31 Aug 2013
'Crucially, my investigations show that the paparazzi who supposedly hounded Diana to her death were not even in the Pont d’Alma tunnel at the time of the car crash. They also reveal how a high-powered black motorbike — which did not belong to any of the paparazzi — shot past Diana’s Mercedes in the tunnel. Eyewitnesses say its rider and pillion passenger deliberately caused the car to crash.
In addition, my inquiries unearthed the existence of a shadowy SAS unit that answers to MI6, as well as the names of two MI6 officers who were linked by a number of sources to Diana’s death.Could the Establishment really have turned Henri Paul and the paparazzi into scapegoats? Could there have been a skilful cover-up by people in powerful places to hide exactly what did happen?'
Rumours were circulating, too, that the Princess was pregnant. Photographs of her in a leopard-print swimsuit, on holiday in the South of France 14 days earlier, show an unmistakable bump around her waistline.
And, as the Mail revealed after Diana’s death, she had visited — in the strictest secrecy — a leading London hospital for a pregnancy scan just before that photo was snapped.
To add to the disquiet, the mother of a future King of England and head of the Church of England was threatening to move abroad with her Muslim boyfriend and take the royal Princes, William and Harry, with her.
By Sue Reid
Would you Trust Al Capone to Police himself? Unmasking the latest Papal Deception: A Critique of the “Apostolic Letter”
Always provide your opponents with what they wish to see, and by that means, deceive and control them; for thus will they see what you appear to be, and few of them will experience who you really are. – The Prince by Nicolo Machiavelli
A legal judgment is void if the court that rendered judgment lacked jurisdiction or acted in a manner inconsistent with due process.
-Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th ed., citing Klugh v. United States, D.C.S.C
There is nothing more important for any Prince than appearing to be religious.
- Machiavelli
In 1529, Martin Luther described the Vatican’s gestures at “reform” as “farts laced with perfume”; and one of his lampooning publicists depicted the oxymoron of papal reform with a cartoon of fat cardinals brushing the dust off the statues in St. Peter’s Basilica.
Things don’t change much in Rome. Five centuries after Luther, the tried and true method of all despots in damage control – of tightening the reins of power while feigning liberality – is unfortunately alive and well.
Ask Jorge Bergoglio.
The Jesuit pinch hitter from Buenos Aires was brought in to the Augean filth of Rome to do exactly such a spin, as he was trained to do in the 1980′s as the chief public relations gnome for the butchers of the Argentinian military junta. And last July, as the appropriately benign-looking “Pope Francis the First”, Bergoglio issued something he calls an “Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio” concerning “the jurisdiction of Judicial authorities of Vatican City State in Criminal Matters”.
Wow. Sounds impressive, eh? From the sounds of that, you’d almost think that the Roman Catholic Church is a legitimate government, and has some kind of legal jurisdiction when it comes to matters of crime.
But illusions aside, this latest effort at statue-cleaning at the Vatican reminds me of something an Irish priest told me last May in Dublin:
“Ratzinger was a dinosaur, but this new Pope is another Borgia”
Nicolo Machiavelli was the hired scribe for the Borgias, those Renaissance thugs who ran Rome and the papacy with their friends and relatives. Nicolo even dedicated his book The Prince to Cesare Borgia, the throat-cutting illegitimate bastard of Pope Alexander VI: another cutie who raped his own daughter Lucretia and signed the Bull Inter Catera that carved up the world between Spain and Portugal and gave the green light to global genocide.
I figure Pope Francis is a real devotee of Machiavelli, since he’s following the guy’s advice to rulers to the letter. For the basic message of The Prince is that law and morality is a fiction and does not apply to popes and kings; and that such rulers must use every means of deception, violence and crime to hold on to their thrones while simultaneously making themselves seem pure and just.
Which brings us to Bergoglio’s Apostolic Letter, over which some of our especially naive colleagues are rapturing like it’s the heralding of the dawn of a new age.
Uh uh. Quite the opposite, in fact.
The Letter does three things: defrays criticism of the Vatican, avoids prosecution for defying the Law of Nations by co-opting that Law, and silences and criminalizes internal whistle blowers and critics. And it does so by expanding the power of church courts and canon law to prosecute and jail such critics in order to place a final lid over any information leaks in the church: including any reporting of child rape and trafficking.
All of this stench is perfumed, of course. As Machiavelli says, use the language of your opponents and thereby disarm them. For the opening sentence of the Apostolic Letter reads,
“In our times, the common good is increasingly threatened by transnational organized crime …”
Indeed. Transnational organized crime, like the Vatican itself, which on August 4 was declared to be a transnational criminal body under international law because of the very policies enunciated by Bergoglio in his July 11 Letter: policies that aid and abet, among other things, human trafficking, rape, and money laundering for organized crime.
It’s always absurd when the Al Capone mobsters call for law and order, and announce new policies to police their operations more justly. The Chicago hood occasionally sponsored official “crime investigations” by his bought and paid for judges, who always rendered a verdict that never touched the operations of their paymaster.
But Jorge Bergoglio has done Al Capone one better: he is appropriating the very international legal conventions that have convicted him and his church in order to solidify the legal untouchability of the Vatican Incorporated for its proven crimes against humanity.
The Apostolic Letter does so simply, by announcing that as of September 1, 2013, the “Vatican legal system” will incorporate the provisions of international law, including the Geneva conventions on war crimes, the convention on the rights of the child, and other laws prohibiting racial discrimination and torture.
Sounds good? Think again, people. For the power to apply such laws within the catholic church will, as of September 1, be completely in the hands and under the sole jurisdiction of church law and Vatican courts: precisely like the internal “legal commissions” within the Mafia that regulate mobster behavior.
In effect, the Apostolic Letter states that all of those international human rights laws have no binding authority on the church unless the church makes it so, since the power to enforce those Conventions now lies not within secular or international courts, but solely within church courts.
By thus placing his church outside the jurisdiction of any other court, the Pope has told international law to go screw itself.
Even worse, anyone who reports any of these crimes within the church now faces even stiffer punishment for doing so. The Letter states,
“I establish that the competent Judicial Authorities of Vatican City shall also exercise penal jurisdiction over crimes committed against the security, fundamental interests or the patrimony of the Holy See”.
Penal jurisdiction means the power to prosecute and jail. And the same jurisdiction applies as well to any leakage of information from the church, including, under standing church laws like Crimen Sollicitationas, the reporting of child rape and trafficking.
Let me say that again: it is a crime under Catholic law to report the rape of a child.
I am the State, declared Louis the 14th of France. But Pope Francis has now proclaimed, I am the Law.
I guess that is an inevitable development for any megalomaniac regime that considers that one man is the link between God and all humankind. In that sense, poor Jorge deserves not a papal tiara but a strait jacket. But since this particular lunatic is armed with trillions of dollars, a few billion followers, and now the power to appropriate and ignore international law – well, folks, things do not look good.
But of course, remembering Machiavelli, that’s just the appearance they want you to see.
The truth is that the Apostolic Letter is an act of extreme desperation, arising from a collapse of the authority of the Vatican, as in 1870, when the army of nationalist leader Giuseppe Garibaldi abolished the papacy and its secular power. In response, Pope Pius IX unilaterally declared himself and his papal descendents to be “infallible”, without even getting a majority of his Cardinals to agree with him.
Not coincidentally, the same pope declared soon afterwards that he was God, announcing in 1872,
“I alone am the successor of the Apostles, the Vicar of Jesus Christ. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” (That’s funny; I thought Jesus said that)
Such bizarre and sudden claims of absolute authority are always made by those without any, as any tottering despot knows. Jorge Bergoglio has simply pulled another Pius act, now that the Vatican Bank is facing insolvency and his predecessor Joe Ratzinger and various complicit Cardinals are evading arrest within the walls of the ever-besieged Vatican.
And Jorge Bergoglio himself is next on the block. He has already been declared a war criminal in absentia by the International Common Law Court of Justice. He has also been named in cases before the courts in Argentina and Spain concerning his complicity in the death of Argentine citizens during the Dirty War. Jorge is hardly the one to be lecturing the world about the law.
Distractions like the Apostolic Letter are not the issue at all, ultimately, in the face of the enormity of the crimes of the Vatican. This is especially true once we recognize the fictitious nature of that religious corporation’s claims to be any kind of governmental or judicial body.
