22 Apr 2012


Author Jim Marrs discussed various conspiracy theories, and how events such as the ongoing deadly radiation from the Fukushima reactors and spraying of Corexit in the Gulf continue with little news coverage. We live in a "fake world" now, he contended. with such issues surrounding Pres. Obama such as his birth certificate, the so-called killing of bin Laden, and the phony pictures of his dead body that appeared. The secret operatives that claimed to have killed Osama bin Laden dumped his body into the ocean saying it was custom in his homeland of Saudi Arabia, a predominately desert country, and without any objective forensics performed. If bin Laden was unarmed, why didn't they capture him to bring him to trial for his crimes?, asked Marrs.

According to many credible sources, bin Laden has been dead since December 2001, probably from his kidney problems. This wasn't reported back then because the government needed to keep him alive in order to justify such programs as the Patriot Act, and Homeland Security, he conjectured. The removal of bin Laden now was a tactic to take people's mind off Obama's issues about his birth certificate and citizenship, he continued.

Regarding suppression of news coverage of Japan's nuclear radiation which is still spewing from the damaged plants, he cited how "the nuclear industry doesn't want everyone to know how bad this is, because we would be doing like Germany is doing and shutting all nuclear plants down." Speaking about the UFO secrecy issue, Marrs said disclosure hasn't taken place because government & the military don't want to admit to the public that there's technology that they don't have, and that they don't have any control over this technology.

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