28 Mar 2013


If you’ve ever wondered how the Elite conspirators can really believe what they believe and still live with themselves, this is how. It boils down to one common mindset, where there is no good or bad, just the glorious agenda and end game that justifies any action conceivable.

They really believe they are right. A world of their making is in progress.

The fabulous future world as they see it is a place of peace and plenty with no challenges or inconveniences. For them. The enlightened ones who will bring in the New Age of Enlightenment as per their millennia old plans and programs.

By the way, we’re not part of that plan. Unless you’re one of the sellouts who gave up your soul to their cold, self serving mentalist goals. In that case you might learn something here about how real humans think and derive loving Truth via heart, intuition and consciousness.
But I digress…

Prometheus, Rockefeller Center-6


The Projection

While the reality of an ongoing soft, slow kill off of “excess humanity”, “useless eaters” or “human resources” ramps up, the arrogant self appointed elites are licking their chops for what they think is the coming culmination of their age old agenda. Total world control with complete subjugation of a drastically reduced, subservient, transhuman workforce.

The world they plan is in most cases not seen by them as some dark, satanic empire. In their minds it will be a literal paradise on earth. For them of course. Not their subservient underlings. Massive virgin forests and game reserves for their hunting pleasure. Clear oceans for their fishing pleasure. Seems altruistic? That’s the game. One man’s paradise can be another man’s hell.

Especially when you’re dealing with psychopaths and invading entities with ulterior motives.

The UN’s Agenda 21 gives most of this ongoing plan away, as they work to take away private property and drive the world’s people off the land and into efficient, highly controlled “population centers”. If you want to see how they’re going about implementing Agenda 21 search your local area. It’s no doubt happening now in your community and you know nothing about it, unless you’re in the loop or a real alert activist.

And this beautiful newly restored earth they plan to rehabilitate, using stored seeds from the Norway Vault and other locations? Why it’s for them. And the surviving eugenically inferior Gammas will be evolved into a nice, tidy fully obedient roboslave. Any movies come to mind? Books? Is that an accident? Do a search on dystopian books and movies to get an eye full of this predictive programming. All part of the master plan.

This superior race and “gifted” mental manpower after all deserves to be treated as such. Just look at royalty through the ages, or oligarchical power families like the Rothschilds and their closely held minions. They have convinced humanity that it’s fine, in fact important for our culture, that so few should live in such obscene, hoarded wealth while the serfs of the world die of starvation.

That humanity hasn’t risen up to overthrow these wicked rulers once and for all is beyond me. But that’s why their system is set to entrance and entrain us from birth in the ways of their imposed matrix, so we have as hard a time as possible waking up out of their spellbinding ensnarement.



Hijacking Context – A Whole New World for Whom?

We’re about to see this New World Order meme hit total acceptance and popularity. They’re very good at this sort of thing. Much of the New Age movement is playing into this and a lot of these arising manipulated movements in the alternative community. A predominant sector is the mainstream science community, which you can witness in what their science talking heads promote as steps toward a “bold new world” with such unnatural insanities as transhumanism, genetic modification, geoengineering and micro and nanotech implants.

That is not a good future for humanity. That is a good future for control by the Overlords, at our expense. Yet amazingly great sectors of humanity buy into it. Why? They’ve learned to buy what they’re being sold, period. It’s all about the conditioned sales job, and they’ve perfected the technique…at least to the unwary. Hence the dichotomy between the awake and asleep.

Who doesn’t want a new world compared to the mess this has become? Problem is what a new world means to them versus the one it means to a consciously aware human being.  Just think of all the dreamy songs about a new world coming, or that we’re making. Of course that has appeal. But like everything else, these deceiving manipulators have something completely different in mind than you and me, and something most would never even dare to conceive to be true.

Elites Celebrate Their Plan In Plain Site – And We Fall for it!

The following production as you’ll see is quite elaborate, extremely well prepared and amazingly delivered by an incredible talent. See for yourself:

First of all, I don’t like kids being deliberately imbued with adult characteristics for promotional purposes. It’s just wrong. Children are being pressured into very strange social and cultural straightjackets more and more and it’s a psychological and spiritual crime. Let kids be kids and develop naturally.

If you were touched by that song and think ‘what a wonderful thing’ I can understand. At face value there are a lot of sweet sentiments and it’s a rich tune with an apparently inspiring message. Applied the right way.
I, however,  only saw that backwards. As I said, it’s a sweet sentiment, but it’s the Illuminists’ message I’m afraid. They’re talking about the day after,  after we’re gone to the dumpsters and they have full sway…the fulfillment of their New World Order just down the road, so they think. No way those elites attending there see this current world in that context. They see an eviscerated world that has been carefully replanted.  See the Georgia Guidestones for proof.

