28 Feb 2014

OBAMA A FOREIGNER IN THE WHITEHOUSE EXPOSED : British Intelligence Says Obama Kenyan Born

"Shrimpton reported Obama's purported mom was not pregnant in 1961 and that Obama was born in Kenya in 1960. He said Kenya was under British intelligence files and that Obama's father ran guns for the Mau Mau. He then dropped a bombshell claiming the CIA did covert DNA testing on Obama at a fundraising dinner and the test came back with no match to the claimed grandparents."


British Intel Advisor: 

Obama Born In Kenya - Extended Cut




GCHQ secretly captured images of innocent webcam users

‘GCHQ operated a secret surveillance project called Optic Nerve which captured images from millions of Yahoo! webcam chats made between people suspected of no crime.

Leaked documents dated from 2008 to 2010 reveal that Yahoo! was chosen because it was known to be used by “GCHQ targets”. The NSA was also involved, providing software to identify video traffic online and make screenshots searchable once intercepted.

The images were collected from 1.8 million Yahoo! accounts around the world to conduct experiments in facial recognition and to detect criminals or terror suspects who were using multiple accounts to hold webcam chats.’

Read more: GCHQ secretly captured images of innocent webcam users

NSA Spies on MILLIONS of Webcams, 
Scanning People with Facial Recognition to ID Them

Street Surveillance Is Here, LED Light Spies 

A New Jersey airport sets up "Energy Efficient" Lights that also spy on travelers before they even get to the ticket counter. These energy-efficient upgrades are popping up all over the country, helping the mass surveillance apparatus save money while stealing liberties.


X-Ray Street Cameras to "Undress" Terrorists

 Covert or in your face — take you pick.
The Big Brother surveillance state uses both methods.
 It seems they love us so much that the Ministry of Love feels
compelled to watch us everywhere, all the time.

Fasten Your Seatbelts: The Coming Global Monetary Reset

‘The big currency reset. It’s not a case of ‘if’ – it’s a case of when.

Don’t expect your provincial Secretary of Treasury or Chancellor Exchequer to warn you about what is coming around the corner, because they are either too stupid to know, or too busy covering their own backsides.

To understand where we are, it’s very important to understand how we got here (another point which bureaucrats and backers do not want the general populace to know).

A quick history lesson then…’

Read more: Fasten Your Seatbelts: The Coming Global Monetary Reset

27 Feb 2014

The Human Replacement Agenda : Drones Eugenics Flouride Vaccines GMO DRUGS depopulation and transhumanism


by Zen Gardner

The depopulation and transhumanist agendas continue to roll out, despite the fact that this madness has been explained to us in our faces for several decades. The meme of humanity reaching a crisis point of horrific turmoil and decimation has accelerated greatly in recent years, while the mechanical replacement agenda rolls out in tandem. Apparently they feel the conditioning program is working sufficiently to convince us our numbers will be reduced, one way or another, and that better alternatives are arising that will somehow benefit this same deliberately crippled and dying race of beings.

Apparently it’s working.

Drones are now a de facto reality to deal with, never mind the continually upgrading surveillance and overt militarization of day to day life. Transhuman implants getting pumped up by the media’s complicit promotion of anything android or “enhanced” proliferates in this poisoned environment. It’s usually cast in this “scientific advancement” category, security issues, or even increasingly and more popularly in the economic realm of industry and commerce.

Very clever indeed. But where do humans fit into all this?


Rolls-Royce Drone Ships Challenge $375 Billion Industry: Freight

    In an age of aerial drones and driver-less cars, Rolls-Royce (RR/) Holdings Plc is designing unmanned cargo ships.

    Rolls-Royce’s Blue Ocean development team has set up a virtual-reality prototype at its office in Alesund, Norway, that simulates 360-degree views from a vessel’s bridge. Eventually, the London-based manufacturer of engines and turbines says, captains on dry land will use similar control centers to command hundreds of crewless ships.

    Drone ships would be safer, cheaper and less polluting for the $375 billion shipping industry that carries 90 percent of world trade, Rolls-Royce says. They might be deployed in regions such as the Baltic Sea within a decade, while regulatory hurdles and industry and union skepticism about cost and safety will slow global adoption, said Oskar Levander, the company’s vice president of innovation in marine engineering and technology.

    “Now the technology is at the level where we can make this happen, and society is moving in this direction,” Levander said by phone last month. “If we want marine to do this, now is the time to move.” Source http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-02-25/rolls-royce-drone-ships-challenge-375-billion-industry-freight.html

The News is What They Want Us to Think

Whether it’s google glass, insect and otherwise drones (for our security, of course), implants, NSA type surveillance at all times or humans causing the climate problems, the population is being conditioned to accept any and all of these options. The issue is never whether the technology is psychologically skewed in some fundamental way, it’s now been cleverly shunted into more advanced placement concerns such as your health monitoring or whether you can drive with your new google gadget.

This is no small passing thing. It’s pure conditioning.


Sergey (CIA/Mossad puppet) Brin of the google dynasty…

Google sets roadblocks to stop distracted driver legislation

Google is lobbying officials in at least three U.S. states to stop proposed restrictions on driving with headsets such as Google Glass, marking some of the first clashes over the nascent wearable technology.

Some eight U.S. states are considering regulation of Google Glass, a tiny computer screen mounted in the corner of an eyeglass frame. Law enforcement and other groups are concerned that drivers wearing the devices will pay more attention to their email than the road, causing serious accidents.

So-called wearables such as Google Glass, smart watches and sophisticated health devices may represent the next big shift in technology, just as smartphones evolved from personal computers, and enthusiasts predict billion-dollar markets. Google, which is still testing Glass, charges $1,500 per pair. Source http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/25/us-google-glass-lobbying-idUSBREA1O0P920140225

Ah, the markets. I get it. We’re supposed to bow to the almighty dollar and “free enterprise”. That will tickle our innards.
The Slight of Hand Replacement Agenda

The point is this assumptive distraction technique on even the automation agenda is shoved in our faces. While these draconian measures replace humanity in the workforce and otherwise, the continual poisoning of the world’s populace continues.

Humanity is being replaced. Call it “altered” as well and you’ll be right. The morphing of our race is well under way, with replacement technology proliferating by the day. The robotic militarization of our streets is pure reinforcement of this agenda.

