molested an under-age girl at a children’s home in the 1970s.
But for reasons which have not been fully explained, officers from Surrey Police decided not to detain him and instead interviewed him by appointment.
The importance of that decision in the wider scandal cannot be exaggerated because had police arrested Savile, they would have had the right to search his home.
I just wonder what they would have found at the home of a serial child sex predator who for decades clearly felt he was above the law. Child porn videos, pictures of under-age girls on computer equipment or even pictures of his young victims?
3 Dec 2012
When you Know the game and the players, you know the lies being
perpetrated thru the media. When the info is given to the public, you
won’t be one of the people shocked by what is told, you’ll be relieved.
The bad guys in this world are in panic mode so, the venom coming out of their mouths and off their finger tips is at an all time high.
Don’t expect to hear about the guilty and the arrested going out in the daily news, not time yet.
Just because you know something doesn’t mean you need to speak it out to the uninformed that have no background in understanding.
What they’ve been taught since youth. So, for some it will be like being a little tyke going to their first day in school.
Close but, not this instant.
A lot of people don't realize that just about all Negro spirituals are written on the black notes of the piano.
Probably the most famous on this slave scale was written by John Newton, who used to be the captain of a slave ship, and many believe he heard this melody that sounds very much like a West African sorrow chant.
And it has a haunting, haunting plaintive quality to it that reaches past your arrogance, past your pride, and it speaks to that part of you that's in bondage.
And we feel it.
We feel it.
It's just one of the most amazing melodies in all of human history …
This news reports the intended dismantling/divestiture of Union Bank of Switzerland.
The documents show the asset value according to weight and purity as required in such transactions.
I suggest this is a ‘THEFT’ from The Collateral Accounts, as none of these ‘assets’ belongs to any individual, company, or government.
Rather these assets belong to ALL The People of The World.
I offer that IF said assets are to be ‘exercised’, the ‘holders’ of these assets are Required to first pay the interest due, 2.5 – 3.5% per anum in Gold Bullion of the same quality (99.98%).
As an exercise, when contracted interest has not been paid, the Full amount of Collateral plus Interest is due and payable.
Note that one Document states these are Collateral Account Assets.
~ Drake From Neil Keenan – Read:
Part I: Secret SocietiesThe Committee of 300, The Jesuits, 13 Illuminati Papal Bloodline Families, The Corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, The Federal Reserve Bank, Operation Paperclip & MK-Ultra
Part II: The Off-Ledger, Occult EconomyOperation Golden Lily, The Black Eagle Trust, 9/11, The Dragon Family, the $1 trillion dollar Keenan federal lawsuit, and the Global Collateral Accounts/World Global Settlements
The NESARA global prosperity programmes are on the cusp of being announced and activated. One of the protected funds involved is called The Saint Germain World Trust. This fund contains deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars. The word quattuordecillion is sometimes spelled quatrodecillion. It means ten thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, million dollars. Or $1 with forty noughts after it.
Deutsche Bank serves as the money-laundering arm of the secret German BlackOps and intelligence organisation called the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) based at Dachau. Through Deutsche Bank, the DVD finances mind-control programmes used to subvert and control British interests within the UK police, banking sector, industry and government. This subversion programme is called 'Common Purpose' and is run from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in the Cabinet Office, Whitehall, London. Source here (31.10.08).
The Vatican has been centrally involved in many of the behind-the-scenes machinations involved in the 2007-2008 global financial collapse, and in the blocking of the NESARA-related international prosperity settlements. In April 2008, Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) failed in an attempt to lay claim to a large tranche of the NESARA prosperity funds. He was reported as saying to close colleagues: "The little people cannot handle this money properly, but the Church can."
Ratzinger's audacious money grab had to be sorted out at the World Court in The Hague and was responsible for more serious delays in implementing the global refinancing settlements. In the end, Rome was forced to climb down and The Holy Father reluctantly agreed to a $2.0 trillion settlement. This sum was paid from US citizens' tax receipts. President George Bush Jnr signed the papers. Speaking to one group in Washington on Thursday 17th April 2008, the Pope said: "If the peasants think they are going to get this money, they have another think coming. It will never happen." He was not talking about the $2.0 trillion; he was referring to the global prosperity funds in general.
Amongst other projects, this money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks and pharmaceutical cartels. And it will zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide. More about universal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee can be found here. The Saint Germain World Trust resources are additional to, and separate from The World Global Settlement Funds.
