22 Aug 2012

DAVID WILCOCK ... OLYMPICS 2012 ... Royal Elite Scam Of ritualistic slavery


David Wilcock : Expert view on 2012 London Olympics : Biggest Satanic Lucifer worshiping : Greatest Show on Earth Exposed : Total Royal Elite Scam Of ritualistic slavery over all of us


Historically speaking, most intelligent, self-respecting people have laughed scornfully at the idea that the world is being run by a highly organized and ruthless cult -- practicing a secret religion that is definitely not Christianity.

No one wants to be bothered with nightmares about a bloodthirsty group that is obsessed with ancient mystery-school teachings and may be seeking to kill people -- potentially in the billions -- to achieve their goals.

However, the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics were so blatant that we cannot afford to ignore the occult symbolism that was put on display.

Go straight to Divine Cosmos Here For a Right Royal Riviting read with great graphics and great comparatives:


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