Meanwhile the continued poisoning persists: from chemtrails and radioactivity to fluoride in our water, to GMOs, and EMFs changing our nervous systems, we’re under siege. It’s a continual bombardment of government and otherwise sponsored alteration and extermination techniques.

What’s amazing is watching humanity embrace their own displacement.


Agenda 21

Agenda 21 explicitly states, amongst other monstrous things, that we need to be herded into city centers. As least those who remain. This is why off the grid folks are being hounded, and swathes of once productive farmland are being starved of water as in California – to force people off the land. These are in publicly available documents.

But who’s looking?

Thankfully many are, and are keeping abreast of these surreal developments. The fact is that internationally adopted programs such as Agenda 21, and on the educational front Common Core and the like, are effecting massive changes in human perception and behavior. The clearly disemboweled climate agenda is an obvious example of blaming humanity for everything, but they work all sides toward the middle. The overwhelming propaganda campaign, almost as subtle yet as profound as political correctness, is making its mark and imprinting an uninformed and deliberately dumbed-down populace.

We are the number 1 target….and enemy of the would-be State.

 Be Aware of the Warfare – We Are the Target

There is much to be researched on eugenics and the transhumanist agenda. It speaks volumes. What we are left to grapple with as the dominant race on this planet is: once we know this to be true, what do we do?

Awareness and spreading that awareness is the most important task at hand. Once people wake up things begin to activate on their own. I don’t trust political activism personally but if that’s the place where people come to life, that’s a good thing for starters. We can do a lot of things such as boycott and speak up. The most important step any of us can take before we do anything is disengage for ourselves.

Escape the matrix. Operate outside their direct influence as much as possible.

How much we can derail these various agendas remains to be seen. Helping others escape their clutches is a way of life.

Whatever your choice, do not go on business as usual. Step outside of their programming and you’ll know what to do.

And do it.

Much love always,



26 Feb 2014

KEVIN ANNETT : Brussels Trial of Pope UK Queen for genocide ... USA prosecution for chemtrails ... ALFRED WEBRE


Kevin Annett: Brussels trial of Pope, UK Queen for genocide. 
USA Prosecution for chemtrails, fraudulent financial foreclosures






Catholic Pope Francis charged, trial set, for trafficking orphans

Today Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio was named as the chief defendant in a child trafficking case involving Catholic orphans. Pope Francis will be asked to defend his role in child trafficking during Argentine's 1970s Junta Dirty War.

Catholic Pope Francis http://www.examiner.com/topic/pope-francis

child trafficking http://www.examiner.com/topic/child-trafficking

This case of orphaned children from missing political prisoners was set for trial on March 31 2014 in a Brussels international court. A witness has agreed to come out of hiding in Spain to testify against Pope Francis.The Argentine civil servant took extensive notes of meetings between the now-Pope Francis and Junta military officials. Who is the real Catholic Pope Francis - a devil or an Angel?

Pope Francis's fast ascension to head the Argentina Catholic Church was suspected to be a result of an agreement between Pope Francis and the Junta military to traffic children from Catholic orphanages. The witness wasn't alone in his accusations against Pope Francis. According to a 2005 Los Angeles Times article, the now-Catholic Pope Francis was accused by a human rights group of trafficking babies, plus helping to kidnap opponents of Argentine’s military Junta during the Dirty War. Lawyers filing the 2005 complaint represented the Plaza de Mayo human rights group.


A year ago Catholic Pope Francis came to power over the global Catholic Church after Pope Benedict resigned from office. The unprecedented resignation of a Catholic pope happened within days of Pope Benedict being served an arrest warrant by the same international court that would try Pope Francis in March. Catholic Pope Benedict's Feb. 2013 guilty verdict came after months of deliberation by 36 jury members and six international judges on 150 cases surrounding over 50,000 missing Canadian native children.

The international jury found that native children were being raped, tortured and murdered in residential schools across Canada - the majority of which were Catholic-run institutions. The 80 schools were jointly owned by the Canadian government, Queen Elizabeth and the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada.


The Catholic Pope, Canadian government and Queen Elizabeth were not alone in their crimes against vulnerable children. The 50,000 missing native children were also found to be subjects of illegal CIA mind control experiments including drug testing.

The drug tests were operated in association with pharmaceutical companies like Eli Lilly, Upjohn and Bayer. The drug companies funded the United, Anglican and Catholic churches which ran the 80 Indian residential schools in connection with the Canadian Government, Catholic Church and English Crown. Since 2008, 32 child mass gravesites have been discovered on Canadian institution and native residential school grounds. Even though human remains were uncovered on at least two sites, all child mass gravesites have been refused further excavation.

Evidence of the Canadian child holocaust was chronicled in Kevin Annett's book," Hidden No Longer" that can be read for free here:


Annett stated this child abuse and cover up was "a deliberate attempt to eliminate native Canadian tribes and take possession of their lands which in many instances, has been accomplished." The Feb. 2013 international court also found Queen Elizabeth guilty for the October 10 1964 disappearance of ten children from Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia. Parents of the missing children were prevented by the Canadian government from taking their case to trial - the reason for the 2013 international court.

Three witnesses to the kidnapping died of mysterious causes prior to trial. One was William Combes, age twelve at the time. He stated in his video testimony, "It was strange because we had to kiss the Queen's boots which were white with laces. Seven boys and three girls ages six through 14 left with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. We never heard or seen them after that day, even when we got older."

The announcement today to take Pope Francis to trial was made by Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. It was done on the first anniversary of the 25 Feb. 2013 conviction of former Pope Benedict and 29 other global elites including Queen Elizabeth, for their Crimes Against Humanity.

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE: We’re Mad As Hell And We’re Not Gonna Take It Any More!


