7 Jul 2014

Kevin Annett: Commentary : Genocide - Our Crime of No Consequence


Kevin Annett: Commentary: Genocide, Our Crime of No Consequence: The Great Obfuscation Carries On – And some thoughts on what comes next

A Commentary by Kevin D. Annett, especially for all common law workers and patriots in Canada

Children who are routinely raped and tortured don’t smile, despite the blank grimace they must don for official photographs. That’s why I knew the just-released books I came across yesterday on a Vancouver news stand were not simply bullshit, but well crafted ones, complete with front cover images of cheery-faced, well groomed youths. But since the books had to do with Indian residential schools, the lie is not only acceptable, but required now more than ever, here in Canada.

Our Great White North went through an uneasy period, briefly, as it struggled to cope with the facts that I more than anyone have made public: of mass graves of little brown kids, the eyewitnesses who dug the tombs, and the volumes of statistics and letters proving that 50,000 and more innocents were deliberately wiped out by church and state to get rid of the “Indian problem”. National politicians like Gilles Duceppe started referring publicly to “massive deaths” alongside the usual nonsense about “apology and reconciliation”, and the G word even cropped up during media references to the “schools”. But that’s as far as things went; and that period is over.

Nowadays, the clock is being deliberately turned back, and rapidly, as our memories and reason are under assault once again by a Big Brother with more than blood on his hands. Now, we are going back to the days when the church leaders responsible for the crime and its attending cover up can publicly claim without consequence that their motives regarding Indians were only pure. And the mass graves of the children, of course, remain unopened.

An entire history of homegrown murder is once more being officially erased, as are those like me who meticulously documented it, and shoved it in the face of “mainstream” Canada. And since that’s all to be expected, I suppose that one must either just laugh at it all, or pick up the sword again.

Frankly, it’s harder for me to once more hoist the old banner about the Canadian Holocaust, since people are generally dumber nowadays, including the self-styled “progressives” who don’t like to hear about crimes in their own backyard. The standing editorial policy in Canada’s corporate media never to mention my name or cite my work has had its deadly effect. And so even as our campaigns against child torture in high places have spread globally, inspired directly by our successful exposure of genocide in Canada, it is as if that crime never occurred, for there have been no consequences on those who are responsible. Nor will there ever be, under the present Canadian arrangement.

Which brings us, as they say, to the heart of the matter.

We shouldn’t have to live alongside crime, or fund it. That’s just common decency. But the law goes further, and says that we don’t have to and must not collude with such wrong doing. And that simple truth is just beginning to penetrate the hard skull of Canada, namely, that our rulers and our churches have not only nullified our allegiance to them by their wrongs, but have forfeited their very right to exist. Canada, as we know it, is over.

I told that to one of our local Mounties recently, when I showed him the Stand Down Order issued to him and his ilk by the Common Law Court that convicted his boss in London who calls herself a queen of crimes against humanity.

“You’re not obligated to serve a criminal” I informed the cop. He looked troubled, but he didn’t dispute me, and took the Order away with him.

More of these kind of ripples are joining into a wave of change, as mere protest is giving way to something altogether new in our land: an active reclaiming of it, under the banner of a new nation called the Republic of Kanata.

Some of the new bright souls of this movement are much younger than me, thankfully. One of them is a young farmer from Saskatchewan who has told the government’s fraud-driven Canadian Revenue Agency to stand down from their effort to seize her land, using our evidence to show that “crown” courts have neither legitimacy nor lawful standing anymore in Canada.

Another such giant killer of our movement, Steve Finney of Kitchener, Ontario, has forced the local courts to back off from their child-trafficking practice, and to even acknowledge that they are operating as de facto rather than lawful public courts.

Steve and the young farmer and dozens like them are gathering in Winnipeg on October 27 to help found a nation free of a past of crime and corruption. That Republic of Kanata will be one of our answers to the Great Canadian Lie, and to all of those butchered children still lying in the ground, and being trafficked and violated as we speak by wealthy, protected men.

So while the time for holding placards in front of child-killing churches may be over, the time to seize those churches has arrived. And that goes for the court houses and Parliament, too, and yes, all those banks of silver and gold that are draining away the wealth of our land.

Where one door closes, another one always open: even when it comes to Genocide. So long live the Republic, stay tuned for more reports from the front lines … And get on board!

For more information on the Republic of Kanata founding Constitutional Convention in Winnipeg on October 27, write to republicofkanata@gmail.com

http://www.itccs.org /

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