Mannequin Manipulation

She’s way too choreographed and coached, and as I said it’s clearly not a child’s sentiment. The setting and promotion is elitist, with a hot shot big time insider music mogul, stuffy theatre with penguin elites and all, and if you noticed as the end it had illuminist torches across the ceiling. That’s symbolic of Prometheus  bringing “illuminating” fire to man against the orders of the mean other god yada yada.  A whole subject unto itself. Another false opposition for the sake of appeal. (Man the creepy critters behind all this are wickedly smart bastards.)

The very clever deceptive message is that the elites want peace and a new world for everyone. Oh, sorry, forgot to mention, we’re not included. That new world is for them and it’s one nasty, twisted idea of heaven on earth with those they murdered under their feet.

And the gooey message appeal? We get literally forced into those feelings because there’s so much truth to it and we instantly jump into OUR interpretation without the least big of understanding of WHO is promoting this message and WHY!

You do have to wonder if this poor little girl isn’t a product of the massive mind control program. She’s almost robotic in her perfect gestures and delivery. Scarey.



The elites have always been the art, music and knowledge guardians, and the mainstream author, researcher and education “sponsors”. Not by coincidence. Control and programming information is the name of the game. And how they see their message of “hope” and what they aspire to is crucial to understanding what we’re witnessing around us, via logos, media programming, scientific advances etc. etc.

We’re witnessing their plan unfolding…one of total control of our people and environment, with an eye to even move out this control grid to other planets. We’ll be seeing the space programming coming on strong now with more fake asteroid attacks and perhaps alien “disclosure” as the Vatican is currently engaged in. All in the plan, folks. We’re militarizing everything we can get our hands on at our expense. Ever wonder where the disappeared trillions went to?

It’s time to end all of this insanity and throw some cold water on our faces and wake up while there’s still time.

These so called “elites” who’ve wangled their way into places of power and control for centuries are an aberration. They’re a type of fungus or parasite that has spread throughout the body politic. As the host weakens the infection spreads more quickly, like what they’re doing with chemtrails and tainted water and food. Eventually the very thing they had hoped to conquer and own is dead if it succeeds, so not such a smart game plan after all.

Healing for all of us is in becoming conscious, awake and aware of what they’re up to and the glorious realities of the powers at our disposal. Indigenous non compliance and diversified pro-active responses will then naturally proliferate, as they are now. The human body can heal and recover from any infection with the right nutrition, stopping the poisonous influx of wrong attachments, information and vibrations, and detoxing from any currently held “beliefs” and attitudes.

It is that easy.

But knowing our enemy is a big help. And essential to understand.

Stay clean. See past the illusion.

We’re approaching critical mass and it’s all about conscious awareness, detaching from the matrix, and understanding and Trusting the intuitive.

Much love, Zen

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness. - Lao Tzu




27 Mar 2013

40 Pedo`s in British politics named and shamed

The peadophile rings try to ensnare the richest, most powerful and influential in all strata of society, the name of the game is blackmail. They then have politicians, police, judges and whoever they need in their pockets.
Why else would someone like Saville be allowed within a zillion miles of the royal family and remain protected for so long?

Why haven't there been hundreds more arrests?

Blackmail within the system, it's a house of cards.

DRAKE : Jamie Dimon Resigns From JP Morgan; Says ‘Put Bankers in Jail’ (satire)

Jamie Dimon Resigns From JP Morgan; Says ‘Put Bankers in Jail’ (satire)


When the big cheese is bailing, you know things are about to get rough, and when the banksters themselves are saying the banksters should be arrested, you know things have been bad for quite some time. There are people who still don’t understand the depth of the corruption, though, or they would have closed their accounts long ago, as I did.

But—he must be an okay guy because he’s been doing yoga and researching Buddhism!—as if that makes any difference. He’s calling for a criminal investigation? Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? This is probably a farce article, or wishful thinking. There’s no record of a “Financial News” publication.

READ MORE AT AMERICAN NATIONAL MILITIA :  http://americannationalmilitia.com/jamie-dimon-resigns-from-jp-morgan-says-put-bankers-in-jail-satire/

UK Column Live - 27th March 2013

Brian Gerrish and Louise Collins with today's news update, including David Miliband heads off to New York to head up a CIA front organisation, the last attempts to water down the Secret Courts Bill falter, the Border Agency privatisation and the Bank of England demands UK banks do more to protect themselves from bad debts. Too late.

Brand new GMO food can rewire your body: more evil coming

by: Jon Rappoport

(NaturalNews) It's already bad. Very bad. For the past 25 years, the biotech Dr. Frankensteins have been inserting DNA into food crops.

The widespread dangers of this technique have been exposed. People all over the world, including many scientists and farmers, are up in arms about it.

Countries have banned GMO crops or insisted on labeling.

Now, though, the game is changing, and it'll make things even more unpredictable. The threat is ominous and drastic, to say the least.

GM Watch reports the latest GMO innovation: designed food plants that make new double-stranded (ds) RNA. What does the RNA do? It can silence a gene. It can activate a gene that was silent.