The NESARA money was originally scheduled to be released in the year 2000, but the Bush White House and its banking and legal conspirators worldwide prevented the disbursement. And through corporate pan-global control of mainstream media outlets, nearly all knowledge of NESARA's existence was suppressed. This is now changing.
When the NESARA global prosperity programmes are openly and publicly announced, perhaps during September or October 2012, they will permanently change human civilisation in every money-related way.
The whole human population will benefit from NESARA. Earth is a most abundant planet. There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth for each and every human being to be a GBP millionaire without debts of any kind. GBP = Great Britain Pound. NESARA is about sharing the resources of the planet around fairly. And NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems in place worldwide to deliver this monetary fairness. No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA wealth redistribution programmes. And no individual or organisation anywhere on Earth will be able to stop it.
NESARA will cancel all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide. Income tax will be abolished. A new 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the revenue stream for national governments. There will be increased benefits for senior citizens. In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system.
A new USA Treasury rainbow currency will come into being, backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals. A new USA Treasury Bank System will be initiated in alignment with Constitutional Law. The Federal Reserve Board System will be abolished. Personal financial privacy will be restored. All judges and attorneys will be retrained in Constitutional Law. All aggressive USA government military actions worldwide will cease and global peace will be established. Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 11 years, but the Farmers' claims will be paid first. Here, the settlements will include debt forgiveness of $300,000 (including mortgages, credit cards and loans) for each farming family. Similar reforms will take place in every country in the world. Enormous sums of money will be made available for humanitarian purposes. New hitherto suppressed technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup equipment and sonic healing machines will be released for the use of all.
Comte de Saint Germain was noted for rubbing elbows with the monarchies. Many of which commented on his elaborate shoes stubbed with $40,000 diamonds and pearls. No one knew the source of his income. Then around 1727 he shared his secret money making techniques to certain German bankers in hopes that they would use the money to help humanity. Using his techniques, they along with the monarchies choose to squander the money for themselves. Even to this day, these bankers have continued to keep this knowledge secret.
Eventually Saint Germain realized the money was never going to be used for benevolent purposes so he pulled his money out and in 1729 he put it into his own “World Trust.” At the founding of the trust it was stipulated that this money would be released in the year 2000.
The time has now come to release these Prosperity Funds and the funds from Saint Germain’s, World Trust. This money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks, pharmaceutical cartels, and zero out all debt. 250 years of compound interest has mushroomed the World Trust into a net worth in excess of one quattuordecillion dollars, or $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000.
That’s 1 with 40 zeros behind it. This is enough money to buy a gold cube the size of the orbit of Saturn. So astronomical most people will not believe it!
Change is on the horizon, and it begins with NESARA.
There is much disinformation on the Internet pertaining to this law.
Sources such as quatloos.com which is a CIA front, nesara.org which is owned by the Bush family, the 33rd Zion Lodge, the NSA, Sherry Shriner, and various Internet channeling’s straight out of CIA Langley have been spouting much disinformation and confusion on the subject.
The information on the Wikipedia even has its facts wrong.
Wikipedia gives you the history of Harvey Barnard NESARA law. If you look closely this law it stands for National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which would reform the economy and replace the income with a national sales tax.
This law was rejected by congress in the 1990′s. However there is another NESARA law on the books.
This NESARA, stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It’s the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the secret government, and much more.
History of NESARA
To understand NESARA’s origins we must go back to the early years of the American Republic. Ever since England lost her most prized jewel the “American Colonies,” the royal crown was looking for ways to take back what was once theirs. The pioneers of our new republic knew the threat that faced the young nation. To ensure its survival a nobility amendment was passed to prevent anyone who had loyalties to the crown from holding public office. The 13th Amendment was approved by congress and the House of Representatives in 1810. It was ratified by all the necessary states into law on March 12, 1819. It reads as follows.
13th Amendment
If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain, any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.
This amendment was unacceptable for the British crown because this would essentially cut of all meddling into the affairs of the new republic’s government. It would also mean anyone who is a member of the BAR (Lawyer) association would not be allowed to hold public office. Remember the B.A.R. is short for the British Accredited Registry. This amendment is technically still in effect today and therefore all the laws that have been made by lawyers remains unconstitutional, as they are not allowed to be US citizens.
