4 Nov 2012



America today wages multiple direct and proxy wars. US military bases infest the world. CIA elements operate everywhere. US special forces perform various military related services globally. Wherever they show up, they’re killers, not protectors.

Domestically, America is more battleground than homeland. FBI, CIA, NSA, FEMA, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Border Patrol, and other federal agencies work jointly with state and local authorities against the interests of most US residents.

Anyone can be arrested, charged, prosecuted, and imprisoned for any reason or none at all. By presidential diktat, any US citizen at home or abroad can be murdered.

Others can be arrested and detained indefinitely uncharged in military prisons. Innocence is no defense. State terrorism is policy at home and abroad. That’s how police states operate.

Freedom, human rights, and other democratic values are non-starters. Supporting what’s right is hazardous. Challenging Washington’s right to dominate globally risks persecution or death. America is unfit and unsafe to live in.

America’s “tarnished human rights record has left it in no state – whether on a moral, political or legal basis – to act as the world’s human rights justice, to place itself above other countries and release the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices year after year (that) accuse and blame other countries.”

At the same time, it absolves itself through silence, duplicity, and/or bald-faced lies. According to the State Department:
“The protection of fundamental human rights was a foundation stone in the establishment of the United States over 200 years ago.”

“Since then, a central goal of U.S. foreign policy has been the promotion of respect for human rights, as embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

“The United States understands that the existence of human rights helps secure the peace, deter aggression, promote the rule of law, combat crime and corruption, strengthen democracies, and prevent humanitarian crises.”

China’s report advised Washington to clean up its own act at home, stop interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and “cease using double standards on human rights” to advance its own imperial agenda.

Beijing accused Washington of “severe” human and civil rights violations. At the same time, it claims Americans live in the “land of the free.”

Why then were around 1,000 peaceful Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested in the early weeks of their campaign? Police brutality was brutal and unconscionable. It continues to reflect despotism, not democracy.

America furthers “international disorder.” It tramples on the rights of global citizens and its own.

It operates the world’s largest domestic gulag. It’s also one of the most repressive.

Press freedom is a figure of speech. Dominant media sources produce propaganda and other forms of managed news and information. Truth is a scarce commodity. Constitutional freedoms are denied.

Money power runs America. Predatory capitalism benefits at the expense of most others.

Congress is infested with millionaires. Complicit with corporate crooks, they harm ordinary people and wage war on humanity.

America’s 1% benefits at the expense of most others. Social America is eroding en route to disappearing altogether. Resisters face harsh crackdowns.

Poverty is at record levels. So is homelessness, hunger, and overall deprivation. Racism is institutionalized. Basic needs go unmet. Praying to the wrong God is called terrorism. Numerous other human rights abuses reveal a nation unfit to live in.

America’s human rights record is appalling. Political prisoners fill its gulag. Dissent is criminalized. Police state laws target resisters. Torture is official policy. So is permanent war on the world.

Peace, stability and security are four-letter words. Elections are farcical. Duopoly power controls them. Ordinary people have no say.


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