Video Highlights
  • The recent flooding of England, Wales and Ireland is the work of HAARP.
  • After the cabal located the pulsing frequencies of the super-volcano under Yellowstone Park they stopped heating it up, demonstrating they could erupt it.
  • Cabal puppet/clown John Kerry is threatening people who are in a position to threaten back.  He went to Indonesia begging for money and when refused, he threatened that he could put Indonesia under water if his demands are not met.
  • We are under attack by land, air and sea.  We need to position ourselves to counter-attack.
  • An international security force is needed.  Please contact us through our volunteer page if you are able and willing to join our international security team.
  • The U.S. military’s movement against the cabal is stalled right now because Obama has replaced so many senior officers with cronies who are loyal to him.  However, we can be assured that our good military will make all the right moves in the end.
  • A big surprise involving Obama is coming soon.
  • Although little has been made public, the good news is that the States are vigorously fighting for our rights.  They are not standing for Federal tyranny, and are letting loose with litigation fighting back.  Bravo!
  • Our American militias have apparently backed away from their mission.  We need our militias, and we encourage them gird up their loins and mobilize.
  • Don’t shop at Wal-Mart.  You’re funding the cabal.  Shut them down by patronizing your neighbor, or starting a locally owned service where needed.  Mom and pop stores are about to be the new sustainable long term trend again as people wake up en masse.
  • Thank you Dr. Group!  He has sent the “medicine” to remove radiation from the body.  Mass production is now starting.
  • Neil’s medical machine that diagnoses problems in the body is amazing.  Plans are in the making for these machines to be available to as many people as possible working around the prohibitions of effective alternative medicine by the multinational corporate pharma-controlled  US, France, and Germany.
  • The recent rash of bankers who have been “suicided” (whacked and made to look like suicide) is just the tip of the iceberg.  At the time of the video Neil reported that there were another 150 to be slaughtered.  The number on that list has now tipped 1,200 who have been targeted for termination.  Banksters:  time to blow your whistle now.  That light is the only possible way to save you from being snuffed out in the darkness of your anonymity.  The train is pulling out.
  • To name some names, it should be known that George Soros put pedophile Etienne Davignon, formerly of Societe Generale, in charge of taking down the American middle class. Davignon used our own money to fund the downfall of the American middle class, and is the type of “scum bag” who deserves everything he’s going to get for his crimes against humanity.
  • The IRS article that was recently released on this site is now being translated into 40 languages.  A new post exposing the cabal’s poisoning of humanity by land, air, and sea will be released shortly.
  • Edward Snowden is not the only one that has the list of names, telephone numbers, and home, business and vacation addresses of these cabal animals.  That list has been independently compiled and exists in at least four other organizations.  Thank you Edward for taking the heat for this list, but you’re not alone anymore.
Once again, Neil Keenan brings us more news that is not reported by alternative media, much less the mainstream media.  Although you may have heard more than a few times that we are close to the end game for the cabal, he assures us that much action is solidly in motion to make this a reality.  It is the end game now.

Most revealing about John Kerry’s recent antics is the obvious desperation behind them – he would not be begging for money around the world if the cabal could rest assured in their plots against humanity.  We will not be intimidated by his threats nor will we stand by idly.  They want to show us what they can do, and now we will show them what we all can do together.  We know what they’re doing and we even know the intimate details of Kerry’s whereabouts.  Enjoy yourself, John, while you still can.

We can now celebrate the fact that multinational corporate pharma and its “sustain the sickness” primitive traditional medicine is near the end.  Some long-suppressed healing technologies are becoming widely known and available.  As it filters to the world at large, these technologies will free the diseased and unnecessarily dying that have been a type of suffering cash cow by the millions for the medical industrial complex.  Make no mistake — this is the true healthcare reform.

Shortly another article detailing the cabal’s attacks on our land, sea and air will be posted.  As always, Neil would have us armed with as much available information as possible so that we can move forward and focus on the solutions needed to turn our world right-side up and live the way we were meant to live.

A personal note from Neil Keenan:
NFKThe Keenan Team continues to dig deep to bring forth the truth to the people.  They are experienced professionals in many walks of life and we are lucky to have them.  They request their anonymity with their main quest and goal to bring us the Cabal on a silver platter.  To date they are doing much more than this and we need to thank them for  their hard work by recognizing their talents as second to none.  They are explosive and aggressive and built from the same ilk as myself: they go for the jugular!  With such talent we are second to none despite just opening up the site.  I also would like to thank Jean for pushing me in this direction time and time again until finally it happened.  Still an integral part of this group, Jean is most valued . . . . Neil Keenan


About Neil’s Mission





25 Feb 2014

Benjamin Fulford Update - February 25 2014


War in the Ukraine and more banker murders 

as cabal end-game begins

The Eastern Europeans and Asians are mobilizing for some sort of big
global push against the cabal over the coming days, according to Russian
and Asian sources. The Russians say the latest shenanigans in the
Ukraine meant the cabal had crossed a red line and that Russia was ready
for war. The Asians were more secretive but nonetheless made it clear
some sort of line had been crossed and that action was imminent.

Meanwhile, the Bush and Rockefeller families are planning to murder
1200 bankers over the coming days in order to hide evidence against
them, according to Neil Keenan. The bankers will be young and mostly
involved in algorithmic trading and manipulation of various financial
markets, it is believed. Also, in a sign of how twisted these people’s
minds are, it turns out that each banker death means great derivative
profits, according to this article sent to me by alert readers:


In these circumstances, the White Dragon Society is offering
protection to any bankers who fear for their lives in exchange for them
making public what it is they have done to make them potential targets.
Remember, there is no incentive to kill a person in order to silence
them once the information is in the public domain. Also, because of all
the publicity and suspicion surrounding the recent spate of banker
deaths, from now own bankers will simply be disappeared and their bodies
will never be found, Keenan says.

The following people will be physically served with a cease and desist order by Keenan and his associates:


Also, last week the WDS had negotiations with the gnostic illuminati about what sort of post cabal regime is likely and desirable.

The gnostic illuminati claimed it was they who ousted the government
of Viktor Yanukovych in the Ukraine, according to an illuminati
grandmaster going by the name Alexander Romanov. It is true that the
Yanukovych regime was overthrown despite an agreement by the governments
of the EU and all the major political parties in the Ukraine,
indicating the work of non-state actors. Romanov said his group hoped to
foment similar regime changes in the rest of Europe as well as oust
Vladimir Putin in Russia.

This group is also demanding a 100% inheritance tax in order to permanently end bloodline rule.

The WDS countered that a jubilee, or one time write off of all debts
public and private, combined with a redistribution of fraudulently
accumulated assets was a more benevolent and practical approach. It was
explained that people who earned their money by creating wealth should
be allowed to keep it and only those who got rich through depriving
others should have their wealth confiscated. The illuminati grandmaster
agreed with this approach.