This is why England fought in a war with us in 1812. Washington D.C.
was burned to the ground and the original documents which proved this was indeed a law were destroyed. The British monarchy knew the American people would never tolerate British rule again, so they offered back the republic to the people with one exception, the 13th amendment was to be removed from the constitution. Nearly 200 years have now since passed, we have been conquered and yet we don’t know it.
Then we had the civil war which was really about the Rothschild family trying to gain control of the south’s cotton industry. Then we had the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which put America into slavery. Finally in the early 1990′s we started to see a change.
The beginnings of NESARA takes us back to the early 1970′s when the banks where foreclosing on farmers mortgages all over the United States. The Willie Nelson “Live Aid” concerts were one of the fund raisers that helped these farmers. The farmers soon realized the banks where not only charging exorbitant and illegal amounts of interest, but they where illegally foreclosing on their homes.
When these farmers began to seek legal action against the banks they soon realized that the government and banks where working in collusion with each other. So in the early 1990′s, they sought the help of the Farmers Union and did in depth research on all the banks illegal activities. A series of lawsuits where initiated against the banks and the government. Over 336,000 Farm Claims filed for fraud against the U.S. Federal Government with an average of $20 million dollars per claim. This amounts to $6.6 trillion total.
In retaliation the banks and the government sent the IRS against the farmers. When the farmers realized they where being unfairly targeted by the IRS they began looking for ways to fight back. They requested help from military generals such as General Ray Swasinger, to sit in the court room to ensure the bribed judges would vote according to constitutional law.
These court cases ran up and down various state and federal courts from 1970′s till the 1990′s. Then in 1992-1993, the farmers appealed their case to the US supreme court. Almost unanimously the U.S.
Supreme Court Justices ruled that the Farmers Union claims were VALID and that the U.S. federal government and the banks had seriously defrauded the farmers, and all U.S. citizens, out of vast sums of money and property. Furthermore the court ruled the shocking truth that the IRS and the Federal Reserve where unlawful, that the income tax amendment was never ratified by the US states, and that the US government had illegally foreclosed on farmers homes with the help of federal agencies. Irrefutable proof of such was presented by a retired CIA agent. He provided testimony and records of the banks illegal activity, to lead further evidence that the Farmers’ Union claims were legitimate.
The Justices recognized that to remedy this situation, massive reformations would be required.
Now, when rulings are made by the U.S. Supreme Court, one or more Justices are assigned to monitor the progress on how the rulings are carried out. In this case, five Justices were assigned to a committee to develop steps to implement required government and banking reformations. As the Justices went about developing the required reformations they enlisted the help of experts in economics, monetary systems, banking, Constitutional government and law, and many other related areas. The Justices built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of people worldwide; these thousands of people working to bring us NESARA have been named “White Knights”.
This term “White Knights” was borrowed from the world of big business hostile takeovers. It refers to how a vulnerable company is “rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person. This term is a most accurate term for these “White Knights” are working behind the scenes to stop the madness.
After the trial, the damages process name was changed to Bank Claims.
From 1993 through 1996, U.S. citizens filed Bank Claims against the banks and the federal government through the U.S. Treasury Department to obtain payment for the damages as specified by the U.S. Supreme Court. (This process CLOSED in 1996.) Gag Order Due to the ground breaking changes required, an extremely strict gag order was placed on everyone, directly involved and the court case records. Anyone who broke this gag order would receive the death penalty. Furthermore all court records where sealed until after all the reforms are completed. To maintain this secrecy, the case details for the docket number assigned to the Farmers’ Union case were changed.
As a result doing a search for this case will fail to reflect the correct information until after the reformations are made public.
At every step of the process, anyone directly involved has been required to sign an agreement to keep the U.S. Supreme Court’s process of implementing the required reformations “secret”, or face charges of Treason which are punishable by death. This gag order was placed on all media personnel, government officials, and bank employees. This is why Alex Jones or TV news anchors will not talk about this on air. Nor will wikipedia tell you the truth behind the law. Nor will Sherry Shriner who is nothing more than a CIA stooge. Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, was about to break the gag order, but before he could his small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself.
To implement the required changes, the five Justices spent years negotiating how the reformations would occur. These agreements , known as “Accords” where made with the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve Bank owners, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and with numerous other countries including the United Kingdom and countries of the Euro Zone.
