30 Jun 2014


In this video Luke Rudkowski visits Mark McGowan the Artist Taxi Driver in London England. Mark McGowan is a street artist, performance artist and prominent public protester who has gone by the artist name Chunky Mark and more recently The Artist Taxi Driver. In this video the two go on a rant about the current social, political and economic circumstances in the world.


There are alternative sources of energy. the reason were not using it is because those same corporations wont make it available to us. this way is more convenient and profitable for the corps. their agenda is to do that exact thing - blame it on the people (through antropogenic global warming). as if WE the consumers were the ones ruining the planet and not THEM the profiteers who take the resources out of the earth and destroy it in the process. yes, we are the ones who need energy, but they are the ones who ruin the environment NOT TO DELIVER IT TO US, BUT TO MAKE MONEY OF IT. the main purpose of corps is to MAKE MONEY, not GIVE ENERGY TO PEOPLE Otherwise we would be using water wind sun powered energy more often than coal and gas.

Trained Security Personnel Dispatched to Arrest Child Killers in London & Rome

Rev. Kevin Annett

from Kevin Annett:

Important Notice from ITCCS Central and the Common Law Court – Direct Action Teams move into action on verge of Pope’s resignation


June 29, 2014 – Brussels

As the Vatican prepares today for the imminent removal of Jorge Bergoglio, “Pope Francis”, from his office, two Direct Action Units (DAU’s) of trained security personnel have been dispatched by the Court to Rome and London. Their purpose will be to assist in the apprehending of known child killers associated with the Ninth Circle sacrificial cult, including Bergoglio himself.

“We are relying on local common law activists and the public to assist us in stopping these killers before they can harm any more children” announced a DAU commander attached to the Court.

“We have a list of nineteen top catholic and anglican church officers, including three Jesuits, who have participated in these ritual murders during the past year. Our orders are to stop them by any means necessary.”

The London DAU will take measures to halt upcoming sacrificial killings at Carnarvon castle in Wales and Balmoral castle in Scotland involving “royal family” members.

In Canada, DAU members are preparing for a similar action at Marie Reine du Monde cathedral in Montreal, where a major Ninth Circle conclave will be held on August 15.

This action will be accompanied by the proclamation of a sovereign Republic in Canada this autumn by patriots in Winnipeg. The Republic will provide the constitutional basis for the common law courts that are convening across Canada to convict child killers in both church and state.

“Crown and canon law are fraudulent and criminal systems, and so they are inoperative now in our country. We need the rule of law restored” said Colin Sullivan, a member of the Provisional Council for the Republic of Kanata.

“So we remind every cop, politician and judge in Canada that their oath to that convicted child killer, Queen Elizabeth, is officially null and void, and so they must stand down from their offices. Now they, and every true patriot, can be part of a genuine and lawful nation.”

Groups in eight Canadian provinces and in five indigenous nations are electing delegates to attend the Republic’s founding Convention, in Winnipeg from October 27-31, 2014. Information can be sought at republicofkanata@gmail.com .

A global broadcast of these and other historic developments, including the DAU actions in Rome and London, will be posted on July 10 (Jubilee Day) at www.itccs.org .

Issued by ITCCS Central
29 June, 2014


Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson risk 

the dive-bombing seagulls for the latest ATVOD news.

29 Jun 2014

David Icke: ISIS ... The psychopaths currently in control starting World War III


The world's youth are about to be brainwashed
into becoming 'heroes' for their countries cause.
Again they have joined in large numbers because
their are no other jobs, not knowing they
will be used as cannon fodder physically and mentally

Meet the Man Who Will Be In Charge of the UN Takeover of America

‘In Part One, I detailed how the United Nations is posturing to seize American guns as a prelude to martial law. If you have not read Part One, it will be helpful to do so before reading the rest of this article.