However, they are insisting on criminal punishment for many of the
world’s elite, as are Keenan’s group and many others while the WDS still
believes justice and forgiveness is wiser than revenge.
In any case, the turmoil caused in the Ukraine is not going to end quietly.
Here is what a Russian government source had to say about the situation:

“The Ukraine riots started by the US embassy have openly pissed off
the entire world. The initial rioters had American baseball caps and
brown shoes with laces. There are no brown shoe laces in Kiev and only I
wear a baseball cap. Directly after the Olympics the entire Eastern
bloc will be ready to move.”

The Olympics just ended and it is a good bet that the blue part of
the Ukraine seen in the maps at this link will become part of Russia
when the dust settles:


There is no way the Pentagon is going to start World War 3 with
Russia and China over a Nazi/EU organized coup d’etat in the Ukraine and
the Europeans alone will have their gas supplies cut off and will face
certain defeat if they try any military aggression in the Ukraine.

In any case, the Ukraine may turn out to be a side show soon if the
US government goes bankrupt this week as predicted by US Treasury
Secretary Jacob Lew or next week on March 4th as predicted by Grady
Means, former assistant to Nelson Rockefeller.


If this does happen, we can expect all banks and ATMs as well as the
internet and all credit cards to be shut down for a period of several
days until the fraud can be cleaned out and a new system put online.
During that time, emergency broadcast networks will be used to fill in
the brainwashed sheeple on what has really been happening over the past
100 years since a small group of gangsters took over the process of
creating and distributing money in the US.

This may not come to pass though because the cabal has proven itself
to be extremely difficult to dislodge. At their recent G20 meeting held
in Australia, and at other meetings they have held, they talk about
confiscating money from private bank accounts in order to keep
themselves going.

Neil Keenan, for his part, believes the cabal will crash the system
just to scare people into obedience and thus strengthen their control.
If they try such a thing, it is a pretty sure bet there will be a lot of
chaos and a lot of nasty things happening before the dust finally
settles into cabal defeat.

In Asia meanwhile, something is being planned but as mentioned above,
exactly what remains a mystery. However, in what may have been a
cryptic clue, somebody came from Kobe, Japan, home of the headquarters
of the Yamaguchi Gumi, to show this writer a video of a man laughing
hysterically as he throws a fish into the Pacific Ocean. Also, the pond
at Inokashira Park in Tokyo, home to a shrine to the Goddess Benten who,
according to legend, tamed the White Dragon and made it protector of
the weak, has been drained and all the invasive foreign fish species
have been removed. Watch this short Japanese language video to see it
being done:


Perhaps it is nothing but if I were a Goldman Sachs gangster in
Tokyo, I would be worried and might plan a vacation somewhere else for a
while, just in case.

The Queen and Prince Charles cash in on tens of thousands of pounds' worth of benefits every year



‘Hard-up families struggling to cope with crippling rises in living costs are already angry that private ­landlords rake in thousand of pounds from housing benefits.

But many will be even more furious to learn Prince Charles and the Queen are also making money from hard-up tenants who rely on the payments just to keep a roof over their heads.

The pair receive tens of thousands of pounds a year in housing benefits that are paid by local authorities to landlords.’

Read more: The Queen and Prince Charles cash in on tens of thousands of pounds' worth of benefits every year


“Your oaths of allegiance are nullified and you are freed and obligated to serve God, the common law and the people”

TODAY, ON THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF THE CRIMINAL CONVICTION OF POPE BENEDICT AND QUEEN ELIZABETH AND THEIR CORPORATIONS, a public notice of treason and order to comply was issued to all of the agents and officers of these felons by the Common Law Court responsible for their conviction.

The legal order was issued by The Presiding Magistrates of the Criminal Trial Division of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.

One year after an historic common law court verdict convicted thirty officials of church and state for Crimes against Humanity, the Court issued a “stand down” nullification order to all of the agents of those bodies, including the Vatican, the Crown of England and the government of Canada.

This order completes the legal disestablishment of the guilty institutions by releasing the police, judiciary, clergy, soldiers and all employees of these convicted bodies from their oaths of allegiance to the former head of state of the Commonwealth, Elizabeth Windsor, and to the Pope and the papacy in Rome.

The order negates the authority and jurisdiction of all of these officials. It notifies them that their continued allegiance to the convicted heads of state and church will constitute collusion with wanted criminals, and thereby an act of Treason against the people and the law, and may result in their arrest and imprisonment.

The Order will be delivered in person and through the media to these officials by the community at large and by sheriffs authorized by the Court’s Presiding Magistrates.

Simultaneously, the Court has authorized the establishment of new Common Law police officers to enforce the Court’s verdict and replace the disestablished authorities.

“Quite simply, this is a revolution” explained Kevin Annett, Field Secretary for the International Tribunal that sponsored the Court, at a press conference today on sovereign territory formerly part of Canada and now under Common Law jurisdiction.

“To nullify the authority of the judges, the police and the politicians who are the agents of criminal institutions is the inevitable and lawful consequence of the Court’s indictment of those bodies for crimes against humanity. This is being done legally and in the open. Under the law, there no longer exists what we knew as the Vatican, the Crown of England or the governments of Great Britain and Canada. Those populations are now under the sole jurisdiction of the common law and the covenants that they, the people, establish among themselves and with their Creator.

“It is now up to every one of us to enforce this Order, and we are all equally empowered to do so. The old authorities and their laws can and must be actively ignored. And the standing citizen arrest warrants against Joseph Ratzinger, Elizabeth Windsor and others will be enforced.”

This most recent Order from the International Common Law Court of Justice precedes the upcoming commencement of its second case, involving global child trafficking, on March 31, 2014. Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, will be summoned as the chief defendant in this case, which will convene at an open hearing in Brussels.

To pursue this and other convictions, Common Law courts have been organized by citizens and ITCCS affiliates in Canada, the United States, England, Ireland, Holland, Spain and Italy.

For more information and updates see www.itccs.org and www.iclcj.com .

Issued by ITCCS Central and the International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels

Papal and Crown Officers Ordered to Stand Down by Court

Arrest the Child Traffickers! Protest to confront Pope Francis, Queen Elizabeth on April 3 in Rome

Posted on February 24, 2014


In a repeat of the massive “Protest the Pope” march that brought 20,000 people into the streets of London in September, 2010, activists from around the world will converge on Rome on Thursday, April 3 to stop a planned meeting between convicted felon Elizabeth Windsor and Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio.

“These heads of church and state are guilty of child trafficking and murder. We won’t let them harm any more children, anywhere, and I don’t care how much protection they’ve got” said Fernando R., an Italian organizer of the action.

