Across the BBC’s output, from the 24 hour rolling news channel, BBC News, to its flagship news and current affairs program Today on Radio 4, the Israeli assault on Gaza has been reported without context, without perspective and with a bias that has wholly favored the heavily-armed, nuclear state of Israel against the mostly refugee population of the besieged Gaza Strip.
BBC fails to mention Israel is funded to the tune of $3 billion a year by the United States.
There are no reams of paragraphs devoted to describing the different types of bombs, mortar shells, drones, fighter jets, gunboats, tanks, guns, nuclear warheads or white phosphorus shells that are in Israel’s arsenal.
Yet, with the exception of nuclear missiles, all of these have been used at some point against the people of Gaza with devastating consequences.
There is no attempt, or even it seems a willingness, by senior BBC journalists to confront and challenge Israeli propaganda and falsehoods.
Terrorist Governments supporting Israel must be held accountable for crimes Tel Aviv has committed in Gaza Strip.
The silence of the US and other Western countries in the face of such crimes contradicts their claims regarding promotion of democracy in the region, LET ALONE THE WHOLE WORLD.
This is not a joke nor a false warning.
We are being led like a lamb to the slaughter
..It has also been reported that Egyptian commando's and tanks have moved into the Sinai Desert (unverified).
Meanwhile, there is a coup in the American government,... going against the Bush Cabal. This involves high level generals and other military. They may be fighting to turn this ship of state around... Do not fall for the lies about extramarital affairs and other nonsense.

Petraeus was ready to finger current dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton for ordering a U.S. military stand down as U.S. Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens was being assassinated by bought and paid for U.S. government provocateurs, as well as the rogue U.S. CIA data base aka Al Qaeda.
General Petraeus’s toppling follows similar attacks by the Obama regime in the past 3 weeks that has seen the unprecedented ouster of many top US Military leaders including Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette, US Army General Carter Ham, Brigadier General Jeffery A. Sinclair, and US Navy Commander Joseph E. Darlak.
As these dramas moves forward be aware that the players on both sides are coming forward and taking stands in the public arena. You will know who belongs to which side or at least have a key to their allegiances by what roles they play... and the statements they make to the Press.
If only the scum in the Press were really interested in revealing the truth and the bigger story beyond the superficial red herrings they chose to follow... always involving sex and scandal as opposed to reporting the breakdown of the U.S. puppet regime change and the systematic murder of the refuges in Palestine
... where is this all leading ?
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