If you imagine the gene structure as a board covered with light bulbs, in the course of living some genes light up (activation) and some genes go dark (silent) at different times. This new designed RNA can change that process. No one knows how.

No one knows because no safety studies have been done. If you have genes lighting up and going dark in unpredictable ways, the functions of a plant or a body can change randomly.

Genes that were doing their jobs could stop doing their jobs. Other genes that were dormant could spring into action and perform tasks that weren't meant to be performed.

Think of this latest biotech "innovation" as a drunk playing pinball. Lights on the board go on and off, and TILT is always a distinct possibility.

As GM Watch reports, an Australian company, CSIRO, has designed wheat and barley seeds that put genes to sleep, "to change the type of starch made by the plant."

Also on the way: next-generation biopesticide food crops that repel insect predators. In this case, the designer RNA can be injected or even sprayed. When a gene is silenced in the insect, it dies.

GM Watch states there is published evidence that the designer RNA can move from the plants into the bodies of people who eat the plants, outlasting cooking and digestion, and winding up in the bloodstream.

The RNA has changed gene-expression (activation/silencing) in mice.

Several food-safety inspectors in several countries have been interviewed. They simply rubber-stamp the new RNA technology, assuming it's safe. No problem.

Pinball, roulette, use any metaphor you want to; this is playing with the fate of the human race. Walk around with designer-RNA in your body, and who knows what effects will follow.

There are still people, at this late date, who believe that all science is good science. They blithely accept the latest thing, and refuse to acknowledge that scientists can be crazy, stupid, or malevolent. They also fail to make the connection between junk science and the greed for profit at any human cost.

Biotech giants like Monsanto view their genetic operation from an entirely different level. Every new DNA or RNA tweak to a plant---no matter how insane---allows them to file a patent, to own that new artificially designed piece of Nature. This is their approach, and it's obvious they intend to control the planet's food supply.

It's a mafia program writ large across the whole world: "buy from us or else; pay us our cut."

Meanwhile, the damage they inflict is of no concern to them, as the spinning of the genetic roulette wheel opens up the human race to vast mutations.

The new Monsanto Protection Act, as it's called, is a cynical piece of legislation that underlines this lack of concern; it torpedoes the ability of the court system to stop new gene-designed crops from popping up everywhere.

Source: GM Watch, 3/22/13, "New paper on dsRNA risks---briefing for non-specialists." http://www.gmwatch.org

26 Mar 2013

Splitting The Sky Remembered - The Corbett Report Podcast

In this edition of The Corbett Report podcast, James Corbett memorializes John Boncore, aka Splitting the Sky, a Mohawk activist, 9/11 truth campaigner, war criminal protester, Attica State riot leader, and Gustafsen Lake Standoff organizer. Splitting The Sky had a remarkable life. Tragically, that life was cut short last week after an unexplained incident near his home in Chase, British Columbia.




by Michael Henry Dunn

JAKARTA, March 24th, 2013 – Earlier this week, we informed you that crucial new evidence had come to light for Neil Keenan’s epic trillion-dollar lawsuit against the oligarchy.  The source of this evidence remains mysterious – apparently a friend who wished to remain anonymous.  The evidence simply dropped into Mr. Keenan’s e-mail inbox, with a subject heading referencing important documents.  The sender’s e-mail address identified a person tied to high political circles in the U.S.  – one that Neil might expect to have access to such sensitive material.  The body of the e-mail itself, however, contained nothing but a web address.  At that address were parked the documents.  However, the material on the site could not be downloaded, and could not be copied, but could only be viewed (a screen shot probably might have worked, but Neil is not a tech-savvy millennial kid, merely a paradigm-shifting hard-nosed global freedom fighter, so this option did not occur to him).  He shared the contents with our team, and we excitedly but guardedly shared the news with the world in our last post .....................


25 Mar 2013

Benjamin Fulford 26th March 2013 : Many Big Scalps implicated

Investigations into the nuclear terror threat against the UK Olympics last summer and into the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan have netted a lot of big fish and is starting to zero in on US President Barack Obama, according to M-I-6, Japanese military intelligence and Japanese royal family sources. 

Among people now being questioned are George Bush Sr. and former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone of Japan, the sources say. Nakasone was taken into custody by six pentagon types last week and is undergoing questioning, a Japanese royal family source says. Also, Japanese Zionist politician Shintaro Ishihara has been reported missing by his family and yakuza sources say he has been tortured to death (in the official news says Ishihara has been hospitalized and is not receiving visitors). 

Obama was implicated because he orchestrated the illegal ouster of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in 2010 when Rudd started warning of an imminent nuclear terror threat to Japan, according to Australian police sources. The affair, referred to by investigators Ruddgate, it may be the one that finally ousts the cabal.