The U.S. banking system reformations require the Federal Reserve Bank system be absorbed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the banks’
fraudulent activities stopped. Plus remedies will need to be made to U.S. citizens for past harm due to fraud. The U.S. banking reformations will impact the entire world and therefore the IMF, World Bank, and other countries had to be involved.
As the years began to pass, the military generals who originally helped the farmers soon realized that the government had no intentions of implementing the “Accords.” So, the Justices authorized the reformations be put into the form of a 75 page document known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA).
NESARA implements the following changes; 1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities 2. Abolishes income tax 3. Abolishes IRS; creates 14% flat rate non-essential “new items only” sales tax revenue for government
4. Increases benefits to senior citizens
5. Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters.
6. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement
7. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups
8. Creates new US Treasury currency, “rainbow currency,” backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals
9.. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
10. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System
11. Restores financial privacy
12. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
13. Ceases all aggressive, US government military actions worldwide
14. Establishes peace throughout the world 15. Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many decades. Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 11 years.
The law requires that the farmers claims to be paid first before the general public receives funds. Remember, these funds will come from the Level 5 Trust, bank roll programs.
16. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes 17. Enables the release of new technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup, and sonic healing machines.
This law was passed secretly on March 9, 2000 by Congress. It was voted on by seven members congress, which were the only ones constitutionally allowed to hold office. This is because the nobility amendment prevents anyone with ties to the crown from holding office.
Plus, NESARA requires all congress members to resign immediately, so all the corrupt members of congress refused to vote. From its very inception Bush Snr., the false congress, and major bank houses, and the Carlyle group opposed NESARA. Secrecy was maintained by revising the official congressional registry. The details of the bill number for NESARA were revised to reflect a commemorative coin and revised again more recently.
Our members of congress will not tell us any of this because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to “deny” the existence of NESARA or face charges of Treason punishable by death; and some members of Congress have actually been charged with “obstruction” and threatened with Treason charges. Therefore, all members of Congress pretend that NESARA has not been passed in order to comply with the Justices’ gag order. This why there are no public Congressional Records!
The unelected cloned President Bill Clinton and his puppet masters, had no interest in signing NESARA into law. So, the military generals enlisted the help of the elite Naval Seals and the Delta Force.
Together they stormed the White House and under gunpoint forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA into law. This occurred on October 10, 2000.
Before NESARA is announced to the public it is stipulated that the original farm claims must be paid out first in with gold or precious metals backed currency as stipulated by the constitution. Therefore they cannot be paid in Federal Reserve notes which is not money anyway. The $6.6 trillion is to be distributed in the form of ATM debit cards from the new gold backed US Treasury system. This money will come from the bank roll programs originally set up by benevolent illuminati families. The only catch is to release these funds they must first be released by Goldman Sacs and Bank of America which are owned by the Rockefeller and Bush cabals.
To prevent the funds from being released the banking documents, which contains instructions on how to access the funds, are being transported 24/7 between warehouses in Charlotte, NC and Washington D.C. The drivers of these Fed Ex trucks are heavily bribed and many are afraid of reprisals from the Bush family if they deliver their payload as required by law.
One time when these packets were returned to Washington D.C., Bush placed them under military guard. Federal judges ordered him to release the funds, G.W. Bush replied. “You will never receive these packages, they belong to me”. The judge answered “I can do no more, he is President of the U.S.”
The news media were called and refused to film the guards saying “He is the President and we are afraid of what he will do.” (code for we also work for the Illuminati) This has been going on for some time, so the IMF, and World Bank got together along with the Rothschild family to set up a new global banking system backed by gold. This will ultimately kill the Federal Reserve System which is worthless fiat money. It was approved by congress on September 19, 2007. On October 19, 2007, at midnight the U.S. treasury of the Republic went on-line with the Global Banking System. The next step is announcing this to the public, but it’s not an easy task to do.
Many powerful groups have tried to stop the announcement and implementation of the NESARA law. 18 months after NESARA became law, the Justices had the current Congress pass resolutions “approving”
NESARA on September 9, 2001.
On September 10, 2001 George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement.
The next day NESARA was set to be announced at 10 a.m. EDT on September 11, 2001.
9/11 Attacks
Groups opposing NESARA arranged for the attacks to occur on 9/11 to keep NESARA from being announced.
Just before the announcement, Bush Snr. ordered the demolition of World Trade Center to stop the international banking computers on floors one and two, in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S.
Treasury Bank system.
