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Left: Alfonso Luigi Marra Right: Mario Monti |
Public Prosecutor of Rome to Investigate Bilderberg Group on Allegations of Corruption and Conduct of Politicians
Written by Andrew Puhanic
Published on Friday, February 8th, 2013
Globalist Report
An Italian Lawyer from Italy, Alfonso Luigi Marra, has gone to the extraordinary length to request that the Public Prosecutor of Rome investigate the Bilderberg Group.
However, rather than only implicating the Bilderberg Group as Ferdinando Imposimato is trying to do, Lawyer Alfonso Luigi Marra has even gone to the extraordinary length to implicate the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti (another Bilderberg Group regular attendee) and has asked the Public Prosecutor of Rome to Investigate the Bilderberg Group.
The following is a translation of the complete transcript of the request made by Alfonso Luigi Marra against the Bilderberg Group and Mario Monti.
Please note, this is an online translation from Italian to English, so some of the English may not be grammatically correct.
To read the original version of this transcript, click here.
Denunciation of belonging to Mario Monti and other criminal organization and occult called Bilderberg Club (Bilderberg Group).
I, the undersigned Alfonso Luigi Marra, born in San Giovanni in Fiore (CS), and electively domiciled in Naples, Business District G1, Denunzio membership of Mr. Mario Monti, born on 19/12/43, and various other characters listed below, the circle Bilderberg, in relation to two profiles.
The first the occultezza and the second is the tremendous wrongfulness of the purposes of Bilderberg that, even according to witnesses such as the Hon. Ferdinando Imposimato, derived from court papers, are to be seen as a “secret world government seeking to destabilize democracies through the carnage.”
Bilderberg has indeed reacted upon being exposed now in millions of web pages ‘autopubblicandosi’ in 2009 in a ‘forum’ so transparent that illustrate everything (except of course the crime). Things including the States, the time and place of the meetings (now ‘conferences’), actually known for years, why not explicit, but because doggedly revealed by the ‘hounds’ anti-international conspiracy, including the distinguished Daniel Estulin.
Such a ‘doing good’ (Daniel Estulin) to make certain that the next ‘conference’ would open the doors to the world and will be inspired by the purest ideals of the good, the beautiful, the just and the useful, because nothing stops these enemies of hours exposed ‘ humanity, to continue elsewhere conspiracies with which, since 1954, make love with our fortunes.
A ‘secrecy’ lasted more than 50 years because the result of very wide institutional collusion, media, political and judicial. So much so that many sources describe the Bilderberg even as born of hidden longings Globalists environments diverted NATO’s criminal secret society with the highest banking powers.
But a pointless gimmick, to groped to save autopubblicandosi, because the crimes are in the very words of which all’invero singular ‘forum’.
On the one hand reads fact the art. Anselmi 1 of Law (Law no. 17 of 25.02.82): “We consider secret societies, such as those prohibited by art. 18 of the Constitution, those which, even within associations evident, concealing their existence or taking secret purposes and social activities jointly or through the unknown, in whole or in part, and even each other, partners, engage in direct to interfere on the exercise of the functions of constitutional bodies, public administrations also an autonomous, public bodies, including economic, and essential public services of national interest. “
On the other hand, the home of the ‘forum’ Bilderberg – tragicomically – reads: “.. In short, Bilderberg is a small, flexible, informal and non-registered forum in which they can be expressed different points of view and can be intensified mutual understanding. Bilderberg The only activity is its annual Conference.
During these meetings are not collected votes and will not be issued rulings behaviour. Since 1954 were held 59 conferences. For each meeting, the names of the participants as the agenda shall be made public and can be found in the press. “
Lying words, because much more than meet once a year in the horrid activities consist of them, but that implies, in themselves, the illicit nature of Bilderberg, because the composition of the contexts of the characters ‘conferences’ mingle without documentation configures itself with the secret of Law Anselmi.
The configuration because it is – just as forbidden – a mixture of public men not free to attend meetings not private, non-protocol, undocumented segretati, with the owners of the world’s highest concentrations of private interests.