The Rome action will include plans for a convergence of spiritual elders outside the Vatican on Easter Sunday, April 20, to conduct a third and final Exorcism and Replacement Ceremony. Further details of these actions will be posted soon atwww.itccs.org .

Urgent Action Appeal to all ITCCS affiliates and People of Conscience: Help us Confront Child Trafficking Heads of Church and State in Rome on April 3!

Posted on February 21, 2014

Brussels and Rome:

Our global movement is joining hands with victims of church torture to rally against Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth when they meet in Rome on Thursday, April 3.

We ask that you join us there, or hold support protests and church occupations that same day, wherever you are.

Working with Italian victims’ and human rights groups, we will gather outside the Italian Presidential Palace and at the Vatican that day. Common Law sheriffs will attempt to enforce the standing Citizen Arrest Warrant against Elizabeth Windsor. Details are forthcoming at www.itccs.org.

Recently, we exposed how Queen Elizabeth colluded with deposed Pope Benedict in September, 2010 to help conceal child rape in both the Anglican and Catholic churches. Elizabeth Windsor is a convicted felon and the present Pope Francis is the chief defendant in an upcoming Common Law Court action against global child trafficking, to commence March 31.

Please spread the word, and plan to join us in Rome on April 3.

And stand by for a key global media announcement this Tuesday, February 25, on the first anniversary of our Common Law Court conviction of the Vatican, Canada and the Crown of England for Crimes against Humanity.

Issued by The Directorate of the ITCCS
20 February, 2014
www.itccs.org , www.iclcj.com

24 Feb 2014

The British-Israel World Federation and the Dawn of a New World Order ... VAMPYRIC BLOODLINES


Jordan Maxwell

Queen Elizabeth is a decendant 
of Hebrew Egyptian lineage

Royal Vampiric Bloodlines

UK police had broken a massive paedophile ring but we have all heard of such activity before both here in the UK (Operation Ore and the US Operation Avalanche but does it net the big fish?

Historically the answer is no because some of those named in high places have continued on in their positions and more importantly carried on with their evil sexual deviation.We could start by looking back when Tony Blair was the PM here in the UK. It was a very scandalous period with criminal investigations under the “Honours-for-cash” scandal and the war in Iraq scandal etc’

The Queen’s inititiation into The Druids


 There are distinct similarities between secret masonic societies, witch covens and druids – in short, they are all attempting the same thing; that is, the summoning of spiritual entities through the use of rituals within a Magick Circle – and in most cases the advanced POSSESSION of a member, so that questions and answers can be transcribed from the physical to the spirit world and vice versa.

QUEEN ELIZABETH (then a young princess) being initiated into the Bards of the
Ancient Order of Druids, 1946.

23 Feb 2014

NEIL KEENAN GROUP UPDATE : Cease and Desist Demanded


The Globalists’ New World Order train has long-tried to leave the station, but The People of the United States just stubbornly refuse to get on board.  And now the Globalists are preparing to punish the People of The United States through the fire sale and liquidation of her territories, assets, property and rights, as well as the significant and imminent devaluation of the US dollar, hatched at the February G20 meeting in Australia of corporate criminals masquerading as heads of state.

The Globalists are on their heels, cornered and scared, losing control – and that’s a dangerous position for these misanthropic animals.  Our property, assets and human rights are not the only thing they are moving to liquidate!


About Neil’s Mission



22 Feb 2014



Airborne BioEngineered Blood Cells Inhaled by Us 

This explains clearly what they are doing

Chemtrails and nanotechnology are changing the world in which we live (Bioengineering). They are changing your cells and DNA against your will -- dark change

People will all become sterile and plants will not be able to reproduce - science will keep us alive and control us 100% (transhumanism) They will plunge our world into darkness.

HAARP - Chemtrails - Nanotechnology - Change - Cells & DNA - Bioengineering

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology

21 Feb 2014

EMAILS : After 180 Days Your Private Emails Become Accessible Without a Search Warrant


If you ever thought your email was safe from prying eyes... think again! As a direct result of a Freedom of Information Act Request, it was discovered that due to a loophole in a 1986 law, the Government can search your emails located on third-party servers after 180 days without a search warrant!

It's unbelievable that this is even possible, but unfortunately it is. And believe it or not, there's a lot of resistance from well-known politicians who are committed to keeping loopholes like this open so that big brother can freely violate your right to privacy.

For example, California Governor Jerry Brown, a governor elected by the people, vetoed a bill that would close this electronic loophole in the State of California... not once... not twice... but three times!

This loophole exists in the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986. It's a federal law that established standards for government access to private information that is transmitted and stored on the Internet, such as emails, private photos, or corporate data. The legislation originally passed nearly three decades ago -- before most Americans had access to a home computer, before email was widely used, and before Facebook, Twitter and cloud computing transformed the way we live, work and store our private information. So it is severely outdated and is the sole reason this loophole exists.

However, there is legislation currently out there that will completely reform ECPA and that will close the 180 day loophole. The proposed ECPA reforms would require a warrant based on the traditional standard of probable cause in order for officials to force service providers to disclose the contents of email and other electronic communications -- just like what is already required to access digital communications that are less than 180 days old or to obtain the information you send in the mail or transmit over the telephone.


Israel is going to launch an international frame-up campaign




“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.” ... Albert Einstein

The Israeli Likuds are showing signs of stress. The world public is finally waking up to heed Einstein’s words and do something about evil Israel. The various AIPAC lobbies have not been able to terrify would be boycotters into submission or have them jailed through the special laws they have been getting passed in country.

But bad boy Bibi has decided it is now time to deploy Israel's 2014 Samson option. It's time to take the whole world down. He is calling us all anti-Semites, as virtually the whole moral world supports boycotting Israel. I am a bit perplexed on how he is going to arrange the logistics of stringing us all up as we number in the billions.

Rank and file Jews have always been ruthlessly exploited by their own elites who used 'anti-Semite' campaigns to keep them all on the plantation. They are a very independent and opinionated people and prone to argue and fight endlessly over just about anything. The outside enemy has always been the magic elixir for deflecting attention away from their own failed leadership, and failed they have.


Drake's Thursday February 20th update show



Check Out Education Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with DrakeBailey on BlogTalkRadio

20 Feb 2014


Police Shoot, Kill Man's Dog After Going

To Wrong Home, Told

"You Can Get a New Dog" 

An Adams County man is in shock after he says deputies shot and killed his dog.

