10 Oct 2014

Mainstream Journalist Comes Clean : THEIR TIME IS UP


There’s a rebel

lying deep in my soul

A top German Journalist and Editor Dr. Udo Ulfkatte has just gone public with some shocking admissions.  He basically admitted what all of us who read the alternative media have known for a long time – the entire mainstream media is totally fake!
He went into a very detailed talk in this video and spilled the beans about everything!  He talked about how the CIA gets control over all of the major journalists.  He is sick of the lying and decided to go public with everything he knows.  He’s already had 3 heart attacks and decided he didn’t care anymore about what they would do to him!  He’s a real hero.
This is an amazing video that must be shared with every human that hasn’t woken up yet and still believes anything they see on Fox News and the rest of the fraud media!
For the first time in history a well known journalist has come forward and told all the secrets!
Our news is completely FAKE and he tells you how it operates!

Dr Udo Ulfkotte, journalist and author





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