George Bush Snr decapitated any hopes of returning this government back to the people. Despite the fact the Bush family was to be paid off $300 trillion dollars to cooperate with NESARA, they choose instead to maintain control over us.
Ultimately in the end the Bush’s will end up with nothing.
The bad guys in this world are in panic mode so, the venom coming out of their mouths and off their finger tips is at an all time high.
Don’t expect to hear about the guilty and the arrested going out in the daily news, not time yet.
Just because you know something doesn’t mean you need to speak it out to the uninformed that have no background in understanding.
What they’ve been taught since youth. So, for some it will be like being a little tyke going to their first day in school.
Close but, not this instant.
A lot of people don't realize that just about all Negro spirituals are written on the black notes of the piano.
Probably the most famous on this slave scale was written by John Newton, who used to be the captain of a slave ship, and many believe he heard this melody that sounds very much like a West African sorrow chant.
And it has a haunting, haunting plaintive quality to it that reaches past your arrogance, past your pride, and it speaks to that part of you that's in bondage.
And we feel it.
We feel it.
It's just one of the most amazing melodies in all of human history …
This news reports the intended dismantling/divestiture of Union Bank of Switzerland.
The documents show the asset value according to weight and purity as required in such transactions.
I suggest this is a ‘THEFT’ from The Collateral Accounts, as none of these ‘assets’ belongs to any individual, company, or government.
Rather these assets belong to ALL The People of The World.
I offer that IF said assets are to be ‘exercised’, the ‘holders’ of these assets are Required to first pay the interest due, 2.5 – 3.5% per anum in Gold Bullion of the same quality (99.98%).
As an exercise, when contracted interest has not been paid, the Full amount of Collateral plus Interest is due and payable.
Note that one Document states these are Collateral Account Assets.
~ Drake From Neil Keenan – Read:
UBS goes down…
Part I: Secret SocietiesThe Committee of 300, The Jesuits, 13 Illuminati Papal Bloodline Families, The Corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, The Federal Reserve Bank, Operation Paperclip & MK-Ultra
Part II: The Off-Ledger, Occult EconomyOperation Golden Lily, The Black Eagle Trust, 9/11, The Dragon Family, the $1 trillion dollar Keenan federal lawsuit, and the Global Collateral Accounts/World Global Settlements
Life and death flow into one, and there is neither evolution nor destiny- only Being
Could you be loved ?.
The NESARA global prosperity programmes are on the cusp of being announced and activated. One of the protected funds involved is called The Saint Germain World Trust. This fund contains deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars. The word quattuordecillion is sometimes spelled quatrodecillion. It means ten thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, million dollars. Or $1 with forty noughts after it.
Deutsche Bank serves as the money-laundering arm of the secret German BlackOps and intelligence organisation called the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) based at Dachau. Through Deutsche Bank, the DVD finances mind-control programmes used to subvert and control British interests within the UK police, banking sector, industry and government. This subversion programme is called 'Common Purpose' and is run from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in the Cabinet Office, Whitehall, London. Source here (31.10.08).
The Vatican has been centrally involved in many of the behind-the-scenes machinations involved in the 2007-2008 global financial collapse, and in the blocking of the NESARA-related international prosperity settlements. In April 2008, Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) failed in an attempt to lay claim to a large tranche of the NESARA prosperity funds. He was reported as saying to close colleagues: "The little people cannot handle this money properly, but the Church can."
Ratzinger's audacious money grab had to be sorted out at the World Court in The Hague and was responsible for more serious delays in implementing the global refinancing settlements. In the end, Rome was forced to climb down and The Holy Father reluctantly agreed to a $2.0 trillion settlement. This sum was paid from US citizens' tax receipts. President George Bush Jnr signed the papers. Speaking to one group in Washington on Thursday 17th April 2008, the Pope said: "If the peasants think they are going to get this money, they have another think coming. It will never happen." He was not talking about the $2.0 trillion; he was referring to the global prosperity funds in general.
Amongst other projects, this money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks and pharmaceutical cartels. And it will zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide. More about universal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee can be found here. The Saint Germain World Trust resources are additional to, and separate from The World Global Settlement Funds.
The NESARA money was originally scheduled to be released in the year 2000, but the Bush White House and its banking and legal conspirators worldwide prevented the disbursement. And through corporate pan-global control of mainstream media outlets, nearly all knowledge of NESARA's existence was suppressed. This is now changing.
