29 Jan 2014



The economic indicators are bad, markets, the weakening dollar, banks preventing large withdrawals, news of China banks halting all cash transfers, in fact, economies across the globe are failing,  and much more has led to a simply, four word Tweet from  American political commentator and the creator and editor of the Drudge Report, Matt Drudge, that chillingly states “Have an exit plan.”




 His web site may consist of just a single page, but Matt Drudge is arguably the most influential media personality in the world.
Garnering nearly one billion readers monthly, the Drudge Report is able to literally shift public sentiment, making it an essential read for D.C. insiders, Wall Street professionals, and anyone who wants to stay on top of the latest global issues.

If Matt Drudge headlines a story its viral spread to millions of readers in near real-time is guaranteed.

With his established connections to critical spheres of influence that include everything from politics and government to finance and entertainment, when Drudge speaks, people listen.

Consider what happened in Venezuela as shown in the articles within the video below, after the government devalued their currency, the Bolivar, for flights abroad, and airlines halted ticket sales for hours which prevented people from leaving.

Drudge’s words should be a warning to everyone, it is coming, it is almost here and “have an exit plan” ready.

Drudge included no other details with his Tweet.

The warning, while cryptic, may be the result of direct insider information. Considering he once nearly brought down the Clinton administration by revealing the President’s indiscretions with a White House intern, one could make the case that if anyone has legitimate sources pouring in from across the world it’s Matt Drudge.

Could his warning be for stock market investors regarding foreknowledge of an imminent collapse of financial markets in the United States, China and Europe?


Collapse! Get Your Money Out of the Banks RIGHT NOW!



Gold will triumph over paper. It always has, ever since the Chinese invented paper money many centuries ago. But in the meantime, paper money is twisting the economic facts to such a degree, that enormous distortions are taking place in the markets. Enormous investment mistakes are being made. All this will become evident in due course; a gigantic collapse is going to take place and many who think they are very wealthy will find they have next to nothing.

Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price has given an interview to Mexican news website Inteligencia Financiera Global stating that ...

“The world is attempting to live by means of the great lie of fiat money. It will not work. You deal with Reality by means of Truth; Truth is thinking that checks with Reality. Gold is money, and if we refuse to face that fact, we are lying.” He also talks about how we got to this current global economic crisis. “We got to this state because our leaders – in Universities and in Politics – have wished to forget Reality and have thought that by using our brains we can get around Reality. 

Thus our thinkers and political leaders have been attempting to put Reality to one side and in its place, use fictitious money, which can be manipulated to keep people happy.” He goes on to say “Our leaders have chosen mass deceit as their instrument of power. 

What they will obtain will be utter chaos and disorder, and mass impoverishment.” Price goes on to say “The clear beneficiaries of monetary and credit expansion are those who get the money and the credit first, before the rest of the people. They become wealthier, at least for a time, while the rest of the people sink into diminished well-being. 

But, eventually, all goes up in smoke and heads begin to roll: those of the guilty as well as those of the innocent.”



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