31 Aug 2012


Economic Collapse, Foreign Troops & Martial Law
Steve Quayle

There is a lot of information out on the DHS and other organizations purchasing massive amounts of ammo in preparation for expected riots, civil war and/or revolution in this country. Couple that with all the unlawful legislation being passed to lock up American citizens who have committed no crimes and for indefinite times, along with everything else going on--the economy and potential for another false flag event here and you have to be suspect of what the government knows that we do not!

NATO troops are primed to takeover America. over 1 billion rounds have been ordered by DHS and other departments to be used later by a civilian "brown shirt" army to quell dissent and maintain order. a new order with Obama going all out in his last term. Many individuals have run into foreign troops speaking Russian and other languages who when questioned agreed they were here waiting in the wings for the order of martial law and to go around dis-arming citizens in violation of their rights to be armed along with round of any "dissidents" and anyone on the FBI list considered to be a suspected "domestic terrorist". Which means potentially all of us once you read their list...something's definitely up! Be vigilant people, wolves guarding the hens The Us military cant handle the armed US citizens, so the first line of "defense" or cannon fodder will be foreign troops used as target practice.

Steve Quayle

Economic Collapse, Foreign Troops & Martial Law 


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