And besides, have we all forgotten that the Vatican and its church has already been indicted as an international criminal organization? Such a body, according to the United Nations Convention on the subject, has lost its authority and right to exist.
In reality, Catholic “Canon law” has no lawful authority, and not only because it has been lawfully convicted as a global criminal conspiracy. For canon law is merely a set of internal corporate statues that do not negate common law rights or the laws of other nations, as the Apostolic Letter claims to establish.
A bunch of crooks have no jurisdiction over themselves just because they say they do.
If the rest of us are too stupid or frightened to tell the Al Capones and the Jorge Bergoglio to get stuffed, and to arrest and prosecute their sorry asses, then let our fate be on our own heads.
See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at www.hiddennolonger.com and at the websites of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at www.itccs.org and www.itccs.tv .
An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at: http://kevinannettinternational.blogspot.fr/
The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvhfXAd08TE – Common Law Court Proceedings – Genocide in Canada (Part One) – 1 hr. 46 mins.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPKFk_L7y9g – Common Law Court Proceedings – Genocide in Canada (Part Two) – 1 hr. 47 mins.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ormOIlOi4Vc – Final Court Verdict and Sentencing – 8 mins. 30 secs.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IylfBxm3sMg – Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses – 10 mins.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CReISnQDbBE – Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBUd3UXt6fI – Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada
Kevin Annett is a Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize (2013). Messages for him can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada) or 386-323-5774 (USA).
“I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him.”
Chief Louis Daniels – Whispers Wind
Elder, Crane Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba
30 Aug 2013
Who Is Really Behind the Syrian War? ... CORBETT REPORT
Given that the pretext for attacking Syria is falling apart before the public's eyes, why is the US preparing to wage war on that country? Who benefits from the ongoing destabilization of Assad's government? What will the Middle East look like if the Sunnis take over Syria? What is Israel's role in this? What do Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have to gain from a war in Syria? And what does Bandar Bush have to do with all of this? Join us today on The Corbett Report as we discuss these and other pressing issues as the world stands on the brink of yet another US-led Middle Eastern military adventure.
29 Aug 2013
What’s Really Happening in Syria: Parting the Veils of New World Order on the Middle East ... Thrive
Mainstream news sources are reporting that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons on its own citizens, killing hundreds. But what if that’s not the true story? What if this is another “false flag” operation — like Iraq — where the American government is using the excuse of chemical weapons to justify another war in the Middle East for its own benefit?
3 Things More Critical to Americans Than Bombing Syrians - WAKING TIMES
Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times
“Any man whose errors take ten years to correct is quite a man.” J. Robert Oppenheimer
With the United States government mobilizing to live up to expectations that it would eventually find justification for the bombing, destruction, and occupation of Syria, those of us who’ve overcome the fear propaganda of the security state are forced to watch in unspeakable sadness as the resources of this nation are again stolen by our geo-political chess masters. The institutions that we so faithfully support with our tax dollars are once again demonstrating their disinterest in serving us, opting instead for blood in foreign lands, off on some veiled agenda of the elites, leaving America to toil in ruin.
The expenditures of the American war machine are totally insane.
The United States has the unprecedented capacity to initiate crippling conflict on any of it’s target nations in a span of days, not weeks or months. This speaks volumes about the concerted potential of the American people to inversely positively affect the world, yet, we find ourselves again helpless, while our vast intellectual and material wealth is being commandeered to harm others rather than to improve things in the homeland.
One wonders how great life in America could be if our national priorities hadn’t been totally hijacked by psychopaths, but, since they have, and since we no longer have recourse, redress, law, Congress, procedure, or anything else to stand in the way of the war criminals, any indulgence over the prospect of American potential is a daydream right now, another distraction from true concerns. Prosperity, health, and happiness are under siege in very serious ways, more critical to us than any shadowy threat of chemical weapons use in a far away land.
Yet for the most serious problems threatening the ordinary American, the government is either silent, has no plan, or is culpable in some suspicious way. Life in America is changing swiftly, for the worse, and it is growing more and more difficult for the sheep-like American people to continue swallowing the war propaganda when there is clearly a list of things going dreadfully untended here domestically.
Like a tragic comedy, it is laughable that our leadership can produce no motivation to address our immediate and tangible concerns, but is terminally capable of producing every whim of the military industrial complex.
For the record, though, or perhaps because daydreaming is a healthy exercise for the mind and the imagination, here are 3 critically important issues facing the American people that would be much more quickly and painlessly resolved if the full weight of the great American spirit of ingenuity and determination were organized and brought to bear upon their timely resolution.
1. Fukushima
With upwards of several hundred tons of exceptionally radioactive water flowing directly in the Pacific Ocean every 24 hours, and estimates of up to 40 years before this can be contained, containment of this situation justly warrants every conceivably possible effort on our part. Why are our resources sailing East right now, with intent to kill, instead of initiating a new Manhattan-style project to put this apocalyptic genie back in it’s bottle?
2. Pollinator Bees and GMO’s
Genetically modified organisms, ‘GMO’s,’ has become an umbrella term for the popular struggle erupting against the complete and total takeover and bastardization of the world’s food supply and seed sources. Not only is our food being tampered with by unpredictably dangerous corporate science, and the nutritional biodiversity of food being totally eradicated, but, seeds are also being patented and made to grow only in combination with toxic chemicals that are poisoning our eco-systems. The most startling by-product of this trend in farming may very well be the global bee colony collapse, which is being linked to neonicotinoid pesticides.
What could be a more pressing national priority than addressing the demise of bees and other pollinator species that are so critical to life?
3. The Economy and Banker Engineered Collapse
Rooted in fiat money and presided over by a global private banking system that has entirely too much influence and dominance, the world economy has become an instrument of imperialism, and debt has become the greatest tool for enslavement and national conquest the world has ever seen.
If our government was operating in our interests this would simply not be the case as an honest and sound economy, which we could easily have, is so obviously fundamental to stability and security, and would surely be near the top of sane national priorities.
Why cannot we not elect to move our resources into reconstructing our economy and abandoning the eons of banker imposed indentured servitude that we are facing today? In Defense of Common Sense Laughing at the universe is easy when the human race is governed by such insanity, and if you’ve ever laughed out of delirium, exhaustion, or frustration then you know the kind of laughter this invokes.
In fact, in times like these it is comforting to reflect upon the fact that some of our greatest wisdom and common sense comes from comedians who seem to have a cooler calibrated sense of right and wrong than the leadership we have today. To that end, here is the legendary comedian Bill Hicks, hysterically reminding us just how insane this all is… 20 something years ago.
Bill Hicks - Iraq Weapons Conversion
The clip from Revelations in which Bill talks
about Iraqis converting
"machine tools"
and "farming equipment" into military equipment.
About the Author Alex Pietrowski is an artist and writer concerned with
preserving good health and the basic freedom to enjoy a healthy
He is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com and an avid student of Yoga and life
About the Author
Alex Pietrowski is an artist and writer concerned with preserving good health and the basic freedom to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. He is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com and an avid student of Yoga and life.- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/3-things-more-critical-to-americans-than-bombing-syrians/#sthash.LDe9NbTa.dpuf
End Game – A Global Conspiracy – Full Length Feature
The world’s ruling elite have fashioned an interlocking network of multi-national corporations that now posses more wealth and political autonomy than individual nations.
What psychological pathology drives their single-minded obsession for absolute control?
What high-tech schemes serve their diabolical End-Game strategies?
FASCISM ... whether the corporations own the government or the government owns the corporations, it's the same thing.
Humanity's ultimate fate now hangs in the balance!
28 Aug 2013
Britain's three political 'leaders' - and not a brain cell between them ... TRUTH ABOUT THE WAR ON TERROR
Rothschild Zionist Cameron: 'We must bomb Syria because of the chemical attack by Assad that we have lied about and cannot prove.'
Rothschild Zionist bagman Clegg: 'I agree with David - we cannot allow tyrants to use chemical weapons in attacks that we have lied about without them taking the consequences.'
