Come November, you all will go to the polls and re-elect them, giving them the mandate to continue to destroy your life, your freedoms and your wealth at their own expense. It’s time to wake up and do something before this country that gave hope to the world becomes another footnote in history….another failed experiment where the people give up and remove themselves from the process and allow their elected “leaders” to control their lives. The only place they will lead you is to poverty, destruction and death. Look around; is this the America you want? Is this the life you dreamed of when you were in school, trying to decide what you want to be when you grow up? A destitute nation where we live paycheck to paycheck or on unemployment and collecting food stamps while paying taxes to a Government that is anything but transparent and does not have the best interest of its citizens at heart?
As the media leads you down the path to ruin, giving us the impression we only have two choices…Republican or Democrat….you continue to “buy in” to the fraud and willingly participate. There are alternatives!
The first alternative is to vote OUT the incumbent. The approval polls show a 10% rate for Congress yet every election year, a great majority of incumbents are re-elected. Why you continue to re-elect representatives you clearly do not approve of is beyond comprehension.
The second alternative is to vote for ANYONE but a Democrat or Republican. Yes, some of you will complain and say you want your vote to count. Do you really think voting in an illegal incumbent President intent on destroying America is making your vote count???? Or voting for the alternative in the way of Romney will make any difference when BOTH are controlled by the same cabal? Is this what you call “making your vote count”? No, it’s nothing but an illusion to make the people think they are participating in the process when they are actually WILLINGLY giving a mandate to the agenda.
The third alternative is to cast your vote for a write-in candidate. Author Michael Lindsay has detailed how a write in candidate can run for the Presidency of the United States in his novel, A Throne Awaits (
He explains the process by which a write in candidate can run and compete for the presidency outside the controlled party agenda of Democrat and Republican. A write in candidate is NOT beholden to any contributors nor are they beholden to any party hacks or party platforms. They are beholden only to the citizens who cast their votes for them. They answer only to the people…not the special interest groups, not the bankster cabal, not the foreign countries with too much influence in US politics and not the party affiliation which put them on the ballot in the first place. It’s not too late to register as a write in candidate. Do it for your local election….city, county or state. Do it for the federal election and send a message to DC that you can take back your country.
We’re all aware of the computer generated ballots and the numerous ways the results can be manipulated during this process. The way to get around this? Request an absentee ballot. This will serve as your “receipt”, evidencing who you voted for and circumventing the ability to “fix” the elections through the computer generated process.
It’s time to STOP treating these people like rock stars, movie idols and heroes and start treating them as what they are: criminals, traitors and treasonous poison to our Republic. The same goes for the prostitute talking heads in the media. Being paid millions of dollars to tell us how to think and what to think and all the while we worship them as if they are special. They are nothing more than well paid shills who keep us in the dark, feed us BS and laugh all the way to the bank.
And let’s be clear, the elected “leaders” of your country and the world are merely the shills, the marionettes and the mercenaries of the puppet Masters who stay hidden in their closets and dungeons, plotting the takeover of the planet with their off-world cohorts. They are the ones handing out the tickets to their minions who carry out their evil and deadly agendas. Have you ever seen a Rothschild or a Rockefeller mentioned in the numerous lists of the wealthiest people in the world? No, only the names of their puppets and co-conspirators in the business world … Gates … Buffett … Walton … Soros … Bloomberg … Murdoch. Why are the bankers mysteriously left off all these lists? The Rothschilds and Rockefellers and Morgans?
They want to keep you divided; debating left and right, Obama or Romney, Republican or Democrat. The distractions from the real issue are unending. This is the reason to make the call to unite the voices on the internet into one strong, united movement. You need to come together and you need to do it NOW! For your country, for your planet, for your children and for yourselves.
The time for waiting and watching is over … but only by your voice and efforts will you achieve:
Safety in Numbers
Strength in Voice
Realization of Freedom
Unity of People
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