There are thousands of articles and video clips on the Internet of the massacres in Gaza, unarmed civilians are being shelled, children are dying.
Bad karma.
It brings more hatred on Israel, they are already the most hated people in the world because of their leader's cruelty, violence and abuse in Palestine and surrounding countries.
It's a different morality.
Matan Vilnai, deputy defense minister, said, on Army radio, they would bring a "shoah" or (holocaust) on the Palestinians. His remarks were reported world wide.
It's not good, there will be a backlash against ordinary Jews. I'm scared of that. It may bring on a second holocaust.
In the Jewish religious book the Talmud, it says that non-Jews (goyim) are filth (niddah), dogs, cattle, pigs, beasts, and monkeys, killing them is allowed, it says:
(Sanhedrin 59a:) "Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal." And it says Jews may kill and rob non-Jews.
When a Jew murders a Gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep". (Sanhedrin 57a)
British Royal House - Jewish

It is interesting to note the following in the family tree of Kate
Middleton, wife of Prince William:
Kate's mother is Carol Middleton, daughter of Ronald Goldsmith and Dorothy
Harrison (both Jews)
The parents of Dorothy Harrison are Robert Harrison and Elizabeth Temple
(both Jews), the latter a descendant of the Myers family (traditional
English Jews in the 19th century)
Bottom line: Princess Kate is a Jew on her matrilineal side, and as a
consequence, the future king of England will be a Jew according to Jewish
Law and tradition.
Middleton, wife of Prince William:
Kate's mother is Carol Middleton, daughter of Ronald Goldsmith and Dorothy
Harrison (both Jews)
The parents of Dorothy Harrison are Robert Harrison and Elizabeth Temple
(both Jews), the latter a descendant of the Myers family (traditional
English Jews in the 19th century)
Bottom line: Princess Kate is a Jew on her matrilineal side, and as a
consequence, the future king of England will be a Jew according to Jewish
Law and tradition.

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