by Christopher Spivey

“We were involved in and spoke at the UK Rally Against Child Abuse in Trafalgar Square . Filmmaker and child abuse survivor Bill Maloney opened the Rally with a rousing speech in which he committed treason under Nelson’s column declaring that the Queen Mother was a paedophile. Diana had apparently declared to a close friend that she was evil. Her footman, who had previously been a butler to the Queen, was a convicted child sex offender who used to groom his victims by taking them to parties with the Queen Mother at Clarence House” – Spokes person for UKRACA
Some of those who wouldn’t normally support the Queen but are easily led – of whom there are many – often get caught up in the inevitable wave of patriotism that an event such as QE2’s 60 years on the throne is bound to generate.
For what it’s worth, those who are pro monarchy tend to put the country’s support for Liz at around 80%. On the other hand, those in favour of Britain becoming a republic are more likely to site the result of a recent major poll undertaken which came back as showing support for the Queen as now being less than 50%.
To my way of thinking, even 50% support is far too high. There is a wealth of easily accessible information available as to how evil, corrupt, greedy and parasitic this woman and her family of inbreeds are, yet at least 1 in 2 of us are happy to let her reign continue…
Are these people mad?
The Queen should have been hanged for High Treason back in 1972 when she let the corrupt paedophile Prime Minister, Edward Heath sign away our sovereignty. She had and still has the authority to do so, yet she still let him. Furthermore, she let him do so under very unfavourable terms for the country- Terms which Heath had in fact been blackmailed into agreeing too.
This blackmail came about after it was discovered that Heath was molesting young boys from various children’s care homes around the country. The following is an extract from ‘Wheel Of Fortune’ written by T Stokes:
“One of those who stood most to lose was Sir Edward Heath prime minister from 1970-74, who was known to visit the Jersey care home the Haute Garrene among others to take young boys on boating weekends on his yacht called ‘Morning Cloud’, or as bodyguards referred to it, ‘Morning Sickness’.”
Heath had already been warned several times by the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police about his conduct, but like so many before him, The then Prime Minister thought that he was untouchable and as such, ignored the warnings..
Many of these boys were allegedly provided to Heath and many more prominent MP’s for that matter by the Radio 1 DJ and TV Celebrity Jimmy Saville.
Course, Jimmy ‘rattle, rattle’ Saville was a hero to millions of kids in the 1960′s & 70′s who would never believe that of him. After his career took a nose dive in the 1980′s Saville reinvented himself as a Charity fund raiser for the Stoke Mandeville Hospital and as such millions more would also never believe him capable of such a heinous crime.
On the other hand, I find it extremely easy to believe and very plausible too. After all, he was extremely flamboyant, he never married – in fact he was never known to have had a girlfriend. But most tellingly of all was his fondness for children, especially boys in care homes. The following is an extract in connection with the Haut de la Garenne inquiry into the child abuse that took place at the Haute Garenne Childrens home on Jersey :
“A source spoke to one of his victims and he said about others who were present, and more important, who was supplying the children to him. The person bringing children for him to abuse was Sir Jimmy Saville. He was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys onboard Heaths yacht the ‘morning cloud’ when they were at party conference. Saville is known for supplying a number of high profile MP’s with children for them to sexually abuse”.
Saville, a homosexual paedophile, was also a frequent visitor to the Royal household. You can draw your own conclusions from that but I will remind you that during these 6oth anniversary celebrations, one of the invited guests on the Royal Barge was the convicted sex offender Harbinder Singh Rana who served a 4yr prison term for a list of offences including 5 counts of indecent assault.
The fact that all of the senior royals were in the company of this known sex offender – who would have been closely vetted before being allowed anywhere near them – would not have mattered a jot to Liz & Co. After all, the Royal family have been linked to perverse sex scandals for centuries.
Prince Andrew for instance has been dogged for years by rumours of homosexuality. If he is, fair enough, but he would never be allowed to admit it, what with his Mother being the head of the Church of England. However, the nature of his sexual preferences was called in to question following the revelation of his close association and friendship with the child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Now if you or I were known to be regular visitors to a Paedophiles home we would be attacked and beaten in the street.
Unfortunately, Randy Andy also thinks nothing of charging the public for the travel costs to his shenanigans. Now considering the fact that he is well aware that the tax payer should only pick up the tab for his travel to and from ‘Official business’ trips, the word ‘Fraud’ automatically springs to mind.
Course, if asked which member of the Royal family is Gay, the majority of people automatically choose Prince Ed the Ball. Now while it’s true that he wasn’t man enough for the Military and as such tried a career as a ‘luvie’, there are no scandal stories to support the claim. In fact, apart from trading in on his Royal status and beating his dogs with a walking stick, there is actually very little tittle tattle on Rock steady Eddie… He’s just a pratt.
His older Brother Prince Big Ears… Sorry, that was rude so I will start again. Edwards’s older brother Prince Dobby, sometimes affectionately known as Charles, on the other hand is also rumoured to be Gay, or at least bisexual. This information came straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak. That isn’t to say that the info came from Princess Anne. I will deal with her later.

Prince Charles sexuality was called into question following the murder of his wife Diana. Diana, in a self preservation exercise had made a tape recording of one of Charles’ valets telling of how he was raped by a senior member of the Royal Household. Jamie Doward, social affairs editor at the Observer ran this story on November 2, 2003:
“Secret confessional videos made by Diana, Princess of Wales – which would have caused huge embarrassment to the royal family if they had been made public – have been [allegedly] destroyed.
Royal sources say the videos, recorded by a former BBC cameraman, who is now believed to be living abroad, were seized when detectives raided the home of Paul Burrell, Diana’s former butler, in Cheshire two years ago.
The videos featured an emotional Diana discussing her life following her divorce from Prince Charles and an allegation that a courtier close to a senior royal raped one of his male colleagues [apparently Princess Charles sodomized one of his male valets].
This is the same allegation that Diana reputedly recorded on the infamous audio tape whose whereabouts is now the subject of a media frenzy.
On the audio tape the princess recorded George Smith, a former aide to Charles, alleging that he was [homosexually] raped [sodomized, "buggered"] by a senior courtier [apparently Princess Charles, who partially admitted the allegation by stating that he was the person named in Diana's diaries, without going so far as confessing his guilt that he perped the crime]”.
Never the less, despite the evidence pointing to Charles being a Homosexual Rapist – A common and accepted practice amongst the Elites apparently – at least he and his Sister Anne can be reasonable sure of their parentage. On the other hand Prince’s Randy Andy & Ed the Ball cannot claim likewise with the same degree of certainty.
This is because despite appearances, The Queen and her husband, Phil the Greek (who is in fact German) are not as close as they would have you believe. There are in fact far to many Newspaper articles and rumours pertaining to Liz & Phil’s cold, loveless marriage, for them not to be true.
Prince Andrew’s parentage was called into question shortly after his birth and the murmurings have gained momentum ever since by sly digs in the media such as this one from the Telegraph:
“There are those who persist in believing that Prince Andrew’s natural father was the Queen’s racing manager, Henry Porchester, “Porchey”, 7th Earl of Carnarvon, suggesting the conception occurred at some point between 20 January and 30 April 1959 when Philip was away on another of his long sea voyages in the Britannia”.

In 1993 The New York Times Magazine exposed the Queen’s penchant for sleeping with her underlings in an article quoting the columnist Nigel Dempster telling the author Christopher Hitchens, ‘Get hold of a picture of Prince Andrew and then one of Lord Porchester at the same age. You’ll see that Prince Philip could never have been Andy’s father’.
Tellingly, The Queen did not dare challenge the article. She did however use the tax payer’s money to increase the budget for the Buckingham Palace Press Office – the outfit set up decades ago to buy the silence of media owners and editors.
Coincidentally enough, or perhaps as fate would have it, as I was searching for a photograph of the Queen and Lord Porchester in each others company, I came across an article in today’s Telegraph newspaper (6/7/12) from which the following extract is taken:
Euston headed the list of well-born “flirts” that Elizabeth and her friends used to joke about, which also included Lords Porchester and Plunket, among others. Unlike her fun-loving younger sister, Margaret, Elizabeth was painfully shy and cautious and solemn in her demeanour, albeit still attractive. At parties she could appear something of a wallflower. However, at nightclubs – such as the 400 Club in Leicester Square, where there was a band for dancing, or the nearby Café de Paris, before it was bombed – she could be squired by young men she liked, away from prying eyes.
“She clearly found Hugh Euston, Porchey [Lord Porchester] and Lord Plunket sexually attractive,” recalled a lady-in-waiting to the Telegraph journalist and author Graham Turner, “and they would get the come-hither looks, a fluttering of the eyelashes. You can’t have much going on between you in a Viennese waltz, but there’s the look, the pressure of the hand and, in those days, it wasn’t so commonplace to want the next thing.”

Moreover, according to royal researcher Jim Hutchinson, State Papers released in 2009 confirm that in 1959, the [pregnant] Queen and the question as to who her – as yet unborn – baby’s father was likely to be, was discussed in Cabinet on three occasions. The details of the first of these discussions had been stamped ‘Not to be seen for 50 years’. That is 20 years longer than the standard 30 year rule. The details of the other two discussions have been stamped ‘Not to be seen for 100 years’.
Four years after Randy Andy’s birth, Prince Ed the Ball was born and just like his older brother, it wasn’t long before his parentage became gossip for the press. However, in Edwards’s case the man being touted as his Father wasn’t the womanising Lord Porchester, it was in fact a chap named Baron Patrick Plunkett.

While the evidence for Pluckett being Edwards Father isn’t as compelling as that for Porchester being Prince Andrew’s Father, it would tie in with the much repeated claim that after the birth of Princess Anne, Bizzy Lizzy refused to have Phillip in her bed.
This claim was repeated in a book written by Nicholas Davies and revealed “a shocking world of royal adultery, passion and betrayal”
The book stated – as fact, not surmise – that the Duke of Edinburgh’s liaisons with his cousin, Princess Alexandra and the film star Merle Oberon, not to mention his former Daughter in Laws mother, Susan Barrantes (among others!)- as the reason “why the Queen banned her husband from her bed”.
More damming still, the Telegraph reported in an article on the 5th of September 2004, about how Phillip had sat “impassively, incensed but silent” when a Journalist from a “Sunday broadsheet” had suggested to the Duke that he might have a raft of illegitimate children and had enjoyed a homosexual liaison with Valery Giscard d’Estaing, the former President of France.
Course, Prince Dobby – being a chip off the proverbial old block - is known to have had the odd extra marital affair or two. It has been well documented that he was sleeping with Camilla Parker Bowles throughout his entire marriage to Princess Diana. However, what is less well known is that while still married to Diana and sleeping with Camilla, Charlie boy was also getting it on with his son’s Nanny, Tiggy Legge-Bourke.
After Princess Diana’s death, it was revealed that she had deposited a letter with her solicitor, Lord Victor Mishcon, stating that Charles planned to have her killed in a “Car accident” so as he would be free to marry “Tiggy” ( Tiggy Legge-Bourke). When the letter had first been made public, the name of the woman Charles wished to marry had been censored. This led to the general consensus amongst the British population being that the woman in question was Camilla. However, as you can see from the photo of the letter(below), Diana states that Camilla was just a decoy.

