9 Feb 2014

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE – THE KEENAN TEAM REPORTS: IRS – Private Lying Globalist-Controlled Thugs – We Want Our Money Back!

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A Personal Introduction by Neil Keenan
We have been had. Nothing we have grown up believing to be real is in fact real.Keenan 1Connecting all the dots, it dawned on me that there was so much more behind the curtain of everything than I was led to believe. I came to believe the only thing that I could trust was real was the love of my family. My government has turned out to be one big phony corporation — a massive worldwide scam perpetrated by Zionists, Nazis, and Khazars. It has to be stopped!
My original mission was supposed to be about the theft of bonds entrusted to me; but I came to clearly see that it had to be so much more. What appears to be and what is are two different things. They are using us! The stolen bonds, although important, had to take a back seat. Humanity is calling for help, and I had to fight even if it was by myself. No one deserves to be blinded to what is happening to their life. No one deserves to be trained and treated like SHEEPLE.
I knew I had to have a team but I had no idea how to go about building one. For two years I have done this by myself. Then, gradually, many began to understand what was actually happening in the world and my team began to grow. There actually were people who thought like me! I was not alone.
Not everyone can see what is happening right before their eyes; but now many realize that something has to give — enough is enough. We can take back what was ours from the beginning.
The most electrifying moment is when thought becomes reality. Although terrifying to some, when we realize the problem is something we can touch and fight, we learn which way to move and how to attack those who would enslave us. We learn that they have weaknesses and can be taken down. And mostly we learn they are not what they claim to be.
Most importantly, the Keenan Group (the Group K Ltd), has a very able team of people, professionals by all means, who apparently have been born to fight such battles. You do not see fear in them, only resilience. They are your warriors and do what you cannot.
Most of all they understand we will take this monster apart piece by piece. And when weakened we will slay it. We have now learned who they are and how they got to where they are. We know where they hide, and we will soon be going to the doors that they hide behind. It is time to devastate them as they have been doing to us all these many years. They have used our good nature and emotions against us, kept us ignorant, and inhumanely manipulated us for their own psychopathic purposes. They will be paid visits shortly and they will fear the wrath of our people.
Group K, Ltd. will address each and every issue, and we are not just talk. The time to ACT is near. The rules of the game are changing. We will no longer play by their rules — we will follow our own rules. We have an entire world waiting to emerge as truly free people and there is no stopping it now.
When the time comes, the so-called Cabal/Illuminati will find that billions of people who they intended to wipe out will be the very ones to decide their fates: thumbs up or thumbs down. How will the people react? As for me, I will have no mercy. But this will be a decision made by a colossal group of people bearing neither kindness nor hate – only objectivity.
Do we want these kind of people living amongst us again? Do we want to have to keep an ever-vigilant eye out for another invasion by them in the future, or do we want to end it all right here, right now. You know my vote!
What you will be reading here in this post is another limb to be severed from the Cabal. One which they have used to rape and pillage us for nearly 100 years. They hid the truth well, but not well enough. The Keenan Team seized upon it and did a remarkable job of exposing it. This article is going to rock your world. It is going to make you angry, very angry. But that anger has great value when it is properly channeled.

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