Jeff Fisher said deputies went to his house by mistake. He said when they forced their way through the door his dog Ziggy ran outside and an Adams County Sheriff's deputy shot and killed him.

"(He went to the door) to see who it was and the police officer shot him three times," Fisher said. "They killed my dog for no reason."

Fisher said Ziggy was his best friend and can't believe he's gone.

"I called the dog, he turned to come back to me and the police officer opened fire," said Fisher.

Ziggy was an 8-year-old Blue Healer/Border Collie mix.

The Adams County Sheriff's Office said deputies responded to the address on reports of a business alarm going off.

A spokesman said he can't say more until the investigation is complete but did release this statement, "It's our goal at the Adams County Sheriff's Office to complete a thorough investigation of this incident, be able to answer any questions that people who have concerns about this incident may have and to do right for the owner of this dog."

Fisher said he wants that deputy to be held accountable.

"I'm on the ground crying hysterically and the police officer says, 'You need to calm down, you can get a new dog,'" said Fisher.

Fisher said he rents space from the neighboring business where the alarm was sounded.

The attorney representing Fisher believes that animal shootings are out of control.

Jennifer Edwards referred to the elk in Boulder and the dog in Commerce City that were recently shot and killed by law enforcement.

"Something has got to be done about it. They're taking our family members and I don't care that they're the furry family members they're family members no less," said Edwards.

Edwards wants answers and reform on how law enforcement deals with animals. She believes a lawsuit is likely.

Fisher said he just wants his friend back, "I don't have kids. That's my son."

Police Shoot, Kill 80-Year-Old Man

In His Own Bed, Don't Find the Drugs

They Were Looking For 

In the early morning hours of June 27, 2013, a team of Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputies pulled up to the home of Eugene Mallory, an 80-year-old retired engineer living in the rural outskirts of Los Angeles county with his wife Tonya Pate and stepson Adrian Lamos.

The deputies crashed through the front gate and began executing a search warrant for methamphetamine on the property. Detective Patrick Hobbs, a self-described narcotics expert who claimed he "smelled the strong odor of chemicals" downwind from the house after being tipped off to illegal activity from an anonymous informant, spearheaded the investigation.

The deputies announced their presence, and Pate emerged from the trailer where she'd been sleeping to escape the sweltering summer heat of the California desert. Lamos and a couple of friends emerged from another trailer, and a handyman tinkering with a car on the property also gave himself up without resistance. But Mallory, who preferred to sleep in the house, was nowhere to be seen.

Deputies approached the house, and what happened next is where things get murky. The deputies said they announced their presence upon entering and were met in the hallway by the 80-year-old man, wielding a gun and stumbling towards them. The deputies later changed the story when the massive bloodstains on Mallory's mattress indicated to investigators that he'd most likely been in bed at the time of the shooting. Investigators also found that an audio recording of the incident revealed a discrepancy in the deputies' original narrative: Before listening to the audio recording, [Sgt. John] Bones believed that he told Mallory to "Drop the gun" prior to the shooting. The recording revealed, however, that his commands to "Drop the gun" occurred immediately after the shooting.

When it was all over, Eugene Mallory died of six gunshot wounds from Sgt. John Bones' MP-5 9mm submachine gun. When a coroner arrived, he found the loaded .22 caliber pistol the two deputies claimed Mallory had pointed at them on the bedside table.

Mallory had not fired of a single shot. The raid turned up no evidence of methamphetamine on the property.

To find out more about this case, including details about what the police did find, watch the above video, featuring Mallory's widow Tonya Pate. Pate has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, an agency plagued by prison abuse scandals, questionable hiring practices, and allegations of racial profiling and harassment in recent years.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department declined multiple requests to comment on this story.

Illuminati Crime Boss David Rockefeller Funded Facial Recognition Revolution

Thursday Drake updates show 13.2.2014



New Education Internet Radio with DrakeBailey on BlogTalkRadio

Why the whole banking system is a scam by Godfrey Bloom MEP UKIP (Yorkshire & Lincolnshire)


Godfrey Bloom MEP UKIP (Yorkshire & Lincolnshire)

 Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) group -

The current system has evolved over many centuries and shaped/influenced by the most powerful elite. If we start to threaten their proxy custodians (govt.'s and the commercial world) with any frightening penal/punitive action, they'll simply dig in and entrench themselves in a never-ending conflict.  We must strive for a fair and egalitarian system to be planned and implemented globally. 

European Parliament, Strasbourg, 21 May 2013

100 tons of toxic water leaked at Fukushima plant

Reuters / Kimimasa Mayama


Around 100 tons of highly radioactive water leaked from one of the tanks at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, the plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) said on Thursday.

The water reportedly spilled beyond the barrier that is set up to block it from flowing out of tank. TEPCO believes the leakage has not reached the adjacent sea, as there is no drainage nearby that flows out to the sea.

A process to stop the radioactive leak is underway. The spill is said to contain 230 million becquerels per liter of strontium and other beta ray-emitting radioactive substances.

The leak was discovered by workers on patrol at around 11:25 p.m. local time on Wednesday.

It is the latest in a series of leaks that TEPCO has struggled to control at the stricken nuclear power plant. According to previous statements from the company, as many as 20 trillion becquerels of cesium-137, 10 trillion becquerels of strontium-90 and 40 trillion becquerels of tritium have found their way into the sea by way of groundwater leaks between May 2011 and August 2013.

TEPCO has been at the center of a storm of criticism over its management of Fukushima in the wake of the 2011 earthquake-triggered tsunami that decimated the plant. Last week it was revealed that TEPCO had held back reports of dangerously high radiation levels at the plant since September.

Last Thursday the company announced it detected 5 million becquerels per liter of radioactive strontium-90 in a groundwater sample taken some 25 meters from the ocean as early as last September, Reuters reports. The legal limit for releasing strontium into the ocean is just 30 becquerels per liter.

The company refrained from reporting on the leak despite numerous requests from the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA). A spokesperson for TEPCO said the decision not to release the data was made because of “uncertainty about the reliability and accuracy of the September strontium reading.”

