30 Apr 2013

Benjamin Fulford – 2013-04-30 – Desperate Sabbatean mafia tries to bribe Putin with offers of world power: gnostic illuminati

The Satan worshiping mafia that seized control of the West’s financial system is literally offering the world to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a desperate attempt to keep in power, according to a gnostic illuminati grandmaster and an MI6 agent. That may be why Russia is officially going along with the obviously fake Boston bombing psychological warfare operation against the American people. It may also be why the green light has been given for Japan and Russia to settle a territorial crisis that has lasted since the end of World War 2.

However, any role for Putin greater than what he has now is extremely unlikely since the US military is not going to go along with Zionist schemes any longer.

It is also clear that a big showdown has secretly taken place in the US and the Zionists have blinked first and are now in a state of fear and submission. The evidence for this can be seen in many places.

One clear example is the situation in Syria where attempts to start a greater war are being dialed back. The Israeli psy-ops of accusing Syria of using chemical weapons in order to fool the US into invading that country for them, for example, has failed. The Israeli government has also become the laughing stock of the world for having repeated for well over 20 years now that “Iran is one or two months away from getting a nuclear bomb.”

Instead, the world’s military and intelligence community has finally figured out that “Islamic fundamentalist terror” is run by Zionists and not Muslims. The crypto-Jewish Saudi regime is also now under severe attack for its role in financing mayhem and murder. All male descendants of the Original Saudi King will be targeted for assassination if they do not cease and desist immediately, according to several different secret societies, including the Green dragon.

In any case, Zionist attempts to start World War 3 are failing on all fronts.

In Asia a flotilla of Zionist flunkies sent off to provoke China over a few tiny rocks in the ocean is being ignored. Mass visits to the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo by politicians have failed to provoke more than a rational response by China asking for a sincere debate about the historical truth. Attempts to start nuclear terror in Asia and blame it on North Korea have also been quashed.

Instead Japan on April 28th Japan declared itself to be an independent country for the first time in 61 years.


This ceremony officially celebrates the signing of the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1952 but in reality celebrates Japanese independence this year from secret Zionist rule by murder, bribery, propaganda and blackmail at the highest level.

The new move to strengthen relations with Russia is a good sign of that. The countries signed a peace agreement back in 1956 in which Russia agreed to return 2 of 4 disputed islands. The Japanese were forced to renege on this by the Zionists as part of a campaign to keep their Japanese colony isolated from its neighbours. Prime Minister Abe and President Putin have now announced they will work towards a peace treaty based on that previous agreement. That is why Russia and Japan have now agreed to go ahead and radically improve economic relations in the Far East. They have also agreed that, since they both share borders with China, they have a common interest in making sure China does not become a bully in the future.

The situation in North Korea is also stabilizing. The gnostic illuminati say they want to remove Kim Jong-un from power. Japanese military intelligence say Kim Jon-un has little real power and that provocative powerful generals are calling the shots. However, Chinese government and North Korean sources both say serious progress is being made in peacefully reunifying Korea and normalizing relations between the region and the world. Here is an example of what the North Koreans themselves are saying:


That is a far cry from the Zionist propaganda painting North Korea as a crazy regime bent on starting nuclear mayhem. It is also worth noting that the provocative US/South Korean military exercises have been stopped.

It is also clear that the Zionists are no longer supported by the vast majority of Europeans and Americans, including the Jews. Instead people are waking up to their plans to create a one world “New World Order” totalitarian dictatorship.

For example, a recent poll shows that the majority of French, Germans, Brits, Italians and Spanish do not trust the EU or should I say the EUSSR.


It is also clear that the attempts to terrorize the American people into accepting totalitarian rule are failing. A recent opinion poll carried out after the Boston fake bombing psy-ops show that instead of increasing American’s willingness to “give up freedom for security” it did the opposite.


There are also signs the Zionists are beginning to lose control of their magic money printing machines known as the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank. Last week arch financial criminal Henry Paulson (Goldman Sachs, US Treasury etc.) and war criminal Henry Kissinger appeared on Xinhua news meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping. Chinese government sources say they were on a begging mission but were sent away empty handed. The same sources say the Chinese government believes the earthquake seen in China last week was caused by an earthquake weapon and was part of a failed attempt to extort money from China. The ongoing “bird flu” biological weapons attack against China is seen in the same light.

The various bombs going off around the world are (Czechoslovakia, Iraq, Syria etc.) are best seen as the death throes of the dying Zionist terror machine and are part of a failing campaign to maintain control through fear. It is they who should be afraid because they are going down and going down hard.

I may also mention to Bill Gates that I am sick and tired of my Hotmail account being censored and controlled. People who I meet and ask to send me e-mails call me on the phone regularly to say the mail has been bounced back with a message saying “there are problems with that e-mail account.” The only mails that do seem to get through contain warnings of nuclear terror attacks. My Skype account has also been similarly hacked. You are wasting your time Mr. Gates and Satanic friends, the only important messages I send are hand-written and hand delivered by personal envoys.

The P2 Freemason lodge in Italy is admitting the “algorithms are broken” in the Western financial system and that some sort of agreement needed to be reached over the Global Collateral Accounts.

They suggested contacting a certain Sultan in South East Asia. That message has been forwarded. It is time to end the financial war and cut off Zionist terrorist financing. The people of the world want peace.

~ Benjamin Fulford – April 30, 2013

SLAVE TRADER Judge Sentenced to 28 Years in Prison for Selling Kids to Private Prisons

29 Apr 2013

Liberty Was Also Attacked in Boston – by Ron Paul

Forced lockdown of a city. Militarized police riding tanks in the streets. Door-to-door armed searches without warrant. Families thrown out of their homes at gunpoint to be searched without probable cause. Businesses forced to close. Transport shut down.
These were not the scenes from a military coup in a far off banana republic, but rather the
Ron Paul
Ron Paul

scenes just over a week ago in Boston as the United States got a taste of martial law. The ostensible reason for the military-style takeover of parts of Boston was that the accused perpetrator of a horrific crime was on the loose. The Boston bombing provided the opportunity for the government to turn what should have been a police investigation into a military-style occupation of an American city. This unprecedented move should frighten us as much or more than the attack itself.

What has been sadly forgotten in all the celebration of the capture of one suspect and the killing of his older brother is that the police state tactics in Boston did absolutely nothing to catch them. While the media crowed that the apprehension of the suspects was a triumph of the new surveillance state – and, predictably, many talking heads and Members of Congress called for even more government cameras pointed at the rest of us – the fact is none of this caught the suspect. Actually, it very nearly gave the suspect a chance to make a getaway.

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The best 7 minutes of gun control speech ... The second amendment is there to protect the American people against tyranny

DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGICAL CONTROL FREEKS DECLARE COLLECTING RAINWATER IS ILLEGAL ... also your own body they claim is partially the property of someone else

Many of the freedoms in the U.S. are quickly eroding as the nation transforms from the land of the free into the land of the enslaved, but what what they are doing takes the assault on our freedoms to a whole new level. You may not be aware of this, but many Western states, including Utah, Washington and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties because, according to officials, that rain belongs to someone else.

Check out this  news report out of Salt Lake City, Utah, about the issue. It’s illegal in Utah to divert rainwater without a valid water right, and Mark Miller of Mark Miller Toyota, found this out the hard way.
After constructing a large rainwater collection  system at his new dealership to use for washing new cars, Miller found out that the project was actually an “unlawful diversion of rainwater.” Even though it makes logical conservation sense to collect rainwater for this type of use since rain is scarce in Utah, it’s still considered a violation of water rights which apparently belong exclusively to Utah’s various government  bodies.

“Utah’s the second driest state in the nation. Our laws probably ought to catch up with that,” explained Miller in response to the state’s ridiculous rainwater collection ban.
Salt Lake City officials worked out a compromise with Miller and are now permitting him to use “their” rainwater, but the fact that individuals like Miller don’t actually own the rainwater that falls on their property is a true indicator of what little freedom we actually have here in the U.S. (Access to the rainwater that falls on your own property seems to be a basic right, wouldn’t you agree?)

Outlawing rainwater collection in other states

Utah isn’t the only state with rainwater collection bans, either. Colorado and Washington  also have rainwater collection restrictions that limit the free use of rainwater, but these restrictions vary among different areas of the states and legislators have passed some laws to help ease the restrictions.
In Colorado, two new laws were recently passed that exempt certain small-scale rainwater collection systems, like the kind people might install on their homes, from collection restrictions.

Prior to the passage of these laws, Douglas County, Colorado, conducted a study  a study on how rainwater collection affects aquifer and groundwater supplies. The study revealed that letting people collect rainwater on their properties actually reduces demand from water facilities and improves conservation.
Personally, I don’t think a study was even necessary to come to this obvious conclusion. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that using rainwater instead of tap water is a smart and useful way to conserve this valuable resource, especially in areas like the West where drought  is a major concern.
Additionally, the study revealed that only about three percent of Douglas County’s precipitation ended up in the streams and rivers that are supposedly being robbed from by rainwater collectors. The other 97 percent either evaporated or seeped into the ground to be used by plants.

This hints at why bureaucrats can’t really use the argument that collecting rainwater prevents that water from getting to where it was intended to go. So little of it actually makes it to the final destination that virtually every household could collect many rain barrels worth of rainwater and it would have practically no effect on the amount that ends up in streams and rivers.

It’s all about control, really

As long as people remain unaware and uninformed about important issues, the government will continue to chip away at the freedoms we enjoy. The only reason these water restrictions are finally starting to change for the better is because people started to notice and they worked to do something to reverse the law.
Even though these laws restricting water collection have been on the books for more than 100 years in some cases, they’re slowly being reversed thanks to efforts by citizens who have decided that enough is enough.
Because if we can’t even freely collect the rain that falls all around us, then what, exactly, can we freely do? The rainwater issue highlights a serious overall problem in America  today: diminishing freedom and increased government control.

Today, we’ve basically been reprogrammed to think that we need permission from the government to exercise our inalienable rights, when in fact the government is supposed to derive its powerfromus. The American Republic was designed so that government would serve the People to protect and uphold freedom and liberty. But increasingly, our own government is restricting people from their rights to engage in commonsense, fundamental actions such as collecting rainwater or buying raw milk from the farmer next door.

Today, we are living under a government that has slowly siphoned off our freedoms, only to occasionally grant us back a few limited ones under the pretense that they’re doing us a benevolent favor.
Fight back against enslavement

As long as people believe their rights stem from the government (and not the other way around), they will always be enslaved. And whatever rights and freedoms we think we still have will be quickly eroded by a system of bureaucratic power that seeks only to expand its control.

Because the same argument that’s now being used to restrict rainwater collection could, of course, be used to declare that you have no right to the air you breathe, either. After all, governments could declare that air to be somebody else’s air, and then they could charge you an “air tax” or an “air royalty” and demand you pay money for every breath that keeps you alive.

Think it couldn’t happen? Just give it time. The government already claims it owns your land and house, effectively. If you really think you own your home,  just stop paying property taxes and see how long you still “own” it. Your county or city will seize it and then sell it to pay off your “tax debt.” That proves who really owns it in the first place… and it’s not you!

How about the question of who owns your body?  According to the U.S. Patent & Trademark office, U.S. corporations and universities already own 20% of your genetic code. Your own body, they claim, is partially the property of someone else.

So if they own your land, your water and your body, how long before they claim to own your air, your mind and even your soul?

Unless we stand up against this tyranny, it will creep upon us, day after day, until we find ourselves totally enslaved by a world of corporate-government collusion where everything of value is owned by powerful corporations — all enforced at gunpoint by local law enforcement.