Moreover, further details of the sordid affair were revealed at the Diana inquest in 2007. The Daily Mirror had this to say on the matter:
“Princess Diana told her solicitor that both she and Camilla Parker Bowles were going to be “got rid of” so Prince Charles could marry Royal nanny Tiggy Legge-Bourke, her inquest heard”.
It is a known fact that a ‘Car accident’ is a recognized way of carrying out an assassination. The method of doing so is called the ‘Boston Brakes’. It is also a fact that 6 weeks before Diana was murdered, Camilla Parker Bowles was in a serious road accident while driving alone. Despite knowing that it is a very serious criminal offence to flee the scene of an accident, Camilla immediately ran into the nearby woods from where she then phoned Prince Charles, who immediately had his security team rush and get her. She later said that she was in fear of her life – A curious thing to say.
I do intend to cover this car accident in more detail in a future article surrounding the murder of Diana.
In November 1995 the National press were tipped off that Tiggy Legge-Bourke (TLB) had become pregnant by Charles and had had an abortion. It was further reported that ‘words’ had been exchanged between Diana and Legge-Bourke on the subject at a party on the 14th of December 1995, where Diana had supposedly said to TLB; “So sorry about the baby”.
On 18 December 1995, Legge-Bourke, with the Queen’s agreement, instructed the libel lawyer Peter Carter-Ruck to write to Diana’s solicitors demanding an apology and asking that the accusation be “recognized to be totally untrue“.
Predictably no apology or retraction was ever received, but Legge-Bourke’s lawyers never the less circulated a letter to the news media to warn against publication.
Staying on the subject of illegitimate Royal offspring, there have always been rumours flying around suggesting that Dobby isn’t actually the real father of his 2nd son, Prince Harry. Certainly, as is the case with Dobby’s younger brother Andrew, there is a lack of the usually predominant Mountbatten (Battenberg/Windsor) facial features present when you look at Harry.

It isn’t in fact, unfair to suggest that Harry does indeed share many more characteristics in common with those of his alleged father, James Hewitt than he does with Charles. Award winning Journalist, Ian Halperin had this to say on the matter:
A longtime employee of Harry’s mother Princess Diana told IUC that the Royal Family was involved in a massive cover up to hide the fact that Diana’s ex lover James Hewitt is in fact Harry’s real father. According to the source Prince Philip threatened Hewitt’s life if he didn’t go along with the cover up. “They made him lie about the timeline,” the source told IUC. “Prince Philip told Hewitt he would destroy him if it ever leaked out. It’s impossible that Charles is Harry’s real father. Hewitt was on the scene as Diana’s lover two years before Harry was born. Diana stopped having sex with Charles years before Harry was born. Harry looks exactly like Hewitt”.

So there we have both the Queen’s husband who is all but King in name and his son, the King in waiting, both having evidence against them to suggest that they both indulged in multiple affairs while married. Both were closet homosexuals – Charles being an alleged homosexual rapist. Both impregnated with child, women other than their wives and both play father to children who may not be their biological children. Do they not say that history repeats itself? It certainly seems to be the case in the House of Windsor, but could it get any worse?
It most certainly does because while Dobby was carrying on his love affair with Camilla Parker Bowles, his Sister Princess Dobbin AKA Anne had resumed her love affair with Camilla’s Husband, Andrew Parker Bowles.
The Daily Mail newspaper had this to say on the matter on June the 19th 2010. I have underlined certain words in order to put emphasis on certain insinuations:
“It’s been 37 years since their red-hot affair ended in tears when the young cavalry officer called a halt to their romps, announcing he was going to marry a girl called Camilla.
Anne, shattered at the loss of her one true love, got hitched on the rebound to another cavalryman, Mark Phillips, before finding contentment of sorts with ‘harmless’ naval officer Tim Laurence.
Since then, between their four collective marriages, Anne and Andrew have often rekindled the flame.
Anne is 59 and Andrew 70 – but despite their advancing years, the talk round Royal enclosure this week focused on a report that their on-off affair was on again”.
Now, as far as I am aware, Anne and her husband ‘Dim Tim’ haven’t announced their separation. Therefore, a person would be entitled to ask; Is there no end to this dysfunctional family’s bed-hopping?
Apparently not. The Royal Researcher Jim Hutchinson has this to say in relation to Princess Dobbin and her Daughter Zara Phillips, who is obviously the Granddaughter to the Queen:
“Zara is the daughter of Princess Anne and Peter Cross, a detective of the Royal Protection Squad. When Princess Anne told Mummy she was pregnant Cross was moved to an ordinary police job in South London. But ‘the Royal and her Dick affair’ carried on (and on – much to the delight of MI5). The Queen’s spooks reported the couple spending steamy nights in a workers cottage on Anne’s Gatcombe Park estate, Gloucester. Mummy was not amused”.
The Daily Mail Newspaper however were slightly more restrained than Mr Hutchinson. They had this to say on the affair which, as you will see, also reveals that Dobbin’s husband at the time, Captain Mark Phillips had also got in on the royal trend of having illegitimate children:
“For some years before they parted, she [Anne] and Mark Phillips were not really happy.
As he flew around the world riding and teaching (and siring an illegitimate child in New Zealand, whose mother eventually came looking for maintenance), there was talk and innuendo about Anne and the men (Note the insinuation, ‘men’ being the plural – Spivey) close to her.
Much of it involved Detective Sergeant Peter Cross, a married officer from Mitcham, South-West London, who became her protection officer in 1979.
A year later, Anne came down to breakfast at Gatcombe Park to find grim-faced Royal Protection Squad senior officers waiting to meet her. Cross was being relieved of his duties amid suggestions that he and the Princess had become ‘too close’.
Never was the Princess’s imperious manner as useful as when rebutting such suggestions.
The formerly high-flying Cross found himself back in uniform, but moved from the glamour of royal protection to a mundane role behind a desk at Croydon police station.
Alas, that wasn’t the end of the matter because four years later, in 1984, handsome Sergeant Cross (by then retired) sold his kiss-and-tell story to the News Of The World.
They paid him £600,000 – worth about £2million in today’s money - in exchange for which he claimed the Princess snuggled up to him on the sofa while watching TV at Gatcombe, had intimate meetings in the library and in a lodge on the estate, the changing rooms of a swimming pool at Windsor and even a rendezvous in a three-bedroom semi in Ewell, Surrey, loaned to them for the afternoon by a fellow officer.
The Princess Royal has never acknowledged, let alone commented, on his claims”.

I think it’s safe to say then that the Royal Family take the sanctity of Marriage with a pinch of Salt. That is hardly what you would expect from the so called Head of the Church of England is it? They cant even stand behind the defence that they got married at the local registry office. All of their weddings have cost the tax payer a great deal of money. For instance, according to the Daily Mail, Dobby and Camilla Parker Dogface’s relatively small wedding cost us £14Million.
Course Camilla – who insiders say Dobby “can no longer stand” – added an extra £40 Million to the tax payers annual £2Billion bill which is already being spent on protecting the Royal family.
Never the less the cost of Dobby’s second wedding was Small change compared to his first. That wedding to Diana cost us £4Million back in 1981 (£70Million at todays prices –Source: Global Trader Magazine).
However, according to the respected financial magazine, Global Trader, that wedding could also be said to be cheap in comparison to Prince William’s wedding. Global Trader had this to say on the matter:
“On the simplest of balance sheets, it will be a massive loss. The CBI has said that the Bank holiday alone will cost the country £5bn in lost production, while the cost of the wedding itself, though predicted to be less (in real terms) than the £70m it cost Charles and Di to tie the knot in 1981, is going to put a heavy dent in the public purse”.
So, lets be clear on this matter. We, the tax payer pay for the richest woman in the worlds children and grandchildren to get married. We don’t get an invite and even after we have forked out for the bash, the spoilt parasites don’t take their wedding vows seriously. Is it just me who thinks that there is something seriously amiss in that equation?
And, While the majority of the British public are finding it tough at the moment in this age of austerity, here are a few more facts on the Royals and what their expenditure has cost us over the past year.
- Fact: … Long live our Noble Queen? The Cambridge Dictionary defines ‘Noble as: moral in an honest, brave and not selfish way. With that in mind, consider these other facts.
- Fact: The sovereign’s official expenditure in 2011-2012 was £32.3million, up £200,000 on the previous year. Never the less, while we tighten our purse strings It has just been announced that the Queen has been given a pay rise totalling £6Million. Meanwhile children in this country, i.e. her subjects, are going hungry.
- Fact: It has been revealed by the prince’s annual accounts that Charles received almost 2.2 million pounds from grants and government departments in the year to March 31. That is a rise of 11 percent comparing to the year before. Figures also show that Charles income and expenditures both rose at the cost of the taxpayers in the UK. The Prince already receives a large income from properties and investments of the Duchy of Cornwall. That is a land the size of 136,000 acres which was established in the 14th century to provide income for the heir to the throne – Plenty of room for him to grow his own veg then. “One can’t eat the cancer giving crap that the riff-raff have to eat, do you not know”. Never the less, Dobby was exposed in July as having spent thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money on personal travel, including £29,786 for a return flight from Clarence House to Balmoral for a private four-day break. Fraud? Meantime Big ears still continues to lobby parliament for more money from the Civil list.
- Fact: Prince Andrew was revealed to be pushing for taxpayer-funded roles for his daughters, causing tensions with senior Royals. In February 2012, Prince Andrew’s UK trade and industry position was challenged in the House of Commons due to his close connections with Col Gaddafi and Libyan gun-runners. Since then he has clocked up bills of £378,000 on flights in his capacity as a controversial global ambassador for UK trade and industry.
- Fact: Kate and William’s wedding has been revealed to have impacted negatively on both UK tourism and economic growth. Furthermore, their earlier PR failed them after announcing in late 2010 that they would have no servants… then in June 2012 they were caught, errr… Advertising for servants, Doh!
- Fact: Prince Harry’s jubilee tour on behalf of the Queen in March cost £107,098… Nice work if you can get it. Of that £51,443 was spent on scheduled flights for himself and his staff from London to Miami and Rio de Janeiro back to London. A further £55,655 was spent on a private jet to take him from Miami to Belize and onto the Bahamas, Jamaica and then back to Miami… Thanks Nan, Thanks Peasants.
- Fact: It has been revealed that Princess Dobbin’s daughter Zara Phillips’ wedding cost the taxpayer over £400,000… Did Retired Police Sgt Peter Cross give her away?
- Fact: Prince William and his wife Kate spent an incredible £52,000 on a one-way flight from Los Angeles to London for themselves and their seven-strong entourage. The cost of royal travel is continuing to raise eyebrows with a bill for £6.1million last year, an increase of £100,000 on the year before.
- Fact: Dobby cost the Taxpayer, that’s us, £460,387 for a private jet for him and his ‘put it about a bit’ wife for their tour of Middle East, South Africa and Tanzania. A few days before flying out to the Middle East, Charles flew by charter to Saudi Arabia at a cost of £67,215, to pay his condolences on behalf of the UK following the death of the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince. I take it that would be the Saudi Arabia which likes to publicly behead those who break the law. I don’t remember asking him to pass on my condolences to the tyrant, do you?