Rudd was ousted 3 days after an Australian agent, named Alexander Moore, went to the Australian embassy in Tokyo with proof that a nuclear weapon had been smuggled into Japan for terrorist purposes. The embassy forwarded the proof to then Prime Minister Rudd as well as to US President Obama. Obama then ordered the ouster of Rudd in order to allow the nuclear and tsunami terror attack on Japan to continue as planned, the Australian intelligence agency sources say.

The man operationally in charge of the terror attack on Japan was Christopher Stevens who was the “ambassador Stevens” tortured to death in Libya last year. Since then, as previously reported, several dozens of top US military and CIA officials have been fired, as part of the investigation that has now netted Bush Sr. and Nakasone.

A related investigation into the nuclear threat against the London Olympics last summer is also closing in on the guilty parties. In particular, Sir John Scarlett, former head of MI6 and top Nazi in the UK, is going to be detained and his network shut down, according to MI5 and Scotland Yard sources. Scarlett is the man, MI5 says, who put together the “dodgy intelligence file” justifying the invasion of Iraq.

Underneath Scarlett can be found Sir Jeremy Haywood, who as Chief Cabinet Secretary, controls all the bureaucratic institutions in the UK, including the police.

Reporting to Haywood is Sara Thornton, Chief Constable of the Thames Valley police. Thornton was in charge of police special operations and was promoted to Deputy Chief Constable in August 2003 two weeks after Dr. David Kelly was killed in her district on July 17th. Kelly was the UK bioweapons expert who was killed after telling the BBC that the case justifying the invasion of Iraq was based on fake evidence.

Thornton is now leading a witch hunt in the UK aimed at covering up her superior’s role in the plot to hit London with a nuclear bomb.

The plot to bomb London failed thanks to warnings by patriotic MI6 agents. The 550 kiloton Ukranian Granitza warhead that was supposed to be used for the attack was taken out of the UK by Serbian drug smugglers, according to Eastern European intelligence sources. The bomb is now in Jerusalem, these sources say.

Scarlett, the man who, at the very least knew about the planned London nuclear terror and failed to act, reports to J.P. Morgan. Among other things, the intended nuclear attack on London was supposed to take out the City of London financial district so that the British would be forced to give up the Pound Sterling and accept the Euro, the MI5 sources say. J.P. Morgan had made big bets based on such an outcome.

Scarlett and his group also framed the head of the anti-terrorism division of the SAS, as a part of the ongoing attempt to cover their tracks.

However, with their uber-bosses like Bush and former pope Ratzinger and Tony Blair out of power, it is only a matter of time before Scarlett and his Nazi crew are removed from the picture.

The Russians are also intensifying their attack on Nazi influence by confiscating German assets in Russia to retaliate for the EU grab of Russian money in Cyprus, according to a senior P2 freemason source.

There are also moves in the work to force the Germans to give up on the Euro by hitting their car exports. “If you stop their car exports, then the German trade surplus vanishes because they have nothing else,” an FSB source said. It is also possible they will start “finding” multiple problems with German cars sold to the 180 nation BRICS block.

In any case, the “solution” to the Cyprus crisis did not really save the Euro because it involves capital controls. That is like saying citizens of Kansas cannot send their US dollars to other states while pretending it is business as usual.

The fact that the EU leaders have grabbed private bank deposits to pay of bankers has not been lost of savers in other parts of the Euro Zone. Serious capital flight has already begun in Spain, Portugal and elsewhere as savers there take their euros out before they are seized.

While the Euro crisis smolders on, the cabalists are still desperately trying to start World War 3. As predicted, chemical weapons have been used in Syria by the Nazi/Zionist cabalist Muslim brotherhood and their allies like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a desperate attempt to start their Messianic World War 3.

Syria is now “a killing field, especially for children” according to a Western ambassador to Syria. “The situation is too horrific to even conceive, children are being trafficked, sold into slavery, cut up into pieces for transplants; all sort of horrors, the worst imaginable,” the career diplomat said.

However, the Zionist terror is not expected to be able to last much longer. The pentagon and the good guys in the intelligence and military organizations around the world are on the case.

23 Mar 2013

Welcome to the Apocalypse and Unveiling of the Truth

THE JORDAN MAXWELL SHOW : Commerce and Banking Show #1

Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent Scholar and Lecturer in the fields of Secret Societies, Occult Philosophies and UFO-ology since 1959. His work is not only fascinating to explore, but too important to ignore.


US vs American Citizen. Research “Commerce game”, on how banks really work. Lessons from Jordan. Who owns you? US Inc.

As an American national, you are protected under the Bill of Rights, the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Declaration of Independence. Has benefits, as well as draw backs.

US Citizens are employees of US Inc. Jordan explains the “Body Social”, in terms of Law. When you retire, you receive Social Security profit sharing from use of your security. “They” are not giving you anything, you worked for it. Each person is a “Security” around the world. Why are “Birth Certificates”, on Stock paper?