A surreal, unbelievable, illegal mixture of Heads of State, Kings, Queens, Ministers, Presidents of Parliaments (type Barroso), European Commissioners, closed in secret areas with bankers such as David Rockefeller, and others at the highest levels of the ECB, the Fed or the BDI, with the top of the top multinational companies, with journalists from major publications, and in fact with the key people of everything that happens in the world.
Men – just like Monti after the ‘conference’ of St. Moritz on 9/12 June 2011 – sol that sortano muffled by alcoves of the secrets of the rituals inseminatorii bilderberghina impregnation, are kidnapped by Messianic breaths and transferred to the Olympus of all forms of power, like Clinton, Obama (whose government representatives participating in the ‘conference’), Trichet, Ignazio Visco, Romano Prodi, Tony Blair, Mario Draghi, Franco BarnabĂ©, Giulio Tremonti, Marco Tronchetti Provera, Tommaso Padoa Schioppa, Alessandro Profumo, Emma Bonino, Gianni Riotta, Ben Bernanke, Corrado Passera, Walter Veltroni, Sergio Romano, Carlo Rossella, Claudio Martelli and many others.
Politicians, kings, queens, princes, such as Sofia of Greece, Bernhard of the Netherlands, Beatrix of Holland, Charles, King Juan Carlos of Spain, grotesquely mixed in a common delusion of omnipotence with sharks industry, commerce and of global finance, such as Edmond de Rothschild, or our own Giovanni Agnelli, Umberto Agnelli, John Elkan, with representatives of Coca Cola, IBM, Sony, British Petroleum, Shell, Exxon, Pan Am, Mobil, Texas Instruments, ENI, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Philips, Dunlop, HP.
A unique, illegal brotherhood of people who – forget the lessons of history, but full of reversals of power ‘timeless’ moment before being caught up – it is considered above the law, because of being so many, powerful, connected regimes of relationships from year to year more and more have consolidated in the ‘salons’ of the world and in every other place and time that the circumstances require. Men who must inter alia be considered the architects of the crime of crimes: the primary and secondary seignorage.
Men whose “points of view” – those in the 59 conferences that have followed have “intensified mutual understanding” – actually configure global policies of these 59 years, atomic energy and military choices with which we have ruined , the wars to break out, or those to be put down, those governments to promote or to break, crush, or those economies to be fed, those dictators to kill or to be incurred, ethnic groups, nations, peoples, or to exterminate to harass those economically or be promoted, pollution and allow that to size, and so on all made dramatic our daily life.
Crazy things made possible by a lack of the judiciary which is perhaps now the case of remedying, investigating also those judges who themselves are part of or are adjacent to the Bilderberg organizations controlled by it or close to it.
Behaviours, those of Bilderberg, its members and those who support them, which constitute the obvious, blatant violation, to say the least, of the articles of the Criminal Code:-n. 241 (terrorist attack against the integrity, independence or the unity of the state);-n. 283 (terrorist attack against the Constitution of the State);-n. 648 bis (Recycling)-n. 501 (Upward and downward fraudulent prices on the public market or the stock exchanges of commerce);-n. 501 a (speculative maneuvers of goods);-n. 416 (criminal association).
I ask for these reasons, want the Public Prosecutor of Rome launch a broad investigation aimed at info-activities to verify compliance or non-compliance with laws work of the Bilderberg club and its members and in relation to what happened recently that in recent years in ‘conferences’, and is related to continuing to work each during the year and in different ‘theaters’, with particular reference to the legality of the conduct of Mario Monti as a member of Bilderberg, and the possible relevance of the reasons for those who supported his appointment to the Presidency of the Council to its membership of the Bilderberg and / or other secret organizations or in conflict with the public interest.
I ask in particular the assessment of whether there are connections between some politicians denounced by the participation of the Mountains ‘conference’ Bilderberg St. Moritz in June 2011 and his appointment to the Presidency of the Council.
Explicitly ask to be informed in case of request for dismissal pursuant to art. 408 Code of Criminal Procedure.
Alfonso Luigi Marra
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