Personally I would seriously question the morals of a Queen who takes tea with tyrants and socialises with sex offenders and paedophiles. Furthermore, this despicable woman who is touted as being ‘caring’ doesn’t sound so caring to me when you take into account that some estimates suggest that she could end world poverty 10 times over and still be a Trillionaire.
Disregarding that fact, anyone who can sit on a throne wearing a million pound hat and say that they empathise with our suffering in these times of austerity is taking the piss. Yet at least 1 in 2 of us still thinks she is worth keeping… Never mind her morality, what does that say about our own?
The Royal family are without a doubt all barking mad, primarily brought about by years of inbreeding. Indeed Dobby made it perfectly clear to Diana that he had only married her to inject much needed new blood into the line. I personally strongly suspect that Prince William was ordered to do the same in relation to Kate Middleton.
However, I don’t doubt for one second that like her deceased Mother in Law, Kate is truly in love with the man she married. The royal males however are incapable of such feelings. Had Diana still been alive, then no doubt in the case of William & Harry this trend may have been reversed. Alas, any chance of that happening ended with Diana’s murder on August the 31st 1997.
Indeed, such is the lack of compassion running through the Monarchy’s veins that William & Harry were paraded in front of the world’s media after being forced to attend the Windsor’s hypocritical, customary Sunday church service at Balmoral, some 2 or 3 hours after being told that their Mother had been killed in Paris.
If that wasn’t bad enough the Reverend – or whoever it is that presides over these pantomimes – was under strict orders from the Queen to make no mention of the Princess’s death what so ever.
Course, the royal family’s inability to show love for their children is well documented. This fact is even caught on film footage from the 1950’s which shows a Pre-school aged Prince Charles trying to take his Mother’s hand only to have it shooed away.
It is also a documented fact that Dobby’s young life was shaped by his Great Uncle Louis Mountbatten. Wikipedia has this to say on that matter:
“Mountbatten was a strong influence in the upbringing of his grand-nephew, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and later as a mentor—”Honorary Grandfather” and “Honorary Grandson”, they fondly called each other according to the Jonathan Dimbleby biography of the Prince”.
Now while that may sound innocuous enough in its self, the fact that Mountbatten was a known gay paedophile, who was rumoured to have had incestuous relationships with both Edward VIII & Prince Philip, should have meant that he wasn’t allowed within a 100 miles of the young Prince Dobby… Or perhaps there were darker, more sinister reasons for Charles to be in the care of such a vile monster.
The Authors of the controversial book ‘The War of the Windsor’s’ which was serialised in the Daily Mail state:
“Lord Louis Mountbatten had the nickname “Dickie” …and for good reason. Philip’s uncle Dickie was the last viceroy in India where he was a known paedophile who sexually exploited young working class Indian peasant boys”.
Mountbatten is also linked to the paedophile ring who abused boys living at the Kincora Care Home in Belfast Northern Ireland. An excellent website, dedicated to exposing the Royal Family, have this to say about a book written on that paedophile ring entitled ‘The Kincora Scandal’:
“The Kincora Scandal connects Lord Dickie Mountbatten to a child prostitution vice ring in Belfast, Ireland. Authorities failed to intervene at the Kincora care home for boys until 1981, despite reports over the years of child sexual abuse”.
The operators of the Kincora child prostitution ring were eventually convicted in 1981 of the RITUAL sexual abuse of defenceless young boys who were sold like prostitutes. No charges were ever brought against the VIP customers made up of Royals, Politicians, lawyers, and Judges. However, Belfast citizens finally had reason to celebrate when Prince Philip’s paedophile uncle was killed by an IRA bomb planted in his boat”.
I can fully appreciate that many people will find all this information hard to believe. However, it is for that very reason that the House of Windsor have got away with it for so long. Course, whenever the majority of people hear the word paedophile, they automatically think of an old, dirty raincoat wearing social misfit. This couldn’t be further from the truth according to ‘Abel Danger’ who say this:
“We are inclined to think of child molesters as strange men in dirty Macs hanging around street corners looking for unsuspecting prey. This perception is erroneous, since it has been established that the villains are more likely to be the ‘Bastions of Society’ who have an infinite supply of vulnerable victims from children’s homes, who are too afraid to tell. Who would believe them anyway, as the officials in authority they approach for help are usually involved”?
It is important to remember that the Royals have no concept what so ever of what most of us would consider ‘Normal’ life. For instance, how often have you heard it said that the Royal family are steeped in Tradition?
The word ‘Tradition’ is described by the online Cambridge Dictionary as being; a belief, principle or way of acting which people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time, or all of these beliefs, etc. in a particular society or group.
The windsors do indeed adhere to tradition. To them, tradition is ‘normal’ and that includes homosexual paedophilia, often with members of their own family. For their part, they despise us. We are only here to serve them and their needs. They are parasites who have accumulated fantastic and unimaginable wealth via conquest, pillage, slavery, deception, depleted uranium and fraud, yet it is us who are to blame for letting them get away with it.
As far as conquest and pillage are concerned, countless millions of men women and children have been murdered or forced into slave labour in the quest to establish the British Empire. Many people today are under the impression that the British Empire is a thing of the past.
Those people would be very wrong. The only difference is that the British Empire is now run covertly as opposed to the overtly way it was run in the past.
An article printed in the Guardian on the 21st of April 2012 entitled ‘Deny the British empire’s crimes? No, we ignore them’ will give you some idea as to the mass genocide that took place in order for the Royal Family to add to their already obscene wealth. The article has an appropriate subtitle of; ‘New evidence of British colonial atrocities has not changed our national ability to disregard it”. I have re-printed a section of this article below and underlined the parts which I feel are important to emphasise:
“Caroline Elkins, a professor at Harvard, spent nearly 10 years compiling the evidence contained in her book Britain’s Gulag: the Brutal End of Empire in Kenya. She started her research with the belief that the British account of the suppression of the Kikuyu’s Mau Mau revolt in the 1950s was largely accurate. Then she discovered that most of the documentation had been destroyed. She worked through the remaining archives, and conducted 600 hours of interviews with Kikuyu survivors – rebels and loyalists – and British guards, settlers and officials. Her book is fully and thoroughly documented. It won the Pulitzer prize…
…The entire population of one and a half million people, in camps and fortified villages. There, thousands were beaten to death or died from malnutrition, typhoid, tuberculosis and dysentery. In some camps almost all the children died…
The inmates were used as slave labour… People deemed to have disobeyed the rules were killed in front of the others…
…Interrogation under torture was widespread. Many of the men were anally raped, using knives, broken bottles, rifle barrels, snakes and scorpions. A favourite technique was to hold a man upside down, his head in a bucket of water, while sand was rammed into his rectum with a stick.
Women were gang-raped by the guards…. The British devised a special tool which they used for first crushing and then ripping off testicles. They used pliers to mutilate women’s breasts. They cut off inmates’ ears and fingers and gouged out their eyes. They dragged people behind Land Rovers until their bodies disintegrated. Men were rolled up in barbed wire and kicked around the compound.
Elkins provides a wealth of evidence to show that the horrors of the camps were endorsed at the highest levels. The governor of Kenya, Sir Evelyn Baring, regularly intervened to prevent the perpetrators from being brought to justice. The colonial secretary, Alan Lennox-Boyd, repeatedly lied to the House of Commons. This is a vast, systematic crime for which there has been no reckoning”.
And that is just Kenya. Wide scale atrocities in the name of Britain – Therefore the Queen – took place where ever we conquered. Course, this conquest and pillaging still continues today by way of illegal overt wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the covert war in Libya (and soon to be Syria).
Many of you are under the impression that going to war is decide by the British government. However, the Queen in her capacity as Head of State presides over a weekly meeting of the Joint Intelligence Committee where she is fully briefed on the activities of all of the British secret services.
The Queen alone appoints military commanders. No British agents, or British troops, carry out a single act, overt or covert without direct orders signed by the British Head of State.
The Royal household has in the past made untold amounts of money from slavery, although some would argue that they still are today. Its all to do with those two words ‘Overt’ & ‘Covert’. Remember; “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”.
It is a fact that in 1679 the Duke of York (the future King James II) was one of the main investors in purpose built slave ships as were King George III & King William IV after him.
At the time of James II a slave sold for between £11-£14 (Around £1000 today) and had risen to as much as £95 (Around £10,000 today) per head by the time Queen Victoria took over the family business. Each ship held 600 slaves with an expected 20% death rate en-route. Records of how many slave ships the royals had an interest in and how many Slaves were transported on those ships are not readily available. However, in order to give you an insight into how big a business the slave trade was, you only need to visit the National Archives website where I found this information:
“Between 1808 and 1869 the Royal Navy’s West Africa Squadron seized over 1,600 slave ships and freed about 150,000 Africans but, despite this, it is estimated that a further 1 million people were enslaved and transported throughout the 19th Century”.