Retired Military Scientist
Exposes Fukushima Cover-Up


Fukushima & Worldwide 
Nuclear Waste Crisis

19 Feb 2014

CORBETT REPORT : Unite and Conquer ... Fighting Back Against the Oligarchy

In the tech field, the open source revolution is reimagining the way people collaborate, share knowledge, and produce innovations. From 3D printing and the sharing of the digital blueprints for the design of all manner of household objects under creative commons licenses to the creation of downloadable roadworthy car chassis to the sharing of designs and ideas for farming technologies in the open agriculture revolution, people are finding all sorts of new ways to come together regardless of political or philosophical or racial or class distinction to create vibrant, alternative communities of like-minded people interested in finding solutions to humanity's problems.

Find out more about the collaborative solutions to our common problems in this week's Eyeopener report.

Alcuin and Flutterby Update - 2014 Agenda for Disclosure

High-status disclosures of previously suppressed information are likely to bring the following changes in 2014:

The Kissinger-Bush-Clinton-Obama political clique will be removed from American public life permanently. Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, will leave office before the natural end of his presidential term. Decisive announcements to this effect may be broadcast during March or April 2014. Obama, like President George Bush Jnr before him, was illegally and unconstitutionally elected; he is a controlled agent of European monetary interests. More background can be found here, here, here and here.

The identities of the hidden Khazar Zionist political bosses embedded in corporate America will be disclosed. The use these bosses have made of human clones in American political management will become common knowledge. The use made of human clones in managing European Royal families, international banking, spiritual fascism in religion, industrial militarism and political assassinations will be made clear for all to see. The fact that mind-controlled human clones have been democratically elected into national leaderships, have signed state and religious papers of moment, and have been terminated at will and substituted with others, will be revealed.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio ('Francis'), the present Pope, will be obliged to retire. Like Tenzin Gyatso (the Dalai Lama) and Billy Graham, he is a Western deep-state-controlled PsyOp, who functions within the domain of establishment religious control and disinformation. More about Bergoglio's covert background can be found here (02.02.14).

Queen Elizabeth II of England will abdicate or, at the very least, will begin to withdraw from active personal involvement in Constitutional, Church of England, and international banking affairs. The occult connection between the Vatican in Rome and The Crown Temple in London will be revealed.

All around the world, national leaders and régimes which have political, corporate and legal connections with the American governing establishment will be removed from power. Particularly likely to benefit in this regard are Argentina, Burma, Canada, Congo, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, the Sudans, Pakistan, Paraguay and The United Kingdom.

The low-vibration AntiChrist energies of lies, deceit and personal greed, as channelled by the American political establishment (Republican and Democrat), will cease to be sustainable. Undetectable manipulation of the Kissinger-Bush-Clinton-Obama kind will become increasingly impossible on Earth as the energetic environment of planetary cleansing and ascension raises the dominant vibrations of light throughout the planet.
The NESARA global prosperity programmes will be announced and activated. One of the funds involved is The Saint Germain World Trust. It contains deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion USA dollars. This is $1 with forty noughts after it; ten thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, million dollars.

Among other projects, this money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks and pharmaceutical cartels. And it will zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide.

The whole human population will benefit from NESARA. Earth is a most abundant planet. There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth for each and every human being to be a GBP millionaire without debts of any kind. GBP = Great Britain Pound. NESARA is about sharing the resources of the planet around fairly. And NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems in place worldwide to deliver this monetary fairness. No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA wealth redistribution programmes. And no individual or organisation anywhere on Earth will be able to stop it.

NESARA will cancel all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide. Income tax will be abolished. A new 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the necessary revenue stream for national governments. Money will cease to be spent on war, élite security and covert militarism. There will be increased benefits for senior citizens. In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system.

And in the USA, a new banking system - American Banking Central - will click into function and will involve twenty nine new locally-orientated banks. The Federal Reserve Board will be abolished (pertinent letter here). The Internal Revenue Service will be abolished. More about these NESARA-related changes can be found here.

Free-energy Tesla technologies suppressed by the JPMorgan and Bush families' corporate energy cartels will become freely known and freely available. There will be no further need to burn fossil fuels once the Tesla technologies are in place in industry, homes and vehicles.

Things will be seen in the skies, on the surface of the Earth and inside the Earth which mainstream corporate media and mainstream western education say do not exist and cannot happen. The core signifiers of ancient mythologies will be found to be real.

The covert interaction of several world governments with negative extraterrestrial groups will be exposed. The role of positive extraterrestrial groups in promoting the energisation of the planet and the manifestation of the NESARA process will be explained. The significance of the agriglyphs (crop circles) will become better understood. The availability of off-planet technologies for pollution control, human transport, and information retrieval will be revealed. Sonic healing machines will be released for the free use of all. The negative stargate (or interdimensional portal) in Iraq at the ancient Sumerian site of Entemenanki (the locality of the ziggurat of Marduk in ancient Babylon) will be closed.

Books will be opened. Human histories will be corrected. Many veridical accounts of human history still exist but have been hidden away and protected for final release during this end-time. They will be released and published in many languages and will be held safe beyond the censorship of dogmatic religion. Remote viewing of suppressed texts in closed libraries will become common. Extraterrestrial text-energy reading technologies, along with manuscript reconstitution and multiplication techniques will become available.

It will become evident that no history, no event, no experience, no exchange, no conversation, no train of thought, and no feeling can ever be totally erased. Everything that has ever happened still exists perfectly in its original energy pattern. With extraterrestrial and spiritual technologies, past histories anywhere and anywhen can be comprehensively accessed and published. Every event that has ever taken place can be retrieved, reproduced and replayed in sound, vision, tactuality and multiple sensation. During 2014 this will begin to be understood. More information about positive extraterrestrials and the Higher Evolution can be found here.

During 2014 more young people and old people, inside and outside world governments, will speak the truth with greater energy, greater clarity and less fear than ever before in human history. And their words will be heard, preserved and multiplied beyond the reach of establishment suppression. They will tell of many things from their own personal experience. They will tell of Earth changes to come and they will tell of Earth changes past. They will tell of how tsunamis, freak weather conditions in the USA and earthquakes in Japan, have been deliberately man-made by covert government agencies. They will tell of the fate of the thousands of missing children worldwide. They will tell how diseases such as Ebola, AIDS, SARS, H5N1 and Morgellons were the results of deliberate bioterrorism by government agencies seeking to reduce the world's population. More information about the Morgellons mystery can be found here.

On the web, a new democratic social encyclopedia to replace Wikipedia will arise. Unlike Wikipedia, this will be constructed in such a way that security, corporate and Zionist misinformers will be unable to manipulate its content. Truth will become clean and free for all.