When the NESARA global prosperity programmes are openly and publicly announced, perhaps during September or October 2012, they will permanently change human civilisation in every money-related way.
The whole human population will benefit from NESARA. Earth is a most abundant planet. There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth for each and every human being to be a GBP millionaire without debts of any kind. GBP = Great Britain Pound. NESARA is about sharing the resources of the planet around fairly. And NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems in place worldwide to deliver this monetary fairness. No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA wealth redistribution programmes. And no individual or organisation anywhere on Earth will be able to stop it.
NESARA will cancel all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide. Income tax will be abolished. A new 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the revenue stream for national governments. There will be increased benefits for senior citizens. In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system.
A new USA Treasury rainbow currency will come into being, backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals. A new USA Treasury Bank System will be initiated in alignment with Constitutional Law. The Federal Reserve Board System will be abolished. Personal financial privacy will be restored. All judges and attorneys will be retrained in Constitutional Law. All aggressive USA government military actions worldwide will cease and global peace will be established. Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 11 years, but the Farmers' claims will be paid first. Here, the settlements will include debt forgiveness of $300,000 (including mortgages, credit cards and loans) for each farming family. Similar reforms will take place in every country in the world. Enormous sums of money will be made available for humanitarian purposes. New hitherto suppressed technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup equipment and sonic healing machines will be released for the use of all.
Comte de Saint Germain was noted for rubbing elbows with the monarchies. Many of which commented on his elaborate shoes stubbed with $40,000 diamonds and pearls. No one knew the source of his income. Then around 1727 he shared his secret money making techniques to certain German bankers in hopes that they would use the money to help humanity. Using his techniques, they along with the monarchies choose to squander the money for themselves. Even to this day, these bankers have continued to keep this knowledge secret.
Eventually Saint Germain realized the money was never going to be used for benevolent purposes so he pulled his money out and in 1729 he put it into his own “World Trust.” At the founding of the trust it was stipulated that this money would be released in the year 2000.
The time has now come to release these Prosperity Funds and the funds from Saint Germain’s, World Trust. This money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks, pharmaceutical cartels, and zero out all debt. 250 years of compound interest has mushroomed the World Trust into a net worth in excess of one quattuordecillion dollars, or $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000.
That’s 1 with 40 zeros behind it. This is enough money to buy a gold cube the size of the orbit of Saturn. So astronomical most people will not believe it!
Change is on the horizon, and it begins with NESARA.
There is much disinformation on the Internet pertaining to this law.
Sources such as quatloos.com which is a CIA front, nesara.org which is owned by the Bush family, the 33rd Zion Lodge, the NSA, Sherry Shriner, and various Internet channeling’s straight out of CIA Langley have been spouting much disinformation and confusion on the subject.
The information on the Wikipedia even has its facts wrong.
Wikipedia gives you the history of Harvey Barnard NESARA law. If you look closely this law it stands for National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which would reform the economy and replace the income with a national sales tax.
This law was rejected by congress in the 1990′s. However there is another NESARA law on the books.
This NESARA, stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It’s the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the secret government, and much more.
History of NESARA
To understand NESARA’s origins we must go back to the early years of the American Republic. Ever since England lost her most prized jewel the “American Colonies,” the royal crown was looking for ways to take back what was once theirs. The pioneers of our new republic knew the threat that faced the young nation. To ensure its survival a nobility amendment was passed to prevent anyone who had loyalties to the crown from holding public office. The 13th Amendment was approved by congress and the House of Representatives in 1810. It was ratified by all the necessary states into law on March 12, 1819. It reads as follows.
13th Amendment
If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain, any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.
This amendment was unacceptable for the British crown because this would essentially cut of all meddling into the affairs of the new republic’s government. It would also mean anyone who is a member of the BAR (Lawyer) association would not be allowed to hold public office. Remember the B.A.R. is short for the British Accredited Registry. This amendment is technically still in effect today and therefore all the laws that have been made by lawyers remains unconstitutional, as they are not allowed to be US citizens.
This is why England fought in a war with us in 1812. Washington D.C.
was burned to the ground and the original documents which proved this was indeed a law were destroyed. The British monarchy knew the American people would never tolerate British rule again, so they offered back the republic to the people with one exception, the 13th amendment was to be removed from the constitution. Nearly 200 years have now since passed, we have been conquered and yet we don’t know it.