By the time Parliament got round to abolishing Slavery in 1807 and again in 1833, the Royals had re-registered their fleet of Death ships offshore, putting them outside the jurisdiction of British law and leaving the Royals free to continue raking in their vast profits.
According to Hansard records, in 1841 Lord Broom reported that; “Many London companies are still supplying African slaves on demand, and slave ships are still being built in England”.
Never the less, despite the abolition laws, Slave-ships owned or part-owned by the Royal Family delivered slaves to South American mines and plantations owned or part-owned by the royals throughout Queen Victoria’s 64 year reign. Furthermore, naval records show that Slave Ships were still using Royal dockyards to make running repairs as late as 1907.
Another way that Queen Bizzy Lizzy adds to her immense fortune is by trading on the stock market. The fact that she uses insider trading information to do so is not only criminal; it ensures that she can’t lose. She then deposits these tax free, ill gotten gains in her own private bank.
Royal researcher Jim Hutchinson has this to say on the matter:
“Congress can discuss royal family business but it is forbidden for Her Majesties Parliament to discuss the family business, or the royals offshore fortune, or the fact that Her Majesty has illegally used her Law Lords to keep her obscene wealth a secret.
The Queen’s holdings in Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ) was first brought to public attention by a leak from a source at the Bank of England to Andrew Morton, who wrote the authorized biography of Diana. Philip Beresford, author of The Book of the British Rich, written in conjunction with the Sunday Times of London, found that the Queen tends to invest in “blue chip” stocks, including:
- Rio Tinto Zinc, General Electric Company of Great Britain
- Imperial Chemical Industries
- Royal Dutch Shell
- British Petroleum
- S.G. Warburg’s subsidiary
- Rowe & Pitman
- Barings
- Cazanove
Charles Higham, co-author of Elizabeth and Philip, also states that the Queen is a major stockholder in RTZ, which, with her old friends at Anglo-American, controls 12% of the world’s precious, strategic, and base metals and minerals.
In 1976, the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee found that an international cartel, of which RTZ was a major partner, had been formed in 1971 to fix the world’s uranium prices.A federal grand jury found corroborating evidence of RTZ’s role. To protect RTZ’s directors and their richest shareholder, the Queen, Lord Denning and the Law Lords quashed Westinghouse’s ability to take depositions in the United Kingdom.
On June 16, 1976, in hearings in the U.S. House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Subcommittee Jerry McAfee, chairman of Gulf Oil admitted that the cartel in which RTZ was his partner had criminally conspired to falsely increase the price of uranium on world markets. When the Tennessee Valley Authority tried to sue RTZ for price fixing the U.S. Attorney General again demanded testimony from RTZ executives.
However, the directors of RTZ and their boss the Queen were once again protected by the Law Lords, who claimed RTZ directors did not have to appear before an American court, as this was “an unacceptable invasion of British sovereignty.”
RTZ was in on developing North Sea oil from the beginning. Writes Higham. “The Queen undoubtedly approved the heavy investment, which would enrich her in the immediate future.”
Starting in June 1975, RTZ and Texaco were spearheading shipments from the North Sea Argyll Field, to the refineries of British Petroleum, (BP) in which the royal family have a massive stake dating back to the Anglo Persian Oil Company set-up by George V and his bankers to rape the Iranian oil-fields. Anglo Persian evolved into into BP…
Colluding with the Queen, the Bank of England established a highly illegal nominee company, the Bank of England Nominees Ltd. (BoEN), to hide the Queen’s investments as well as the investments of those Heads Of State the Queen personally recommends. The Sultan of Brunei, King Bhumibhol Adulayadej of Thailand, the Kuwaiti royal family, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and his then friend Saddam Hussein all became clients of “Queen Lizzy’s private bank.” BoEN is only one of the many cut-outs used by the Queen to hide her obscene arms, oil and nuclear profits.
About RTZ . Rio Tinto is a leading international mining group headquartered in the UK, combining Rio Tinto plc, a London and NYSE listed company, and Rio Tinto Limited, which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.
Rio Tinto’s business is finding, mining, and processing mineral resources. Major products are aluminium, copper, diamonds, energy (coal and uranium), gold, industrial minerals (borax, titanium dioxide, salt, talc) and iron ore. Activities span the world but are strongly represented in Australia and North America with significant businesses in South America, Asia, Europe and South Africa. more
The British monarch became the ultimate insider-trader in the reign of “The Mad King” George III, 1769-1815. King George III was perfectly sane when he gave some of the Crown Lands to Parliament in exchange for extravagant annual payments, of taxpayers money, to fund the monarchy and their palace-pampered-lifestyle of offensive luxury. These payments are called The Civil List.
The royals annual Civil List became an endless supply of money-for-nothing to be used for warmongering-for-profit and Empire money-grubbing-speculation. By 1936 when the Queen’s grandfather, George V, died the royals private (offshore) fortune was estimated at one billion Sterling.
A small part of the present Queen’s massive disposable wealth is the tens of billions amassed tax free between her Coronation in 1953 until the public demanded she pay tax in 1992. The Queen calls 1992 her “Annus Horribilis.” This was the year of the Windsor Castle fire.
Widespread public outrage erupted when the taxpayers were arbitrarily told they would have to pay approximately £30 Million for the fire! The outcome was a “memorandum of understanding” that the Queen would pay some taxes – at her pleasure. Although, the Queen can ignore this “memorandum of understanding” any time she pleases.
In 2002 it pleased the Queen to refuse to pay tax on the known £70 Million the Queen Mum left to the Queen. Prior to her death the Queen Mum was always said to be broke. It transpired that eight years before she died the Queen Mum had put £140 Million into Swiss Trusts for her grandchildren”…
Surely by now then, it cant get any worse?
You can bet your life it does. After all, does anyone really still believe that Diana: Princess of Wales died in a car accident? I can assure you there was nothing accidental about her death. Diana was murdered by the British security services at the behest of the Royal family.
Course, murder is nothing new to the Royal family. They have been getting away with it for centuries. Richard III, Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, to name but a few of the many who had blood on their hands.
Furthermore, The Queen may be head of the Church of England but there is nothing holy about her and her family. On the contrary, they are all Satanists.
Once again I can appreciate that a lot of people will also find that fact hard to accept but that, I’m afraid, doesn’t make it any the less true. To be honest when you think about our present royal family’s origins it actually makes perfect sense.
Anyone who knows anything about Nazi Germany and The Third Reich knows that Hitler and his Nazi Cronies were heavily involved in the Occult. If you know anything about the British Royal Family you will also know that they are in fact of German origin and well documented Nazi sympathisers.
The Windsor’s surname is actually Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. In 1917, King George V, worried by the anti-German feeling caused by the First World War, ordered the royal family to scrap Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in favour of the surname Windsor.
Worse still, Prince Phillip – Who many people believe to be Greek – Is in fact also German and hails from the House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg. For more details on this go to:
Phillip, attended school in Germany and by his own admission says that plenty of heel clicking, Sieg Heiling and Nazi saluting were the order of the day. When Philip married Elizabeth he did a very good job of hiding his Nazi origins. That wasn’t easy being as all four of his Sisters were paid up members of the Nazi party.

His sister Sophie went on to marry Prince Christoph of Hesse, a colonel in the SS on Himmler’s personal staff and head of the Forschungsamt, an elite intelligence operation controlled by Hermann Goering.
He was also the great grandson of Queen Victoria, but as you will find out later on in this article; the Royal’s like to keep it in the family. Aged 30, Christoph had become engaged to Prince Phillips sister Sophie when she had only just turned 15 – Hmmm.

The Forschungsamt carried out the famous ‘Night of the Long Knives’ which saw Hitler ‘remove’ his key opponents. Christoph and Sophie even named their eldest child, Karl Adolf, after Hitler and Prince Philip played an active part in the boy’s education.
Interestingly enough, Christoph’s brother, Philip of Hess, was related to the King of Italy and was the official liaison between the fascists of Italy and Germany.
Phillip finally broke his 60 year silence on his roots in 2006 when he gave an interview to the Daily Mail. In that interview he admitted that he “found Hitler’s attempts to restore Germany’s power and prestige ‘attractive‘”. In the same interview he also stated that his family had “inhibitions about the Jews”.
In 1937 Phillip, then aged 16 was photographed walking in his elder Sister Cecile’s funeral cortège, flanked by relatives in SS and Brownshirt uniforms. One row back in the cortège - held in Darmstadt, western Germany – was his paedophile uncle, Lord Mountbatten wearing a Royal Navy bicorn hat. On either side of this Funeral parade, onlookers, pinned back by crowd control fences, can clearly be seen en-masse, giving the mourners the Nazi salute.

King Edward VIII was also a notorious Nazi sympathiser and as you can see from the photograph below, a personal friend of Adolph Hitler.

Edward, like his Nephew in Law, Phil the Crout and Dobby was allegedly a Satanist, closet gay and paedophile. He supposedly abdicated the crown in favour of marrying the twice divorced Wallis Simpson. At least that is what was passed off as being the reason. I believe there was more to it than that and I intend to research the matter in the none to distant future.
Edwards abdication left his younger brother Dirty Bertie to take over the top job, a job that he most definitely wasn’t up to doing. For years, the sycophant mainstream media led us to believe that the nations favourite Granny, the Queer Mother hated Edward and Mrs Simpson (Who was without a doubt a promiscuous old banger) for forcing her husband into becoming King and thus leading to his early death. But that was just PR bollocks.
Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, the Queer Mother was in fact anything but a kindly old lady. Neither did her contempt for her Brother in Law have anything to do with his abdication sending her husband to an early grave… Mind you, if the rumour mongers are to be believed she, herself had a helping hand in it. The story goes that she conspired with King George’s Doctor to ‘speed up’ her husband’s inevitable demise so as his death could make the first morning edition of the Times newspaper…
But as normal, I digress. The real reason the Queer Mother detested Edward so much was because she was hopelessly in love with him; a fact Edward divulged himself to the Daily Mail Journalist Michael Thornton in 1971. Thornton went on to say in the article that he wrote after the Queer mother had died, that Edward had referred to his Sister in Law as a “Spiteful old soak”, a soak being a term for a hopeless alcoholic – which indeed she was.
With Mr Ed turning down her advances, shameless social climber Bizzy Lizzy the 1st was forced to accept second best in the form of Dirty Berty, a man many referred to as “the backward brother”.
Mind you, If the persistent and well documented rumours that Edward & Mrs Simpson attended sex parties where Mrs Simpson would push her Nappy clad husband around in a pram, are true, Bizzy Lizzy the 1st could be said to have had a lucky escape. Hmmm, somehow though, I doubt she would agree.