The 180-nation BRICS alliance, led by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, will become central in facilitating veridical global news flows and the introduction of new gold-backed international currencies.

New crowd-sourced media organisations will emerge in the West. The accelerating meme that leaking and whistleblowing can be more effective and more patriotic than voting, will become established as a norm in Western professional, banking, security and military cultures.

Into this climate of global disclosure will emerge the greatest discloser of all - the long expected World Teacher of The Aquarian Age. Called variously The Imam Mahdi, The Fifth Buddha, The Messiah, Krishna, or The Christ, The World Teacher and his team of spiritual masters will disclose openly the diseases of past history and the healing of the present. And The World Teacher - no surprise here - will not be a religious figure. More information about the emergence of The World Teacher can be found here.

In 2014, there will be further disclosures about endemic professional corruption in Western healthcare systems. Modern allopathic medicine will be shown to be a manipulative con designed by the corporate controllers of the pharmaceutical industry to make people ill, keep them ill, and kill them prematurely. The tools of this manipulation are sophisticated poisons dressed-up as expensive medicines. The medicines in most cases are unnecessary, as is the fashion for casual intrusive surgery which makes even more expensive medicines necessary. Follow the money. Notice also the establishment attempts to suppress or outlaw alternative herbal remedies which work better and cost less. More information about The Ritalin Conspiracy can be found here, and about the Statin scam can be found here.

The story of what going is to happen in 2014 is the biggest story in the history of human civilisation on this planet. It is too big a story to be handled accurately by the corporate mainstream media. The news will be broken, initially, though Indymedia, alternative news, and progressive spirituality sites on the web. But most of all, the story will be discovered in personal experience. As more and more people learn the spiritual exercises of meditation, invocation, affirmation and dream management, more and more people will break free, see clearly and speak openly of that which was, and that which is to come.

The dark forces of debt-banking, mass surveillance and religious deceit are crumbling. Thirteen millennia of élite-led disinformation are coming to an end. Disclosure is light; disclosure is change. Disclosure is the oxygen of planetary healing.

Picture: llluminati bloodlines. Ancient fellowship of evil. Satanists.

17 Feb 2014

THE PEOPLE'S VOICE : MAX IGAN Surviving The Matrix: EP 11 - Cultivating the Social Pathogen





Max Egan discusses the complexity of reality 
and gives an understanding of the ethical, 
social, economic and psychological 
forces that shape individuals.

Benjamin Fulford Update : Secretary of Skull and Bones Kerry’s begging bowl half-filled after China pays ... Indonesia nays- February 17 FEB 2014


The United States of America Corporation has managed to stave off
bankruptcy once again last week after Secretary of Skull and Bones John
Kerry showed up in China with begging bowl in hand last week and got a
donation, according to Chinese government sources. The money came with
many strings attached, notably getting the US to jerk Japanese slave
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s chain



and accept the reunification of the Korean peninsula, the sources
said. The reunification of Korea story, something the Zionist slave
press tried to ignore, can be seen here on the official North Korean
news site:


However, Kerry’s efforts to get gold from Indonesia to support the
Federal Reserve Board and his Fuehrer George Bush Sr. were rebuffed
prompting Kerry to make veiled threats to unleash weather warfare: “in a
sense climate change can now be considered another weapon of mass
destruction, perhaps even the world’s most fearsome weapon,” after
Indonesia’s president refused to meet him.


He also threatened other countries by saying: “Just one meter is enough
to put half of Jakarta under water. Just one meter would displace
hundreds of millions of people worldwide and threaten billions in
economic activity,” Kerry said.


These sorts of veiled threats are a sign of desperation, not strength
because events around the world are no longer going according to the
Zionist/Nazi agenda and their fascist new world order is collapsing.

The suspicious death last week of yet another JP Morgan IT
specialist, the 37 year old Ryan Henry Crane, was linked to Kerry’s gold
begging mission in Indonesia, according to CIA and other sources. The
dying beast that is JP Morgan has to make

There may also be some military turbulence that will accompany this
financial warfare, according to Eastern European sources. A war call has
been sent out in the Eastern bloc and some sort of major move is
promised for after the Sochi Olympics end, these sources say.

Already, Russian and other Eastern European special forces have gone
to the Ukraine and told the CIA “protesters” there to choose between
“vodka, caviar and friendship” or “death.” Perhaps that is why the
Ukraine turmoil suddenly stopped.

Also, the Serbians are very upset the Americans did not shut down
their Bondsteel military camp as promised and are once again thinking of
destroying it with a suit-case nuclear weapon.

The situation in the Middle East too is moving towards a paradigm
shift. The Egyptians, Syrians, Iranians and Turks are all moving towards
ending the ancient Sunni/Shia rift and creating a loose confederation
of Muslim states.

The Saudi and Israeli factions still trying to foment a
Christian/Muslim holy war are increasingly isolated and a take-down of
the Saudi regime is possible unless they surrender.

Speaking about surrender, the Saudis made an offer of $25 trillion
recently to the White Dragon Society in exchange for historical Asian
gold but were refused because accepting it would have meant agreeing
that they had the right to create money out of thin air. The money would
have been created at one of several esoteric “trading platforms” the
cabal uses to create money out of thin air and then launder it into the
real economy. The right create money must always be linked to the real
world and must belong to the people and other living creatures of the
planet earth and not to an ancient slaving guild.

There was also an offer of 12 trillion dollars’ worth gold from South
America made to the WDS last week. This offer seemed to be genuine and
filled with good intent but so far, as has been the case with all other
stories of astronomical amounts of gold, no physical proof it exists has
yet been produced. The person making the offer promised to show up soon
with physical gold. We shall see.

The only real treasure in Asia this writer has seen proof of still
being in existence is the treasure hidden in the hills behind the
treasure museum in Taipei, Taiwan. Even a lot of that was thoroughly
looted by eunuchs etc. long before the Nationalist Chinese government
evacuated it to Taiwan.

Even if some of the other legendary treasure stashes exist, the
people of the world must ask themselves if hidden controllers claiming
ownership of these treasures should be put in charge of deciding the
future of the planet. The Chinese government, the Russians, the Pentagon and their allies
may have to come to the conclusion that all of these tales of umpteen
million tons of gold are a red herring. If that is the case, they need
to take over the current privately owned international central banking
system and then start backing the various currencies out there with a
basket of commodities or other real assets.