28 Apr 2013

George W. Bush and the Bin Laden Family Meeting At Ritz Carlton Hotel NYC One Day Before 9/11

According to the Washington Post,  the Carlyle Group met at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in NYC one day before 9/11. In attendance at this meeting were former president George H. W. Bush and  Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of Osama:

The Carlyle Group is a large private-equity investment firm, closely associated with officials of the Bush and Reagan administrations, and has considerable ties to Saudi oil money, including ties to the bin Laden family.

This morning [September 10, 2001] it is holding its annual investor conference at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Washington, DC. Among the guests of honor is investor Shafig bin Laden, brother of Osama bin Laden. [Observer, 6/16/2002; London Times, 5/8/2003] Former President George H. W. Bush, who makes speeches on behalf of the Carlyle Group and is also senior adviser to its Asian Partners fund [Wall Street Journal, 9/27/2001] , attended the conference the previous day, but is not there today (see (8:00 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [Washington Post, 3/16/2003]


This CBC documentary focusses on the relationship between former President George W. Bush and the bin Laden family.

US and Allies hypocracy over Syria – Looking again for False Flag Justification

Eyre International – Bringing You The News No One Else Wants To Bring You

For the second time we are looking at yet another Libya style forced regime change in Syria!!

“False Flag event will once again bring us to yet another war and bring about even more poverty”

Obama has made it clear that should Assad use chemical and biological weapons then military intervention could well be on the cards – What he did not tell the world was the fact that he supported a false flag chemical/biological in order to blame the Syrian Government!!!

The dirty six

Look into my eyes, what do you see?………….The Devil?

Paul Wolfowitz – Master Planner of Mass Depopulation

Henry Kissinger – Dr. Death himself

” Some of the most dangerous warmongers on earth”

As we all know they are few and we are many and yet these so called representatives of the people take us to war on a regular basis without consultation.

They are master at spin and concoct stories that in some cases are beyond the imagination of decent intelligent people and yet the public (sheeples) allow them to get away with mass murder and war crimes…….why?

For a second time we see the same players trying to justify taking action against Syria when they themselves are in breach of using Weapons of Mass Destruction and in helping other countries create Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) and also in supplying the ingredients required!!!


Some of the CBW victims

Another victim of their WMD’s

The main offending military - The New World Order Army

The Zionist organisations who control not only the US but also the UK and EU

As we all know historically the west as promoted such weapons and as a direct result of their involvement have been directly responsible for thousands (or should I say millions of deaths) covering many countries – ranging from Africa – Balkans -Middle East with Iraq being the worse case scenario

This is evidence of western supply of some of these terrible CBW, including VX Gas the most deadly of all:

1. That it is known that a range of pathogenic (disease producing) and toxigenic (poisonous) biological materials were exported to Iraq from the United States between 1985 and 1989, and that, among other warfare-related materials, these included a strain of anthrax utilized and tested over many years as a weapon, including during well documented WW2 and post-WW2 trials, to which the US was a party.

2. That the US Government was fully aware of the dangers vested in the biological materials exported to Iraq by the American Type Culture Collection between 1985 and 1989, and was, at the least, grossly negligent in failing to prohibit these exports to a state which was known by the US Administration at that time to be actively utilizing chemical weapons of mass destruction, and suspected – if not known – to also be developing a biological weapons programme.

3. That with knowledge of the US biological exports, the British Government, being bound to act according to the law, and having stated as much in the UK Parliament in the name of Her Majesty the Queen, has a responsibility to formally report this matter to the UN Security Council for investigation. Furthermore, that failure to do so effectively renders the BTWC meaningless, and, thereby, compromises the very concept of international law.

Beyond the case made in this paper, the following appears to be the disturbing international political reality: The invasion of Iraq by the United States and Britain in 2003 was predicated upon Iraq’s possession of ‘weapons of mass destruction’ – the primary threat presented both to Parliament and the People being anthrax. This anthrax was exported to Iraq from the US, having previously been exported from Britain, where it had been tested as a biological weapon “because its capability to produce infection and death after the inhalation of spores had been demonstrated in the laboratory”. This information is well known to the US, Britain, and Canada, due to a trilateral agreement concerning biological research between the three nations. Meanwhile, more than 20% of Britain’s MP representing approximately 12 million people – have twice called for a UN investigation into the US exports, a call which has been dismissed by the British Government by means of flimsy responses and a refusal to answer questions properly.

The United States with Great Britain blocked all Security Council resolutions condemning Iraq’s use of chemical weapons, and on March 21 the US becomes the only country refusing to sign a Security Council statement condemning Iraq’s use of these weapons

The US Department of Commerce licenses 70 biological exports to Iraq between May of 1985 and 1989, including at least 21 batches of lethal strains of Anthrax.

May, 1986. US Department of Commerce approves shipment of weapons grade botulin poison to Iraq.

April, 1988. US Department of Commerce approves shipment of chemicals used in manufacture of mustard gas.

September, 1988. US Department of Commerce approves shipment of weapons grade anthrax and botulinum to Iraq.

What was even more surprising was when Saddam’s elite troops received instruction in unconventional warfare at Fort Bragg , North Carolina USA. “The idea was that, in the event of an Iranian victory, the Iraqi soldiers would be able to wage a guerrilla struggle against the occupying Iranian force”

On May 25, 1994, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee released a report in which it was stated that “pathogenic (meaning ‘disease producing’), toxigenic (meaning ‘poisonous’), and other biological research materials were exported to Iraq pursuant to application and licensing by the U:S: Department of Commerce.” It added: “These exported biological materials were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of reproduction.”

The report then detailed 70 shipments (including Bacillus Anthracis) from the United States to Iraqi government agencies over three years, concluding “It was later learned that these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the UN inspectors found and recovered from the Iraqi biological warfare program.”

Iraq purchased 8 strains of anthrax from the United States in 1985, according to British biological weapons expert David Kelly. The Iraqi military settled on the American Type Culture Collection strain 14578 as the exclusive strain for use as a biological weapon.

What is so upsetting was the fact that almost 150 foreign companies supported Saddam Hussein’s WMD program. Twenty-four U.S. firms were involved in exporting materials to Baghdad. Add to this an even longer list of American companies, UK, many EU countries, South Africa, South East Asian countries, including Singapore and Japan.

I am in possession of a list of all the countries involved in illegal arms trading, what was supplied and the financial support given.


Before going into the actual sabre rattling that is going on at the moment I would like to show the hypocritical viewpoint of President Obama and what was leaked:

Mail article Tuesday January 29th 2013 exposed a totally different viewpoint incriminating the US President and his government in a very big way:

The article concerned was pulled almost as soon as it was published but not before a gallant activist took a print screen shot of it on the day it appeared and released it on facebook……….as per below:

Because the text is not clear I will repeat it below:

Leaked emails prove Obama “backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad”

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 22:20

U.S. ‘backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime’ Daily Mail.
Leaked emails from defense contractor refers to chemical weapons saying ‘the idea is approved by Washington’
Obama issued warning to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad last month that use of chemical warfare was ‘totally unacceptable’

PUBLISHED: 14:16 EST, 29 January 2013

Leaked emails have allegedly proved that the White House gave the green light to a chemical weapons attack in Syria that could be blamed on Assad’s regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country.

A report released on Monday contains an email exchange between two senior officials at British-based contractor Britam Defence where a scheme ‘approved by Washington’ is outlined explaining that Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to use chemical weapons.

Barack Obama made it clear to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad last month that the U.S. would not tolerate Syria using chemical weapons against its own people.


The page you have requested does not exist or is no longer available.


One can see that this article, although authentic,would have caused much embarrassment to Obama and the US Government and obviously resulted in swift action being taken by their PR man to have the original article pulled. However, as one would expect, many activist would have picked up on the article and republished it……as was the case below:

Infowars.com was very quick to publish this article immediately to give more details as to its origin etc:

U.S. ‘backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime’

Leaked emails from defense contractor refers to chemical weapons saying ‘the idea is approved by Washington’

Obama issued warning to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad last month that use of chemical warfare was ‘totally unacceptable’

Leaked emails have allegedly proved that the White House gave the green light to a chemical weapons attack in Syria that could be blamed on Assad’s regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country.

A report released on Monday contains an email exchange between two senior officials at British-based contractor Britam Defence where a scheme ‘approved by Washington’ is outlined explaining that Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to use chemical weapons.

Barack Obama made it clear to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad last month that the U.S. would not tolerate Syria using chemical weapons against its own people.

According to Infowars.com, the December 25 email was sent from Britam’s Business Development Director David Goulding to company founder Philip Doughty.
It reads: ‘Phil… We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.
‘We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have.
‘They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.
‘Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
‘Kind regards, David.’

Britam Defence had not yet returned a request for comment to Mail Online.


Let’s now look at how Obama and his gang of “Merry Men” are using a false report on a chemical attack or false flag event to justify an air strike or even possibly yet another “Libyan Style No Fly Zone” (otherwise known as war).

This is one of the more recent articles
Obama talks tough, shows no rush to act on Syria chemical arms evidence

President Barack Obama warned Syria on Friday that its use of chemical weapons would be a “game changer” for the United States but made clear he was in no rush to intervene in the civil war there on the basis of evidence he said was still preliminary.

Speaking a day after the disclosure of U.S. intelligence that Syria had likely used chemical weapons against its own people, Obama talked tough while calling for patience as he sought to fend off pressure for a swift response against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

“Horrific as it is when mortars are being fired on civilians and people are being indiscriminately killed, to use potential weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations crosses another line with respect to international norms and international law,” Obama told reporters at the White House as he began talks with Jordan’s King Abdullah.

“That is going to be a game changer,” he said. But Obama stopped short of declaring that Assad had crossed “a red line” and described the U.S. intelligence evaluations as “a preliminary assessment.”

This is not Libya,” said Nancy Pelosi, the senior Democrat in the House of Representatives, referring to the relative ease with which a NATO bombing campaign helped overthrow Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. “The Syrians have anti-aircraft capability that makes going in there much more challenging.”

U.S. officials said on Thursday the intelligence community believes with varying degrees of confidence that Assad’s forces used the nerve agent sarin on a small scalale against rebel fighters.


Note Pelosi’s comment “This is not a Libya” !!!!!!!…….sorry my dear it is exactly the same end game as Libya with your own funded special forces working deep within Syria and setting up the CBW bullshit!!


This was David Cameron’s response as written by the Telegraph:
David Cameron: Syrian use of chemical agents is a ‘war crime’
David Cameron has accused Syria’s regime of a “war crime” as evidence emerged that two more gas attacks have poisoned another 105 people.


Lets just hold it there Mr Obama and Mr Cameron….you talk about war crimes……what about the nuking of the Balkans, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia etc where millions have died (including our own troops) as a direct result of your use of WMD’s in the form of depleted uranium and other small tactical nuclear weapons such as the B61′s etc?……………isn’t this in violation of the Geneva Convention…….how two faced can you morons be?

Asked about reports that President Bashar al-Assad’s forces had used chemical weapons, which are banned under international law, the Prime Minister replied: “I choose my words carefully, but what I see does look very much like a war crime is being committed in our world, at this time, by the Syrian government.”

Let’s not forget Mr Cameron’s illegal trip to South Africa to purchase three tactical nuclear weapons that were then lost and sold on the black market and as a direct result of Tory Party neglect caused many countries to go to war………..and guess what they even stole tax payers money to do it…….rather unique concept don’t you think to get paid for stuffing up and then taking us to war?


