Common Purpose, so long exposed in the alternative media, now faces the mainstream spotlight - you see, mainstream media, conspiracies and the hidden networks and connections behind them DO exist
By David Icke
Let us start working together to protect the freedom of expression for ALL parts of the media - social media included - before these people delete it because that's the plan.
It 's a stitch-up - always was - and it needs unstitching NOW.
Leveson Inquiry has momentous implications for free speech. But Mail dossier raises disturbing questions about the influence of 'people who know best'
'Deputy Assistant Commissioner Akers was in charge of the child protection team in Islington when the Evening Standard exposed a long-standing paedophile sex ring in the borough's children's homes.
Akers was also in charge of the Met's North West protection team in the
months leading up to the death of eight-year-old Victoria Climbie, who
was tortured and murdered by her guardians. This episode, which again
triggered a firestorm of media criticism and resulted in a public
inquiry, led to her receiving 'words of advice' — the police equivalent
of a reprimand.
episode figures prominently in her official profiles. Indeed, none of
this was mentioned when Ms Akers told the Leveson Inquiry that News
International's transgressions could not be defended as being in the
public interest — a claim vigorously rebutted by News International's
lawyers, who asked how Ms Akers was qualified to define the public

PS: But mainstream media arrogance continues even within an excellent investigation like this one in the Daily Mail. The article says at one point:
'For a number of years Common Purpose has attracted the obsessive attention of the more *outré internet conspiracy theorists such as David Icke, as well as bloggers on the far Right. This has provided a convenient smokescreen against a more rational investigation.'
I shall translate: 'People like David Icke and, in terms of Common Purpose, especially Brian Gerrish at UKColumn, were a decade and more ahead of us and we are now only just starting to see the web of conspiracy, intrigue, connections and deceit that is on the verge of deleting the freedom of the British media [and not only that, either]. But let us not give credit to those that were on the case way before us - let's give the deeply false and arrogant impression that 'rational' investigation can only begin once we, the credible mainstream media, have arrived on the scene.' There, that's about it.
Okay, let's now put aside such ludicrous self-deceit and all work together to protect freedom of expression for everyone.
PPS: Common Purpose and all the connections this Mail article makes is only a single dot in a vast tapestry of globally-interconnecting dots within which paedophilia is omnipresent. They have identified here one tiny, though in British terms fundamentally important, aspect of the game, but the game itself is beyond the imagination of the mainstream media in scale, depth and potential horror - and most of the alternative media come to that.
I have been researching the subject for nearly a quarter of a century and been to well over 50 countries in pursuit of the truth. Maybe if you had a little humility mainstrean media and came to me with an open mind instead of to arrogantly and ignorantly take the piss you might just get a better idea of what you and humanity are dealing with. It ain't pretty, but it needs facing - and fast.
* Outré ='conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual'.
Hey, cheers, chaps. You say the nicest things - appreciated.

Talking of which .... Latest ITV update on Jimmy Savile - still limited to a fraction of what he did, but at least highlighting the close and glaring connections to the Thatcher government and royal family

When the real truth behind those connections comes out - as it will
- a lot of rich and famous people - not least connected to the Thatcher
government and Conservative Party - will be in the rear of a prison van
and the monarchy will be no more.
The presenter does a very good job here within the constraints that he has.
The power of the Dutroux affair and its X-Dossiers is that it will enable anyone to see how a state can be controlled and undermined by a cabal that is able to place its "members" in crucial positions in any investigation that might lead to its own exposure. The question of why the majority of the media is so cooperative is the only aspect that cannot be fully explained, although it can be shown that the media is willingly working with official investigators in manipulating and debunking all aspects of an investigation that are not appreciated by this cabal.
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Michel Nihoul, Dutroux's apparent link to the upper echelons of the network. Found guilty by the jury, before it was overruled by the presiding judges. Nihoul is the ultimate example of an unscrupulous villain, but for some reason he has enjoyed the protection of many magistrates and media outlets.
Jean-Michel Nihoul, Marc Dutroux and Michel Lelievre were part of a gang that was involved in all kinds of business, like drugs, pills, girls and forged papers
Michel Lelievre: "Marc always told me that he kidnapped girls for people who had placed an order with him. When he came out of prison in March 1996, I asked him who did the orders when he was in jail. He answered me that somebody else did that and that he certainly wasn't the only one. When we went to pick up a girl, Marc wanted that she corresponded with the order,small hips. He gave me a description of the girl that we were looking for. [One day] I asked him why they [An and Eefje] were still with him even though he claimed he had an order. He told me that the people who had placed the order had come, but that they weren't interested in them... Dutroux explained me that he conditioned the girls to be obedient and submissive when they arrived at customers..."
Many of these victims already had tried to speak to the authorities, but investigations never got off the ground. The victims knew the reason: among their abusers were the most powerful men in Belgium: police commissioners, gendarme officers, judges, bankers, businessmen, politicians and high nobility figures ...
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