Any police detective will tell you that it is sometimes necessary to look at the facts of an old crime in order to solve a new crime. If one wants to understand the forces at work which are posturing to enslave America, one has to first take a summary look at the forces behind the so-called Gulf Oil Spill because many of the players, one in particular, will prominently figure in what is coming.’

Read more: Meet the Man Who Will Be In Charge of the UN Takeover of America

HIS HOLINESS The Catholic archbishop defrocked by Vatican for sexually abusing teenage boys


‘A Catholic archbishop and former Holy See ambassador has been defrocked after being convicted of sexually abusing teenage boys, making him the most senior Vatican figure to be punished for such a crime.

Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, who was the Vatican’s nuncio or ambassador to the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean, was found guilty of sex abuse by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith – the modern-day successor to the Inquisition.’

Read more: Catholic archbishop defrocked by Vatican for sexually abusing teenage boys

28 Jun 2014

REAL LIFE VAMPIRES : Success Paid with Blood and Sacrifice (and VIDEO PLAYLIST)


 It goes back to the genetic engineering of an alien race 
or inter dimensional entities manifesting in this reality by frequency jumping via certain blood lines

 Letter sent to the police 
in 1998 about Jimmy Savile


Nicky Campbell talks with Paul Gambaccini on BBC Radio 5 Live about paedophilia and necrophilia allegations relating to Jimmy Savile

Savile sex scandal hits horrific new low as former colleague Paul Gambaccini claims on Radio Five Live that DJ was a 'necrophiliac'

A former BBC colleague of Jimmy Savile today accused him of being a necrophiliac whose usual sexual partners were "under-aged subnormals".

The shocking allegations were made on Radio 5 Live by Paul Gambaccini, who started working as a DJ on Radio 1 in 1973.

He said he was made aware of the necrophilia claims, which suggest Savile was sexually attracted to corpses, in the Eighties.

His comments stunned DJ Nicky Campbell who tried to stop the conversation by saying the allegations were not in the public domain.

Dr Sue Proctor, lead investigator at Leeds General Infirmary, says that security at the mortuary where ex-BBC DJ Jimmy Savile worked as a voluntary porter was "lax".

"Allegations about his behaviour in the mortuary are incredibly harrowing," says Dr Proctor, detailing claims of alleged sex acts performed on dead bodies.

Ex-BBC DJ Jimmy Savile sexually assaulted victims aged five to 75, according to investigators.

Savile Chauffeur 

David Smith Found Dead - Suicided


Sean Stone to discuss the situation in Syria, his father Oliver Stone's comments about Obama being a "snake" as well as the Globalist agenda to bring in a NWO system of control to put the whole world under total lockdown.


Prince Charles is claiming that he's related to Dracula. 'The genealogy shows that I am descended from Vlad the Impaler,' Charles said. Vlad the Impaler was also known as Dracula, which means son of the dragon (dracul) in the Romanian dialect of the time. Vlad's father was a member of the Order of the Dragon. Vlad, 15th-Century Romanian warlord, also inspired the 1897 novel 'Dracula' by Bram Stoker. The heir to the British throne was making the connection during an interview that will air as part of an upcoming TV show to promote the preservation of forests in Romania's Transylvania region. 'So I have a bit of a stake in the country,' the prince said. Charles, who owns a home in the region, has said Transylvania's pristine landscapes and rural farming traditions make it a national treasure.

What do Barack Obama, Thomas Jefferson, George W. Bush and the other past U.S. presidents have in common? Besides holding the coveted title of commander-in-chief, it appears that all of them but one are cousins.

A highly ambitious 12-year-old girl named Bridge Anne d'Avignon has been looking into ancestry and lineages, especially going back to English ancestry. She has been working with her grandfather to discover common ancestry among United States presidents.

According to the latest annual report almost 36 million pounds was spent last year to support the royal family. But there are some hidden price tags most of the public are completely unaware of.