This scenario is almost identical to Libya with exactly the same approach

This international press release proves their mindset:

Despite President Barack Obama’s pledge that Syria’s use of chemical weapons is a “game changer” for the United States, he is unlikely to turn to military options quickly and would want allies joining him in any intervention.

Possible military choices range from limited one-off missile strikes from ships – one of the less complicated scenarios – to bolder operations like carving out no-fly safe zones.

One of the most politically unpalatable possibilities envisions sending tens of thousands of U.S. forces to help secure Syrian chemical weapons.

Obama has so far opposed limited steps, like arming anti-government rebels, but pressure to deepen U.S. involvement in Syria’s civil war has grown since Thursday’s White House announcement that President Bashar al-Assad likely used chemical weapons.

After fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Pentagon is wary of U.S. involvement in Syria. The president’s top uniformed military adviser, General Martin Dempsey, said last month he could not see a U.S. military option with an “understandable outcome” there.

“There’s a lot of analysis to be done before reaching any major decisions that would push U.S. policy more in the direction of military options,” a senior U.S. official told Reuters.

That caution is understandable, given the experience of Iraq where the United States went to war based on bad intelligence about weapons of mass destruction. The Pentagon has made repeated warnings of the enormous risks and limitations of using American military might in Syria’s civil war.


One form of military intervention that could to some extent limit U.S. and allied involvement in Syria’s war would be one-off strikes on pro-Assad forces or infrastructure tied to chemical weapons use. Given Syria’s air defences, planners may choose to fire missiles from ships at sea.

“The most proportional response (to limited chemical weapons use) would be a strike on the units responsible, whether artillery or airfields,” said Jeffrey White, a former senior official at the Pentagon’s Defence Intelligence Agency and a Middle East expert who is now a defence fellow at the Washington Institute For Near East Policy.

“It would demonstrate to Assad that there is a cost to using these weapons – the problem so far is that there’s been no cost to the regime from their actions.”

It is not clear how the Syrian government would respond and if it would try to retaliate militarily against the U.S. forces in the region. U.S. military involvement would also upset Russia which has a naval facility on Syria’s Mediterranean coast.

Another option that the Pentagon has examined involves the creation, ostensibly in support of Turkey and Jordan, of humanitarian safe areas that would also be no-fly zones off limits to the Syrian air force – an option favoured by lawmakers including Senator John McCain of Arizona.

This would involve taking down Syrian air defences and destroying Syrian artillery from a certain distance beyond those zones, to protect them from incoming fire.

Advocates, including in Congress, say a safe zone inside Syria along the Turkish border, for example, would give needed space for rebels and allow the West to increase support for those anti-Assad forces it can vet.


Lets now compare these suggested actions with those carried out in Libya and at the same time be mindful that a plan to take out these countries goes back many years when Paul Wolfowitz and an organisation called Project for the New America developed a master plan to take out at least 7 Islamic countries.

The above give reference to an offshore missile attack which as we all know resulted in over 300 cruise missiles being fired from submarines and surface vessels one the first day into high population areas!!!

It again states the the US would not wish to do this alone and would call upon allies which basically means yet another NATO strike….the military arm of the New World Order!!

They also talk about creating yet again a no fly zone and taking out air defence systems and naturally Syrian military airfields and associated hardware etc!!

The article also gives reference to targeting Syrian Chemical and Biological facilities and no doubt other weapon dumps!!!


We must all be aware of the fact that if any of the above should take place it would not be in the name of humanitarian intervention but rather the case of a full scale war resulting in many thousands of deaths (Libyan initial death toll when from around 6,000 prior to the war to well over 50,000 after the NATO attack) with possible millions to die as a direct result of the west using WMD’s……….yes folks we used WMD’s and Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Libya!!

Don’t you find it rather ironic that the west talk about going to war to stop the enemy from using WMD’s and CBW’s and yet “blast shit” out of the country or should I say “NUKE THEM” by using these banned weapons themselves and in-turn contaminate the entire country, neighboring countries and the world beyond with million of radioactive nano particles that simply drift on the wind.

It should be noted that the depleted uranium contained in the Libyan onslaught had the capacity to kill over one million people alone!!!

In this case using such weapons on the doorstep of Europe and the vast populations of adjacent Middle East countries would be catastrophic to say the least…….I again draw your attention to what would happen with that contamination.

A gaseous cloud of radioactive nano particles would reach the entire Middle East within 4 days with heavy concentrations in Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, Israel and Jordon and significant contamination covering an area from southeast Europe in the west to India in the east and from the Caspian in the north to Horn of Africa in the south. This same gaseous cloud would then circle the globe within one month and subject to main weather systems could bring that contamination to such cities as London!!!………..the map below gives you some idea of the distribution from such war zones and the graph below it proves that any city can be “Nuked”……..in this case it was the Greater London area!!

How radioactive contamination reaches the rest of the world from war zones

Proof that radioactive nano particles contaminated Greater London Area on several occasions during the Gulf Wars


We must all be mindful of the fact that our respective governments continuously bombard us with “New World Order” propaganda about issues that are purely a figment of their imagination to keep us in fear and to allow them to continue on their greedy imperialistic “Geo Political Plan” – Their Fantasy “War on Terrorism” – Their intentional plan to wipe out our way of life, finances and sovereignty – To destroy Christianity and our “Ethical and Moral Fibre.”


I would like to apologise for repeating certain aspects in my articles such as the global contamination charts and other key references. When one feels so compassionate about protecting our environment and all that live within we must continue to push home such vital points until all the sheeples out there fully understand the implications of our actions.

I repeat again that the true “Axis of Evil” lies within our own countries and their governments who deceitfully create the many “False Flag Events” that take us to war or allow them to alter your own way of life by imposing martial law etc……..it is time to stand up and be counted…….it is time to tell your governments we no longer believe your spin ……….it is time to stop this war on non existent terrorism……..it is time to stop all wars and conflicts and to start trading with all nations in a peaceful way.

We are currently looking at a changing of the guard and for the immediate collapse of the current New World Order from “Western control to a Far Eastern control”………the question remains can this take place before these evil satanic maniacs launch yet another war?

Live in hope and bless you all

Peter Eyre – 29/4/2013

Broadcaster – Investigative Journalist – Middle East Consultant – Political Analysis

Scientists Claim 40 per cent of Population Infected with Mind Control Parasite

'Joanne Webster, professor of parasite epidemiology at Imperial College London, explains that many parasites favor the brain, “because it shelters them from the full fury of the immune system”. But, she says, “it also gives them direct access to the machinery to alter the host’s behavior”.'

Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever

Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game.
We found this out in recent months, when a series of related corruption stories spilled out of the financial sector, suggesting the world's largest banks may be fixing the prices of, well, just about everything.'


Eyewitness: Tamerlan was run over by Boston police and then shot multiple times

NEW EVIDENCE: Now an additional piece of eyewitness evidence has surfaced from a radio broadcast which aired on Friday April 19, 2013 on WEEI 93.7 FM in Boston, where a caller named Linda explains how the shootout transpired on Dexter Street in Watertown during the early morning hours. She is saying that she saw the first suspect, Tamerlan, mortally wounded and then run over by police, after which time the police began their incredible manhunt for the second suspect Dzhokhar. Why would police change their story about Tamerlan? Listen. and you decide...


Demonstration as US killer drones are flown from the UK for the psychopaths and war criminals that condemn terrorism

Evil, pure evil.

'Drones are being flown in Afghanistan by UK-based pilots for the first time. The Ministry of Defence say the vehicles save lives - but protesters say they are a tool to fight wars "behind our backs".'


27 Apr 2013

Breaking the Set ... Bangladesh: Cheap Clothes for Mass Deaths Hunger Strikes and Genocide

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Theresa Haas, Director of Communications for the Worker Rights Consortium, about Bangladesh's lack of safety standards in garment factories that have resulted in mass casualties and what consumers can do to help them improve.

Abby then talks to Lee Camp, Comedian, Activist & Creator of "Moment of Clarity' web series, about the absurdity of corporate news coverage over the last few weeks highlighting such ridiculousness as Bush's presidential library opening, the pepper spray cop, and fake North Korea threat.

BTS wraps up the show with a look at the most overlooked news stories by the corporate press, including the brutal crushing of dissent in Bahrain, genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, and hunger strikes at Guantanamo Bay prison.


As with many “terrorism” related events since 9/11, the Boston bombing official narrative proves to be a web of lies as important facts are revealed. It turns out that the FBI has lied about its knowledge of the alleged suspects, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, already being presented as guilty not only in the mainstream press but by the President himself.

According to the suspects’ mother, the FBI had been following them for years:

The FBI originally feigned ignorance over the identity of the two Boston bombing suspects, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, as they appealed to an unwitting public to help them “identify” and “find” the suspects. [...]

Russia Today, in an article titled, “‘They were set up, FBI followed them for years’- Tsarnaevs’ mother to RT,” stated of the suspects’ mother:

But her biggest suspicion surrounding the case was the constant FBI surveillance she said her family was subjected to over the years. She is surprised that having been so stringent with the entire family, the FBI had no idea the sons were supposedly planning a terrorist act.

She would say of the FBI to Russia Today:

They used to come [to our] home, they used to talk to me…they were telling me that he [the older, 26-y/o Tamerlan] was really an extremist leader and that they were afraid of him. They told me whatever information he is getting, he gets from these extremist sites…they were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act! Never ever is this true, my sons are innocent!

[...] The FBI would then be forced to concede that indeed it had interviewed the suspects, in 2011, two years before the Boston bombings. (Tony Cartalucci Boston Bombing Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev Reported Killed, Was Alive When Detained: Tamerlan’s Aunt, Global Research, April 22, 2013.)

We were also told that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed in an exchange of gunfire after he and his brother had robbed a 7-Eleven:

When the shootout ended, one of the suspects, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, a former boxer, had been shot and fatally wounded. He was wearing explosives, several law enforcement officials said. (Katharine Q. Seelye, William K. Rashbaum and Michael Cooper 2nd Bombing Suspect Caught After Frenzied Hunt Paralyzes Boston, The New York Times, April 19, 2013.)

With a bomb strapped to his chest, one of the Boston Marathon suspects was killed early Friday after he and his accomplice brother robbed a 7-Eleven, shot a police officer to death, carjacked an SUV and hurled explosives in an extraordinary firefight with law enforcement, authorities told NBC News. (Pete Williams, Richard Esposito, Michael Isikoff and Erin McClam, NBC News, One Boston Marathon suspect killed; second suspect, his brother, on loose after firefight, NBC News, April 19, 2013.)

The events surrounding Tamerlan’s death reported by the media are simply not true. It turns out that Tamerlan’ aunt identified him as a “naked, cuffed, clearly alive and well detainee seen in video aired by CNN”:

Tamerlan Tsarnaev in custody (photo only; Click Here to see the video: scroll down the page.)

Was Tamerlan Assassinated?

The Boston Globe confirmed that Marathon Bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was in custody, contradicting earlier reports that he had been killed in crossfire. If he was in custody and is now dead, does that not suggest that he might have been the object of an extrajudicial assassination? The circumstances of his death remain to be clarified.

Moreover, the 7-Eleven robbery was actually unrelated to the Tsarnaev brothers:

There was a 7-Eleven robbery in Cambridge last night, but it had nothing to do with the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.

Margaret Chabris, the director of corporate communication at 7- Eleven, says the surveillance video of the crime was not taken at a 7-Eleven and that the suspect that did rob the 7-Eleven does not look like Tamerlan or Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

“The suspect in the photos for that particular 7-Eleven robbery looks nothing like the suspects,” Chabris says. “The police or someone made a mistake. Someone was confused.”

