19 Nov 2012


Would you be surprised if we told you the World Wildlife Fund isn’t really about wildlife? Or that national parks aren’t really about conservation of nature? Would you be shocked if we told you the whole “wildlife preservation” scheme is really just a scam to make a few elite investors rich? Conservation schemes are not about preserving resources for future generations, they are about preserving resources for an elite group of global criminals.

The global criminals who control vast tracts of land, locking up natural resources for their exclusive use and mistreating native peoples.

While we’re at it:

What is the British Royal Society up to : global depopulation. 

The ultimate aim of environmentalism is global depopulation. Nasty people.
Right at the heart of the “scientific authority.”

Yes, you think you are following “scientific authorities.” Sorry, they are crooks and liars. You got fooled by science.

Why nanotechnology is dangerous to your health. 

But Big Brother loves it. Those “scientific authorities” you worship aren’t really looking out for you, they are looking out for themselves and conning you.

Why carbon-trading schemes are fronts for organized crime. 

Everything at the top of the global pyramid is organized crime now, and there isn’t any significant difference between those posing as “conservative” and those posing as socialists.

None of the global elite care anything about the people of the world. 

They think you are cattle to be herded. Actually, they want to eliminate you so they can have a nicer planet for themselves to control.

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was never much of a humanitarian. He first became enamoured with the Nazi Party in 1934, during his last year of study at the University of Berlin. He went to work for the death camp chemical company, I G Farben, where, according to the 5th April, 1976 issue of Newsweek, he was working as a spy for a special SS intelligence unit.

In 1937, Bernhard resigned from the SS. It was arranged that he would marry the Netherlands' future Queen Juliana. His reluctant resignation letter is said to have been signed, "Heil Hitler!"

In his book, Queen Juliana, William Hoffman writes, "Tensions [over the marriage] were not cooled when ... Adolf Hitler forwarded his own congratulatory message. The newspaper Het Volk editorialized that 'it would be better if the future Queen had found a consort in some democratic country rather than in the Third Reich.'''

In 1961, Bernhard recruited Prince "I'd like to be reincarnated as a virus" Philip into his eco-fascist schemes, when they jointly set up the World Wildlife Fund. Since then, the WWF has consistently promoted genocidal policies, such as the worldwide ban on DDT.

So it will come as no surprise, then, that in their "Living Planet Report, they promote death, famine and population reduction as the solution to the "looming ecological credit crunch."

Apparently, "the good news is that we have the means to reverse the ecological credit crunch – it is not too late to prevent an irreversible ecological recession setting in. This report identifies the key areas where we need to transform our lifestyles and economies to put us on a more sustainable trajectory."

And the key areas that the report identifies are, "reductions in population, individual consumption, and the resources used or wastes emitted in producing goods and services" to be achieved by the middle of the century.


President of the Worldwide Wildlife Fund (WWF) UK ...


As is typical with such reports, the WWF offers an impressive number of pages of statistics, tables and graphs to back up their assertions. They give us a solution. But they don't, not even in one sentence, give any clue how their solution should be implemented.

Well, Bernhard is dead now. But Philip is still alive. Maybe we should write and ask him how population reduction, reduction of individual consumption and reduced production should be achieved, short of his being reincarnated as a virus.

Sustainability means only that you, the human resources for the big bankers, will be compelled evermore to quit independent lifestyles and be crammed into megacities -- reserves, really --, and then be made utterly poor, surveilled, and sterilized. Because, as Maurice Strong once put it, the resources of planet Earth are to be used only by the "shareholders of Earth Inc." (a metaphor for the aristocratic/banking cartel).

Alan Watt: UN takeover of America, under Agenda 21 and ICLEI 

Alan Watt: AMAZONGATE, the WWF-sponsored IPCC fraud. 

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