Illuminati Eyes Wide Shut

Illuminati sex rituals, psychic awareness and the realms of magic and science are discussed by best selling author on the esoteric, Eric Pepin. Sharing his experiences of demonic encounters, paranormal awareness and ESP, Pepin opens many doors in the mind regarding the shared ground between the spiritual dimension and our physical one in this Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone.


Bungler Central – America’s Secret Spy Base ... Gordon Duff


Today, the Washington Post reported that 400 American drones simple “fell out of the sky,” at a cost of billions. These weren’t tiny hand launched model planes but, in most cases, Predators, Raptors or Global Hawks. Some were as large as airliners with highly classified payloads costing millions in surveillance gear.

Others we are told by sources at the upper levels of Pentagon command, crashed because they were overloaded with drugs from Afghanistan.

Those piloting these vehicles were all trained in the same place, Ft. Huachuca, where “moral flexibility” is the only guideline, whether it is drone pilots or the “military intelligence” commands whose highly classified activities go far beyond any of the spying Edward Snowden “outed” the NSA for.

“It’s raining drones today”

At one time it was believed that the only errors drone pilots made were the dozens of “mistaken” attacks on schools, hospitals, weddings and funerals or hundreds of yet unreported “friendly fire” incidents potentially responsible for hundreds of American deaths and thousands of wounded.

The names seem impressive, Raptor, Predator or Global Hawk. There are stealth drones like the formerly “super-secret” RQ70, now not only on display in Tehran but being manufactured there as well. You can probably buy one on EBay.

Global Hawks, though capable of flying around the world, periodically land at deserted strips north of Gwadar in Baluchistan, Pakistan, directly south, by road, of the heroin processing facilities near Kandahar in Afghanistan.

There, the drones are “serviced” by former Navy SEALS employed by a defense firm secretly controlled by an American billionaire, owner of a soap manufacturing company and key political leader/financier of the Republican Party. That’s the party of John McCain and Lindsey Graham, senators who regularly visit Afghanistan, perhaps checking on their investments.

Drones can also transport things like Sarin gas or bioweapons. They can deploy these as well. We have no evidence this has been done but we do know that this capability is one “considered” when allocating billions to replace the hundreds of multi-million dollar drones that have mysteriously plummeted into the ground.

Fort Huachuca – Beyond the NSA

However, the drone issue is only one part of a problem endemic to all American intelligence functions, a generalized failure of ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) that President Obama seems dangerously unaware of.

When Special Forces units were deployed in Jordan to train “resistance fighters” involved in Syria and ended up “accidentally” training the Al Qaeda/ISIS force now taking over Iraq, where were these geniuses trained? Who could be that stupid? Where do idiots like these, the fools who fly drones upside down and “climb” multi-million dollar drones with even more expensive radar/camera/sensor packages into the ground?

Even more ironic, perhaps almost funny, many of the same “intelligence handlers” that trained ISIS jihadists in Jordan are now heading to Iraq to aid that government in defending itself from ISIS Jihadists.

As American humorist Jim W. Dean so often says: “You just can make things like this up.”

Fort Huachuca, Arizona

What is perhaps most curious is that these failures, so many of them, can be traced to a single very secret American base in a state represented by Senator John McCain, long reputed to have ties to organized crime.

Nestled in the Arizona hills, just north of the Mexican border is Fort Huachuca. Here, America trains its drone pilots, its “cyber-spies” and “agent handlers.” Nearly every imaginable abuse of both international and US law is taught and practiced here.

It also trains “cyber warfare specialists.” There, young soldiers work at computers learning to defend the United States from threats to national security, or so Congress and the American people are told.

Not one world of this is true, however. The “Intelligence School” at Fort Huachuca is a “front” for domestic spying, political “dirty tricks,” internet smear campaigns and, perhaps most heinous of all, blocking websites that promote freedom of speech and generating “technical difficulties” for media outlets that this US Army command is told don’t agree with…well, we aren’t exactly sure “who or what.”