[...] Again, they might be guilty. But as Glenn Greenwald notes:

The overarching principle here should be that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is entitled to a presumption of innocence until he is actually proven guilty. As so many cases have proven – from accused (but exonerated) anthrax attacker Stephen Hatfill to accused (but exonerated) Atlanta Olympic bomber Richard Jewell to dozens if not hundreds of Guantanamo detainees accused of being the “worst of the worst” but who were guilty of nothing – people who appear to be guilty based on government accusations and trials-by-media are often completely innocent. Media-presented evidence is no substitute for due process and an adversarial trial. (Washington’s Blog, Boston Terror Narrative Starts Falling Apart, Global Research, April 23, 2013)

On April 19 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was arrested and brought to a hospital. According to Reuters, “Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was wounded during at least one of two gun battles with police on Friday, suffering gunshot wounds to his head, neck, legs and hand [...]“. On April 24, the Huffington Post reported:

Two U.S. officials say the surviving suspect in the Boston bombings was unarmed when police captured him hiding inside a boat in a neighborhood back yard.

Authorities originally said they had exchanged gunfire with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for more than one hour Friday evening before they were able to subdue him. (Adam Goldman and Pete Yost, Boston Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Reportedly Unarmed When Arrested In Boat, Officials Say, Huffington Post, April 24, 2013.)

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was unarmed and obviously brutalized by police

We still don’t know what really happened in Boston and who committed the attacks even though the mainstream media report that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has admitted being guilty. What we know for sure is that the official Boston bombing narrative is filled with lies and that since 9/11 and in the context of the fictitious “War on Terror”, Western governments, intelligence agencies and mainstream media have proven to be untrustworthy sources of information on alleged “terrorist attacks” or “foiled terrorist plots”.

SOURCE : http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2013/04/26/the-boston-bombing-web-of-lies-a-fairly-good-summation-of-this-horrible-business-j/

26 Apr 2013

290 dead as high street fashion chains told to put lives before profits after Bangladeshi factory collapse

'Pressure is mounting on high street retailers and leading brands to put lives ahead of profits and safeguard Bangladeshi factory workers as the death toll from the collapse of a building housing clothing manufacturers passed 290.
The factories supplied Britain's Primark and Matalan, as well as Spain's Mango, whilst C&A said it had previous links to one of the contractors.
Tonight rescuers located 40 survivors stranded in the rubble at Savar, near Dhaka, as staff described how they were ordered to continue production despite raising concerns over huge cracks in the eight-storey structure.'
Read more: 290 dead as high street fashion chains told to put lives before profits after Bangladeshi factory collapse

24 Apr 2013

The War On Terror Is Over ... America Lost : THE CORBETT REPORT

It has often been observed that the war on terror is unwinnable. After all, how could a war on an abstract noun ever have its "Mission Accomplished" moment? It is, according to this wisdom, meant to drag on forever. Just because a war can't be won, however, doesn't mean it can't be lost. The truth is that the war on terror is over. And America has lost.

23 Apr 2013

Ben Fulford: Boston Psy-ops One Billion Dollar Put On Markets Texas Missile

The OPPT Code Has Been Cracked ... By Paul Short

To all the freemen out there who read this: You already know that the reason why you have success in fighting the authorities both in and out of their courts is that you assert your own rights to self determination, and this self determination comes from the living soul within you. That living soul has never been defined in legal jurisdiction because it is not a concrete or tangible thing, even though it is evident by it’s own existence. It is your only defence against those who try and rule over you.

To those who fall under the umbrella of newage belief systems: You choose not to take part in organized religion because you assert your individual spiritual beliefs that an entity communicating through your soul is your guide, not an organized religion. Your light from within guides your living soul and individual path through life, not governance or leaders whose aim it is to steer you down their path. You walk your own path.

Every document that OPPT has filed and/or published essentially attempts to define what our essence, aka our soul, is. By using the language in those documents and filing them with various levels of government, our souls become defined within legal jurisdiction. Once anything is defined within legal jurisdiction, whoever the authors of that jurisdiction (the authorities) are can then write into law rules and language to govern it. The courtesy notices further solidify those definitions by having individuals define their individual souls.

Previously, governments had to trick us into ruling over us through an elaborate web of deception with hidden meanings, dumbing down, facades, etc. because they had no way of claiming ownership of our essence which governs our own self determination.

Organized religions, which are simply structured belief systems that govern the soul, had to convince people to externalize their souls by accepting beliefs in an outside source of spirituality. They had to trick you into believing in something outside yourself and once you do the authors of the belief system get to control your soul.

This is why the OPPT thing concentrates so heavily on both freemen and newage religious types – because when you look at the world around you, you see that they are basically the only two groups of people left that assert their individuality and rights to self determination in their governance and spirituality. It’s an attempt to vacuum up the last of us out here who resist volunteering our consent to be governed by someone elses authority and beliefs.

The implications of having the soul of mankind, the essence, the source, etc. defined within legal jurisdiction and within commercial code is absolutely staggering to anyone who comprehends the purpose of legal systems and code.

OPPT is, by all intents and purposes, an attempt to define our essence, our soul, the one last thing we have within ourselves, which in and of itself brings it within the jurisdiction of commercial code and legalese, where the authors of said codes can write the rules that govern it.

I implore you all to think about this within yourself rather than listen to an outside source that might try and decieve you. Do not accept this. Do not allow someone to define your soul, your essence, your source, in legal and commercial code. Do not give anyone or any entity the ability to write the rules governing your soul. It’s your last true hope for freedom.

SOURCE :  http://paulshort.com/mind-control/oppt-code-cracked

Neil Keenan to OPPT – Your dangerous game is over…

An extended interview with Neil Keenan in Jakarta, Indonesia, in which he reveals just what a dangerous game the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) was attempting to play with people’s lives and freedom – not only in Indonesia, but around the world. It is, however, a game that has been shut down, as Keenan tells how OPPT went from one Global Accounts scammer to another (Adnan Sahkli, White Spiritual Wonder Boy, and now UN Swissindo) hoping to find someone to fund their totalitarian revolution – a phony movement that gives every appearance of being the bankster cabal’s attempt to co-opt the real and profound global awakening that spells the end of their control. “We had to be devious in the beginning” said one OPPT principal in a taped call that was sent anonymously to Keenan. Now Keenan simply warns them that their arrests are likely imminent….and warns people longing for freedom not to buy into the OPPT “rose garden” false promises of instant wealth. Help is on the way…from global humanitarian programs funded (with the blessing of the nations) from the Global Collateral Accounts.

Please Note: There was an uploading problem with this video, and there is a slight visual distortion in the first five-and-a-half minutes..  Because of the importance of this information, we did not want to delay its publication. It will be replaced with a better quality version shortly. ~J



– by Michael Henry Dunn

JAKARTA – April 23, 2013: Up front alert – this is not a news bulletin. This does not contain the latest blow-by-blow between Neil Keenan’s team and the late not-so-great OPPT. This is not a cunning stratagem doubling as an engaging dispatch from the front lines (though I’ve gotten rather fond of writing those). You don’t need to read between the lines here to figure out which parts are Michael H. Dunn the choir boy and which parts Neil Keenan the warlord.

This is all choir boy – but it’s about my personal impressions of the warlord.

As perceptive readers will have noted (and as I candidly admitted early on), the “engaging dispatches” of the past two months were written by me, and vetted and improved upon (OK, let’s be honest – brutally toughened by) Mr. Keenan, with indispensable insight and editing suggestions provided by Jean Haines. We are, after all, in a war (in the end-game of it, we believe, with the rewarding work of implementing global humanitarian programs just around the corner, but still for some days yet, yes, in a war), and there is an art to war, as the ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu has reminded us. When at war, you do not tell your enemy what you are really doing. Unless, of course, you want him to think you’re lying. Nor do you tell your enemy where you really are. (Do you really think we’ve been in Jakarta all this time? Ha, ha, ha! But, then….maybe we really are in Jakarta! Or maybe we just hired a few dozen Indonesian extras to play the parts of prisoners and their families in a crowded courthouse holding cell, and flew them to the U.S. or some neutral territory so we could fool you all with a phony interview with Nelu Wibawa! Seriously, folks – some people are now proposing this.)

By the way, we’ve moved our base of operations to Hawaii.

I wish.

For the sweet naïve folks who find all this art of war stuff terribly “3D,” and unworthy of an about-to-be-ascended “lightworker,” I can only say that if that’s your perspective, then the next time you play a game of chess you should immediately move your king into the most vulnerable position possible, to ensure the quickest possible checkmate, thus bringing a swift and merciful end to this brutal simulation of human conflict. And if one of the many good police offers in the world answers your urgent 911 call, entering your home to apprehend a violent thief still on the premises, you really should immediately urge the officer (in keeping with your “5D” principles) to put down his weapon and call out to the violent thief to come meditate with you in your living room, in hopes of resolving this nasty conflict through the appropriate post-2012 method of mutual vibration-raising.

This analogy is apt, folks – the cabal is composed of violent thieves. Violent thieves in suits, for the most part, but still violent thieves. And Keenan is one of the cops answering the call to take them down – do we really want him to be a cross between the Dalai Lama and Mr. Rogers? If he were, he would have been dead early on against the cabal – and a lot more of us would probably be dead by now too.

So, yes, a lot of these dispatches have had the art of war in mind. Back in mid-March, when intelligence came to us from a high source of a credible threat against our team’s safety, I shared in one dispatch a snippet of dialogue from one of our editing sessions, in which Neil corrected my usage of the somewhat Shakespearean phrase “will have their throats cut” to what he informed me was the more plainly understood underworld terminology, “will have their throats slit.” Yes, oh my goodness, mercy me! Mr. Keenan knows the underworld! That terrible man! And he has friends in the CIA! Heavens! How can we trust him? He grew up in Rhode Island and knows “good fellas” – and most of the time he sounds like one! Shun him at once! He is prone to making vulgarity-laced statements about picturesque punishments he would like to see meted out to those who oppose him – or even to those who merely annoy him. Can we really allow such a low-vibrational being to be appointed guardian of the Global Accounts? Surely, such a thuggish fellow must be merely a cabal front man, whose ultimate goal is to return us all to a rebooted financial slave system?

On the other hand (and this is probably news to most), he was also a friend of Pope John Paul II, has a highly developed extra-sensory gift, has been visited by the visible spirits of departed family, been blessed and chosen through Indonesian ceremony by high Elders, and is accompanied at all times by intensely vigilant white-faced guardian devas (who occasionally make themselves visible to him, which kind of freaks him out). And he’s something of an authority on the ancient Thracian ruins of Bulgaria, and the voyages of Christopher Columbus. Also worth noting is that he was one of the best basketball players of his generation in New England, setting numerous records in both high school and college, and playing pro ball in Europe. His skills as a Golden Gloves boxer (29 and 0 in his day) recently came in handy on a street in Europe when he was attacked by knife-wielding assassins (with the help of an Army Ranger buddy whom God placed conveniently at the scene, the thugs ended up on the hospital).

One of my personal favorites among Neil Keenan stories is when George W Bush got on the phone with him, and Neil said, “Oh wait – I think I know you…aren’t you that cheer-leader from Connecticut?”

Dubya went ballistic.

Or when Queen Elizabeth II called Neil regarding an enormous cabal Federal Reserve note she was trying to steal, and Neil said, “Ma’am, you need to understand something. You’re not my queen! I’m Irish!”

And when Neil Keenan organized the epic “500th Anniversary of Christianity in the West” in 1992 in The Dominican Republic, he personally hosted Pope John Paul II, impishly daring to say things to His Holiness that make my still-Catholic hair stand on end, such as, “Hey, Father – stand here, would you please, and face the Caribbean Sea while you’re saying that blessing, ok?”