The Queer mother’s younger daughter Princess Margaret, AKA Slaggy Maggie wasn’t afraid to put it about a bit either. She too was an alcoholic. There are far too many tales of scandal surrounding Slaggy Maggie(SM) to detail them all in this article but it is a fact that she had a penchant for married men and gangsters. Never the less, with SM being the naughty sister (not easy to achieve with such stiff opposition), I think we need to look at the more juicer ones.
In the early 1970’s a gang of criminals tunnelled their way into the Baker St branch of Lloyds bank. Once inside, the gang made off with 268 safety deposit boxes, thought to contain over £5Million at today’s prices.
Unfortunately for all concerned, the gang were quickly apprehended. What then followed was a massive cover up which saw a blanket ban on the press reporting details of the crime (proof of how the media are gagged as and when it suits the Royal family). Finally, in 2008 – 6 yrs after SM’s death – The Daily Mirror grew a backbone (Or they were given permission) and released details of the crime.
Bear in mind that the Mirror Group PLC is part of the Corporate owned mainstream media and as such, the full and frank details will have more than certainly been played down. Never the less, this is what they had to say on the matter:
“Despite massive interest in the crime, details about the loot and the criminals responsible were immediately suppressed by MI5 and senior government officials.
Speculation quickly arose that compromising sexual photographs of the Queen’s sister, the late Princess Margaret, had been uncovered in the bank vault. It was rumoured they had been stashed away by well-known underworld figure Michael X. A drug dealer and Black Power leader, he was convicted of murder and hanged in Trinidad in 1975. A government file on him will remain closed until 2054 (Ask yourself why – Spivey).
The Mirror can for the first time reveal that Fleet Street editors of the day were approached directly by senior government officials and told to drop the story.
The four men caught, charged and convicted of the raid went to jail without ever having their names mentioned in the press, and to this day their identities and the circumstances of their capture remain secret. Even the lengths of their sentences are still shrouded in mystery”.
Now, that kind of ‘sweeping under the carpet’ doesn’t happen for a few saucy snap shots does it. However, as you carry on reading the article more murky details begin to emerge:
“One of the men, in his 70s, has spoken to the Mirror from his home in Europe. The ex-gang member said he was terrified to discover one box belonged to the-then head of the judiciary.
He said: “It was owned by Quintin Hogg, the Lord Chancellor.
When we opened it we dropped it on the floor like it was a time bomb. We didn’t want to take anything that might give us extra trouble so we left it. All we wanted was cash and jewels.”
But the gang didn’t have time to go through all of the stash and ended up taking some sensitive material.
The ex-raider, who refused to be identified, said last night: “When we got out we realised we had a lot more than we’d bargained for[...] At the time of the robbery, in September 1971, Princess Margaret’s marriage to the Earl of Snowdon was in its final stages.
In the 60s and 70s she was known to party hard on the Caribbean island of Mustique, where she was famously pictured with lover Roddy Llewellyn, a landscape gardener 17 years her junior.
She is said to have taken snaps of male friends frolicking naked but it is not known if any were ever taken of her [...] when we asked the ex-raider he refused to deny the rumours. He said: “I can’t talk about that. But we did find a lot of guns.
And what was most disturbing was the child pornography we found.
We were disgusted and left it in their open boxes so police could trace the owners”.
The Daily Mail may however, have inadvertently clarified the rumour surrounding the Photograph’s of the naked men frolicking, in an article they did on Princess SM following her death.
The article told of the wild parties that she was so fond of hosting and mentioned one in particular in which:
“The landscape gardener, Roddy Llewellyn, Colin Tennant, and Nicholas Courtney all stripped naked and were photographed by Margaret”.
As you may have also noticed, I underlined the words that the Bank Robber used in the Daily Mirror article pertaining to his reply as to the boxes contents; “I can’t talk about that”.
Those words strongly back up what I believe to be true about people being left in no doubt as to what will happen to them if they blab.
Look at the facts surrounding the case logically – A major cover up took place, with the Mirror admitting themselves that the media were gagged at the time. Usually, catching those responsible for such a major Robbery would have been excellent PR for the Police and been headline news for weeks. You only have to look at the Great Train Robbery to know that.
Then when ‘some’ of the details of the Bank Robbery are finally released after 35 years, the gang member being interviewed about it still wishes to remain anonymous.
Furthermore, he is still too scared to talk about exactly what it was that they found. Why? After all, the man has done his time so there is nothing to stop him potentially making £Millions from whatever it was that he and his accomplices discovered… Yet all he has to say is “I can’t talk about that”. I find that very, very strange.
Neither is that the first time that people with information pertaining to the Royal Family have been scared into silence. As this article pointed out earlier, James Hewitt was left in no doubt as to what would happen if he decided to ‘spill the beans’.
The bit part actor from the 1960’s & 70’s, John Bindon was almost certainly another one.
Amongst the list of films that Bindon had rolls in are; Poor Cow, Performance, Get Carter & Quadraphenia, where he was inevitably cast as the bad guy due to his rugged good looks and imposing size. He also handled the security for the legendary rock group, Led Zeppelin and the hell raising father and daughter, Hollywood actors Ryan & Tatum O’Neil.
It was through acting that Bindon met his Girlfriend of 12 years, the glamour Model, Vicki Hodge who also happened to be the daughter of a Baronet. He was also dating the high class prostitute Christine Keeler for a while. Keeler was also supposedly another one of Prince Phillips sexual conquests (More on her later).
However, acting and security were not Bindon’s main source of Income. Crime was. Bindon was in fact a very aggressive, Vicious & extremely dangerous individual indeed, making top dollar through ‘debt’ collecting & running West End protection rackets. There is further evidence to suggest that he may well have been a Contract Killer. That is certainly the motive the police put forward when Bindon was put on trial for the Murder of a rival gangster by the name of John Darke.
The very well respected investigative Journalist and Author, Wensley Clarkson states in the book he wrote about the gangster come actor that Bindon had received the Queens award for bravery after he was discovered by the Police, in the river Thames trying to save a man from drowning.
However, Clarkson, who receives extremely accurate information from his many contacts in the ‘underworld’, has it on good authority that Bindon was actually trying to drown the fella and only changed tact when he spotted the Police.
His Society Girlfriend Vicky Hodge also tells a story whereby Bindon had her drive him in her Mini to a South London block of flats. On arrival he told her to wait in the car and that he would be back in 5 minutes. When he returned he produced a Human hand, which he’d just hacked off of someone who owed him money.
Bindon also had one other very special big talent. He had a massive Penis from which he could hang 6 half pint beer glasses.
Through Hodge, Bindon gained access to British aristocratic circles, which culminated with him meeting Princess Margaret in the late 1960s at her home on Mustique in the Caribbean.

Margaret, having heard about Bindons magnificent manhood couldn’t resist having a bash on it herself. Apparently, she was so impressed with it that she insisted on having many more repeat performances back home in London.
Bindon, being Bindon however, couldn’t resist telling anyone who would listen about his bedroom shenanigans, stating that “PM” sometimes sent a car to pick him up for “love trysts” at Kensington Palace
Whether Bindon finally put an end to these dalliances himself or whether the decision was made for him by the Palace isn’t known for certain. However, what is known for certain is that shortly afterwards Bindon was ‘picked up’ and taken for a ‘car ride’ by MI5.
Wensley Clarkson states in his book that everybody who knew and saw Bindon later on, maintained that they have never seen him looking as shaken up as he did that night.
Moreover, Bindon has never revealed exactly what was said to him during that car drive. He certainly wasn’t beaten up, but something put the fear of god into the [up until that point] fearless hard man, because he never mentioned Slaggy Maggie ever again.
Furthermore, from that point onwards, Bindons acting career came to a standstill. Coincidence? The Telegraph obviously think so because in an article on Bindon that appeared in the paper on the 1st of August 2005, they appear to insinuate that by keeping his silence he was treated extremely favourably in all of his future court cases. This is what the Telegraph said on the matter:
“Oddly this may have saved him some serious trouble later on in life. He mysteriously escaped jail on numerous occasions, most seriously when he found himself on trial for the murder of another villain [John Darke] in the improbably named Ranelagh Yacht Club. The actor Bob Hoskins, a personal friend, is credited with saving him from a life sentence by making the jury laugh, but Bindon was sure that the palace was behind it”.
After being found not guilty of Darkes murder, Bindon, who had also received life threatening knife wounds in the fight, became a virtual recluse. He later died of AIDS in 1993.
And what of Slaggy Maggie’s offspring? Are they as warped as her sisters children? Course they are. Well at least her son David, Viscount Linley is. I didn’t bother checking out his sister Sarah Armstrong Jones but I do know that their father Antony Armstrong Jones has another son as a result of an extramarital affair. You really do have to hand it to the Royal family. They are nothing if not consistent.
However, there is much to get through and I don’t wish to dwell too much on minor royals such as slagmag’s son David,Viscount Linley. However, it is important for you understand that perversion is inherent throughout the entire length and breadth of the inbred British aristocracy as a whole.
For that reason I have reprinted the following extracts from an article written in 2007 by the royal researcher Jim Hutchinson in connection to Dirty Dave:
“David Linley has been named as the royal ‘puffta’ involved in a ‘sex and drugs’ blackmail case [...] The member of the British royal family in an alleged blackmail plot has finally been outed.
The Queen’s nephew and so-called “Viscount” David Linley is the son of the late Princess Margaret. He cannot be identified in the British (Palace controlled) media, but has now been named on Australian and US television. Linley is “married“ with two children, and poses as a “furniture designer”.
Property developer Ian Strachan, 30, and Sean McGuigan, 40, appeared at a London magistrates’ court on September 13 each charged with one count of blackmail. They were remanded in custody until December 20. The two men allegedly demanded £50,000, $NZ136,840, in return for returning tapes of Linley in a sex act with a palace flunky (i.e. a young Paul Burrell).
The Sunday Times were the first to report the alleged homosexual act. In telephone calls to Linley’s office in August, the alleged blackmailers also claimed to have proof that Linley supplied a servant with cocaine.
They claimed to have video footage of the servant snorting the drug.[...] According to The Sunday Times, it is the first published blackmail case involving a British royal in more than a century. In 1891, the future King Edward 7th paid off society prostitutes in return for pornographic letters he had sent them. The future King George 4th likewise used his Civil List to silence society prostitutes. The Duke of Wellington was made of sterner stuff. He famously told the girls to “publish and be dammed”.
Still not convinced that the Royal Family have their perverted antics hushed up by means of bribery, blackmail & intimadation? Try this for size then!
Lord Robert Boothby was thought of by post WW2 Britain as being a ray of sunshine amongst the otherwise ‘stuffed shirts’ who made up the Conservative party. Born into the aristocracy, Boothby could apparently do no wrong in the nations eye’s and had even been tipped to become a future Prime Minister. Course, as you are hopefully beginning to recognise by now, our elite are corrupt to the core and Boothby was no exception..
The following extract is taken from Wikipedia and I have once again taken the liberty of underlining the points I feel need emphasising:
Boothby had a colourful, if reasonably discreet, private life, mainly because the press refused to print what they knew of him, or were prevented from doing so. Woodrow Wyatt – whose reliability has been questioned – claimed after the death of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother that she had confided to him in a 1991 interview that “The press knew all about it”, referring to Boothby’s affairs, and that she described him as “a bounder but not a cad”.
He was married twice: in 1935 to Diana Cavendish (marriage dissolved in 1937) and in 1967 to Wanda Sanna, a Sardinian woman, 33 years his junior. The writer and broadcaster Sir Ludovic Kennedy has asserted that Boothby fathered at least three children by the wives of other men (two by one woman, one by another).”
From 1930 he had a long affair with Dorothy Macmillan, wife of the Conservative politician Harold Macmillan (who would serve as prime minister from 1957 until 1963). He was rumoured to be father of the youngest Macmillan daughter, Sarah, though Harold Macmillan’s most recent biographer D. R. Thorpe discounts Boothby’s paternity. This connection to Macmillan, via his wife, has been seen as one of the reasons why the police didn’t investigate the death of Edward Cavendish, 10th Duke of Devonshire, who died in the presence of suspected serial killer Dr John Bodkin Adams.
The duke was Lady Dorothy’s brother, and it is thought the police were wary of drawing press attention to her while she was being unfaithful”.
It is therefore quite obvious that Boothby’s popularity with the public was based solely on him presenting himself as someone he certainly wasn’t and only getting away with it because of the press blackout imposed by fear… Exactly the same way the Royal family get away with it.

