This may have been a counter-strike against the Cabal, and its media control, by the Alliance — striking them in their wallet, and showing that their time is up.
[UPDATED, Next Morning: Obama's Assassination Reference on December 31st. German media video reveals Federal Reserve gave them fake gold in 2010.
Also, Beyonce accused of being Illuminati -- by mainstream media! Then we added interesting new text from Fulford's update this afternoon, Feb. 5th.
Amazing things are happening.]
The Super Bowl is the most-watched media event on the planet — and the most highly prized in terms of its advertising dollars.
Last year’s Super Bowl had 111.3 million viewers — and 262.5 million dollars was spent on advertising.
30-second advertising spots on this year’s Super Bowl were selling for as much as 4 million dollars.
Given how much money is at stake, it doesn’t seem possible that the lights went out in the stadium for a whopping 34 minutes — but that’s what happened.
You would think that the backup systems would have backup systems. No one wants to lose power in such a profitable media circus.
34 minutes of blackout, directly after the all-important half-time show, is unprecedented. Many people tune in just to watch that show.
Think about how many viewers must have lost interest and clicked away — and the bloodletting this caused for the advertisers paying $133,333 per second.
Was this truly just an accident, or was this a deliberate move by the Alliance against the Cabal?
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