The Polish pontiff (who by this time knew Keenan was a loose cannon), rolled his eyes, and asked ‘why?’ To which Neil replied that he could then make a fortune by going down to the beach and filling thousands of little bottles with water, since the whole sea was now “holy water personally blessed by the Pope!”

And John Paul replied, “And what if I say ‘no?’”

Keenan didn’t miss a beat. “Well, Father, then I’d have to sell “Pope on a Rope!” “And that is?” asked John Paul. “Well, of course, that’s just little soap figures that look like you, and then we put them on a rope for the bathtub, and people wash their private parts with them!”

As Keenan tells it, the Pontiff laughed long and loud. And afterward, he invited Keenan repeatedly to visit him in Rome, and called him several times at home in later years, just to say ‘hello.’

So Neil Keenan goes through life pretty much laughing, joking, singing, flirting, or fighting – mostly fighting, these days, but walk through a Jakarta shopping mall with him, and it’s mostly joking and flirting. But he’s an equal-opportunity flirt, calling out compliments to about two dozen different pretty shop-girls in a good-sized mall in one thirty-minute stroll. Not a “swordsman” anymore – he just likes seeing them smile.

And when one of the Rothschilds calls us here in Jakarta (as happened last night) to tell us she hopes Jean Haines re-opens the comments on the blog so that this high cabal heiress can share her own Rothschildian thoughts with the world on our latest post, what does Neil do?

Flirts with her, of course…..

But the fighter comes out fast. If we walk out of the mall to get a taxi, and he sees someone cut in line to cheat and grab a cab ahead of others who’ve been waiting, the unfortunate would-be cheater will be immediately subject to the warlord’s wrath, which is uttered with such force and such unconscious assumption of authority, that everyone on the scene just says “whoa!….let’s back off and do what this guy says, OK?”

Kind of like what’s happening with the Global Accounts.

And just what does Mr. Keenan actually say in his righteous anger? Well, I’ll leave the exact words to your imagination, but it usually involves a threat to remove the offender’s head from his body, accompanied by a liberal mix of expletives, while dark scary rays shoot out of his black Celtic eyes.

And believe me, the offender obeys. It’s kind of amazing to watch, time after time. I mostly squirm during these encounters because (let’s face it) I actually am the diplomatic, poetic, peace-making, meditating, lyrical dude who all of Drake’s people think is diluting the ferocity of their beloved mad-man Keenan (not to worry, Drake and Co. – nobody can dilute this guy’s wrath, and every dispatch had his seal of approval….well, except this one, of course).

Or did it? You figure it out….

To be honest, the guy drives me nuts a good portion of the time. His energy almost never quits. His joking almost never quits. His goofy word-plays on our friend Inchul Kim’s various nick-names have been replayed for every taxi-driver and waitress in Jakarta for the last two months (“this is my friend Mr. Yuno – do you know Yuno?…you know?”), and if we get in a cab one more time and Neil tells the guy again to take us to Ethiopia, I think I’ll tear my hair out.

Well, for variety last night he did say “Sardinia,” so I guess I should be grateful for small favors.

These are all just my impressions, of course, and I’ve only known Mr. Keenan for a few months. I’ve only read a few pages in that book, and I’m sure there’s many a private chapter of which I will never hear (and I’m not sure I want to). But I’ve seen him at close quarters day in and day out under high stress for sixty days now, so make of it what you will.

If there’s a dominant impression I should leave you with, it is this: Neil Keenan is a winner. He is a good guy who is determined to take down the cabal. He is smart, and cunning, and brutally tough, and he will not back down. He is fiercely loyal to his friends, and possesses a killer instinct for finishing off an enemy that reminds me of Michael Jordan. He does not quit. He is totally fearless. And he will win.

And so will we all.

Michael Henry Dunn



20 Apr 2013

Glenn Beck: US Govt Has Till Monday To Come Clean About The Boston Marathon Bombing Cover-Up

What does Glenn Beck know that he hasn’t shared with the rest of the world about the Boston Marathon bombing ‘cover-up’? According to Glenn, this could be the most important story that he has ever covered. 



“What I know could make this the most important story of our lifetime.” 

Glenn has given the government until Monday to ‘come clean’ about it or he will be sharing it with you and I and the rest of the world. 

According to Glenn, the government’s response to the Boston Marathon bombing will determine if America lives, or America dies.


Why These Questions Demand Answers

The checkered, frightening history (see: FBI’s History of Handing “Terror Suspects” Live Explosives) of the FBI’s involvement in fomenting false terror attacks, and even presiding over attacks that succeeded in maiming and killing innocent people, should call into question their presence or involvement at any public event, especially when seen associating with unidentified, semi-clandestine organizations that appear to be private contractors.
Private contractors as well, do not answer or work for the public, but rather the highest bidder. Private contractors, most notably Blackwater and its various incarnations have operated both domestically and abroad, committing obscene crimes and atrocities with seemingly absolute impunity. The term “defense contractor” is in fact a euphemism for mercenary, and has no place in a civilized, democratic world, no matter what their alleged mission statement may claim.

That both of these nefarious entities were present and cooperating in the direct vicinity of the Boston bombings, with at least two contractors standing just meters away from where the bomb actually went off, raises a number of possibilities and concerns. A drill may have been being conducted, though the FBI and city officials have denied this. Or, a threat may have been communicated to event organizers ahead of time, which prompted the inclusion of “auxiliary” security, though again, both the FBI and the city of Boston deny receiving any information prior to the bombings. Whichever contracting firm this may have been, may just have wanted to swindle Boston’s taxpayers for an easy payday, and coincidentally found itself in the middle of extraordinary circumstances.

However, alarming suspicion is raised when the FBI makes no mention of an organization it was clearly coordinating with, particularly in terms of bombs and explosives before and after the incident, considering the nature of the attack. When an already dubious organization attempts to obfuscate the facts of any given event, it is the right and responsibility of legitimate law enforcement, public representatives and the citizenry itself to demand and get answers. If we are not persistent, with the FBI’s bizarre behavior over the past few days, including inexplicably cancelled and suspiciously rushed press conferences, and now what appears to be a Hollywood ending for the case, we may never get those answers.

Who murdered Mountbatten? ... by CHRIS SPIVEY

Christopher Spivey

I think that it is quite obvious by now that detectives from Operation Yewtree aren’t going to bother knocking on Prince Big Ear’s door or even that of his father Phil the Duck’s… Unfortunately.

As far as I’m concerned, the fact that they haven’t and have no intention of doing so is a complete travesty of justice.

The case for suspecting that Big Ears is involved in paedophilia is, after all, pretty clear cut:

Veteran BBC presenter Bill Oddie has backed claims that Jimmy Savile’s abuse was covered up because he was close friends with Prince Charles and was a regular visitor to Kensington Palace, Buckingham Palace, and Highgrove. Former palace Aide, Dickie Arbiter, told the Guardian newspaper Savile would greet young women working at the palace by “rubbing his lips all the way up their arms in the palace typing pool.”

A former BBC chauffeur says that BBC chauffeurs were sacked if they tried to blow the whistle on Jimmy Savile’s child-sex-rape activities.The chauffeur said he had once driven home a ‘hysterical’ 12-year-old girl. The girl said she had been sexually assaulted by Savile after appearing on a BBC TV programme.

The BBC must investigate whether its staff acted as enablers or, better word, accomplices to Savile’s crimes.


And more tellingly still, this:


Savile told Esquire: ‘The thing about me is I get things done and I work deep cover. I’ve known the Royal Family for a million years.’

According to the UK Daily Mail at the time of Savile’s death in 2011, Savile said that he was invited to regular meetings with the royal family because ‘I have a natural good fun way of going on and we have a laugh.’ Would one of the world’s most powerful families invite an aging disc jockey into their inner sanctum so often just because he gave them ‘a good laugh’? Or is there likely to be a far more plausible reason for their strange closeness?

Dickie Arbiter, now 72, was in charge of media relations for the Queen between 1988 and 2000. He told the media that Savile visited Prince Charles’s official London residence St James’s Palace frequently. Savile’s behavior on visits to Prince Charles’ residence aroused “concern and suspicion”. A palace insider said of the claims that several people were well aware of Savile’s alleged abuse of children.

Police have searched Savile’s cottage in the Scottish Highlands after fears he used the home to abuse victims. It is reported 20 allegations of abuse at the cottage are being investigated.

Prince Charles was a private guest at Jimmy Savile’s isolated and remote cottage in Glencoe in the Scottish Highlands. Savile famously hired three waitresses for the occasion and dressed them in aprons bearing the initials HRH.


As for Dobby’s dad, the Duck of Edinburgh! Well, he had been friends with Savile long before his son was:

At this point, it should be mentioned that, although the official line is that Savile and Charles met in the 1970s as part of the coincidence of mutual charity work, Savile himself has stated that he was friends with the Royal family “for a million years.”

In fact, it was reported that Savile actually stated he was introduced to the Royals in 1966 by Lord Mountbatten, a known paedophile and sexual pervert. In addition to Mountbatten, however, Greg Hallett, in his book Hitler Was A British Agent, also names Prince Philip as a paedophile.

In reference to how he became introduced and ingratiated with the Royal family, Savile stated, coming from Lord Louis, who was the favourite uncle of Prince Philip that was quite something.

So obviously, I hooked up with the Prince – what was good enough for Lord Louis was good enough for him.


Course, it has since been well documented that the Duck and the Deejay fell out in spectacular fashion. That to me is strange in itself. After all, the Duck is the King of England in all but name.

I therefore question what he and an ageing radio star had in common with one another to fall out over in the first place.

That is to say, if the Duck was pissed off with the flamboyant nonce for whatever reason, why wasn’t Savile simply frozen out of the Royal circle?

Surely, such action is more in keeping with the parasites usual methods towards someone who has given them the right fucking hump.

The fact that the Duck and Savile did row, should have got any half decent coppers nose twitching straight away, given mind to what is known about the cunt.

Then again, the fact that Lord Louie Mountbatten – hero and mentor to the Duck & Big Ears – introduced the Duck to savile, should have triggered alarm bells in anyone who has a smidgen of knowledge on the true history of the Royal family.

You see, to the majority of those who cannot see the wood for the trees, Lord Louie Mountbatten was a war hero, one of those, who put the Great in Britain.

The following is what the Royal Spongers would have you believe, as told by Wikipedia:

Admiral of the Fleet Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas George Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, KG, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCIE,GCVO, DSO, PC, FRS

Born Prince Louis of Battenberg; 25 June 1900 – 27 August 1979) – known informally as Lord Mountbatten – he was a British statesman and naval officer, an uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and second cousin once removed to Elizabeth II.

He was the last Viceroy of India (1947) the first Governor-General of the independent Union of India (1947–48), from which the modern Republic of India emerged in 1950. From 1954 until 1959, he was the First Sea Lord, a position that had been held by his father, Prince Louis of Battenberg, some forty years earlier.

Thereafter he served as Chief of the Defence Staff until 1965, making him the longest serving professional head of the British Armed Forces to date. During this period, Mountbatten also served as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee for a year.

Pretty impressive, don’t cha know.

Moreover, most people of a certain age know that In 1979, Mountbatten was assassinated by the Provisional IRA, who had planted a bomb on-board his boat, the Shadow V, at Mullaghmore, County Sligo, in Ireland.

The force of the blast reduced the boat to Matchsticks.

No doubt, the very same matchsticks that Ian Dickhead Smiff would have you believe he sold on street corners in order to make ends meet, when he was a real person… But I digress and probably even exaggerate a little.