The Conservative party were happy to go along with this charade of Lord Bob’s (they were all doing the same anyway and getting away with it thanks to the spineless press. However, they lacked Boothby’s charm).
Never the less, Boothby’s halo slipped somewhat in 1964 when the Sunday Mirror ran the now famous headline ‘The Peer and the Gangster’. For the full details on how this scandal was covered up go to:
Basically, the story was that the notorious East End gangster Ronnie Kray was having an affair with Boothby. So serious were the implications of this affair, that Harold Wilson, the Labour Prime minister at the time ordered his ‘Mr Fixit’ Arnold Goodman to represent Tory MP Boothby in his libel case against the Mirror.
The Sunday Mirror wobbled and decided to settle out of court. Boothby received £40,000 (£660000 at today’s prices) in compensation from the newspaper and the Editor was sacked. However, history has revealed that the headline was only the very tip of the iceberg and Boothby was up to his neck in the perverted cesspit.
Did he give the money back that he’d received? Dont be silly.
Was the Mirror editor who wanted to print the truth compensated for losing his livelihood? Dont be silly.
John Simpkin has this to say on the matter. I have, as always underlined the important bits for emphasis:
“It is a myth that is often repeated, that in a modern democratic society with a free press it is impossible to keep a political conspiracy secret”…
… “In 1963 Michael Thornton, a journalist working for the Sunday Express, (Remember Michael Thornton, the journalist who interviewed Edward about the Queer Mother? – Spivey] heard rumours that Lord Boothby, a former member of the Conservative government, was having a homosexual relationship with Ronnie Kray, the leader of one of the most notorious criminal gangs in London. Thornton became friendly with Boothby and even attended the sex parties organized by Kray. He discovered that Boothby was introducing Kray to upper-class homosexuals whereas Kray was providing Boothby with working-class rent boys.
Amazingly, Boothby was also having an affair with Dorothy Macmillan, wife of his fellow Conservative politician and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. He was also rumoured to be having an affair with the Queen Mother (This is getting too easy – Spivey), who described him as “a bounder but not a cad”.
On one occasion, Kray used a gun on Thornton in an attempt to have sex with him. Thornton decided that it was now time to write-up the article on the Kray-Boothby relationship. However, the editor of the Sunday Express, a Tory newspaper, refused to publish the story as he thought it would bring down the Conservative government that was still reeling from the Profumo scandal. (More on the Profumo scandal later – Spivey).
Someone, probably Thornton, leaked the story to the Labour supporting Daily Mirror. This included a photograph showing Lord Boothby, Ronnie Kray and Leslie Holt, a rent boy with a criminal record, who had been sleeping with both men. Despite having the necessary evidence, the newspaper editor published the story without naming either Boothby or Kray. Instead, they were described as the “Lord” and the “Crime Boss”. The story also revealed that the two men were being investigated by Scotland Yard as a result of their “illegal relationship” that dated back to the early 1960s. A German magazine did publish the names of the two men but this was not reported in the UK press.
It later emerged that the reason that the men were not named in the Daily Mirror, was the owner, Cecil King refused permission for the editor to do this .
[In 1968 King became involved with Peter Wright of MI5 in a plot to bring down the government of Harold Wilson and replace it with a coalition led by Lord Mountbatten – Spivey]
It was argued that the Labour MP, Tom Driberg, was also involved with Ronnie Kray and had also attended these sex parties. To show that Harold Wilson, the leader of the Labour Party, was also committed to keeping this story out of the press, he suggested that his legal advisor, Lord Goodman*, should represent Boothby…
*Goodman, according to Lord Portman stole funds of over £10Million over a 30 year period from various institutions. We now know that he was definitely corrupt since he successfully defended Boothby at the request of the PM Harold Wilson (Thus making Wilson equally if not more Corrupt). Goodman was also a ‘Fellow of the Eugenics Society’.
He therefore was anything but a Good Man. Prince Phillip and his idiot son, Prince Dobby are both known to be keen Eugenicists. Eugenicists want to decrease the World’s population by at least two thirds of its present 7 billion population (that means 2 out of every 3 of us has to die) They intend to achieve this by:
- Increasing Cancer cases (Statistic: in1900 AD,the cases of cancer were 1 person in 100. In 2012 AD, the cancer rate is 1 in 2.5 ). This is achieved by means of Chemicals in GM foods, Spraying chemicals from aeroplanes (Chem-trails) and through Fluoride in the water supply.
- War & Famine (Mass Genocide) and deliberately created virus’s (Spanish flu, Bird Flu etc).
- Reduced fertility (In the same way that Cancer is now being caused).
In 1965 the brothers were arrested and charged with running a protection racket. Lord Boothby raised the case in the House of Lords and called for them to be released on bail. This is completely unconstitutional and he was shouted down in the chamber. Later it was revealed that Kray had compromising photographs of Boothby and he was therefore blackmailed into raising the case in the House of Lords.
Ronnie Kray shot and killed George Cornell in the Blind Beggar in Whitechapel on 9th March 1966. The following year, his twin-brother, Reggie Kray, killed Jack McVitie. Scotland Yard was now forced to take action and arrest the two brothers for the murders of Cornell and McVitie.
The Kray brothers were both sentenced to life imprisonment, with a non-parole period of 30 years for the murders of Cornell and McVitie, the longest sentences ever passed at the Central Criminal Court for murder. Their brother Charlie was jailed for 10 years for his part in the murders.
John Pearson, a freelance journalist, had been working on the case for several years. After their conviction, Ronnie Kray arranged for his mother to pass over documents and photographs showing that Boothby had been having a corrupt relationship with the Krays since the early 1960s. In other words, evidence that supported the story that appeared in the Daily Mirror in 1964.
Pearson finished the book on the case and arranged for it to be serialized in the Sunday Observer newspaper. However, the publisher refused to publish the final manuscript and the newspaper cancelled its contract to publish a series of articles by Pearson. Every other publisher and newspaper refused to publish this story… Pearson recently used the Freedom of Information Act to gain access to the Scotland Yard report on the Boothby and Kray relationship.
The report revealed that several prominent figures were involved in the cover-up. However, the passage naming these men has been blacked out on the advice of the Attorney General. The reason given is that some of these men are still alive.
The bottom line is that Kray was providing Boothby with underage boys to have sex with. He was also taking Boothby to perverted paedophile sex parties. In the following extract, John Pearson, the Kray’s Biographer gives us a little insight as to what Boothby got up to at these ‘parties’:
“As well as boys there were East End orgies and sex shows involving criminals. One account described Boothby lying under a glass-topped table while boys were made to defecate above him. Another described him sitting naked in a room with a number of criminals and boys around him, and “love beads” protruding from his anus”.

With all that in mind, consider this; The Kray Twins were both very much alive when all this information was revealed. Reggie Kray, has always and repeatedly insisted that his and Ronnie’s prison sentences were “political“. He was also fond of saying that “We [Himself & Ronnie] know all the secrets, but we will never tell”, in relation to the ‘Establishment’.
Now bearing in mind that the Twins courted publicity whenever possible, always for gain and for many different purposes, does it not strike you then as extremely strange that they never blabbed. Does it not make sense that just like John Bindon, the twins were left in no doubt what so ever as to what the consequences of spilling the beans would be”?
Returning now to the depraved paedophile Boothby. There is actually something else him and the Royals have in common. That is Boothby’s friendship with Adolf Hitler. The following is a direct quote from Boothby’s 1978 autobiography, Recollections of a rebel:
“I received a telephone call from my friend ‘Putzi’ Hanfstaengi, who was at that time Hitler’s personal private secretary and court jester. He told me that the Führer had been reading my speeches with interest, and would like to see me at his headquarters in the Esplanade Hotel.
It is true that when I walked across the long room to a corner in which he was sitting writing, in a brown shirt with a swastika on his arm, he waited without looking up until I had reached his side, then sprang to his feet, lifted his right arm, and shouted ‘Hitler!’; and that I responded by clicking my heels together, raising my right arm, and shouting back: ‘Boothby!’ [...] That night I thought long and earnestly about the interview. I came to the conclusion that his plans were far more advanced than I had thought. He did not then wish to attack Britain and the British Empire, or even France. What he was determined to do was to bring the whole of central and Eastern Europe under German control; and for this purpose Austria, and above all Czechoslovakia, were the key points.
I think that just about every interview I have ever heard boothby give, he has trotted out the old “heil Boothby” anecdote but as far as i can gather, the old queer was very much like his glass topped coffee table, i.e full of shit. However he was correct in saying that “What he [Hitler] was determined to do was to bring the whole of central and Eastern Europe under German control” since the European Union was actually the brainchild of the Nazis although for apperance sake the honour is given to Jean Monnet.
Throughout the 1920′s and 30′s plans and ideas were bandid about for a joint European partnership.However it wasnt until 1942 that the German Geopolitical Centre was set up by Nazi war criminal Joachim Von Ribbentrop. Later that year Ribbentrop headed the first meeting of the EEC, although for obvious reasons Britain declined to attend.
In 1943 when it became obvious that Germany would lose the war ,a conference attended by the likes of IG Farban was arranged and it was here that plans for the EU were set into motion. In 1946 the EU plans were transfered from the Nazis to the Communists. The rest as they say ‘is history’.
As a footnote to this overwhelming evidence indicating that Scandals are relatively easy to bury, whether it be via Parliament, Press gagging, bribery, intimidation or a combination of all four, the inference on a remark made by the Queen to Diana’s butler Paul Burrell – A closet queen – cannot be understated. This is what she said: “There are dark forces at work in this country about which we know little”… Indeed there are and indeed we don’t, Ma’am. Having said that, I strongly suspect that Bizzy Lizzy was actually referring to the royal ‘We’.
The Royal family were also extremely lucky not to have been caught up in the 1963 Profumo affair. At the time, Prince Phillip was a very good friend of Stephen Ward who was deeply embroiled in the scandal.
Ward, an artist, Osteopath, society pimp and master of the occult was the man responsible for introducing prostitute Christine Keeler to John Profumo (And probably Prince Phillip too), who in 1963 was Britain’s War Minister.