Rothschild Zionist Miliband: 'I agree with David and Nick - we cannot allow tyrants to use chemical weapons in attacks that are being lied about without them taking the consequences, so long as the bombing of the innocent is "legal". '
The span of political 'choice' and debate in Britain (and elsewhere) is the size of this and getting smaller by the day ...

So politics is irrelevant - and The People have to take back the world that has been stolen from us.
Breaking The Silence - Truth And Lies In The War On Terror - John Pilger
Full length documentary by John Pilger
exposing the truth and lies about the War on Terror.
The U.S. Britain and Israel have Used Chemical Weapons within the Last 10 Years
'We condemn all use of chemical weapons. But the U.S. used chemical weapons against civilians in Iraq in 2004.
Israeli also used white phosphorous in 2009 during “Operation Cast Lead” (and perhaps subsequently). Israel ratified Protocol III of Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (“Protocol III”) – which outlaws the use of incendiary devices in war – in 2007. So this was a war crime.
Moreover, the 1925 Geneva Protocol (which is different from Protocol III) prohibits “the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases”.'
Those Condemning Syria Have Themselves Recently Used Chemical Weapons
We condemn all use of chemical weapons.Evidence here, here, here, here,here, here.
Israeli also used white phosphorous in 2009 during “Operation Cast Lead” (and perhaps subsequently). Israel ratified Protocol III of Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (“Protocol III”) – which outlaws the use of incendiary devices in war – in 2007. So this was a war crime.
Moreover, the 1925 Geneva Protocol (which is different from Protocol III) prohibits “the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases”.
The use of White phosphorus (“WP”) may also be a war crime under other international treaties and domestic U.S. laws. For example, the Battle Book, published by the U.S. Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, contains the following sentence: “It is against the law of land warfare to employ WP against personnel targets.”
The U.S. National Safety Council states that “White phosphorus is a poison . . . If its combustion occurs in a confined space, white phosphorus will remove the oxygen from the air and render the air unfit to support life . . . It is considered a dangerous disaster hazard because it emits highly toxic fumes. The EPA has listed white phosphorus as a Hazardous Air Pollutant.
Indeed, it is interesting to note that the U.S. previously called white phosphorous a chemical weapon when Saddam used it against the Kurds. Interestingly, it has just come out that the U.S. encouragedSaddam’s use of chemical weapons.
Moreover, the U.S. and Britain have been dropping depleted uranium in virtually every country they fight, which causes severe health problems. See this, this, this and this.
And Israel has been accused of using depleted uranium in Syria.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. But it is hypocritical for the U.S., Britain and Israel to say that we should bomb Syria because the government allegedly used chemical weapons.
27 Aug 2013
Ben Fulford: Latest attempt to start world war 3 in Syria a sign of cabal desperation August 27 2013
The final take-down of the criminal cabal that illegally seized control of many Western countries is under-way according to multiple sources in the Pentagon, MI5, the Italian P2 Freemason Lodge and in various Asian power centers.
The ongoing attempts by these religious fanatic criminals to start Armageddon, this time with an operation in Syria is nothing more than a sign of desperation. The list of countries that has agreed to attack Syria based on the obvious cabal staged poisonous gas attack in Syria is also a list of the countries still under cabal control. These are the US, Canada (to my deep shame), France, Israel, Italy, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The fact that other NATO countries, notably Germany, are not participating is a sign the cabal no longer controls the NATO alliance. Globally, the cabal now controls only 8 out of the 195 nations on earth.
It is true these cabal controlled nations still control considerable military power on paper but it is extremely unlikely the pentagon will go along with this latest cabal gambit. From their point of view it is difficult to see what sort of legitimate US interests would be served by attacking Syria.
Instead, they realize this latest horror is just a desperate attempt to start war in order to save cabal control of the financial system. That is not going to be allowed.
On that front, a White Dragon Society representative will meet this week with holders of historical Asian bonds issued by the Federal Reserve Board in order to begin moves to either force the Feds to either cash them or be declared bankrupt. The bonds will be taken
to the Bank for International Settlements for cashing after the UN, the governments of the US, the EU, Russia, China etc. are formally notified the money will be used to finance a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. If anybody objects, the specific names of the people or organizations trying to block this move will be publicized and legal action against them will be initiated.
Since the International Court of Justice at the Hague is a cabal controlled institution, it will probably be necessary to set up a special tribunal to carry out mass arrests of top cabal members before work to repair this planet can begin.
There will also be continued clandestine efforts to remove cabal proxies from public office in the 8 countries still under cabal control. England, the US and Canada are expected to be the first of the 8 cabal controlled countries that will be freed. This will be done primarily by using all legal tools available to remove the known cabal mass murderers who are in power in these countries.
Of course the cabal has no intention of going quietly. In addition to their increasingly desperate attempts to start World War 3, the cabalists are also trying to co-opt the coming revolution.
The plan to co-opt the revolution by the cabal is taking the form of controlled opposition. The pumping up of, and mass corporate propaganda media pumping up of people like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange mark them as officially sanctioned “rebels.” These highly publicized and lionized “whistleblowers,” despite supposedly having access to huge archives of intelligence files have somehow failed, for example, to find anything about 911, 311 or other cabal mass murder events.
In any case, the cabal controlled revolution scenario hopes to use these and other yet to be created anti-heroes to make it seem that a revolution has taken place. Of course, it will just be a case of putting the velvet glove back onto the recently exposed steel fist of cabal fascist control. This plan will fail.
In a separate cabal gambit, top cabal agent Adnan Sacly is travelling around Asia, particularly Indonesia, in an attempt to bribe or otherwise influence Asian dynastic families, according to a senior P2 Freemason official. . He is being hunted by operatives working for the Vatican as well as the CIA and is thus not expected to remain in action for very long, according to the P2 freemason official.
There is also trouble brewing on the economic front with China now joining the ranks of countries whose economies are imploding. Mass bankruptcies have begun among small and medium enterprise, according to a Chinese government official.
This means the controlled economic implosion that began with the Lehman Brothers crisis of 2008 has worked its way from weaker countries like Greece and the US and is now hitting previously strong economies like China. This is adding to the pressure to start the new financial system and pump money into the global economy ASAP.
However, although everybody is sick and tired of the old financial system, solving the question of who gets to control the money pump next is still going to take many months to solve before the new system can begin.
The problem is due to a continuing deadlock at the very top of the old system. The big banks have used derivatives fraud to create astronomical amounts of dollars (quintillions, decadecillions and other such exotic numbers are bandied about in the back rooms) and are reluctant to admit this money has no basis in reality. Big banks with equally astronomical derivatives losses on their books are also refusing to recognize their bankruptcy, resulting in deadlock.
In the end, it will probably be necessary to shut down all the bank computers and delete all money from the system. After that, only money that is backed by real world assets will be re-entered into the system. This will mean a lot of work for auditors and other experts in following financial paper trails.
Since finance is the process of deciding what we as a species do in the future, there is also a spiritual dimension to the financial system that needs to be properly dealt with. Once cabal control is ended we need to come up with a new way of deciding what sort of world we want to build with the resources that exist today. If properly done, the new structure will unleash dormant human potential and allow for the biggest changes our species has seen since the beginning of agriculture.
Surreal – Vicious US Warmongers Show Their Ugly Heads - ZEN
NWO gofers are vermin of the worst sort. That they have any place in
so-called “power” is testament to an almost dead planet. I’m shocked to
the bone watching this public display of wicked, vile hubris. There is
no life at the end of their destructive designs; their wars, their bombs
- in their minds their missiles are directed at playthings to be
destroyed. Just global play time in their book.
Notice Killary’s eyes, never mind her pig like demonic laugh, or Baker’s reptilian snort. Sick bastards – why are they on display again? Oh, that’s right, we’re in the matrix. Damn it. Time to take it down.
- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/surreal-vicious-us-warmongers-show-their-ugly-hand/#sthash.OsxNSBel.dpuf
Notice Killary’s eyes, never mind her pig like demonic laugh, or Baker’s reptilian snort. Sick bastards – why are they on display again? Oh, that’s right, we’re in the matrix. Damn it. Time to take it down.
- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/surreal-vicious-us-warmongers-show-their-ugly-hand/#sthash.OsxNSBel.dpuf
These NWO gofers are vermin of the worst sort. That they have any place in so-called “power” is testament to an almost dead planet. I’m shocked to the bone watching this public display of wicked, vile hubris.