Mountbatten, then aged 79, had been pulled out of the sea alive, but died from his injuries before reaching the shore.

Unsurprisingly, further sympathy had been bestowed on the Royal Family by the sycophantic, British public – at that time still largely unaware of their true nature and moral standards – because of the others who were killed and wounded in the explosion.

Those also killed in the blast were Nicholas Knatchbull, Mountbatten’s 14-year-old grandson; and Paul Maxwell, a 15-year-old from County Fermanagh who was a ‘crew member’.

The Dowager Lady Brabourne, Grandmother to Nicholas Knatchbull, was seriously injured in the explosion and died from her injuries the following day.

Nicholas Knatchbull’s mother and father, along with his twin brother Timothy, survived the explosion but were seriously injured

According to Wikipedia, the IRA gave clear reasons for the execution:

I think it is unfortunate that anyone has to be killed, but the furore created by Mountbatten’s death showed up the hypocritical attitude of the media establishment. As a member of the House of Lords, Mountbatten was an emotional figure in both British and Irish politics.

What the IRA did to him is what Mountbatten had been doing all his life to other people; and with his war record I don’t think he could have objected to dying in what was clearly a war situation.

He knew the danger involved in coming to this country. In my opinion, the IRA achieved its objective: people started paying attention to what was happening in Ireland.

Course, being a war hero, a pillar of society, and a member of the Royal Elite meant that Mountbatten was awarded a State Funeral. The following is once again from Wikipedia:

On 5 September 1979, Lord Mountbatten received a State Funeral at Westminster Abbey, which was attended by the Queen, the Royal Family and members of the European royal houses.

Watched by thousands of people, the funeral procession, which started at Wellington Barracks, included representatives of all three British Armed Services, and military contingents from Burma, India, the United States, France, and Canada.

His coffin was drawn on a gun carriage by 118 Royal Navy ratings. During the televised service, the Prince of Wales read the lesson from Psalm 107.

In an address, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Donald Coggan, highlighted his various achievements and his “lifelong devotion to the Royal Navy”.

After the public ceremonies, which he had planned himself, Mountbatten was buried in Romsey Abbey.

The President of Ireland, Patrick Hillery, and the Taoiseach, Jack Lynch, attended a memorial service for Mountbatten in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin on 5 September 1979.

Just goes to show how easily the ‘enlightened’ public are made mugs of doesn’t it?

You see, Louis Mountbatten was an abomination of a man. A man, who should in fact, have been removed from this earth years before the IRA did us all a favour – if indeed it was the IRA.

I say that because Mountbatten was a dangerous, predatory paedophile, who had in the past had a sexual relationship with his cousin King Edward VIII – himself a warped sexual deviant – who abdicated in order to marry the right old slapper Wallis Simpson.

Now, if you have read my article Monsters Inc you will know that Wallis Simpson used to push Edward around in a pram at Parties (Sex Orgies).

You see Edward was one of those warped human beings who got his sexual kicks from wearing a nappy and being treated like a baby. Course, Wallis Simpson, being a right old banger had no objections to her husband’s fetish.

Edward also used to like dressing up in ladies clothes. Kinda makes you wonder what the Queen Mother saw in him doesn’t it? It is after all, well documented that Bizzy Lizzy the 1st despised Mrs Simpson because she was in love with Edward.

Greg Hallett, is from New Zealand and is an authority on Royal history. The following is what he has to say about Wallis Simpson:

Now, the person who became King Edward VIII married Wallis Simpson, who was three times divorced, absolutely sabotaged, and she was considered bisexual.

She was considered a drug dealer, she was considered completely unsuitable, she was having affairs with every second, second hand car salesman in London, and she was Androgen Insensitivity Symptom Grade 4, which means that she was conceived as a male, and didn’t quite fully transition into a female, which would be Grade 7. Grade 1 for male, Grade 7 is a female model.

So she had both bits, which King Edward VIII liked because he was bisexual himself.

Interestingly enough, Mountbatten was also Edward’s best man when he married Mrs Simpson.

From incestuous sex with Edward VIII, Mountbatten moved on to sexually abuse his Nephew Phil the Duck.

And, just like his Uncle Louie, the Duck’s penchant for ‘liking’ children also became apparent at a young age. The following is taken from the author, Phillip Eade’s book about the Queens husband as a duckling:

Philip had met Princess Elizabeth, his second cousin once removed and heir to the throne, several times, but things stepped up a gear when he made a visit in 1939. He was 18 and Elizabeth was 13.

The future queen’s governess described how, while they were playing with a clockwork railway, Philip came into the room. “For a while they knelt side by side playing with the trains. He soon got bored with that. We had ginger crackers and lemonade in which he joined and then he said, ‘Let’s go to the tennis courts and have some real fun jumping over the nets!’

At the tennis courts I thought he showed off a little too much. Lilibet said, ‘How good he is! How high he can jump!’ He spent a lot of time teasing plump little Margaret.” Later that evening, when Philip went for dinner with the king, Elizabeth had already been sent to bed according to the nursery schedule.

In turn, unbelievable as it may seem, the vile paedophile Mountbatten was then given carte blanche to sexually abuse his very young Great-Nephew, Prince Big Ears.

And, who gave him permission to do so?

None other than Phil the Duck and his Wife Bizzy Lizzy.

The following is taken from my article Monsters Inc:

It is also a documented fact that Dobby’s young life was shaped by his Great Uncle Louis Mountbatten. Wikipedia has this to say on that matter:

Mountbatten was a strong influence in the upbringing of his grand-nephew, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and later as a mentor—”Honorary Grandfather” and “Honorary Grandson”, they fondly called each other according to the Jonathan Dimbleby biography of the Prince.

Now while that may sound innocuous enough in its self, the fact that Mountbatten was a known gay paedophile, who was known to have had incestuous relationships with both Edward VIII & Prince Philip, should have meant that he wasn’t allowed within a 100 miles of the young Prince Dobby.

Or maybe there were darker, more sinister reasons for Charles to be in the care of such a vile monster…

So who was Lord Louie Mountbatten?

Louis of Battenberg was born in Windsor, England, on 25th June 1900 and was actually the great grandson of Queen Victoria, and the second cousin of George V.

His father, Prince Louis of Battenberg, who had been born in Austria changed the family name from Battenberg to Mountbatten, during World War 1, due to the public’s resentment to all things German.

In 1922, Mountbatten married Edwina Ashley, who was described as the spoiled favourite granddaughter of a Jewish financier close to the royals. She was also the richest and most glamorous deb of her time.

However, what wasn’t widely known was that Edwina, like Wallis Simpson, was a proper dirty old slag and a horrible bitch to boot. Course, with her new husband being at best; a bi-sexual paedophile – if not an outright homosexual paedophile – he was useless to her in the bedroom department.

The following is from the Daily Mail:

After a fumbling honeymoon, some of it spent in Hollywood, Mountbatten resumed his career as a naval officer.

Meanwhile, the stylish Edwina, described as one of the six best- dressed women in the world, shopped at Chanel, played bridge, and danced the Charleston until 3am, sometimes with Fred Astaire.

At weekends, their country home was full of guests (including the Prince of Wales) arriving in fast cars and even aeroplanes.

Vain, charming and boyish, Dickie was devoted to Edwina, but still awkward in bed. He famously named her breasts Mutt and Jeff – the nicknames that World War I soldiers gave their campaign medals.

To him, sex was unromantic, ‘a mixture of psychology and hydraulics’. There were also mutterings that he preferred men.

Things went downhill after their daughter Patricia was born in 1924.

While Mountbatten doted on the new arrival, the passionate Edwina was pathologically jealous of her own child being the centre of attention.

‘A divine little daughter’.

Too thrilling, too sweet,’ she trilled to her diary - but then packed the baby off to nannies on the South Coast. The highly sexed Edwina then proceeded to look for lovers from all walks of life.

Her first was the aristocratic Lord Molyneux. He was followed by a rich, polo-playing American, Laddie Sandford, and then by Mike Wardell, the good-looking manager of a London evening newspaper. At times, she juggled all three at once.

‘Lord Molyneux is in the morning-room and Mr Sandford in the library, but where should I put the other gentleman?’ asked a desperate flunkey when they happened to visit together.

While her husband was posted to Malta in the early Thirties, she turned to American golf champion Bobby Sweeny.

Next came playboy Larry Gray, before she went on a Mexican cruise and jumped into bed with the elder of two Californian brothers, Ted Phillips, quickly followed by his sibling Bunny.

This serial sexual gallivanting went on until the birth of her second daughter Pamela in 1929.

[...]She even dallied with conductor Malcolm Sargent, and then embarked on her most adventurous affair to date, with the bisexual West Indian cabaret pianist Leslie Hutchinson.

Although Edwina successfully sued a newspaper for saying she had a black lover, there is not much doubt she conducted an on-off relationship with ‘Hutch’ for 30 years.

She famously gave him a gold bracelet bearing her name, a gold cigarette case and, conclusively perhaps, a jewelled penis sheath from Cartier…

Mind you, at one stage, Mountbatten himself freely admitted that: “Edwina and I spent all our married lives getting into other people’s beds.”

Furthermore, in the Biography Francis Wheen wrote about the notorious Labour MP, Tom Driberg, the author states that like Driberg, Mountbatten had “a sexual preference for men”.

However, what Wheen neglects to mention is that like Driberg – who was being blackmailed by the notorious Kray Twins in the 1960’s – Mountbatten was a predatory paedophile.

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch, in 1930 Phil the Ducks Mother, Slack Alice had gone Quackers, and had been carted off to the madhouse – ha, ha, geddit?… Phil the Duck? … His Mother went Quackers? … Forget it.

This left the young Duck home alone with his bi-sexual Father, being as his three older sisters had already fucked off – each having married members of the German Nazi party.

Course, the fact that the Ducks sisters were all Nazi’s excluded them from being invited to his wedding to Bizzie Lizzy. The following is once again, from the Daily Mail:

The only member of his German family to be invited was his mother, Princess Alice, and even she was requested to divest herself of the sombre grey nun’s habit she had adopted after suffering a nervous breakdown when her bisexual husband, Prince Andrew of Greece, left her for a mistress in Monte Carlo. Read more

So, not only was the Ducks dad a fruit, his mother was a fruitloop who thought that she was a nun.

But it gets worse.

You see, with his wife going bonkers, Daddy Duck – or Ducky as the case was - couldn’t be arsed with his only son and promptly fucked off with some fabulously rich old sort, leaving the Duck in the care of Louis Mountbatten’s equally perverted brother George.

Now, as it happens, George Mountbatten kept a scandalous collection of child pornography which he had bound into volumes and emblazoned with the family crest.

Most disturbing of these were pictures of family orgies and bestiality in which children and animals were sexual participants. The question is – was George’s adopted son Philip a participant?

George Mountbatten’s porn collection now resides at the British Museum where it is kept in a hidden repository of artefacts deemed pornographic and unfit for public viewing.

So, having been passed back and forth between George, Louis and a Nazi Boarding School, where the Duck himself admits that saluting Nazi style heel clicking and Heil Hitlering were the order of the day – Its hardly surprising that the Duck turned out to be an absolute evil bastard with a penchant for raping and murdering children.

It is of course, well documented that like the Duck, his Uncle Louis, and future Uncle in law Edward VIII, were both Nazi Sympathisers.