Then we had the civil war which was really about the Rothschild family trying to gain control of the south’s cotton industry. Then we had the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which put America into slavery. Finally in the early 1990′s we started to see a change.
The beginnings of NESARA takes us back to the early 1970′s when the banks where foreclosing on farmers mortgages all over the United States. The Willie Nelson “Live Aid” concerts were one of the fund raisers that helped these farmers. The farmers soon realized the banks where not only charging exorbitant and illegal amounts of interest, but they where illegally foreclosing on their homes.
When these farmers began to seek legal action against the banks they soon realized that the government and banks where working in collusion with each other. So in the early 1990′s, they sought the help of the Farmers Union and did in depth research on all the banks illegal activities. A series of lawsuits where initiated against the banks and the government. Over 336,000 Farm Claims filed for fraud against the U.S. Federal Government with an average of $20 million dollars per claim. This amounts to $6.6 trillion total.
In retaliation the banks and the government sent the IRS against the farmers. When the farmers realized they where being unfairly targeted by the IRS they began looking for ways to fight back. They requested help from military generals such as General Ray Swasinger, to sit in the court room to ensure the bribed judges would vote according to constitutional law.
These court cases ran up and down various state and federal courts from 1970′s till the 1990′s. Then in 1992-1993, the farmers appealed their case to the US supreme court. Almost unanimously the U.S.
Supreme Court Justices ruled that the Farmers Union claims were VALID and that the U.S. federal government and the banks had seriously defrauded the farmers, and all U.S. citizens, out of vast sums of money and property. Furthermore the court ruled the shocking truth that the IRS and the Federal Reserve where unlawful, that the income tax amendment was never ratified by the US states, and that the US government had illegally foreclosed on farmers homes with the help of federal agencies. Irrefutable proof of such was presented by a retired CIA agent. He provided testimony and records of the banks illegal activity, to lead further evidence that the Farmers’ Union claims were legitimate.
The Justices recognized that to remedy this situation, massive reformations would be required.
Now, when rulings are made by the U.S. Supreme Court, one or more Justices are assigned to monitor the progress on how the rulings are carried out. In this case, five Justices were assigned to a committee to develop steps to implement required government and banking reformations. As the Justices went about developing the required reformations they enlisted the help of experts in economics, monetary systems, banking, Constitutional government and law, and many other related areas. The Justices built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of people worldwide; these thousands of people working to bring us NESARA have been named “White Knights”.
This term “White Knights” was borrowed from the world of big business hostile takeovers. It refers to how a vulnerable company is “rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person. This term is a most accurate term for these “White Knights” are working behind the scenes to stop the madness.
After the trial, the damages process name was changed to Bank Claims.
From 1993 through 1996, U.S. citizens filed Bank Claims against the banks and the federal government through the U.S. Treasury Department to obtain payment for the damages as specified by the U.S. Supreme Court. (This process CLOSED in 1996.) Gag Order Due to the ground breaking changes required, an extremely strict gag order was placed on everyone, directly involved and the court case records. Anyone who broke this gag order would receive the death penalty. Furthermore all court records where sealed until after all the reforms are completed. To maintain this secrecy, the case details for the docket number assigned to the Farmers’ Union case were changed.
As a result doing a search for this case will fail to reflect the correct information until after the reformations are made public.
At every step of the process, anyone directly involved has been required to sign an agreement to keep the U.S. Supreme Court’s process of implementing the required reformations “secret”, or face charges of Treason which are punishable by death. This gag order was placed on all media personnel, government officials, and bank employees. This is why Alex Jones or TV news anchors will not talk about this on air. Nor will wikipedia tell you the truth behind the law. Nor will Sherry Shriner who is nothing more than a CIA stooge. Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, was about to break the gag order, but before he could his small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself.
To implement the required changes, the five Justices spent years negotiating how the reformations would occur. These agreements , known as “Accords” where made with the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve Bank owners, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and with numerous other countries including the United Kingdom and countries of the Euro Zone.
The U.S. banking system reformations require the Federal Reserve Bank system be absorbed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the banks’
fraudulent activities stopped. Plus remedies will need to be made to U.S. citizens for past harm due to fraud. The U.S. banking reformations will impact the entire world and therefore the IMF, World Bank, and other countries had to be involved.
As the years began to pass, the military generals who originally helped the farmers soon realized that the government had no intentions of implementing the “Accords.” So, the Justices authorized the reformations be put into the form of a 75 page document known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA).