There is no life at the end of their destructive designs; their wars, their bombs - in their minds their missiles are directed at playthings to be destroyed. Just global play time in their book.
Notice Killary’s eyes, never mind her pig like demonic laugh, or Baker’s reptilian snort. Sick bastards – why are they on display again? Oh, that’s right, we’re in the matrix.
Damn it.
Time to take it down
.... ZenGardner.com
We’re dealing with an extremely out of control, insane small group of
people out for bloodshed and dominance of anything and everything.
blood lust and cravings for power know no boundaries and cannot be
curtailed without massive and clearly heard group resistance.
We can do
our part.
Sound the alarm in any way we can.
We each do make a
Never let yourself feel impotent to help effect change.
That’s part of their programming.
Resist it with all your might.
And act
Eric’s call here is a conscious plea for sanity in the
midst of a world tortured with lies, deceit and obvious manipulation
Dear World, Americans Don’t Want War With Syria
Open letter to the citizens of the world about our war-mongering government.
Eric BlairActivist Post
Dear World,
the U.S. government fabricates its way into yet another aggressive war,
this time in Syria, I understand why you might resent average Americans
because we allow this war path to continue.
After Gaddafi’s
carcass was dragged through the streets of Libya, our Secretary of State
told you with a demonic smirk “We came. We saw. He died.” I get it,
they make us look like bloodthirsty thugs.
You might think we
all agree with endless wars and unlawful drone strikes. You might think
we condone the indefinite detention or torture of other humans. You may
think we approve of the global police state and spy grid paid for by our
tax dollars. You may believe we support our government’s hubris bravado
to conquer the world. You may even hate us for it.
what you’re told on the two-way telescreen, we are not okay with what
our government is doing. Our government has gone completely rogue. They
don’t represent us. We do not share its enthusiasm for blood. We’re
disgusted by it.
Like you, we just want a peaceful and
fruitful life with the hope of a better future for our children. We want
joy, peace, love, and the liberty to fulfill of our dreams. Obviously,
our government doesn’t represent these values because we are not in
charge of our government. It’s in charge of us.
representatives stopped representing our wishes long ago. They’ve gone
to the highest bidder, which happens to be the military-industrial
complex and their international financiers. Their thirst for blood is
too strong for our political system to peacefully stop it. They operate
in the dark and are unaccountable to us.
We’re being told that
our President is meeting with his war team to weigh an attack against
Syria, another sovereign state who’s never harmed or even threatened to
harm Americans — like the rest of its recent victims.
Americans have been duped into supporting such efforts in the past, the
argument that our military is defending our freedom “over there” has
been exhausted. “Over there” never posed a threat to our freedom. Our
freedom was destroyed by the very same people selling us this lie. We
know this now.
Similarly, the “humanitarian” excuse has also
been exhausted. No one could sanely argue that “humanity” is better off
within the borders of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, and others
due to our military intervention.
Consequently, most Americans
are vehemently opposed to this or any escalation of the perpetual war
on terror. We do not want more war in the Middle East or anywhere else.
The American people want peace.
This Associated Press story
announcing Obama’s Syrian war cabal has zero comments in support of
military intervention. Not a single one. Instead, the comments weave a
tale of cynicism, conspiracy, and corruption. It shows Americans are
rapidly waking up.
dealing with an extremely out of control, insane small group of people
out for bloodshed and dominance of anything and everything. Their blood
lust and cravings for power know no boundaries and cannot be curtailed
without massive and clearly heard group resistance.
We can do our part. Sound the alarm in any way we can. We each do make a difference. Never let yourself feel impotent to help effect change. That’s part of their programming. Resist it with all your might. And act responsibly.
Eric’s call here is a conscious plea for sanity in the midst of a world tortured with lies, deceit and obvious manipulation.
- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/we-dont-want-war-with-syria-period/#sthash.SSvWnP7y.dpuf
We can do our part. Sound the alarm in any way we can. We each do make a difference. Never let yourself feel impotent to help effect change. That’s part of their programming. Resist it with all your might. And act responsibly.
Eric’s call here is a conscious plea for sanity in the midst of a world tortured with lies, deceit and obvious manipulation.
- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/we-dont-want-war-with-syria-period/#sthash.SSvWnP7y.dpuf
26 Aug 2013
by Michael Henry Dunn
(Jakarta video production by Johannes “Jo” Hutabarat)
Ø How safe is your Western Union money? Banking cabal blocks Keenan’s wire transfers – no surprise there…
Ø Keenan allies detained at airports for days – but others slip through
Ø Jakarta Supreme Court backdates document in an attempt to illegally keep Martha Wibawa in prison
Ø Federal Reserve has a great idea – let’s reset the system…and cancel the Fed’s massive debts to the world! Don’t think so, boys – Keenan says, “think again.”
Ø Neil Keenan sends two messages: Cabal – you’re done. Americans – time to clean up our country.
Ø Two hard-hitting video messages from Keenan – worth your time.
August 25, 2013 – It’s not as if the cabal has been ignoring Neil Francis Keenan all this while. Four (or is it five?) attempts on his life (and at least one on his team), bribe offers that rose from the millions to the billions to the trillions, the death of his best friend, plus constant surveillance by just about every major intelligence agency in the world (most on his side, some definitely not). Ever since Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock broke the story on Keenan’s Trillion Dollar Lawsuit against major Federal Reserve entities, the pressure has ratcheted up on a weekly basis.
In the wake of Keenan’s breakthrough partnership with leading figures in the Asian clans who are the legitimate depositors of the vast majority of the assets in the Global Collateral Accounts (revealed in a widely followed story released on Jean Haines’ blog on August 9th), the corrupt Western banking elite (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bushes, Warburgs, Windsors, et al) apparently managed to spare enough time from attempting to cut each other’s throats last week to focus on making life a little more difficult for The Keenan Group.
Martha Wibawa’s release from prison was delayed once again when the Jakarta Supreme Court apparently illegally back-dated a document to prevent his automatic freedom. Keenan has a globally prominent attorney preparing an international lawsuit to expose this corruption – though there is a chance the court may yet take appropriate action, and avoid the global spotlight.
The (cabal-owned) Western Union wire transfers were mysteriously blocked (hey regular folks, you might want to just mail that check to Aunt Sally next time). Allies arriving in Jakarta were detained for days at airports. And the easy-to-spot surveillance guys have become so ubiquitous that Neil is now tempted to buy them donuts out of pity. He winks at them. And they roll their eyes in exasperation.
(I admit I’ve wondered if maybe the donuts are how they bribe spooks in Keenan’s native Rhode Island – but it’s probably the brazenly flirtatious smile with which he delivers the donuts that does the trick…it seems to work pretty well with hotel clerks and bored immigration officials. Okay, I’m blowing the whistle on Neil Keenan: he turns down bribe offers in the billions…but he’s not above offering pastries to bank tellers).
While dealing with the blocked funds and detained allies (anticipated and provided for in advance), Keenan is deepening his partnership with his new allies (more are coming on board daily), and preparing actions to take down the Fed. The Feds have recently come up with a startling idea – a new financial system! The main feature of their version of a global reset involves wiping out the Fed’s own debts to the nations whose wealth they have been defrauding for the last hundred years or so. See the accompanying two videos for Keenan’s emphatically expressed doubts on the likelihood of this occurring (along with an inspirational Woodie Guthrie classic in the second video).
Forgive the quips here, folks – we are well aware of how deadly serious all this is. But Keenan keeps things light for his team by nearly non-stop puckish, wacko humor – which is much in evidence on the two accompanying videos. But so is the tough and fearless essence of the man. Listen to him urge the American people to take our country back (legally and peacefully, please note). He reminds us all that we are not alone in this fight. We have allies in the Pentagon, in the agencies, in the militia movement, among our brave men and women serving in the armed forces, in the non-aligned nations, in the Asian powers who own the assets, in courageous whistle-blowers like Karen Hudes – and even, some say, in off-planet friends who are helping in largely unseen ways.
I haven’t edited these videos one bit, folks (well, OK, I took out Neil’s Sinatra imitation at the beginning). This is classic hard-hitting, unexpurgated NFK. He went twenty-nine and oh as a Golden Glove boxer – and still knows how to dodge one blow to deliver a flurry of counter-punches.