The following is once again, taken from my article Monsters Inc:

In 1937 Phillip, then aged 16 was photographed walking in his elder Sister Cecile’s funeral cortège, flanked by relatives in SS and Brownshirt uniforms. One row back in the cortège - held in Darmstadt, western Germany – was his paedophile uncle, Lord Mountbatten wearing a Royal Navy bicorn hat. On either side of this Funeral parade, onlookers, pinned back by crowd control fences, can clearly be seen en-masse, giving the mourners the Nazi salute…

After the war had ended, Winston Churchill – Said by some to be Bizzy Lizzie’s real father – is in fact alleged to have had the right fucking hump with Mountbatten, for the way that he had covertly sided with the Hitler War Machine and for a botched, unauthorised mission which had resulted in the deaths of thousands of allied troops.

Interestingly enough, according to the website United Nations on film:

“Prince Philip kept up very serious connections with Edward [Windsor] even after his abdication in 1936. Another of Edward’s supporters, and mentor to Prince Philip, was the known paedophile and Satanist Lord Louis Mountbatten (Battenberg). Mountbatten was Philip’s route into the House of Windsor. Mountbatten was the grandson of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert and was born at Windsor Castle in 1900.

While Mountbatten was supposedly fighting on the British side during the war, he maintained serious communications with the Windsor’s German Clan via his sister Louise, the Crown Princess of Sweden and wife of King Gustav. Louise was Prince Philip’s aunt.

Course; with the falsification of history, it is sometimes hard to know what to believe. I say that since Churchill himself was a Rothschild’s puppet and it is a fact that the Rothschild’s financed both sides throughout the duration of World War 2.

Never the less, what is a cast iron fact was that Uncle Louis and his slapper wife were sent to India where Mountbatten took up his new role as the British Empires last Indian Viceroy and subsequently the first Governor General of the independent Union of India.

Unsurprisingly, Mountbatten appears to have spent his time in India up to no good. That is, at least according to the Authors of the controversial book ‘The War of the Windsor’s which was serialised in the Daily Mail:

Lord Louis Mountbatten had the nickname “Dickie” …and for good reason. Prince Philip’s uncle Dickie was the last viceroy in India where he was a known paedophile who sexually exploited young working class Indian peasant boys…

Predictably, while in India, Edwina ended up having yet another affair, this time with the Indian Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

Equally unsurprisingly, Nehru, like most Prime Ministers was also a promiscuous bi-sexual who couldn’t stay faithful if his life depended on it.

This led to the equally bi-sexual Mountbatten’s and Nehru indulging in many a menage a trios – which for the thick fuckers reading this is a threesome.

After Mountbatten had done shagging little Indian boys and the Indian Prime Minister, this abomination of a man who is touted by our government and Royal family as being a hero – which tells you all you need to know about the stinking arseholes – appears to have been recruited by MI5.

Course, it is nothing new for the Royal Family to have those amongst their ranks acting as secret agents.

The equally odious royal paedophile, Anthony Blunt was also working for MI 5 as well as the Russians.

At the end of World War 2, Blunt the cunt was in fact dispatched to Germany by the Royal family to go and retrieve incriminating correspondence sent by them to their German relatives during the hostilities.

The vile pervert was again called upon to save the Royal arses in the early 1960’s following the Profumo Scandal.

The story goes, that Phil the Duck sent blunt the cunt to buy up the sketches of him and his perverted family, drawn by his pal the Satanist, Dr Stephen Ward who was heavily implicated in the scandal. Tellingly, Ward lived in a cottage owned by the Cunt Cameron’s in-laws.

Meanwhile, Mountbatten – in between shagging his Great-Nephew Big Ears – was busy trying to oust the Wilson Government.

The following is from Wikipedia:

Peter Wright, in his book Spycatcher, claimed that in 1967 Mountbatten attended a private meeting with press baron and MI5 agent Cecil King, and the Government’s chief scientific adviser, Solly Zuckerman.

King and Peter Wright were members of a group of thirty MI5 officers who wanted to stage a coup against the then crisis-stricken Labour Government of Harold Wilson, and King allegedly used the meeting to urge Mountbatten to become the leader of a government of national salvation.

In 2006 the BBC documentary The Plot Against Harold Wilson alleged that there had been another plot involving Mountbatten to oust Wilson during his second term in office (1974–76).

The documentary alleged that a coup was planned to overthrow Wilson and replace him with Mountbatten using the private armies and sympathisers in the military and MI5. The documentary stated that Mountbatten and other members of the British Royal Family supported the plot and were involved in its planning…

Course, all work and no play makes Jack – or as in this case, Louis – a dull boy. So, in view of the lack of little Indian boys available to sodomise, Mountbatten turned to Northern Ireland, where there was an endless supply of unwilling little boys to be raped.

The unlucky victims were housed in the Kincora Boys Home in Belfast. The following is taken from my article ‘Monsters Inc’:

Mountbatten is also linked to the paedophile ring who abused boys living at the Kincora Care Home in Belfast Northern Ireland. An excellent website, dedicated to exposing the Royal Family http://www.helpfreetheearth.com/index.html, have this to say about a book written on that paedophile ring entitled ‘The Kincora Scandal’:

“The Kincora Scandal connects Lord Dickie Mountbatten to a child prostitution vice ring in Belfast, Ireland. Authorities failed to intervene at the Kincora care home for boys until 1981, despite reports over the years of child sexual abuse”.

The operators of the Kincora child prostitution ring were eventually convicted in 1981 of the RITUAL sexual abuse of defenceless young boys who were sold like prostitutes. No charges were ever brought against the VIP customers made up of Royals, Politicians, lawyers, and Judges.

However, Belfast citizens finally had reason to celebrate when Prince Philip’s paedophile uncle was killed by an IRA bomb planted in his boat”.

But was it the IRA?

The official version of events tells us that the IRA terrorist, Thomas McMahon planted the bomb on the boat which killed Mountbatten along with 3 other people, 2 of them children and seriously injured 3 others.

As a result, McMahon, the only person ever convicted of the atrocity spent 18 years in prison before being released under the good Friday agreement.

However, not everything about the story adds up.

You see, I find it extremely strange that such a prominent and controversial figure such as Mountbatten, would leave his boat harboured unattended, knowing the risks in doing so.

Neither do the anomalies stop there. The following is from the Telegraph:

The terrorist attack three decades ago led to one of the biggest police investigations in Irish history. Two men were charged: McMahon, then 31, and Francis McGirl, 24, a gravedigger.

At the time of the explosion, McMahon was 70 miles away, in police custody – by chance he and McGirl had been stopped at a checkpoint after he had laid the explosive.

One of the IRA’s most experienced bomb-makers, McMahon had flakes of green paint from Lord Mountbatten’s boat and traces of nitroglycerine on his clothes. The bomb had been detonated by remote control at 11.39am when the boat, Shadow V, was about 200 yards from the harbour.

Because there was insufficient evidence to place McGirl at the fishing village of Mullaghmore, he was acquitted and he died in 1995. McMahon was released from jail in August 1998 as part of the Good Friday peace agreement. Read More

Now, while I am no bomb expert, I would have thought that the detonator had to be linked to the bomb. Therefore, the IRA was extremely lucky that the detonator wasn’t with McMahon when he was arrested.

Moreover, it was a 50Ib bomb, which is a lot of lifting and fixing for a fella on his own. Think of 23 bags of sugar and you are somewhere near the weight of a 50Ib bomb. You have seen the size of the boat. So where the fuck did he put it on his own where it couldn’t be seen?

However, the newspaper report does claim that McMahon – a known terrorist – was the IRA’s most experienced bomb maker. Even so, it was a hell of a feat.

Never the less, with that being the case, and bearing in mind that McGirl was acquitted (meaning that McMahon hadn’t come straight from planting the bomb when he was arrested), why hadn’t McMahon changed his clothes?

Surely, as the IRA’s most experienced bomb maker, that would have been his first priority… But what do I know.

It does however sound to me almost like McMahon was set up.

And I’m not the only one who thinks so either. The following is from the On-line publishing Company:

The evidence was that at the time of the explosion McMahon was some 70 miles away and in police custody having been arrested on suspicion of a stolen car. The bomb had been detonated by remote control at 11.39am when the boat, Shadow V, was about 200 yards from the harbour.

Because there was insufficient evidence to place the co-defendant McGirl at the fishing village of Mullaghmore, he was acquitted and ‘died’ in 1995.

He (McMahon) was tried for the assassinations in the Republic of Ireland, and convicted by forensic evidence supplied by forensic scientist Dr James O’Donovan that showed flecks of paint from the boat and traces of nitro-glycerine on his clothes. That was the only evidence since of course he was in police custody more than two hours prior to the detonation.

So who did detonate the bomb that killed Mountbatten? It certainly was not Thomas McMahon and to this day McMahon has refused to even discuss the matter.

McMahon had served the first 13 years of his life sentence in the IRA wing of Portlaoise.

It was at Portlaoise Prison that he met and befriended Patrick Holland better known as ‘Dutchy’ who died in a British prison under seriously and equally suspicious circumstances. Holland was represented by the man known as the Devils Advocate Giovanni Di Stefano and upon his release from Prison which Di Stefano secured at 1 minute past midnight travelled to Rome to stay with Di Stefano.

It was there that Holland had confided to Di Stefano that Mountbatten had not been a target of the IRA and that McMahon had told him whilst in prison that the reason he had been arrested two hours before the explosion was to ensure he would not be blamed for what he termed ‘special operation’. McMahon was certainly a known Provisional IRA man and he and his father knew explosions well but ‘Dutchy’ was adamant that McMahon had told him he did not do it.

Paddy Holland told Di Stefano that the deal McMahon had agreed was that he would take the blame for all the murders and his family would be taken care of. McMahon’s wife was indeed ‘looked after’ and even entered the political forum and throughout McMahon’s time in jail Holland confirmed that McMahon lacked for nothing.

Holland was jailed for eight years in 2008 for planning a £10m plot to kidnap a businessman in the UK. He was planning to write a book and Di Stefano received some material for what would have been an explosive insight into crime in Ireland.

A chapter of the book was an in detail account of the Mountbatten murder and the startling revelations that Holland said McMahon had made confirming that Lord Mountbatten had not been the subject of a Provisional IRA assassination and that the only targets on that day were the soldiers (refers to 18 British soldiers killed by the IRA on the same day – Spivey) and he was not responsible for either.

Patrick Eugene ‘Dutchy’ Holland, 70, was found dead at 6am 19th June 2009 in Parkhurst Prison where he was serving a sentence for conspiracy to kidnap a businessman.

The UK Prison Service said he appeared to have died from ‘natural causes’, but that all deaths in custody are subject to investigation.

Di Stefano challenged the coroner’s findings without success but all in all the death of Patrick Holland was surely extremely convenient for the British Authorities.

In his book which was scheduled also to be made into a film the most startling revelation of all was that Mountbatten had been murdered not by the Provisional IRA but by the British Security Services because of a deep rooted secret Mountbatten knew that if revealed would have been so damaging to the Royal Family that it may have damaged their reputation for ever. It was all part of the same operation the British had in the 1970s Holland confirmed.

That prison confession by McMahon to Holland may well have cost ‘Dutchy’ his life and the secret Holland kept for so long may one day still make it to the big screen.

“There is no point being alive forever, merely becoming a burden to the people,” said an almost-retired Lord Mountbatten while being filmed for a BBC documentary. A month or so later he was a burden to no-one. One interesting fact that Holland stated was that whilst most world leaders lined up with Britain the United States refused to condemn the IRA. Is that because the CIA was aware that the IRA was not involved?

Gerry Adams, the then Vice President of IRA’s political wing Sinn Fein clarified that the IRA gave clear reasons for the execution of Mountbatten. “What the IRA did to him is what Mountbatten had been doing all his life to other people; and with his war record I don’t think he could have objected to dying in what was clearly a war situation. He knew the danger involved in coming to this country. In my opinion, the IRA achieved its objective: people started paying attention to what was happening in Ireland,” said Adams in an interview to the Time magazine.

