This is a quick, urgent update because we had two callers so far tell us things are not what the LSM is telling us in NY and New Jersey.
People are starving, freezing, wet, have no water or gas or electricity in many places, HOWEVER, people from out of state, like Churches, who enquired if they could bring trucks in with blankets, clothing, food, water, etc. were told by FEMA and NY officials that they would be TURNED AWAY because THEY have everything under control.
The highways are barricaded and they’re preventing help from coming in.
In Atlantic City a disabled veteran in a wheelchair says FEMA brought a hot meal to them the other day and now all the residents have food poisoning because of improper food handling practices, so they’re sick, dehydrated and no one is doing anything. This is in a Veterans’ Senior Citizens residence.
In Seabright, NJ people still have hot electrical wires lying on the street but volunteer electricians from Florida were turned away because they WERE NOT UNION!
Some vehicles bringing food, etc. were turned away because they had no commercial Bill of Lading and officials said all incoming food had to be FDA inspected!!!!! I’m about to tear my hair out! This is freaking unbelievable!!!!!
The caller in Seabright finally saw a FEMA official after 6 days of no power, heat, light, food and asked for assistance but was told she would have to wait for 10 – 21 days to get a call from them to be added to the system for assistance!
Others are told to line up for gas at the lone operating station in the town and are taken by odd and even license plate numbers and wait for hours in line only to find that the gas has run out before they get there.
The Governor said mobile fuel trucks would be arriving but when people finally worked their way up the line to get their gas, the pumper said NO, the gas is only for emergency vehicles.
This is unforgivable. The government does not care about the residents of this area and are not doing what needs to be done.
Drake wanted an extra long break so he could call some people he knows who can do something about this.
I wanted to take this opportunity to let you all know that while these people are living under these conditions, the Lamestream Media is focusing on their precious election coverage and playing down the situation and the severity of it.
Paul B. was a trucker and he wants to call others he knows to see if they can load up a few blankets and clothes and other supplies to take on their regular routes into the N.E.
If anyone can do anything about this travesty, please do so NOW. These people need you! If I didn’t live so far away I would take supplies.
One of the callers said he was so appreciative to Drake for urging his listeners to prepare for whatever might happen this year and this prepared fellow is sharing his food and water with others.
We’re advised that Package Delivery is difficult at this time, but the BILLS were still delivered on schedule to residents.
Does any of this surprise you?
The government learned nothing from Katrina/Louisiana and is doing just as bad a job with this disaster. Unbelievable.
Please get the word out. It’s been in the 30s overnight and everyone has wet, cold feet so please do what you can with blankets, clothes and SHOES/BOOTS.
Drake and Co. are going to work on setting up collection and distribution centers to do what we all can to help.
If you have power but know of other areas that do not have electricity, food, water, heat and clothing, please email Drake & Co. at onefreepeople@gmail.com and let them know exactly where that is.
Drake will also see what radio stations/TV will cover this and share the truth so help can be provided. Radio station WKXW 101.5 in Trenton NJ is collecting funds/items to help out so you may want to contact them. PH 609-359-5300 Fax 609-359-5301
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