One last note: I really don’t know whether it’s leprechauns, Indonesian devas, or angelic E.T’s….but the man seems to know things before they happen – even to the extent of answering questions I was about to ask, before I asked them. It’s a bit spooky, really. Not that I’m trying to unnerve the bad boys in Texas who are reading this (or in London, or D.C., or Jakarta, or New York, or wherever), but I suspect Neil has peeked down the timeline of the Galactic Mirror, and seen visions of NWO baddies doing permanent time – while the planet heals and humanity tastes freedom for the first time in a few thousand years.
Go maire subh bhur saol nua….
Michael Henry Dunn
(Jakarta video production by Johannes “Jo” Hutabarat)
Ø How safe is your Western Union money? Banking cabal blocks Keenan’s wire transfers – no surprise there…
Ø Keenan allies detained at airports for days – but others slip through
Ø Jakarta Supreme Court backdates document in an attempt to illegally keep Martha Wibawa in prison
Ø Federal Reserve has a great idea – let’s reset the system…and cancel the Fed’s massive debts to the world! Don’t think so, boys – Keenan says, “think again.”
Ø Neil Keenan sends two messages: Cabal – you’re done. Americans – time to clean up our country.
Ø Two hard-hitting video messages from Keenan – worth your time.
August 25, 2013 – It’s not as if the cabal has been ignoring Neil Francis Keenan all this while. Four (or is it five?) attempts on his life (and at least one on his team), bribe offers that rose from the millions to the billions to the trillions, the death of his best friend, plus constant surveillance by just about every major intelligence agency in the world (most on his side, some definitely not). Ever since Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock broke the story on Keenan’s Trillion Dollar Lawsuit against major Federal Reserve entities, the pressure has ratcheted up on a weekly basis.
In the wake of Keenan’s breakthrough partnership with leading figures in the Asian clans who are the legitimate depositors of the vast majority of the assets in the Global Collateral Accounts (revealed in a widely followed story released on Jean Haines’ blog on August 9th), the corrupt Western banking elite (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bushes, Warburgs, Windsors, et al) apparently managed to spare enough time from attempting to cut each other’s throats last week to focus on making life a little more difficult for The Keenan Group.
Martha Wibawa’s release from prison was delayed once again when the Jakarta Supreme Court apparently illegally back-dated a document to prevent his automatic freedom. Keenan has a globally prominent attorney preparing an international lawsuit to expose this corruption – though there is a chance the court may yet take appropriate action, and avoid the global spotlight.
The (cabal-owned) Western Union wire transfers were mysteriously blocked (hey regular folks, you might want to just mail that check to Aunt Sally next time). Allies arriving in Jakarta were detained for days at airports. And the easy-to-spot surveillance guys have become so ubiquitous that Neil is now tempted to buy them donuts out of pity. He winks at them. And they roll their eyes in exasperation.
(I admit I’ve wondered if maybe the donuts are how they bribe spooks in Keenan’s native Rhode Island – but it’s probably the brazenly flirtatious smile with which he delivers the donuts that does the trick…it seems to work pretty well with hotel clerks and bored immigration officials. Okay, I’m blowing the whistle on Neil Keenan: he turns down bribe offers in the billions…but he’s not above offering pastries to bank tellers).
While dealing with the blocked funds and detained allies (anticipated and provided for in advance), Keenan is deepening his partnership with his new allies (more are coming on board daily), and preparing actions to take down the Fed. The Feds have recently come up with a startling idea – a new financial system! The main feature of their version of a global reset involves wiping out the Fed’s own debts to the nations whose wealth they have been defrauding for the last hundred years or so. See the accompanying two videos for Keenan’s emphatically expressed doubts on the likelihood of this occurring (along with an inspirational Woodie Guthrie classic in the second video).
Forgive the quips here, folks – we are well aware of how deadly serious all this is. But Keenan keeps things light for his team by nearly non-stop puckish, wacko humor – which is much in evidence on the two accompanying videos. But so is the tough and fearless essence of the man. Listen to him urge the American people to take our country back (legally and peacefully, please note). He reminds us all that we are not alone in this fight. We have allies in the Pentagon, in the agencies, in the militia movement, among our brave men and women serving in the armed forces, in the non-aligned nations, in the Asian powers who own the assets, in courageous whistle-blowers like Karen Hudes – and even, some say, in off-planet friends who are helping in largely unseen ways.
I haven’t edited these videos one bit, folks (well, OK, I took out Neil’s Sinatra imitation at the beginning). This is classic hard-hitting, unexpurgated NFK. He went twenty-nine and oh as a Golden Glove boxer – and still knows how to dodge one blow to deliver a flurry of counter-punches.
One last note: I really don’t know whether it’s leprechauns, Indonesian devas, or angelic E.T’s….but the man seems to know things before they happen – even to the extent of answering questions I was about to ask, before I asked them. It’s a bit spooky, really. Not that I’m trying to unnerve the bad boys in Texas who are reading this (or in London, or D.C., or Jakarta, or New York, or wherever), but I suspect Neil has peeked down the timeline of the Galactic Mirror, and seen visions of NWO baddies doing permanent time – while the planet heals and humanity tastes freedom for the first time in a few thousand years.
Go maire subh bhur saol nua….
Michael Henry Dunn
NSA set up program to survey entire planet: Alfred Webre
Press TV has conducted an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre,
international lawyer, from Kuala Lumpur, about payments by the NSA to
Internet companies to cover up the Prism spying program.
The NSA has paid millions of dollars to cover the costs of major Internet companies involved in the Prism Surveillance program ...
Webre: Well, certainly they are liable now not only under international law but under national law. US president Barack Obama was actually covering up both for the companies and for the NSA, when he denied that any US-based emails were being gathered and the figures that actually came out were that over 56,000 emails a year or 150,000 over three year period until the 2011 judgment, were being covered and gathered by the NSA program, which is a substantial amount.
These are contrary to guarantees the court found, the FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance] Court, to constitutional guarantee under the bill of rights of the US constitution, specifically the 4th amendment against unreasonable search and seizure.
So, under national law both the NSA and these companies, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook and any communications they are under, they would be liable in lawsuits brought by users, whose emails were gathered by the NSA, knowingly to these programs who had cooperated in Prism and so class action could be brought against these users, against the NSA, as well as individual lawsuits for substantial amounts of money for invasion of constitutional rights.
In this context, because of an unlawful, unconstitutional agreement between Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook and the NSA, now I would also like to issue a legal caveat or warning to any non-US citizen who is not on US soil and that is to avoid using Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Facebook, because under the Prism program we now know that these companies are collaborating with the NSA and allowing any messages on Gmail, on MSM mail, on Yahoo email and on Facebook to be read and collected with impunity and secretly by the NSA.’
Press TV has conducted an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, international lawyer, from Kuala Lumpur, about payments by the NSA to Internet companies to cover up the Prism spying program.
The NSA has paid millions of dollars to cover the costs of major Internet companies involved in the Prism Surveillance program ...
Webre: Well, certainly they are liable now not only under international law but under national law. US president Barack Obama was actually covering up both for the companies and for the NSA, when he denied that any US-based emails were being gathered and the figures that actually came out were that over 56,000 emails a year or 150,000 over three year period until the 2011 judgment, were being covered and gathered by the NSA program, which is a substantial amount.
These are contrary to guarantees the court found, the FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance] Court, to constitutional guarantee under the bill of rights of the US constitution, specifically the 4th amendment against unreasonable search and seizure.
So, under national law both the NSA and these companies, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook and any communications they are under, they would be liable in lawsuits brought by users, whose emails were gathered by the NSA, knowingly to these programs who had cooperated in Prism and so class action could be brought against these users, against the NSA, as well as individual lawsuits for substantial amounts of money for invasion of constitutional rights.
In this context, because of an unlawful, unconstitutional agreement between Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook and the NSA, now I would also like to issue a legal caveat or warning to any non-US citizen who is not on US soil and that is to avoid using Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Facebook, because under the Prism program we now know that these companies are collaborating with the NSA and allowing any messages on Gmail, on MSM mail, on Yahoo email and on Facebook to be read and collected with impunity and secretly by the NSA.’