NESARA implements the following changes; 1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities 2. Abolishes income tax 3. Abolishes IRS; creates 14% flat rate non-essential “new items only” sales tax revenue for government
4. Increases benefits to senior citizens
5. Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters.
6. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement
7. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups
8. Creates new US Treasury currency, “rainbow currency,” backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals
9.. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
10. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System
11. Restores financial privacy
12. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
13. Ceases all aggressive, US government military actions worldwide
14. Establishes peace throughout the world 15. Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many decades. Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 11 years.
The law requires that the farmers claims to be paid first before the general public receives funds. Remember, these funds will come from the Level 5 Trust, bank roll programs.
16. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes 17. Enables the release of new technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup, and sonic healing machines.
This law was passed secretly on March 9, 2000 by Congress. It was voted on by seven members congress, which were the only ones constitutionally allowed to hold office. This is because the nobility amendment prevents anyone with ties to the crown from holding office.
Plus, NESARA requires all congress members to resign immediately, so all the corrupt members of congress refused to vote. From its very inception Bush Snr., the false congress, and major bank houses, and the Carlyle group opposed NESARA. Secrecy was maintained by revising the official congressional registry. The details of the bill number for NESARA were revised to reflect a commemorative coin and revised again more recently.
Our members of congress will not tell us any of this because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to “deny” the existence of NESARA or face charges of Treason punishable by death; and some members of Congress have actually been charged with “obstruction” and threatened with Treason charges. Therefore, all members of Congress pretend that NESARA has not been passed in order to comply with the Justices’ gag order. This why there are no public Congressional Records!
The unelected cloned President Bill Clinton and his puppet masters, had no interest in signing NESARA into law. So, the military generals enlisted the help of the elite Naval Seals and the Delta Force.
Together they stormed the White House and under gunpoint forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA into law. This occurred on October 10, 2000.
Before NESARA is announced to the public it is stipulated that the original farm claims must be paid out first in with gold or precious metals backed currency as stipulated by the constitution. Therefore they cannot be paid in Federal Reserve notes which is not money anyway. The $6.6 trillion is to be distributed in the form of ATM debit cards from the new gold backed US Treasury system. This money will come from the bank roll programs originally set up by benevolent illuminati families. The only catch is to release these funds they must first be released by Goldman Sacs and Bank of America which are owned by the Rockefeller and Bush cabals.
To prevent the funds from being released the banking documents, which contains instructions on how to access the funds, are being transported 24/7 between warehouses in Charlotte, NC and Washington D.C. The drivers of these Fed Ex trucks are heavily bribed and many are afraid of reprisals from the Bush family if they deliver their payload as required by law.
One time when these packets were returned to Washington D.C., Bush placed them under military guard. Federal judges ordered him to release the funds, G.W. Bush replied. “You will never receive these packages, they belong to me”. The judge answered “I can do no more, he is President of the U.S.”
The news media were called and refused to film the guards saying “He is the President and we are afraid of what he will do.” (code for we also work for the Illuminati) This has been going on for some time, so the IMF, and World Bank got together along with the Rothschild family to set up a new global banking system backed by gold. This will ultimately kill the Federal Reserve System which is worthless fiat money. It was approved by congress on September 19, 2007. On October 19, 2007, at midnight the U.S. treasury of the Republic went on-line with the Global Banking System. The next step is announcing this to the public, but it’s not an easy task to do.
Many powerful groups have tried to stop the announcement and implementation of the NESARA law. 18 months after NESARA became law, the Justices had the current Congress pass resolutions “approving”
NESARA on September 9, 2001.
On September 10, 2001 George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement.
The next day NESARA was set to be announced at 10 a.m. EDT on September 11, 2001.
9/11 Attacks
Groups opposing NESARA arranged for the attacks to occur on 9/11 to keep NESARA from being announced.
Just before the announcement, Bush Snr. ordered the demolition of World Trade Center to stop the international banking computers on floors one and two, in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S.
Treasury Bank system.
George Bush Snr decapitated any hopes of returning this government back to the people. Despite the fact the Bush family was to be paid off $300 trillion dollars to cooperate with NESARA, they choose instead to maintain control over us.
Ultimately in the end the Bush’s will end up with nothing.
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Until you think about it and realize it is the fictitious villains that are based on these real people.