12 Dec 2012

BENJAMIN FULFORD UPDATE : Benjamin Fulford : Dec 10th

S&N Korea; Japan; China Going ahead and are forging a more harmonious world : against 300 years of western slavery and imperialism.

Japan Bank not yet handed over to the Japanese people.

Which will signal the release of funds for All.

Neil Keenan, a key person who hoped to get the rights to the global collateral accounts, has left Indonesia without yet clinching any deal. However, he claims to have obtained reams of hard evidence to be used in legal action against the cabal.

The Western military industrial complex is ready to contribute by sharing amazing science fiction-like technology with the rest of the world as it goes through a swords-to-plowshares transition.

On a different front, the White Dragon Society has been invited to inspect a major imperial gold cache in Asia that could be used to finance the proposed international economic planning agency ............



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