Humans are Stock for the US Corporation. Birth Certificate are on the Stock Market. Your body was security for the Federal Reserve when was the Federal Reserve formed! What are the numbers on the back of your Social Security Card, and on the back of your Birth Certificate?

Banks cannot loan you someone else’s money, they loan you your money. Why banks loan on Commercial Paper. US CITIZENS are employees of the Corporation, that is why you need a License for everything from a marriage license, a business license, and a driver’s license. It’s all business.

MAX IGAN : Illuminati Mind Control Spells and Illusions


Max Igan – Surviving the Matrix – March 22th, 2013

Universal Law trumps all others.

1. No man or woman, in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life and property and, any and all contracts I am a party to, not giving full disclosure to me, whether signed by me or not, are void at my discretion.

2. I may use force in self-defense against anyone that violates Law 1.

3. There shall be no exceptions to Law 1 and 2.
“When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader” – Plato

22 Mar 2013

Billy Corgan: Total Paradigm Shift

Smashing Pumpkins founder and lead singer Billy Corgan joined Alex Jones once again in studio for a powerful interview. In this excerpt, Corgan analyzes the momentum of the infowar, while hinting at an even greater awakening hindered only by population's refusal to confront the truth and embrace a shift into a totally new paradigm.

Fascist Dope Meets Fascist Pope

'As all this was coming to light, we had heard that elderly, Zimbabwean despot Robert Mugabe, 89, himself a Catholic, had planned to be at the Vatican this week, to greet Pope Francis. But we didn’t know he would actually be treated as a VIP and get to shake the Pontiff’s hand. Of course being the brutal, racist dictator that he is, Mugabe has been banned from traveling to European Union nations, which presumably includes Italy (the international airport he landed at is in Rome). The U.S. has had economic sanctions against Zimbabwe for a decade now.'

Read more: Fascist Dope Meets Fascist Pope


UK Column Live - 22nd March 2013

Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with today's news update, including Tim Rustage, arrested without a warrant by English police and taken to Scotland on suspicion of writing a blog post about Elish Angiolini, Cyprus and Britain's first secret Supreme Court hearing.

Action Alert: We Have 1 Week Or Less to Stop Genetically Engineered Foods and Destruction of the Separation of Powers

Painting by Anthony Freda: www.AnthonyFreda.com.

Bill Would Strip Courts of Power … And Push
Genetically Modified Foods Onto Our Plates


America has been decimated by the breakdown of the separation of powers between different branches of government. For example, the executive branch is negotiating laws in secret – and grabbing powers – without telling Congress.

And life-and-death decisions about who the government labels an “enemy combatant” and assassinates are being kept away from the judges altogether.

At the same time, government agencies like the FDA go to great lengths to cover up the potential health damage from genetically modified foods, and to keep the consumer in the dark about what they’re really eating. Remember, genetically engineered foods have been linked to obesity, cancer, liver failure, infertility and all sorts of other diseases (brief, must-watch videos here and here).

Things are about to get a lot worse within the next week … unless we stand up and say “NO!”
Specifically, a law has been snuck into the Agriculture Appropriations bill – which will be approved by March 27th – which would destroy the separation of powers by stripping courts of the power to challenge genetically modified foods.


The “Monsanto Rider” (section 735) uses “farmer-friendly” happy talk, but is an iron-fisted ploy to allow GMO crops to be planted even if a court has ruled that planting them is illegal.

If the United States Department of Agriculture – which suffered “regulatory capture” by the big food companies decades ago – approves a genetically modified food without any testing, a court can enjoin (i.e. halt) production of that food until testing occurs.

Yet the Monsanto Rider would strip the courts of power, and would allow GMO crops to be planted and put in our food … no matter what a judge has ruled.

21 Mar 2013


Long before humans ever had a need to begin using psychological masks as individuals we were already operating under the larger auspices of social masking known as the hive mentality.  I pretty much conjure that it all started when humans began forming social collectives and living together for protection...think cave men.  Prehistoric Earth was a much harder place to get by in than today, so that protection became a very high priority.  If you wished to have the protection and companionship of the group, you most likely went along with whatever the head honcho decreed, which come to think of it is still working real well these days.  Being "blackballed" from the tribe might not be so bad nowadays but back then I'm pretty certain it was a time-release death penalty.

 The patterns were formed and the programming became 'hardwired'- Safety in numbers, and we have pretty much been communal creatures ever since.  Back in the 60's, some communes of free thinkers began sprouting up as those tired of the hive mind left the cities to create hives of their own, allowing in only like minded thinkers.  Kinda like trading one hive mind for another one...think upgrades.  The hippies were the first in modern times to recognize the true potential of the hive mind, if focused on spirit rather than greed.  You see, we really are hardwired to work as a collective, it's known as the collective consciousness, and the collective unconscious.  These are the avenues of unity consciousness, which is what we are striving for in this consciousness driven revolution.  
Unfortunately for us today; this capacity for unity consciousness has been long ago hijacked, and deformed into something more conducive to breeding compliant slaves to serve the hijackers.   By deliberately exploiting a natural human tendency toward collective thinking, the 'elitists' down thru history have always sought to manipulate and even program our thinking to their liking.  Maybe that's why today all of the worlds newspapers, radio & TV stations are owned by just three corporations; and why "clear channel" and Homeland Insecurity are seeking to control all of it.