Press TV has conducted an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, international lawyer, from Kuala Lumpur, about payments by the NSA to Internet companies to cover up the Prism spying program.
Kevin Annett : Meets Italian New Politicians : With a view to take out the Vatican Crime Organization
Welcome to The New Golden Age
where Evil has no place:
Please remember all the work we did in March this year with our Italian colleagues in being instrumental in introducing Kevin Annett to all members of New Italian politics : Kevin Annett suggests that these politicians remain anonymous for now in his short video below, so for that reason we shall not be naming the People who will be teaming up with ITCCS:What I can personally say is thank you for you people in Italy in March April May this year who really tried to help connect, translate and get with ITCCS and group meetings for May this year with Kevin Annett;
Out of 27 Italian Politicians we spoke to in March 2013 Not one of them had even heard of ITCCS and Kevin Annett and one of them even said is this some kinda joke ?
Arrest the Pope?
It does not matter, if by our direct work, lent a direct hand in this making this meeting or not:
The fact is here at LIGHTWORKERSXM we tried to link ITCCS with the Italian new thinking Politicians and it worked, because it was to supposed to be. Watch this space. Wish Kevin and the team the best of light energy.
THANK YOU ITALY: and special thanks to OPPT ITALIA:
And a special thanks to 3 hardworking lightworkers Yana and Eleonora and John Biddlecombe in various parts of Italy for their diligent translations and contact efforts to help doing their part in bringing this meeting about.
In a news breaking announcement of August 26, 2013, two political parties in Italy have agreed to unite with the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its Secretary Kevin Annett to plan “comprehensive legal and political action to de-secularize the power of the Vatican”. The meeting will occur in September prior to a September 22 “spiritual convergence” of elders and church victims in Rome. See http://www.itccs.org.
Italian parties to unite with ITCCS,
confront Vatican
The storm clouds are gathering. The different factions are preparing
for the big takeover. This is not a time to sit back and wait to see
what happens. You have to be responsible. Equip yourselves with all the
facts. They are available; it just takes a little effort to establish
what is TRUTH and what is FICTION.
The fiction that was imposed on you by religion is fear-based and
controlling. It paints a picture of an afterlife that is totally untrue.
They have taught you about a God of judgement and punishment; a God who
wants you to suffer in order to appease Him. Ask the question, why do
they always depict God as purely MALE. This totally denies the FEMALE
aspect of the God of Love. For they fear the feminine. So they banished
all references to the GODESSES who were once revered because they
represented LOVE. Love itself is depicted as nothing more than mere sex:
when, in fact, sex is an expression of love in its purest sense. They
set out to debase it through film and television etc. They
systematically removed all that was pure and good.
Love is rarely
Those who are in control at this time cannot experience love. They
are not capable of it. To them, money equals love. When you all come
together and realise the importance of love, you will rescue your
planet. I cannot stipulate enough the great importance of it. Love never
dies, so those you have loved pop up in many of your lives. You always
recognise them, for the bond of love is unbreakable.
The ancient Irish travelled the world, teaching the religion of love.
But those who took over, set out to destroy them by force. The Irish
today are beginning to recover and come to terms with the great crime
waged against them by what was then the Roman Catholic Church; and even
today, the Vatican still tries to impose itself on them.
The Irish are now taking their first steps to remove the control of
the Vatican. Soon, they will taste freedom for the first time in nearly
2000 years. The stranglehold of the Vatican reaches into many countries
in ways you would never suspect. They have been responsible for far more
that people realise. But the veil is being lifted on the truth of their
real identity and who they serve. It is not the God of love and light !
25 Aug 2013
Bradley Manning Headed To Prison While Those Who Authorized Torture Go Free
Bradley Manning Headed To Prison, While Those Who Authorized Torture Go Free
The Huffington Post | By Matt Sledge
Posted: 08/21/2013 10:22 am EDT | Updated: 08/21/2013 1:47 pm EDT
FORT MEADE, Md. -- Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Wednesday for releasing 700,000 documents about the United States' worldwide diplomacy and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Manning was a 25-year-old Army private first class at the time of his arrest. He saw himself as an idealist acting to end the wars, and said in online chats with hacker Adrian Lamo that he was particularly concerned about the abuse of detainees in Iraq. No political or military higher-ups have ever been prosecuted for detainee abuse or torture in Iraq, Afghanistan or at Guantanamo Bay.
"One of the serious problems with Manning's case is that it sets a chilling precedent, that people who leak information ... can be prosecuted this aggressively as a deterrent to that conduct," said Andrea Prasow, senior counterterrorism counsel and advocate in Human Rights Watch's U.S. Program. "Shouldn't we be deterring people who commit torture?"
Here are some of the individuals who have been involved since 9/11 in detainee abuse and torture, and potential war crimes, and have never been prosecuted.
George W. Bush
George W. Bush was president when the U.S. invaded Iraq based on faulty intelligence, tortured terror prisoners and conducted extraordinary renditions around the world.
"Enhanced interrogation," a Bush administration euphemism for torture, was approved at the highest level. A "principals committee" composed of Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, CIA Director George Tenet and Attorney General John Ashcroft signed off on the methods.
"There are solid grounds to investigate Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Tenet for authorizing torture and war crimes," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, when the group released a report called "Getting Away With Torture" in 2011.
Dick Cheney
As Bush's vice president, Cheney pushed the nation over to the "dark side," as he called it, in the war on terror.
The U.S. used extraordinary renditions to swoop up terror suspects and send them to repressive regimes in places like Syria and Libya for torture. Cheney was the key driver in producing the faulty intelligence that led the U.S. into war in Iraq. And he steadfastly defended the CIA's use of water-boarding and other torture tactics on U.S. prisoners.
Cheney "fears being tried as a war criminal," according to Colin Powell's former chief of staff Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, but he never has been.
Donald Rumsfeld
One of the planners of the Iraq War, Rumsfeld steadfastly maintained while Defense Secretary under Bush that U.S. soldiers did not have an obligation to stop torture being used by their Iraqi counterparts. He also approved of "stripping prisoners naked, hooding them, exposing prisoners to extremes of heat and cold, and slamming them up against walls" at Guantanamo.
While deployed to Iraq, Manning discovered that Iraqi soldiers had arrested members of a political group for producing a pamphlet called "Where Did the Money Go?" decrying corruption in the cabinet of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
"‘I immediately took that information and *ran* to the officer to explain what was going on," Manning wrote in the chat logs. "he didn’t want to hear any of it … he told me to shut up and explain how we could assist the FPs in finding *MORE* detainees."
George Tenet and CIA torturers
Tenet was the CIA chief who told Bush that the case for war with Iraq was a "slam dunk." Under his watch, the CIA waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.
Further down the chain of command at the spy agency, lower-level officers have escaped prosecution for killing a prisoner in Iraq and one in Afghanistan in CIA custody. Attorney General Eric Holder in 2012 ruled out prosecuting anyone responsible for those deaths.
In sharp contrast, former CIA agent John Kiriakou is currently serving a 30-month sentence for revealing to reporters the names of interrogators involved in detainee abuse.
Abu Ghraib higher-ups
Although low-level soldiers like former Army Reserve Specialist Lynndie England were court-martialed for their role in detainee abuse at this notorious prison in Iraq, graphically illustrated in photos, the only officer prosecuted in the case had his conviction tossed out.
A 2009 Senate Armed Services Committee report found that the abuses at Abu Ghraib were not the result of a few unmonitored bad apples but rather the direct result of "enhanced interrogation" practices approved of by officials much higher up in the Bush administration.
24 Aug 2013
HAARP PULSING NEWS : Huntsville ALABAMA - The Dutchsinse video that took down his site
This is the video that Dutchsinse posted hours before his site was taken down.
Huntsville RADAR mystery = BAE Systems, DECIBEL RESEARCH Inc., Raytheon
There is IMO some interesting information regarding this particular location, with involvement of Haarp manufacturing facilities in Huntsville, Alabama.
If his site had not been taken down, it would seem a harmless video. Me thinks, the information here, is more important than it appears, for the very fact, that his site was down for 16 days after this video was posted.
My point of posting this, is that most likely, "they" don't want this video to be seen, so I am calling attention to it.
