26 Feb 2014

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE: We’re Mad As Hell And We’re Not Gonna Take It Any More!


Video Highlights
  • The recent flooding of England, Wales and Ireland is the work of HAARP.
  • After the cabal located the pulsing frequencies of the super-volcano under Yellowstone Park they stopped heating it up, demonstrating they could erupt it.
  • Cabal puppet/clown John Kerry is threatening people who are in a position to threaten back.  He went to Indonesia begging for money and when refused, he threatened that he could put Indonesia under water if his demands are not met.
  • We are under attack by land, air and sea.  We need to position ourselves to counter-attack.
  • An international security force is needed.  Please contact us through our volunteer page if you are able and willing to join our international security team.
  • The U.S. military’s movement against the cabal is stalled right now because Obama has replaced so many senior officers with cronies who are loyal to him.  However, we can be assured that our good military will make all the right moves in the end.
  • A big surprise involving Obama is coming soon.
  • Although little has been made public, the good news is that the States are vigorously fighting for our rights.  They are not standing for Federal tyranny, and are letting loose with litigation fighting back.  Bravo!
  • Our American militias have apparently backed away from their mission.  We need our militias, and we encourage them gird up their loins and mobilize.
  • Don’t shop at Wal-Mart.  You’re funding the cabal.  Shut them down by patronizing your neighbor, or starting a locally owned service where needed.  Mom and pop stores are about to be the new sustainable long term trend again as people wake up en masse.
  • Thank you Dr. Group!  He has sent the “medicine” to remove radiation from the body.  Mass production is now starting.
  • Neil’s medical machine that diagnoses problems in the body is amazing.  Plans are in the making for these machines to be available to as many people as possible working around the prohibitions of effective alternative medicine by the multinational corporate pharma-controlled  US, France, and Germany.
  • The recent rash of bankers who have been “suicided” (whacked and made to look like suicide) is just the tip of the iceberg.  At the time of the video Neil reported that there were another 150 to be slaughtered.  The number on that list has now tipped 1,200 who have been targeted for termination.  Banksters:  time to blow your whistle now.  That light is the only possible way to save you from being snuffed out in the darkness of your anonymity.  The train is pulling out.
  • To name some names, it should be known that George Soros put pedophile Etienne Davignon, formerly of Societe Generale, in charge of taking down the American middle class. Davignon used our own money to fund the downfall of the American middle class, and is the type of “scum bag” who deserves everything he’s going to get for his crimes against humanity.
  • The IRS article that was recently released on this site is now being translated into 40 languages.  A new post exposing the cabal’s poisoning of humanity by land, air, and sea will be released shortly.
  • Edward Snowden is not the only one that has the list of names, telephone numbers, and home, business and vacation addresses of these cabal animals.  That list has been independently compiled and exists in at least four other organizations.  Thank you Edward for taking the heat for this list, but you’re not alone anymore.
Once again, Neil Keenan brings us more news that is not reported by alternative media, much less the mainstream media.  Although you may have heard more than a few times that we are close to the end game for the cabal, he assures us that much action is solidly in motion to make this a reality.  It is the end game now.

Most revealing about John Kerry’s recent antics is the obvious desperation behind them – he would not be begging for money around the world if the cabal could rest assured in their plots against humanity.  We will not be intimidated by his threats nor will we stand by idly.  They want to show us what they can do, and now we will show them what we all can do together.  We know what they’re doing and we even know the intimate details of Kerry’s whereabouts.  Enjoy yourself, John, while you still can.

We can now celebrate the fact that multinational corporate pharma and its “sustain the sickness” primitive traditional medicine is near the end.  Some long-suppressed healing technologies are becoming widely known and available.  As it filters to the world at large, these technologies will free the diseased and unnecessarily dying that have been a type of suffering cash cow by the millions for the medical industrial complex.  Make no mistake — this is the true healthcare reform.

Shortly another article detailing the cabal’s attacks on our land, sea and air will be posted.  As always, Neil would have us armed with as much available information as possible so that we can move forward and focus on the solutions needed to turn our world right-side up and live the way we were meant to live.

A personal note from Neil Keenan:
NFKThe Keenan Team continues to dig deep to bring forth the truth to the people.  They are experienced professionals in many walks of life and we are lucky to have them.  They request their anonymity with their main quest and goal to bring us the Cabal on a silver platter.  To date they are doing much more than this and we need to thank them for  their hard work by recognizing their talents as second to none.  They are explosive and aggressive and built from the same ilk as myself: they go for the jugular!  With such talent we are second to none despite just opening up the site.  I also would like to thank Jean for pushing me in this direction time and time again until finally it happened.  Still an integral part of this group, Jean is most valued . . . . Neil Keenan


About Neil’s Mission





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