 I well remember the swarm of psychological self-analysis books that appeared around 1970, such as Future Shock by Alvin Toffler, and The Primal Scream, by Arthur Janov. Self-help was all the rage that year as so many folks tried to find some middle ground between the communes and the corporations, some fertile mental realm where sanity still prevailed.  It was 18 months later when another groundbreaking writer, & social psychologist Irving Janis appeared on the scene, with his early research on the hive mind, "Victims of Groupthink." Ten years later came his seminal work on the subject: "Groupthink; Psychological studies of policy decisions and fiascos," wherein he pioneered research into the existence and dynamics of the hive mentality in modern culture.   
Janis described groupthink as a kind of rationalized conformity wherein individuals waived critical thinking in favor of majority rule, often with undesired results.  Janis described groupthink this way;  "The more amiability & esprit de corps there is among a policy making ingroup, the greater the danger that independent critical thinking will be replaced by groupthink which is likely to result in irrational & dehumanizing actions directed against outgroups." 
 The terms groupthink, ingroup & outgroup stem from and are derivative of George Orwell's classic "1984" which gave us such terms as doublethink, and newspeak used as to identify with authority.  Certainly Janis is not the only one to have drawn inspiration from Orwell's work, but was the first one to see and understand the phenomenon of groupthink well established in society.    Janis' book remains the quintessential research on the hive mind, and has established the eight symptoms of groupthink, as follows:
1.~ Illusion of invulnerability; where excessive optimism encourages extreme risk.
2.~ Collective Rationalization, the ignoring of warnings & failure to consider alternatives.
3.~ Belief in inherent morality; where the members of the group believe that being right    exempts them from ethical and moral consequences of their decision.
4.~ Stereotyped views of outgroups; creates & sustains a negative view of the "enemy".
5. ~ Direct pressure on Dissenters; constant peer pressure not to argue with or question the groups or leaders views.
6.~ Self-Censorship; members decline to express their own doubts or misgivings.
7.~ Illusion of Unanimity; where the majority view is assumed to be unanimous.
8. ~ Self-appointed 'Mindguards' -  where the members protect the leader & group from problematic information, new views etc. etc.

If you are looking for examples of the groupthink fiasco dynamic you have but to review some American political/military history.  Pearl Harbor, Bay of Pigs, escalation of Vietnam war, Iran hostage rescue, ramp-up to wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, weapons of mass destruction debacle, U.S. involvement in the Islamic revolution in Egypt, Libya and Syria...and that's just the short list.  On the civilian side there is the IRS, CPS, DMV, & PTA, JDL, ADA and many other groups who want to tell us how to think, and just who the "real enemy" really is...and we march to the beat of their drums at the expense of all our futures, and the futures of our grandchildren.  We are currently marching lockstep into the oblivion of the trans-human agenda being perpetrated by global elitist groupthink which never deviates from its goal of control. 

When I was just a little whippersnapper as gramps used to call me, Television was just beginning it's assault on the human mind, as the status of groupthink demanded everyone should have one...and now nearly everyone in America does.  Currently 96.7 % of American homes have at least one TV set.  The revolution will be televised.  The rational mind might well ask "when is enough, enough?" Trouble is that rational minds are not welcome in groupthink, so it becomes a moot point. 
Television became the greatest facilitator of groupthink since the invention of radio as it allowed the elites easy access to the mind of the American consumer sheep...
 and this is how it looks!

Nothing from outside is allowed inside the Bubble

If you aren't controlling your thoughts someone will do it for you.


"Reason is the greatest enemy faith has ever had"


"A man is but the product of his thoughts~what he thinks, he becomes."
                                                                    ~Mahatma Gandhi~

To those who never have enough, there is no such thing as enough control over the population and so they have come to exploit every single human instinct, tendency & weakness they can identify, starting with the brain.  They have mapped our genomes and our brains, discovering just what makes us tick; and how we are most likely to react given any specific stimulus.   

They invented neuro-lingustic programming to perfect the science of syntax, suggestion and programming, then set it loose in academia to wreck its havoc and strengthen groupthink.  The so called education system is in reality nothing more than boot camp for groupthink.  Look at all the clubs, teams, & groups which exist as part of the structure, then add in the social cliques and "ingroups" and hell, I am amazed any of us escaped with our wits intact.  Seriously folks, these guys aren't gonna be satisfied until they've turned us all into the Borg!

