This entity, the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) is comprised of super-elite deviants who view themselves as “above the law” in every way imaginable. And they are evil beyond imagination. When their true acts of cruelty and torture become fully exposed (and they will) most members of the public will reel in shock
Want to know why everything in America seems to have become so dysfunctional? Why we have few decent political candidates and why all the electronic voting is manipulated? Why nothing ever seems to get resolved by our Politicians. Why America, formerly the wealthiest most prosperous nation in the world, has been progressively asset stripped and seen its standard of living progressively reduced, with Labor Unions and the Middle Class shrinking by the day?
Why most American heavy industry and manufacturing has been exported and there are few new good paying jobs available while the large multi-national Corporate Profits are at an all time high? And why America keeps entering into perpetual, un-winnable foreign wars that are illegal, Unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared and exceedingly indecent and inhumane? Wars which only help the Defense Contractors, Banksters and Politicians share Big Profits gained illegally from the American Taxpayers and borrowed against their Children’s futures?
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