Back in the 1970's "science" was firm ... the earth was undergoing climate change.
The world was definitely getting colder, growing seasons were getting shorter, the cost of heating was getting more expensive- in short we were doomed.
Indeed, according to Newsweek:
"The evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it."
Sounds like a crazed Al Gore in reverse.
Seems to me it was all designed to get us to stop using oil, which was projected to run out by the 1990's, lest we freeze to death as this hapless gent on the cover of Time in 1973- "The Big Freeze"
Here are some links to articles in Newsweek and Time from the 1970's including some interesting cover stories and images, warning us of the dangers of GLOBAL COOLING.
Time Article June 1974 "Another Ice Age?" Blurb.
The Cooling World In Newsweek April 28, 1975 Full article:
This article talks about solutions like covering the polar caps with black soot to melt them!
Cover of Time April 1977
"The Coming Ice Age-51 Things You Can Do to Make A Difference"
Cover of Time December 1979- "The Cooling of America"
Now the argument goes, stop using oil lest we fry to death.
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