4 Aug 2014

LADA RAY : Murder Incorporated and the EU Schizophrenia


On my blog, I usually write my own analysis and predictions. However, this specific Venture Capital report by RT, ‘Murder Incorporated’ is worth listening to, and is, moreover, a confirmation of much of what I’ve been saying. The analysis of the decision by the Hague and Strasbourg courts, awarding $50bln to the former shareholders of YUKOS, is very well analysed by the first guest. The anti-Russian sanctions analysis is also good, and confirms my diagnosis: 1. sanctions are more harmful to the EU, and potentially even US, than to Russia; 2. these sanctions, and the entire attitude by the West, accelerates the Russian turn to the East, away from the West.

YUKOS is the former company of the ex-Russian oligarch and ex-convict Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who was released from jail on December, 2013, as a result of the Russian Presidential pardon based on humanitarian reasons. Incidentally, the main beneficiary of the $50bln YUKOS compensation would be another oligarch and Khodorkovsky’s crony, Leonid Nevzlin, who is wanted for 5 murders in Russia. Nevzlin managed to escape justice by fleeing to Israel, where he is presently hiding. He would be the recipient of the 70% of the $50bln judgement against the Russian State, should this ever come to pass. The recipients of the remaining 30% would be 4 other Russian oligarchs, hiding somewhere in London, I presume. Isn’t that nice! They want to keep it all in the family!

Leonid Nevzlin is wanted in Russia for authorizing the hit on the mayor of the oil-rich Siberian city of Surgut, and other high-profile hits. These were proven by witness testimonies and evidence. Many more hits were allegedly authorized by him, and by Khodorkovsky as well, which are hard to prove.

It has also been proven that the ex-CEO of YUKOS, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, bought the members of the Russian Duma and plotted a coup to overturn the Russian government, changing the Russian state structure. He and his cronies wanted to make Russia a parliamentary republic instead of the existing presidential republic – all this to unseat Putin, who even in mid-2000 was too big of a threat for the NWO and Transatlantists liking. At the time of his arrest, Khodorkovsky was supposed to fly to the US, where he was going to sell his stake in YUKOS, the Menatep bank, and other companies he owned together with his cronies, Platon Lebedev, Nevzlin and others. YUKOS at the time was the most powerful Russian oil company and the darling of Wall Street. Khodorkovsky’s plan was to deliver the Russian oil industry into the clutches of the US companies. Then, he wanted to take over Duma and become the US-appointed head of Russia, much like Poroshenko of Ukraine is today.

The Russian government was able to defuse the situation based on the many economic crimes committed by YUKOS. YUKOS laundered billions through various offshore schemes and owed billions in taxes to Russia. This allowed YUKOS and Khodorkovsky’s prosecution based on economic crimes alone.

Why did the EU suddenly decide to resurrect the old lawsuit, which was thrown out previously by the EU courts, and why did they decide to jack up damages from previous $1.2bln to the arbitrary $50bln? Obviously, for political reasons. In the poor EU, torn between its survival & any semblance of reason – and the US pressure, the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.

It appears, the schizophrenic EU lives according to the old Russian proverb: “To spite my enemy I’ll kill my goat, so my kids would have no milk.” At least, that’s what the EU poking Russia with a hot stick of senseless $50bln in damages and anti-Russian sanctions is saying.

Watch Venture Capital report:

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