3 Jan 2012


The USA has undergone ... in the last few 
decades a kind of slow motion coup d'état 


... raises some interesting points about the political system basically saying that there will be no changes as long as the business tops are able to hold the political system hostage. He suggests that they are so out of touch that the system should be removed or radically changed.

He also talks about how the systematic destruction of all sorts of movements by those in power has led to the weakening of opposition - thereby centralizing power - and how this has enabled tptb to pretty much do as they please.

He critics the msm for gravitating towards the center of power and for not being objective or even truthful about the issues they are "covering".

He thinks that americans (and most of the capitalist western world, I would assume) accepts that the power gets placed in the hands of the wealthy few, because they/we hope to join this exclusive club. To me, this represents "the american dream" in a modern form...

Hollywood, corporations, Oprah and more, pedal this fantasy that we can have everything we want, if we just believe in ourselves... its a great way to turn our backs at the vulnerable and the poor. "Its their own fault". This is callous and delusional.

"The belief that we can achieve human perfection, that we can advance morally, is itself an evil. It provides a cover for criminality and abuse, a justification for murder. It sanctifies war, murder and torture for an unattainable absolute." - Chris Hedges, "When Atheism becomes Religion".

"Without economic justice there will never be racial justice."

"Peaceful and non-violent civil disobedience is the only weapon we have left."

"We have to question our value system if we are going to survive."

Chris Hedges is also critical of Americas "its either black or its white" mental prison, a way of thought that seems to be applied to almost everything.

There is no black or white, there are only shades of gray

By trying to fit things in columns of black and white, they`re effectively trying to catalog a whole library in to only the letters A and Z. "You`re either with us or against us" does not work. 

Simple as that.

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