To our unconscious minds groupthink must seem a safe and reassuring place, kinda like the caves our ancestors once lived in, there is safety in numbers.  There is also anonymity within groupthink, the kind that can result in much trauma to the soul when faced with the frequently horrific outcomes of groupthink.  If you taped an American flag on your car and yelled "bring it on" as you pounded your chest right after 9-11 then you also bear some of the responsibility for every death resulting from groupthink allowing us to be lied into two un-necessary wars.   

If you haven't screamed bloody murder over these and numerous other outrages every day of these long 12 years, then some of that blood is on your hands for allowing it to happen in silence.  No apologies, that's just how I see it.  Every closed mind and silent mouth only enables our overseers more, and strengthens the stranglehold of groupthink and the hive mind. 

 When one considers the impact of groupthink upon the men we sent to fight in those wars for loot & plunder, and the psyche-fracturing resulting from participating in atrocities, is it any wonder we have such record numbers of desertions and suicides?  Maybe something worth thinking about on this anniversary of the My-Lai massacre in Vietnam 45 years ago.  
Groupthink was wrong on every reason for sending those men over there and when they return groupthink just dumps them back into society without any time or therapy to help de-fuse, de-program or re-sensitize them.  Whats one more injustice?  Whats one more atrocity? Whats one more Vet who kills himself because he fears hurting his loved ones?  That IS why they do it - not because they can't hack it; just so you know.



'A company that develops crowd control weapons for the military and law enforcement personnel have now created an advanced ’Minority Report’ style facial – and emotion - recognition system.

The Fraunhofer Institute which receives over 70% of its funding from government bodies, have developed technology that they are calling a Sophisticated High-speed Object Recognition Engine (SHORE).

The system can recognise faces with 91.5% accuracy, determine gender with 94.3% accuracy and estimate age with a mean absolute error of 6.85 years, all in realtime.'




A Press backlash against the Government’s plan for a media watchdog underpinned in law intensified today as it emerged that the internet will be targeted for the first time.
The draft version of the document suggests that foreign-based or owned websites such as Twitter, Huffington Post, Facebook, Holy Moly, the Guido Fawkes political site and even The New York Times will be subject to the stifling controls if their articles are aimed at ‘an audience in the UK’.
But as confusion mounted about exactly who would be covered, the government said it would leave it entirely up to the new regulator to decide whether major foreign sites should be made to sign up.


How Even the Kremlin and Iran 

Scorn Britain for Shackling a Free Press


'From Iran to Zimbabwe and New York to Sydney, the world’s media has reacted with astonishment to the assault on a free Press in Britain.
As plans to shackle newspapers with state regulation were unveiled, the French declared it a ‘sad day’, the Canadians said it was ‘a mess’ and the Australians branded it ‘scary’.
Even the Russians are aghast, with Britain’s humiliation complete as newspapers in Moscow and authoritarian regimes such as Ukraine accused the UK of censorship.'


Kosher Nostra Want to Curb UK Press

Who are the wealthy people who have backed 

the campaign for curbs on the UK press?



Analysis: How the deal to end over 300 years 

of a 'free press' was done


Abnormally Large 'Super Cows' Being Manufactured by Frankenscientists for Beef Production

'Did you know that some varieties of beef on the market today come from cattle that has been deliberately modified to grow abnormally large muscles for beef production? A recent segment aired by the National Geographic Channel offers a glimpse into the eerie production of so-called "super cows," which intentionally bear a defective gene that allows them to grow atypically large with a "double muscle" build.'

Read more: Abnormally Large 'Super Cows' Being Manufactured by Frankenscientists for Beef Production


20 Mar 2013


EXCERPT: "...This documentary reveals Canada's darkest secret - the deliberate extermination of indigenous (Native American) peoples and the theft of their land under the guise of religion. This never before told history as seen through the eyes of this former minister (Kevin Annett) who blew the whistle on his own church, after he learned of thousands of murders in its Indian Residential Schools..."



Kevin Annett - The Higherside Chats - 03-17-13 - Vatican Crimes and The Pope's Resignation


































Hmmmm ... tum te tum te tum


BENJAMIN FULFORD : A view to start becoming responsible citizens and use funds for the end of Poverty

It may be just a coincidence but it may also be a sign that something big is about to happen. There will be a new Pope, a new Bank of Japan governor and a new Israeli government taking office on March 19th, a date of occult significance for Asian secret societies (and also, by sheer coincidence, this writer’s birthday).
Pope Francis has already made it clear the soon to be reformed Vatican bank will now be spending its money helping the poorest and weakest people on the planet. Haruhiko Kuroda, the new BOJ governor, also supports plans to use Japan’s overseas assets, the world’s largest, to finance a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. The new Israeli government is bankrupt and cannot finance anything but perhaps they are about to become serious about peace for the first time since that troubled country came into being.

There are also many reports of bad guys dropping off the radar screen recently.

