7 Jul 2014

Britain's child-stealing paedophile government shocks the world

the tap 

Parliament establishment to quickly close ranks about child sex abuse

The artist taxi driver





 Filmmaker Bill Maloney and fellow anti child abuse campaigner Chris Fay discuss the current circumstances surrounding former Home Secretary Leon Brittan, Simon Danzcuk MP's question to the House of Commons, Government coverups and other sensitive issues that are relevant.

Dear Henry

Here’s what the spirit moved me to put out as a way of processing input from your remarkable Tap:

· My email to all MPs who are not on the list of enquiry supporters yet: http://mckenzie-friends.co.uk/2014/07/06/do-you-want-to-stop-child-snatching-and-paedophile-scandals-everybody-knows/

· An update on the Musa case who are expected to be deported without their seven children: http://gloriamusa.wordpress.com/2014/07/06/judge-slams-haringey-council-over-most-shocking-case-ever-but-family-is-destroyed-anyhow/

· My delight over the story in the German tabloid thanks to my nephew: http://gloriamusa.wordpress.com/2014/07/06/judge-slams-haringey-council-over-most-shocking-case-ever-but-family-is-destroyed-anyhow/

(TAP - Has some helpful person swapped over the link Sabine? Or was it a typo?)

May we enjoy a ‘hot summer’!

With greetings from sunny London,


Forgot this link about the most eccentric and provocative of all victims turned starfighters, campaigners, activists and McKenzie Friends: http://mauricejohnkirk.wordpress.com/2014/07/05/whos-afraid-of-maurice-kirk-south-wales-police-plus/#more-1988


Lynne Featherstone MP told us yesterday that she thinks police investigations need to be the prompt answer to organised child sexual abuse:
a national enquiry would take 2 years
a Royal Commission would take 5 years.

But after Hillsborough and other police whistleblowing, who trusts the Police?
Look how Lincolnshire Police remove this 10-year-old girl against her will
Nick Clegg has told Good Morning Britain that an abuse inquiry is ‘no surrogate’ for full police investigation
Police whistleblower James Patrick made it clear to the House of Commons Administration Committee that statistics on rape and sexual crimes are being falsified.


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