That said, it could just be a coincidence, that his site was taken down right after this upload. (if you believe in coincidence) for anyone that does not know, Huntsville is also the home of NASA
BAE systems is the company that built the transmitter that haarp station in alaska uses, they also have business locations in many many foreign countries ... BAE has pictures of the leadership at the corporate level on their website ...you wanna put a face on evil ??? there you go , you know exactly who is running the weapons that are used to control weather and manipulate our emotions ... PROJECT AVALON
Why the Claims about Syria and Chemical Weapons are Bullshit
'The Pentagon Is Preparing A Cruise Missile Attack Against Syria'
'Earlier today, in "US Refines "Military
Options" Ahead Of Syrian Strikes", we reported on what we thought was
now inevitable especially since it was in agreemenet with what we
predicted with absolute certainty over a month ago in "US Prepares For
"Kinetic Strikes" Against Syria."
There we said: "The pre-story here is
well-known to most: in a repeat fabulation of the Iraq "WMD" lie, the
US and the entire developed world "found" Syria to have crossed a
red-line when it used chemical weapons, despite subsequent reports that
it was the Syrian rebels, aka Qatari mercenaries, who were the party
responsible for chemical weapon use.
No matter though: the public media campaign
was hatched, and merely waited for the catalyst. That catalyst may be
'False flags are an American tradition. They're an Israeli tradition. They're used strategically. They reflect Big Lies. Merriam-Webster calls them "deliberate gross distortion(s) of the truth used especially as a propaganda tactic."
Official stories are false. They're contrary to reality. They turn truth on its head. They point fingers the wrong way. They're pretexts for militarism, wars, mass killing and destruction, occupations, domestic repression, and other extremist national security state measures.
Wednesday's Ghouta incident raises disturbing questions. It was a clear anti-Syrian provocation. No evidence suggests Assad's involvement. Clear analysis shows he'd have everything to lose and nothing to gain.'
Why the Claims about Syria
and Chemical Weapons are Bullshit
'The official story is that the White House is certain that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against women and children near Damascus on August 21st. The White House is very certain of this, just as certain as they were that Saddam Hussein has nuclear weapons.
And because the White House is certain that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against women and children near Damascus, this grants the United States a right to invade Syria.'The Matrix of Four in Peace and War
'3/11, the day the world changed forever,
the day the nuclear era became cemented and the whole planet became
scorched. This is also the day that the proclaimed leader of the free
world delayed announcing a no fly zone over Libya, essentially a martial
act. The biggest disaster the planet has ever known, one that promises
national destruction of Japan and pollution of the planet and
everywhere is war. Where are the peacemakers? Where is the means to
help Japan? Or the intent?
Our institutions are designed for war. And
as enormous of a problem nuclear experimentation is, the biggest
problem is the problem inside our heads! The problem that conjures
nuclear experimentation and war to begin with is our mind state, that we
have for instance built up destructive institutions of war, but not
constructive institutions.'
READ MORE HERE : http://www.zengardner.com/the-matrix-of-four-in-peace-and-war/
By Ethan Indigo Smith
3/11, the day the world changed forever, the day the nuclear era became cemented and the whole planet became scorched. This is also the day that the proclaimed leader of the free world delayed announcing a no fly zone over Libya, essentially a martial act. The biggest disaster the planet has ever known, one that promises national destruction of Japan and pollution of the planet and everywhere is war. Where are the peacemakers? Where is the means to help Japan? Or the intent? Our institutions are designed for war. And as enormous of a problem nuclear experimentation is, the biggest problem is the problem inside our heads! The problem that conjures nuclear experimentation and war to begin with is our mind state, that we have for instance built up destructive institutions of war, but not constructive institutions.
Many ideas correlate the Jungian concept of four modes of thinking and being. For instance the first four characters of Genesis allegorically represent the four cardinal velocities of thinking and being. It describes man’s ignorant tendencies, hubristic nature, conniving attributes and our ability to seek and distribute the truth. There are many other ways to look at Genesis, like all stories, allegories, adages and metaphors, it is layered and open for interpretation. The Garden of Eden and Genesis can represent both the external Earth and the internal mind for instance. Refuting all the institutional baggage religious institutions have bestowed on the allegory for a moment, it is possible to see the Garden of Eden as internal and external allegory reflective of thinking and being.
Adam acts unquestioningly like an idiot, Eve acts on what she wants to believe like a zealot, the Serpent acts to deceive like an elitist and God acts to share information, like a patriot. Adam doesn’t question and believes what he is told. Eve believes what she wants. The Serpent lies. And God simply told them don’t eat that fruit, perhaps akin to the warning of Pandora, a Pandora say akin to the nuclear experiment.
- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/the-matrix-of-four-in-peace-and-war/#sthash.hnLtycHr.dpuf
3/11, the day the world changed forever, the day the nuclear era became cemented and the whole planet became scorched. This is also the day that the proclaimed leader of the free world delayed announcing a no fly zone over Libya, essentially a martial act. The biggest disaster the planet has ever known, one that promises national destruction of Japan and pollution of the planet and everywhere is war. Where are the peacemakers? Where is the means to help Japan? Or the intent? Our institutions are designed for war. And as enormous of a problem nuclear experimentation is, the biggest problem is the problem inside our heads! The problem that conjures nuclear experimentation and war to begin with is our mind state, that we have for instance built up destructive institutions of war, but not constructive institutions.
Many ideas correlate the Jungian concept of four modes of thinking and being. For instance the first four characters of Genesis allegorically represent the four cardinal velocities of thinking and being. It describes man’s ignorant tendencies, hubristic nature, conniving attributes and our ability to seek and distribute the truth. There are many other ways to look at Genesis, like all stories, allegories, adages and metaphors, it is layered and open for interpretation. The Garden of Eden and Genesis can represent both the external Earth and the internal mind for instance. Refuting all the institutional baggage religious institutions have bestowed on the allegory for a moment, it is possible to see the Garden of Eden as internal and external allegory reflective of thinking and being.
Adam acts unquestioningly like an idiot, Eve acts on what she wants to believe like a zealot, the Serpent acts to deceive like an elitist and God acts to share information, like a patriot. Adam doesn’t question and believes what he is told. Eve believes what she wants. The Serpent lies. And God simply told them don’t eat that fruit, perhaps akin to the warning of Pandora, a Pandora say akin to the nuclear experiment.
- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/the-matrix-of-four-in-peace-and-war/#sthash.hnLtycHr.dpuf
By Ethan Indigo Smith
3/11, the day the world changed forever, the day the nuclear era became cemented and the whole planet became scorched. This is also the day that the proclaimed leader of the free world delayed announcing a no fly zone over Libya, essentially a martial act. The biggest disaster the planet has ever known, one that promises national destruction of Japan and pollution of the planet and everywhere is war. Where are the peacemakers? Where is the means to help Japan? Or the intent? Our institutions are designed for war. And as enormous of a problem nuclear experimentation is, the biggest problem is the problem inside our heads! The problem that conjures nuclear experimentation and war to begin with is our mind state, that we have for instance built up destructive institutions of war, but not constructive institutions.
Many ideas correlate the Jungian concept of four modes of thinking and being. For instance the first four characters of Genesis allegorically represent the four cardinal velocities of thinking and being. It describes man’s ignorant tendencies, hubristic nature, conniving attributes and our ability to seek and distribute the truth. There are many other ways to look at Genesis, like all stories, allegories, adages and metaphors, it is layered and open for interpretation. The Garden of Eden and Genesis can represent both the external Earth and the internal mind for instance. Refuting all the institutional baggage religious institutions have bestowed on the allegory for a moment, it is possible to see the Garden of Eden as internal and external allegory reflective of thinking and being.
Adam acts unquestioningly like an idiot, Eve acts on what she wants to believe like a zealot, the Serpent acts to deceive like an elitist and God acts to share information, like a patriot. Adam doesn’t question and believes what he is told. Eve believes what she wants. The Serpent lies. And God simply told them don’t eat that fruit, perhaps akin to the warning of Pandora, a Pandora say akin to the nuclear experiment.
- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/the-matrix-of-four-in-peace-and-war/#sthash.hnLtycHr.dpuf
3/11, the day the world changed forever, the day the nuclear era became cemented and the whole planet became scorched. This is also the day that the proclaimed leader of the free world delayed announcing a no fly zone over Libya, essentially a martial act. The biggest disaster the planet has ever known, one that promises national destruction of Japan and pollution of the planet and everywhere is war. Where are the peacemakers? Where is the means to help Japan? Or the intent? Our institutions are designed for war. And as enormous of a problem nuclear experimentation is, the biggest problem is the problem inside our heads! The problem that conjures nuclear experimentation and war to begin with is our mind state, that we have for instance built up destructive institutions of war, but not constructive institutions.
Many ideas correlate the Jungian concept of four modes of thinking and being. For instance the first four characters of Genesis allegorically represent the four cardinal velocities of thinking and being. It describes man’s ignorant tendencies, hubristic nature, conniving attributes and our ability to seek and distribute the truth. There are many other ways to look at Genesis, like all stories, allegories, adages and metaphors, it is layered and open for interpretation. The Garden of Eden and Genesis can represent both the external Earth and the internal mind for instance. Refuting all the institutional baggage religious institutions have bestowed on the allegory for a moment, it is possible to see the Garden of Eden as internal and external allegory reflective of thinking and being.
Adam acts unquestioningly like an idiot, Eve acts on what she wants to believe like a zealot, the Serpent acts to deceive like an elitist and God acts to share information, like a patriot. Adam doesn’t question and believes what he is told. Eve believes what she wants. The Serpent lies. And God simply told them don’t eat that fruit, perhaps akin to the warning of Pandora, a Pandora say akin to the nuclear experiment.
- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/the-matrix-of-four-in-peace-and-war/#sthash.hnLtycHr.dpuf
Prince Charles and Mohamed Al Fayed contacted by police assessing SAS soldier's claims that Diana was murdered
'Prince Charles and Mohamed Al Fayed are being contacted by police as they assess claims that the SAS murdered Princess Diana.Scotland Yard said they are also getting in touch with Lord Justice Scott Baker, the judge who presided over the inquest into her death.
Diana, 36, Mr Al Fayed's son Dodi, 42, and chauffeur Henri Paul, 41, all died in a crash in Paris in August 1997.
Police are currently carrying out a 'scoping exercise' as they look into claims that the trio were murdered by a member of the British Military.'
Read more: Prince Charles and Mohamed Al Fayed contacted by police assessing SAS soldier's claims that Diana was murdered
Princess Diana assassination claim: SAS man ‘a reliable witness’
'The explosive new allegation that the Princess was killed by crack SAS soldiers acting on orders from MI6 emerged with the disclosure of a letter written by the officer’s mother-in-law. In it she claims he told his wife his crack unit “arranged” Diana’s death.After extracts of the letter were published earlier this week, the officer was branded a “loose cannon” whose word could not be trusted. But now leading investigator John Morgan has come forward to insist the SAS man, known as Soldier N, will emerge as a “witness of truth” and that his allegations will be proved correct.
The author spoke out after the dramatic new allegation forced the Met Police to contact Prince Charles to notify him of their interest. It has prompted widespread calls for a fresh inquiry.'
These recent moves regarding Greenwald and his partner are also aimed at making journalists who dare to report the truth about the State, into "terrorists" in the minds of the public. How far this tactic will go remains to be seen.
It is obviously the
objective of the NWO to corral journalists (as they did at the
Bilderberg event recently in the UK by putting a literal fence around us
as we endeavor to report the news). Eliminating the Free Press is a
crucial step in mind controlling the masses.
Journalists around the
world need to unite against this sort of tyranny. If we can wake up the
mainstream co-opted scribes to this overt threat perhaps they will turn
on their mainstream corporate masters and take back the right to print
the truth.
It goes without saying that
the real terrorist out there is the State. People who continue to do
the bidding of the State need to be put on notice. Working for a
paycheck is not going to suffice as reason to oppress your fellow human.
In the end, those that elect to guard the prisons are no better than
those to whom they report.
If journalists are detained or newspaper offices are forced to disclose or hand over information they have received from sources or whistleblowers then we are talking about a totalitarian state (UK and US). This is what Greenwald is saying. And what is clearly the case.The question is, why would a newspaper office such as the UK Guardian destroy a laptop where supposed files from Snowden exist when everyone knows there will be multiple copies of those files backed up in other places? This strong-arm tactic by the British Government has got to have more going on behind it than simply thuggery or throwing the weight of the state around.
And clearly detaining the partner of a journalist because that journalist has been receiving information from a whistleblower is another act of desperation and thuggery. Surely the UK and US (who is obviously orchestrating these moves behind the scenes) with Echelon and Prism not to mention their lesser known AI ways of surveilling the public have had the ability to view exactly what is on those drives and what was or was not revealed to the Guardian and Greenwald by satellite and other means. If not, then we have a huge hole in their Big Brother surveillance apparatus that we as journalists (and the public) can take full advantage of.
So what is really going on ?
However, according to Camelot whistleblowers and many others, the AI surveillance capability of governments (and especially the military and secret space program) is way beyond this. So what is really going on? Are these very public demonstrations put in place to obfuscate the real access and reach of their surveillance capabilities? This seems highly likely.Is the recent burning of the laptop at The Guardian offices at "behest of the British Government" a farcical and ludicrous move, simply a display of more strong-arm tactics by the state for no purpose other than a display for public consumption? Do they really think the public is dumb enough to believe that destroying a hard drive of a laptop then destroys information? It is hard to believe the UK officials and their masters are really that stupid. What a waste of a perfectly good laptop. LOL
The national security STATE is clearly throwing its weight around in order to prove their control over the planet is in place and intimidation of journalists is key to this. However, as the NWO begins to reveal itself in all its diabolical glory, countries such as Brazil and Ecuador are revealing an ability to stand up to them at least to some degree. And public perception will begin to fall into two clear categories. Those who recognize the encroachment of the State and diminishment of freedoms and human rights and those who are so asleep as to fall for the State's argument regarding "national security".
What is clear here is that there is a NWO (a national security state encompassing the planet) that is fast rolling out an agenda focused on separating those with it or against it. This may be at least one intention behind the current display of aggression against David Miranda, and therefore Glenn Greenwald and for that matter all journalists. Countries such as Brazil or Ecuador are standing up to the NWO at least to some extent... they may end up being our last refuge if this continues. How successful "countries" are in standing up to the NWO is key to seeing how far the borders of the Big Brother NWO extends.
One good thing to come out of the current dialog now hitting mainstream is that perhaps some sleeping journalists who have been conned by the State into doing their bidding may start waking up and actually reporting the real news and goings on. Real investigative journalism has fallen by the wayside as mainstream press has been bought and paid for by the State around the world. At least Greenwald has the guts to state unequivocally that the real job of journalists is to reveal the secrets being held from the people.
But also key here is not to be deceived by the move to make the public believe that the surveillance state is limited by hard drives, locked doors and passwords! To believe that would be more dangerous still. If detaining the partner of a journalist and forcing the burning of a laptop are supposed to convince the public that they need to resort to such antiquated means of keeping control perhaps it serves their purpose. I would like to think the public are not so dumb as to believe that the pervasive SURVEILLANCE SOCIETY put in place around the world is limited by hard drives, locked doors, and passwords. See our interview information from Jake Simpson from back in 2008.
AI surveillance and access to knowledge
The AI surveillance system, Jake told us, was literally "out of this world". It operates hyperdimensionally, based on a highly advanced quantum computing model that is basically our development based on acquired alien technology. This system is so advanced that the ETs themselves are unhappy that we have it.
Not only does it enable access to what any given person is saying, or even thinking - if targeted for investigation - it can also transcend time itself and thereby access information about the thoughts and words of historical figures. Whether this system can look into the future - the Tom Cruise movie Minority Report, based on a story by the prolific author Philip K. Dick, comes to mind - we omitted to ask." -
Also see:
Snowden Reporter's Partner Detained at Heathrow
The detention and search of David Miranda, Glenn Greenwald's partner is of course an outrage:http://www.theguardian.com/politics/blog/2013/aug/20/david-miranda-detention-latest-developments?CMP=ema_follow
British intelligence and the Americans work together to harass the Snowden reporter from The Guardian UK by detaining his partner.
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