The Postmodern Coup,
The Making of a Manchurian Candidate.
Especially in politics it is of the utmost importance to try to look behind the facade: who makes up the team of the presidential candidate. The future president of the United States of America is for a large part dependent on and being fed by his team of advisors and future cabinet members.
Webster Tarpley wrote a book on the men and women behind presidential hopeful Barack Obama. He argues that there is more to Obama than his charismatic appearance and that some of his advisors pose a danger to the US and the world in case Obama might be elected to become the next US president. Whether Tarpleys view is correct for now is a matter of opinion and remains to be seen, but for the public debate it is relevant to take note of his facts and arguments.
The men behind Barack Obama part 1
Rothschild Henchman ~ Zbigniew Brzezinski
The men behind Barack Obama part 2
One Of The Most Active Anti-American
Rothschild Goon Inside Congress!
Daniel Ellsberg, who famously leaked the Pentagon Papers, accuses President Barack Obama of waging war not only on WikiLeaks, but against whistle-blowing in general. Since assuming office, Obama has brought five indictments against whistleblowers -- nearly twice as many as all the previous presidents combined.
Daniel Ellsberg, Former State and Defense Dept. Official prosecuted for releasing the Pentagon Papers
Presidents don't hold power, they divert attention from those who hold power.
Logo of uber-rich financial arch-criminal Rockefeller family’s Trilateral Commission.
HQ District of Columbia (Washington), Chairman Joseph S. Nye, Jr.; HQ Paris, French Republic; European Union (EU), Chairman Mario Monti; HQ Tokyo, Japan, Chairman Yotaro Kobayashi ...
Hidden Government Of U.S. Treason – The Trilateral Mutual Elite Appreciation Society!
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