In Japan, for example, the Zionist slave and war-mongering right-wing crypto-North Korean pseudo-nationalist politician Shintaro Ishihara has gone into hiding, according to Japanese military intelligence. This is clear a sign the entire post-war cabal apparatus for secret control of Japan is falling apart. In the US and Europe the arrests and resignations are continuing as well. See this site for a partial list:


As far as Queen Elizabeth, (who like the Pope supports a big push to end poverty), is concerned, this is what an MI5 source had to say:

“She is well. She has some ‘lingering’ symptoms which she said last week that the doctors can’t explain. This serves to confirm our previous reports of avoiding the Rome trip [for security reasons].

She has missed some public appointments in the UK also but is working hard behind the scenes.”

However, the biggest change in the past week has been at the Vatican. Pope Francis, the first Jesuit to become Pope, chose March 19th to formally take the job because it is the feast day of St. Joseph, the guardian of Jesus. The name Francis was chosen for a series of reasons, according to a P2 freemason source. First of all, St. Francis of Assisi, among other things, introduced the concept of caring for nature to Catholicism. Another namesake, Francis Xavier, was the top Jesuit for Japan and India. Finally, the third head of the Jesuits, Francis Borgia (from the aristocratic Italian family) challenged corrupt popes.

The Jesuits are also featured as prominent fighters against Satan, notably in the movie the Exorcist, which was supposedly based on a true story.

However, there is also a spooky side to the name because the Pope’s family comes from Rome and one of his birth names was Peter. For believers in the prophecies of St. Malachi, it means he is Peter the Roman, the last pope. The prophecy of Malachi, according to Wikipedia, ends thus:

“Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.”

If Pope Francis is serious about reforming the Vatican bank, he will confront the Satanic cabal that has illegally commandeered the Western financial system. The last time somebody tried to do that, the cabal staged the 911 terror attacks to preserve their financial control. It is thus extremely urgent to make sure the cabalists are prevented from any attempt to destroy Rome and its priceless cultural and social heritage.

Questions have also been raised about the new Pope’s involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. This writer’s father was Canadian Ambassador to Argentina during the dirty war and as a result I was a front line witness to those events.

The first thing to note is that the Jesuits have been slaughtered en masse several times in Latin America for helping the poor and downtrodden and thus learned to be very careful when dealing with the military wing of the Roman Empire in South America. To get an idea, please watch the movie “The Mission.” The dirty war, in which 30,000 people were kidnapped, tortured and killed was just the latest in an ancient history of Roman military slaughter.

When I was there our next door neighbor was kidnapped twice. We had a 24 hour Argentinian special forces guard stationed at our house. One of them showed me his notebook from the police academy; it was filled with instructions on how to make bombs. He said he had been told to set off bombs so the military government could blame it on the “terrorists,” and so justify their fascist government. He also said that he and his buddies grabbed leftists, hippies as well as “known criminals or troublemakers” and killed them in order to “make Argentina safe.”

Once, when some of the junta generals were at our house for dinner, my mother asked about the fate of some “leftists” who had recently been arrested. The general (I cannot remember which one) said “torture must not be handled by Sadists, it needs to be done rationally and without emotion.”

During a bus trip down to the South of the country, me and a friend talked about things like Carlos Castaneda (of the Don Juan books) and marijuana. The bus was suddenly stopped by military policemen who came into the bus, pointed machine guns at us and dragged us off the bus. If I did not have a Canadian passport saying my father was a diplomat, we would have been tortured and killed. In our case, we were let go after they searched us thoroughly (and took whatever they liked). It turns out the police went after us because the lady sitting in front of us did not like our conversation and informed on us.

There were also cases at the time of things like people getting rid of rival suitors by calling the police and anonymously accusing them of being communists or the like.

What I am trying to say here is that the actions of Pope Francis as a Jesuit during the dirty war needs to be seen in the context of the times.

The people of Argentina have now attained justice by putting these generals behind bars with common criminals. Let us see if the American and European people can do the same thing, starting with the Bush crime family.

Other than the new pope, the other major development has been the bank run in Cyprus. The bank run that was triggered by a government plan to confiscate 10% or more of savings has been widely reported and there is no need to regurgitate that here. What we can add from our sources is that the Cyprus case is a money grab by desperate cabalists. There is also some sort of link to the fact, according to a Vatican P2 lodge Middle East expert, that Russians have been taking gold and other assets out of Europe via Syria. The Cyprus money grab may be a counter-attack against the Russians, who have been active in Cyprus. However, a different P2 source says the events in Cyprus are a precursor to an upcoming attack on the German financial system. “The end of the Cabal banks is scheduled for March 31st,” he says.

The recent mass resignations (the Pope, Queen Beatrix, Senator J. Rockefeller, CIA head Petraeus etc.) are a sign that this time it might be for real. It is thus clear financial warfare that continues at the highest level and that the good guys are winning.

However, we must remember that many predicted dates of change have come and gone without the promised events taking place. We must not let up the pressure until the cabal fully surrenders and humanity is freed.

source »


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.


You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time.

Find out more about this here.