As well as pimping for Christine Keeler, Ward was also doing the same for Ruth Ellis, the last woman to be hanged in England. The following is an extract from Ward’s page on Wikipedia:
His first private patient was Averell Harriman, after taking a call at the clinic that asked for the best ‘Osteopath in London’: Ward replied without hesitation, “that would be Stephen Ward”. It was not long before other famous people such as Winston Churchill, Duncan Sandys, Feliks Topolski, Ava Gardner, Mary Martin and Mel Ferrer became his patients. This enabled him to set up his own clinic in Cavendish Square, on the fringe of Harley Street.
Over the next few years he gained several other important patients. This included Lord Astor, who allowed him the use of a cottage on his Cliveden Estate. Other friends included Daily Telegrapheditor Colin Coote, MI5 head Roger Hollis, Surveyor of the Queen’s Pictures Anthony Blunt, Conservative MP Geoffrey Nicholson, infamous slumlord Peter Rachman, and the actor Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
On 27 July 1949, Ward married Patricia Mary Baines, a fashion model, at Marylebone Register Office. The relationship was not a success and after six weeks she moved out of Ward’s flat at Cavendish Square. Ward used his social skills and his job as an osteopath to meet a number of rich and powerful members of society. He said. “I know a lot of very important people and am often received in some of the most famous homes in the country. Sir Winston Churchill and many leading politicians have been among my patients”.
As a portrait artist, he had members of the Royal Family and politicians sit for him, including The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke and Duchess of Kent and the Earl of Snowdon.
During the late 1940s Ward frequented the notorious Thursday Club, with a group of hard-drinking friends from top London society, including Prince Philip, the Marquess of Milford Haven and photographers Antony Beauchamp and Baron Nahum.[1]
When the scandal broke, the Windsor’s quickly dispatched Anthony Blunt, a cousin of the Queen Mother to an Art gallery exhibition in order to buy up sketches of Prince Phillip and other family members that Ward had drawn on one of his frequent visits to Buckingham Palace. It has since come to light that not only was Blunt a notorious gay paedophile and Satanist; he was also a KGB Spy.
Stephen Ward meanwhile, rather conveniently ‘committed suicide’. At least that was the findings of the Coroner at the time. However, while It is true that he took an overdose on the eve of his final day in court where he had been charged with living off immoral earning’s – A direct result of the Purfumo ‘affair’ – he had been expected to live. Three days after the trial ended, Ward died in hospital.
Strangely enough, not long after Wards death a pornographer named Freddie Reid held an exhibition of Ward’s pictures. Amongst this collection were compromising pictures of well-known individuals. However, before the exhibition was opened, Reid had held a private viewing and sold many of the pictures before they were made public.
In her 2001 autobiography, Christine Keeler claimed, that the MI5 chief Roger Hollis was a Soviet spy and that Ward ran a spy ring which included Hollis and Sir Anthony Blunt.
Ward had lived in a cottage in the grounds of the Aristocratic Astor family’s Estate. Such was the extent of Wards involvement in the occult and devil worship that after his death, the Astor’s deemed it necessary to have a Catholic Priest perform an Exorcism on the cottage… Or so they say.
Interestingly enough, according to the website United Nations on film, the above saga was by no means the first time that the Royal family had sent Anthony Blunt on a mission. The following is their account of his task:
“Prince Philip kept up very serious connections with Edward [Windsor] even after his abdication in 1936. Another of Edward’s supporters, and mentor to Prince Philip, was the known paedophile and Satanist Lord Louis Mountbatten (Battenberg). Mountbatten was Philip’s route into the House of Windsor. Mountbatten was the grandson of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert and was born at Windsor Castle in 1900.
While Mountbatten was supposedly fighting on the British side during the war, he maintained serious communications with the Windsor’s German Clan via his sister Louise, the Crown Princess of Sweden and wife of King Gustav. Louise was Prince Philip’s aunt.
At the end of the war, in June 1945, the British King, George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth and puppet of the Queen Mother, sent the former MI5 officer, Anthony Blunt, to the Kronberg Castle of Prince Philip’s sister Sophie, and her Nazi husband Prince Christoph of Hesse, to recover correspondence between the British Royal Family and their Nazi relatives, for propaganda aimed at convincing the aristocrats of Britain they had not been in contact all along. Blunt was the ‘surveyor of the Queens Pictures’ and a world expert in the paintings of Poussin, the initiate who painted pictures called ‘The Shepherds of Arcadia’ which related to the Rennes-le-Chateau mysteries. Blunt was named as a member of a KGB unit inside British Intelligence along with Burgess, MacLean, and Philby, the fifth man was never named, but was in fact, Lord Victor Rothschild.
Another important secret society within the Crown Temple is the Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, sounds pretty strange until you understand its symbolism. Both George Bush snr. and Ronald Reagan were given this title. The resurrection bath of alchemy symbolises rebirth and purification or absolution. Baths are given to Masonic Knights of the Bath before they perform horrendous deeds, hence the term ‘Blood Baths’”.

Returning to what Boothby said in his book about Hitler not wanting to attack Britain also warrants closer scrutiny since the Royal family were obviously a lot closer to old Adolph than they should have been. But do the ties go deeper than friendship?
Before I expand on that, it is important to understand why the Royal family insist on breeding within their own bloodline and only stray out of it when genetic ‘problems’ begin to appear.
The reason is that the so called ‘Blue bloods’ had convinced themselves centuries upon centuries ago that they have a Devine right to rule and they still retain that ideology today – ‘Tradition’ in other words.
However, that tradition doesn’t just pertain to Britain. It goes much deeper than that. The descendents of just one bloodline have held positions of royal, aristocratic, financial, political, military, and media power in the world for literally thousands of years.
This has left us with 13 families all stemming from the same bloodline ruling the World and that is done by keeping it in the family, so to speak. In order to maintain this world dominance, future Prime Ministers, Presidents, and people in other powerful positions are all directly blood related to these 13 families and selected & groomed for power years before they get there.
These 13 families are:
- Bruce
- Cavendish (Kennedy)
- De Medici
- Hanover
- Hapsburg
- Krupp
- Plantagenet
- Rockefeller
- Romanov
- Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
- Sinclair (St. Clair)
- Warburg (del Banco)
- Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)

You might be amazed to learn that 42 out of the 43 American Presidents (People believe there have been 44 Presidents but President Grover Cleveland served 2 terms in Office as the 22nd and the 24th) are all direct descendents of this same bloodline and as such, all related to the Queen.
Strangely enough, the exception is Barack Obama but no one can actually say with any degree of certainty where he hails from. Hmmm.
This bloodline linking to all presidents certainly makes sense being as there is compelling evidence that most, if not all were, shall we say, perverse, sexual predators.
Amongst the list of those repeatedly branded in public, on TV and in print as being Paedophiles, rapists and serial adulterers are John Kennedy, Glen Ford, Bill Clinton and George Herbert Bush.
You therefore have to question, particularly in regards to George bush senior why they didn’t take steps to silence these accusations. After all, they were all billionaires and could afford to employ the top legal minds in the world. But they didn’t, don’t and won’t. Why not?
The answer to that is in doing so; they would have left themselves open to the truth being revealed. Think about it. If you were a multi billionaire, in the public gaze, being openly accused of raping children would you just lie down and do nothing about it, if it wasn’t true? I certainly wouldn’t.
However, I once again digress so swiftly moving on; The World War 2 leaders, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, were all descended from that same bloodline and manipulated into office. That being the case isn’t it strange that Hitler wasn’t also a ‘family’ member. After all, Germany and the Allies (England, The USA, Etc) war fundings both came from the same family, namely the Rothschild’s.
There are actually 2 very credible theories to suggest that Hitler was either a Rothschild or an illegitimate grandchild of Queen Victoria. The former is the more plausible. One thing is certain and that is that Hitler wasn’t who the history books would have you believe. Below are 3 good links for your perusal giving testimony to just how close the Royal family were to the German war machine.

David Cameron and Tony Blair were both cousins of the Queen. Gordon Brown is also more than likely to be too, but at this stage I cant be bothered to check. I mean, is there hardly any need . He’s certainly linked to a huge Scottish Paedophile ring – That’s as good an indication as any that he is a relative.
Do you see that this pattern of Perverse Paedophilia, Illegitimate children, Bisexual Bed hopping and corruption are repeated time and time again through all the many tentacles of the same bloodline? It does so because to these elites, that’s what they are brought up to perceive as normal. These people, who truly believe we are here to be subservient to them, are abominations, Filth and scum. Yet people bow down to these monsters. What that says about the morality of at least 1 in 2 of us frightens me to say the least.
The other thing these creatures have in common with each other is Occultism. Forget Bizzy Lizzy being the head of the Church of England. That title is only there to fool the masses (no pun intended). the Bible is by and large a work of Fiction (At least the new testament is, The Old testament is something entirely different and more sinister but you will have to research that for yourselves).
Let’s be very clear on this. Religion, be it Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Judaism or Hindu etc, etc, are all a control system. They all tell the same story albeit with different names and slightly different plots but all the characters are there.
Moreover, the Protestant Church and the serial child abusing Catholic Church are very much in league together. Once again, the excellent website United Nations on Film proved an invaluable source of information:

Caption: Queen: “I do hope you like my gift of this blonde boy, we know you like that sort of thing”. Pope: “When I have finished with him, you can sacrifice him to Lucifer; I also know what you like too”.
“22 December 2010 – Papal visit: Pope Benedict and HM The Queen meet at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh at the beginning of the four-day visit to the United Kingdom. They say a picture says a thousand words; this one has been studied by many and offers many clues as to the true nature of the Papal visit.
The hand of the Pope is over the hand of the Queen, signifying dominance; he holds her hand by the knuckles which is a freemasons secret handshake with the Rule of Canon Law hand over the glove to seal the deal. There is a reason for the Queen addressing the United Nations and then meeting with the Pope soon after. Let us explain.
The Pope is at the epicentre of the largest Paedophile ring in the history of the Universe. A ring that connects all the Knights of Malta, secret orders and global secret societies, bloodlines and incriminates millions of Satan Worshippers around the globe. The Queen has been caught red handed in blood sacrifices at least twice a year at Balmoral Castle and connected directly to ordering the death of Princess Diana.
HRH by birth is related to Keiser Wilhelm of Germany who was the blood uncle of Adolph Hitler, who incidentally was a Knight of Malta along with Mussolini, Stalin, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, George Bush Senior and more.
This ring is almost complete, but there is only one small thing. Hundreds of thousands of victims now old enough to have no fear in coming forward are speaking out, including this writer, yet the Vatican and the Holly See are running around denying everything, money laundering, committing genocide and it’s all business as usual.
Berlusconi(Ex Italian Prime Minister – Spivey)who openly states he “talks to God through the Pope”, loves under age whores and money laundering, he’s fallen into abyss of his sickness, Sarkosy(Ex French President- Spivey) is knee deep in Fraud*, Obama and Cameron are in over their heads in illegal wars, fraud and drug trafficking.
It all comes down to one thing, Roman Canon Law, ancient documents these people did not sign with ownership of land rights and corporate power at stake. These people have no divine power, they are an illusionary order of treasonous criminal families who have stolen everything from the people and have a grand plan to kill billions of the world’s population.
*The above states quite clearly that it was published 22/12/10. How fitting then that while writing this article I found an article published by Press TV today 4/7/12 relating to Ex French President Sarkosy’s home being raided by the Police. The article can be found at this link: Since I added that link, an update has appeared in the papers. It seems Sarkosy has now done a runner from the Police.
Is it any wonder that the Elite’s laugh at our gullibility? Quite frankly, in my opinion they have a right to. People believe what ever the Elite’s say and do whatever they tell them to do without question. I have seen many interviews with Psychiatric doctors who all say the same thing on the subject of why people refuse to believe that their government or royal family are capable of atrocities and abominations, even when all the evidence points to those atrocities and abominations being true.
Apparently, the human mind has an inbuilt coping mechanism which is activated when something so terrible has taken place, i.e. The US Governments involvement in 9/11, that to face the truth would go against all that they have come to perceive as ‘reality’ and as such, no amount of evidence will convince them of the truth.
Personally, I can’t relate to such a coping mechanism but I suppose it must be true because if you believe in the old claptrap about God in heaven delivering us from evil blah, blah, blah, just because the establishment, run by the elites tells you its true, then I’m afraid you will never see the light, be it divine or not.
However, On the other hand, the heavenly Weirdy beardy man’s arched nemesis is a different matter altogether as far as the Elite’s are concerned… Ok I admit that last sentence was a bit tongue in cheek because the Devil in question is not the one in the bible. The following passages will give you a better understanding of the Devil that the elite pay homage too and will also back up some of the things that I have already mentioned:
“My use of the term Satanism has nothing to do with the Christian version of Satan. I use it only to describe a system of ritual sacrifice and torture which, staggering as it may seem to most people, is commonplace all over the world today. Satanism is just another name for the worship of a highly destructive, negative force which has been given endless names over the centuries: Nimrod, Baal, Moloch or Molech, Set, the Devil, Lucifer, there is no end to them.
Satanism perverts everything positive in the same way that the Nazis took a positive symbol, the swastika, and turned it around to symbolize the negative. This is why the Satanists invert the pentagram and why they use black to symbolize the darkness, hence their Black Mass. But they also reverse the symbolism of white and that is a powerfully negative colour to them. The Satanic networks, under the names of their various deities, were created by the Babylonian Brotherhood to serve their needs. We have seen that the accounts of the Watchers and their offspring, the Nefilim, include references to their blood drinking activities”.
Devil worship and the black occult are paramount to the Elites. Now I can appreciate that a lot of people, given mind to their, Errr, what do they call it now? oh yeah their ‘inbuilt coping mechanism’, will find that fact hard to accept.
Never the less, I’m afraid that doesn’t make it any the less true. To be honest when you think about it logically it makes perfect sense. Anyone who knows anything about Nazi Germany and The Third Reich knows that Hitler and his Nazi Cronies were heavily involved in the Black Arts.
Moreover, The British Monarchy has been documented as being heavily embroiled in the occult right back to medieval times and beyond.
It is in fact true to say that while innocent country people were being persecuted and falsely accused of devil worship and witchcraft, our beloved royalty was in turn playing host to Alchemists and magicians such as Francis Bacon and John Dee. Interestingly enough, John Dee, a magician and spy for Elizabeth the 1st signed his name as 007. Source -
Now, do you really believe that one day the royals just turned round and said “Sod this Black magic lark, let’s worship God instead”?
No, of course they didn’t. Remember that all important word Tradition; a belief, principle or way of acting which people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time, or all of these beliefs, etc. in a particular society or group
Make no mistake about this; our present monarch is just as evil and corrupt as all those who sat on the throne before her.
A direct descendant of the Black Nobility, our Queen is also the grand patroness of freemasonry. Prince Phillip is also a Master Mason and has been since 1952.
Most people perceive Masons as being middle aged, upper middle class businessmen who stand on one leg while given each other funny handshakes. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Freemasonry secret society is a global cult that requires its members to swear an oath of allegiance to the Masonic god Jahbuhlun AKA Baal AKA the Devil.
There are well over 600,000 freemasons in Britain today all supposedly loyal to the Queen. The British Government, Police Force, Judiciary, Secret Services and the Armed Forces are dominated by freemasons at the highest level.
One of the most powerful factions of freemasonry is ‘The Knights of Malta’ who wear the Maltese cross around their necks, just like the one Prince Charles wore around his neck when he married the teenage Lady Diane Spencer. The Maltese cross can also be found on the British Coronation Crown… and on the uniform of the Nazi’s
Furthermore, a symbol on Prince Charles’ Coat of Arms is that of The Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free Masonry worldwide. When a man becomes a 33rd Degree Mason, he swears allegiance to that organization, and thereby to Prince Charles.
According to “The ‘Morals and Dogma’ of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry” written by Albert Pike (Grand Commander, Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, July 14, 1889) Lucifer is the GOD of Freemasonry (see page 321 of the 1942 edition). On page 819 you will find just one example of why there are so many people in Freemasonry who believe that it is natural to be a Christian and a Mason.
“Masonry intentionally misleads the low degree initiates and hides the truth that the god of Freemasonry is Lucifer, except to those in the 30th and higher degrees. “The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are on display there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them”.
Further proof of Lucifer worshipping amongst Freemason can be seen in how they measure the year. For instance the year 1998 (up until September) is according to freemasonry the year 5997 AL (that is 5997 anno Lucifer).
However, it is actually the Duke of Kent who is the Royal Family’s most senior Masonic mason. The Duke of Kent also just so happened to live under the same roof as Princess Diana in Kensington Palace and her murder had all the hallmarks of a Masonic ritual sacrifice.
The fact that the car crash happened in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris was no coincidence. Neither was it a coincidence that the car collided with the 13th pillar inside the tunnel. The tunnel and concrete pillar were specifically chosen and earmarked for the ideal place to sacrifice the Princess of Wales.
I will explain how it was possible to ensure that her chauffer driven Mercedes careered into the 13th pillar in the article that I intend to write on Diana’s murder/sacrifice in the near future. Alternatively, you can research the subject yourself. A good place to start is with the SAS technique ‘the Boston brake manoeuvre’.
To fully understand why the Pont de l’Alma tunnel was the ideal place you need to understand the mindset of the social elite and the importance that tradition, ritual, symbolism and numerology play in their lives.
The illuminati bloodline (The 13 families, the Windsors, The Rockerfellers, The Rothschilds, etc) stems from a race known as the Merovigions who worshipped and still worship the goddess Semiramis, who was the wife of Nimrod and Queen of Babylon. Some Merovigion Kings were members of the Knights Templar (Freemasons) and practiced Kabbalistic ritual
The higher initiates of Freemasons are heavily into reverse symbolism, or put another way; taking something good and re-presenting it so as ordinary people associate it with something evil and vice-versa. Two good examples are the Swastika and the Statue of Liberty. The Swastika is a peace symbol but it is associated with Hitler & the Third Reich thus it is viewed as being a sign of evil.
Likewise, but in reverse, most people believe that the Statue of Liberty in New York is a symbol of liberty and freedom. This simply isn’t true. The Statue of Liberty is in fact a depiction of the Goddess Semiremis who is also known as The Goddess Diana.
There is a mirror image of the Statue of Liberty on an island, in the river Seine in Paris that runs alongside the dual carriageway that leads into the Pont de l’Alma tunnel where Princess Diana was murdered. In her hand the statue holds the ‘eternal flame’ which is a classic symbol of the Babylonian Brotherhood (the illuminati).
The Eternal flame is also held in the hand of the statue of Prometheus outside of the Rockefeller Centre in New York and is used by the Brotherhood as a signature of their assassinations. For instance, a flame was placed on President John Kennedy’s grave at Arlington cemetery and the Freemasons erected an obelisk and flame in Dealey Place, close to the spot where he was murdered.
So is it a coincidence then, that there is a replica of the Statue of Liberty flame placed on a black pentagram ( situated above the Pont de L’Alma tunnel in Paris where Diana died, as well as there being an urn and flame placed on the island where she is ‘buried’?

After Semiremis AKA the Goddess Diana died, the Merovigions dug underground chambers just outside of Paris where they conducted their rituals/sacrifices to her. As Paris expanded with time these underground temples were incorporated into the city and many still survive today.
The Pont de l’Alma tunnel was built on the site of one of these underground temples. The Goddess Diana was a Moon Goddess and Pont de l’Alma translates as ‘passage or bridge of the moon goddess’.
Furthermore, amongst the many myths that surround the Goddess Diana you find a reoccurring theme of Lakes, Islands and Tree groves as place of worship. This is why an ultra exclusive, ultra secretive, glorified scout camp for Ex Presidents and powerful business men known as Bohemian Grove is held in a tree grove. Here, members dress up in hooded cloaks and make mock human sacrifice to a 40ft high Owl statue situated on an Island in the middle of a lake.
This 40ft high statue of an Owl that ex US Presidents such as Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George Bush make mock sacrifice to, is a representation of Moloch, the God of child sacrifice ( Surely your beginning to catch on by now?). Like some other gods and demons found in the Bible, Moloch appears, as a Prince of Hell

Princess Diana had made it clear that when she died, she wished to be interned in the same small church as her Father, situated a short distance from Althorp, the Spencer Estate in Northamptonshire.
However, Diana’s, brother who had refused to let her live in a cottage on the Althrop Estate when she was alive went against her wishes and had her buried on the Estate, on a tree grove island, on a lake. Coincidence?
Well if it was, it was nowhere near the coincidence that was to follow. Following Diana’s burial, in a tree grove, on an island, on a lake, her brother, Earl Spencer claims to have had a dream in which he was told to put 4 black swans on the lake.
When he mentioned this dream to his head grounds man the next day, the grounds man turned around and told Earl Spencer that they had, that very day been given as a gift, 4 Black swans. Now, if you believe Earl Spencer’s account, then you really are away with the fairies..
However, what Earl Spencer did neglect to mention is that Black swans are one of the most powerful symbols of the Black Occult.
Freemasons at grass roots level often do a lot of good work for charity, but when you get to the higher levels, the society takes on a malevolent quality of which the vast majority of those on a lower level know nothing about.
One researcher into Freemasonry, The Reverend John Lawrence wrote a book entitled Freemasonry: Is it a religion. His findings concluded that freemasonry is indeed a cult that worships a God which certainly isn’t the God of the Holy Bible.
It’s safe to say that all of the Elites, without exception belong to a secret organisation such as the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Ordo Templis Orientis, Rosicrucians and so on, and so on. All of these Secret Society’s indulge in Devil worship and child sacrifice.
A recent BBC TV program carried out an in depth investigation into Child trafficking for human sacrifice in which the Metropolitan police admitted that children being smuggled into the country for the purposes of child sacrifice is on the rise. They couldn’t however put a figure on the numbers. Uganda is particularly dangerous where a child can be bought for sacrifice for as little as £195.
The BBC spoke to one such Ugandan trafficker who freely admitted that children were sent over to the UK for sacrificial purposes, stressing that getting the children into the UK was no problem.
One Estimate puts the yearly number of Children who go missing worldwide at over 10 Million. In the USA alone, 700,000 children go missing every year never to be seen again. A Government report had this to say on Ugandan Child Trafficking:
d) Child sacrifice
Children in the country have been abducted and trafficked for ritual practices and sacrificed for quick wealth, building construction and other material gains.
There are also reports that some children’s organs are removed for sale for medical experiments. Newspaper reports have indicated a proportionate rise in the number of children being abducted and sacrificed for ritual practices, especially in central Uganda, but reporting on this is sporadic and only after major incidents has occurred.
Children are either kidnapped or parents are told to surrender their children promising them better life. The Sun Newspaper in Uganda reported that reports on child abduction and trafficking are no unique to Uganda
Preliminary findings by police on child sacrifice in Uganda, local authorities and British investigators indicate that the so-called miracle babies are abducted from poor families and sold to rich but infertile couples. Others are sacrificed in ritual in the quest of wealth.
However, If further proof were needed of the Elite’s involvement in Devil worship you need look no further than the many Photographs capturing them making the sign of the Devil.
The The following picture and accompanying text are both taken from the “Satanic Bible”:

Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto: This gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups.
Now look at the pictures below.

All of the information I have given you in this article is but a tiny fraction of what our Royal family & Power Elite’s get up too. I accept that many of you reading this will just as quickly dismiss it as being nonsense. I can only put that down to your minds inbuilt defence mechanism coming into play.
However, much of the evidence I have presented is now a matter of public record.
- Fact: The Royal Family are at best, Nazi Sympathisers. That is a gross insult to all of our War dead.
- Fact: The Royal Family are at best serial adulterers. That makes a mockery of the sanctity of marriage. The sanctity of marriage refers to the fact that marriage is a bond first put forth in the bible. It is a bond between a man and a woman. Protecting the sanctity of marriage is to keep it as God made it in the Bible. Obviously the vows our Royal family made before God mean nothing… As the head of the church they are at best a bunch of hypocrites.
- Fact: A Royal family should be beyond reproach. They should lead by example and have high moral standards. In short, they should be a shining example not only to our Nation but the world as a whole. We should be proud of our heritage. Instead, they socialise with Paedophiles, crooks and sex offenders. At best they are a source of shame and a National disgrace.
This family is an abomination to our morals and to society as a whole. Think about that the next time you wave your little plastic Union Jack at her.
Much love,

If by any chance you are keen for more, below are links to four more scandals. The first one is a cracker.
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