31 Aug 2012

BARBARIC CRIMINAL ISRAEL ... Jerusalem Is the Altar of Sacrifice ... HERETIC

The 'STATE' of Israel was founded on pure lies; it was never about a homeland for the Jewish people. Israel was just the launching pad for the continuation of the Nazi State. The party that founded Israel is the same one that was formed when Hitler's National Socialist Party (NA) signed a pact with the Zionist International (ZI) and together these two entities created The NAZI Party, in 1923.

In fact "the Jews" of what is now Israel in many cases were survivors of the victims of Zionista soldiers in Hitler's SS. More than one third of the SS was of 'Jewish' extraction, according to German records. The ZI was responsible for the NAZI campaign against the Jews. This was necessary to create the get-out-of-jail-forever card that would be needed to garner global support (after the war) for the plight of "the Jewish people." 

But Zionists are not Jewish by nature. 

A Zionist can be a member of any religion. The Jewish connection was primarily created as the cover story that was needed to create the lock to the Biblical justification for the existence of Israel in 1948; when this whole false-flag operation was sold to the United Nations for ratification. What the world does not seem to know is that this pact between Hitler and the Zionista International was signed long before Hitler had become a major player in German politics (but that was the real reason) that the only other flag to legally fly over NAZI Germany was the Blue &White Star of David.

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