What is noted is that the murder of Mountbatten although certainly not carried out by the IRA, Gerry Adams for ever an opportunist certainly performed the task of ‘spin doctor’ long before the phrase was made famous by the exploits of Tony Blair.

As for Patrick Holland what is notable is that upon release he passed a lie detector test arranged by a leading newspaper. His revelations regarding Mountbatten were no lies but may certainly have cost him his life.

Now, it has to be said that the above version of events would also tie in with Greg Halletts version. Unfortunately, many people tend to dismiss what Hallett says, without doing any research themselves.

However, I am not so quick to do so since much of what I have uncovered in the past, also tallies with what Hallett says. For instance, long before I had even heard of Greg, I had concluded that in all likelihood, Lord Porchester was Prince Andrews’ father and Lord Plunket was father to Prince Edward.

After documenting my findings in Monsters Inc, I came across Greg Hallett’s work, and discovered that he had reached the same conclusion. Hallett, like myself is also convinced that the Royal Family make Millions from the drug trade, specifically Heroin.

Course, such claims are instantly dismissed by the mind controlled masses. However, I find the this closed mind outlook extremely blinkered and naive, especially since there is no denying the role that the Royal family played in the Chinese opium wars.

Moreover, at the time of Mountbatten’s death the opium wars had only been over 100 years previously.

With that in mind, here is what Greg Hallett said about Mountbatten in a radio interview:

Those who supplied Prince Philip with children were then invited into his heroin trafficking ring, and that was called ‘The Triumvirate’. Triumvirate is latin for three people who are running a loosely organised organisation with no particular rules in its affiliation, but in this case it is essentially a mafia. So Prince Philip was involved in heroin trafficking using the navy

The Triumvirate was led by Prince Philip, the others involved were Lord Porchester the 7th Earl of Carnarvone, Lord Plunket, and when he died in 1972 he was replaced by Lord Louis Mountbatten.

Now Lord Louis Mountbatten was got to and started to be influenced by Airey Neave who was a British soldier. He was the first or second person to escape from Colditz. He was a barrister and politician, and he was also Margaret Thatcher’s bondage lover, and she used to dress up in her black leathers with her whip.

So Airey Neave was getting in with Lord Louis Mountbatten and convincing him to turn tables and expose the royal heroin trafficking. So then Airey Neave’s car, as he was driving it out of the House of Commons in London, Parliament Buildings, it exploded. It didn’t kill him, and then Airey Neave was taken to a hospital and he was killed there.

That was the 30th of March 1979, and then Lord Louis Mountbatten was murdered on the 27th of August 1979, so that was 5 months later. And that was blamed on the IRA, and it was considered a 6 man team that did it, but only one person was caught, and that person had supposedly put the 50 pounds explosives on the Shadow V, which was Lord Louis Moutbatten’s fishing boat, and he was out fishing with a local boy and with his grandson and his son’s wife’s mother.

So all four of them were killed on the boat, and Lord Louis Mountbatten didn’t die immediately, he was seriously injured and drowning, and then he was pulled from the water and then he died.

But Thomas McMahon, who was blamed for it all, he was seen at the peace checker post the night before, and that was reported to Lord Louis Mountbatten the next day, or so they claim. But it’s generally considered by intelligence, and this is confirmed, it’s an IRA opinion as well, that it was an MI-6 hit, and the person that controls the MI-6 is Princess Elizabeth and in particular Prince Philip.

Prince Philip was raised by Lord Louis Mountbatten, and it appears that is was Prince Philip who ordered the hit on Lord Louis Mountbatten in order to cover up the heroin trafficking triumvirate, and especially the use of the navy, of which Prince Philip is the head, and using sea horses(a mechanical device) to transfer heroin from one ship to another. Source

Once again, Halletts story is given added credibility, when you learn what Wikipedia has to say about Airey neave’s death:

Kevin Cahill, an Irish investigative journalist, claims Neave was on the verge of a massive overhaul of the security services, possibly involving a merger of MI5 and MI6 and arising from his belief in corruption in the security services.

Cahill suggests a link between Neave’s killing, that of Sir Richard Sykes and the attempted murder of Christopher Tugendhat in December 1980. Cahill claims that Neave would have been head of the combined security services with Sykes and Tugendhat as his deputies, with Sykes responsible for foreign operations and Tugendhat responsible for home operations.

Cahill claims to have had a conversation with a drunken Neave on St Patrick’s Day 1979 in the foyer of the Irish embassy in London. Cahill had left a party and was waiting for a taxi. He saw Neave in the room and introduced himself to him as an admirer.

Cahill claims that Neave was inebriated and responded “quite out of the blue” by saying “There are going to be changes here, big changes, soon. There is going to be cleaning of the stables… There has been serious corruption.” Neave then said that there was “no use playing games. We have to win… We will win when the [corruption] is sorted out. Count on that.”

Cahill found Neave’s remarks surprising because he seemed internally preoccupied with the UK, with his Northern Ireland brief “almost a sideline”. Cahill also thought that Neave’s mention of corruption meant Soviet penetration.

Whilst working in the House of Commons as Paddy Ashdown‘s research assistant, Cahill claims to have had around six conversations with the security staff there. The most frequent remark was that “everyone knew” the story behind Neave’s death but that no one could talk about it in detail because it would have been too dangerous.

Cahill claims they did not believe INLA killed Neave but that it was an “inside job”. Cahill concluded that Neave was killed by the security services; MI6 agents working with the CIA because Neave sought to prosecute senior figures in the intelligence establishment for corruption.

Another person who did not accept the generally accepted version of events was Enoch Powell, the Ulster Unionist MP. Powell claimed in an interview with The Guardian on 9 January 1984 that the Americans had killed Neave, along with Lord Mountbatten and Robert Bradford MP. He claimed the evidence came from a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary with whom he had a conversation.

On 18 October 1986 Powell returned to the subject of Neave’s death in a speech to Conservative students in Birmingham. He told them that INLA had not killed Neave, but that he had been assassinated by “MI6 and their friends”.

Powell claimed Neave’s Northern Ireland policy had been one of integration with the rest of the UK and that the Americans feared that this process, if implemented by Neave, would have been irreversible. His killing, alleged Powell, was intended to make the British Government adopt a policy more acceptable to America in her aim of a united Ireland within NATO

Course, one thing is for sure, The Duck certainly has no qualms about using MI6 to do his dirty work. He certainly used them to murder his daughter in law Diana: Princess of Wales.

Certainly, Mountbatten’s death could have been prevented, which to me only goes to add credence to MI6 carrying out the murder. The following is taken from the Belfast Telegraph:

In a telegram to Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington — released by the National Archives at Kew under the 30-year rule — the British ambassador in Dublin Robin Haydon said there was a widespread belief the attack on Lord Mountbatten could have been prevented.

He said the concerns about the level of security provided by the Garda Siochana were shared by local people who had “greatly liked and respected” the peer. Read More

Strangely enough, following Mountbatten’s death, Bizzy Lizzie and the Ducks behaviour towards Timothy Knatchbull was certainly out of character for the notoriously cold and callous senior royals. The following is from the Daily Mail:

Family and friends rallied. The Queen and Prince Philip invited Tim and his 22-year-old sister Amanda to holiday with them at Balmoral. What still strikes Tim today was the Queen’s maternal kindness.

‘We have a great mother on the throne of this country,’ he says. ‘When my mum, her good friend, was laid low, the Queen stepped in. We were very late arriving at Balmoral, because of a delay to our flight, and the Queen and Prince Charles plied us with soup and sandwiches.

‘Amanda took the lead in thanking them and suggesting they go to bed, but there was no persuading them. They continued to bring food and drink and ask for news from home. After a while we ambled down the corridor. We knew the form; at some point the Queen would break off and head in the direction of her bedroom. None of it.

‘She shepherded us into our rooms and started to unpack. Here, Amanda drew the line, removing a sweater from the Queen’s hands and convincing her that we really would be happier if she took herself to bed. Read More

Now, when you consider that according to another Daily Mail article:

THE Queen has mellowed from a stern mother whose children called her ‘Your Majesty’ to a doting granny. Read More

And then add that to the fact that a few hours after Princess Diana’s murder, The Duck insisted that the then 15 year old Prince William and 12 year old Prince Harry, attend church with the family, it’s not hard to see how strange the Royals behaviour was towards Timothy Knatcbull.

Certainly, the Duck had no qualms about shagging Timothy’s older brother Norton’s wife. This too from the Daily Mail:

For years he’d (Norton Knatchbull) had to endure the speculation over his wife Penny’s relationship with Prince Philip, who is his first cousin once removed.

Since Philip’s switch to carriage driving from polo, Lady Brabourne had been a regular fixture at his side. She is 57, Philip is 89.

The daughter of Reg Eastwood, a butcher who left school at 15 and went on to found the Angus Steakhouse eateries, Penny Brabourne was not at first glance the ideal soulmate for one of modern royalty’s grandest figures. But her stunning blonde looks and her determined attitude captured Philip’s attention.

Often they would travel round the country together without their spouses. Among the tight-knit community who are their friends, the relationship goes unquestioned.

At one very grand house where they have stayed after carriage-driving events, a fellow guest told me: ‘Everybody knows about Philip and Penny - they are close. But nobody knows any more than that. They do NOT share a bedroom. Read More

Christ, that family make me heave. Quite why we put up with the abominations is beyond me.

So, who did murder Mountbatten? The chances are we will never know. However, my money is on the Duck being behind it.

Never the less, if you are still in any doubt as to the kind of morality or standards that the Royal family posses, you only need to read the following taken from the Daily Express in April 1995, to gain a further insight:

PRINCE Charles hopes to visit the spot where his beloved great-uncle Earl Mountbatten was murdered by the IRA.

Sources close to the Prince say he will make the poignant pilgrimage during his first trip to the Irish Republic.

Yesterday locals in the village where Mountbatten was killed 16 years ago said Charles would receive a warm welcome.

The Prince’s visit to the Republic will be the first of its kind since the country split from British rule in 1922. He is expected to arrive in early June.

He is likely to meet Irish President Mary Robinson and Prime Minister John Bruton, and visit Dublin’s Trinity College.

From Dublin, Charles is expected to make the 160-mile journey to the seaside village of Mullaghmore, in County Sligo.

Lord Mountbatten was murdered in August 1979 when an IRA bomb blew up his boat in the bay. The Earl, his 14 -year-old grandson Nicholas and young Irish boatman Paul Maxwell aboard the Shadow V died instantly.

His daughter Patricia Brabourne, his son-in-law John and Timothy, Nicholas’ twin brother, were badly hurt. John Brabourne’s mother, Lady Brabourne, died next morning.

The Royal Family was effectively barred from the Republic on security grounds, although the Duchess of York has made several private visits there in recent years.

Local senator Willie Farrell said yesterday: “There would be a Cead Mile Failte — a hundred thousand welcomes. “Lord Mountbatten was treated like one of the natives. The name is loved around here.”

Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister Dick Spring welcomed the planned visit and said: “It is now possible in the context of what has happened on this island in recent months.”

When he learned of the death of his “Uncle Dickie” Prince Charles wrote: ”I fear it will take me a very long time to forgive those people who achieved something two world wars failed to achieve.

I don’t feel the need to add any more except to say that if the filthy nonce Mountbatten is the country’s idea of a hero… We are most certainly doomed.

Don’t believe the truth, lets go to war.

Until the next time, thank you for your support and much love to you all.