More importantly, not only are such activities illegal, patently unconstitutional, violations of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States that members of the military swear an oath to “protect and defend,” these activities are also criminal fraud and violate numerous state and federal laws protecting communications from sabotage.

This is what is done at Fort Huachuca, they hack computers, they sabotage networks, the shutdown radio broadcast on federally licensed networks and they block access to websites, not only violating civil and constitutional rights but doing significant commercial harm as well.

These things are done as “training exercises” in what is called “psychological warfare.” It isn’t training; it is real war, a war against the American people, a war against freedom of speech and, most of all, a war against the truth.

Lying to Congress

When Congress funded the programs at Ft. Huachuca, they knew they were training drone pilots whose “missions” are seen, around the world, as acts of criminality and by top experts in international law as violations of not only the sovereignty of those nations attacked but outright murder as well. As war crimes by powerful “freedom loving nations” are typically overlooked, congress was more than happy to continue funding these programs which make us all safe unless you happen to be killed by a drone operated by a Ft. Huachuca “graduate” that doesn’t know up from down or a hospital from a terrorist training camp.

When Veterans Today columnist Stew Webb assisted by fellow columnist Gene “Chip” Tatum, former CIA “Psyop” specialist began checking Veterans Today and affiliated websites for hackers, the trail quickly led to Ft. Huachuca. Computers at that base were not only used to overload the sites, possibly hundreds, even thousands, causing “denial of service,” but were systematically blocking internet search engines as well, reprogramming them away from “unpleasant facts” and directing the public to “sock puppet” websites filled with libel, smears and bizarre conspiracy theories, websites funded unknowingly by the American people themselves with their tax dollars.

You see, keeping America safe means, as we learned, lying to congress about running psychological warfare programs against the American people and, as in this case, against not only one of the largest groups of American war veterans but an official news outlet for the Department of Veterans Affairs, an agency of that same government.

Veterans Today Targeted

Targeting Veterans Today and its staffers, blocking access, running smear websites that attack editors and columnists, many decorated combat veterans, some with not only “honored standing” and having top security clearances, but full access to military facilities like Ft. Huachuca…is more than illegal, it is bad manners. It could also be treason if such activities are going run for a foreign government via rogue element handlers at Ft. Huachuca.

What is almost funny is that the base commander at Huachuca is a close associate of a “VT” editor and former top intelligence officer of NATO’s largest command. Other VT editors sat on the National Security Council; one was chief intelligence advisor to President Reagan. Now they are targeted for standing up to government fraud or speaking out against years of disastrous military adventures and the abuse of America’s military veterans.

It gets even better. That same Army, along with all other major Intel organizations, uses open source intelligence analysis from Veterans Today citing it as both “flawless” and “impeccably researched.” They use it but don’t want others to have it. What good is a “democracy” when the public actually can, if it wishes, find out what is really going on regarding its national security?

Toward that end, the Army seems to have expanded its role from protector to “police state enforcer.”

Shut the Gates

Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, the “convicted terrorist mastermind” the US recently released and returned to Pakistan was a guest on an American base for 5 years. She was held at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan, tortured, raped repeatedly, while under the legal authority of an American military officer now clearly guilty of a war crime.

If asked, he will claim he knew nothing. The screaming, the bloody trash bags buried in the parched earth, this is typical of the “moral flexibility” the American military has been infected with.

Here at home, young soldiers, our children and grandchildren are being indoctrinated with that same “moral flexibility.” For years we watched them kill around the world. Now they have turned on us. Some of us expected it.



The Reason David Icke Is An Important Voice

feature image number one 

David Icke many years ago had a Spiritual awakening which to those 500 million of us in the western world sounds a bit wacky, but to the other 6.5 Billion people on the planet is considered a very normal experience that follows with a great responsibility.

An awakening is the beginning of bioenergetic process that leads to an end goal termed supraconsciousness – the merging of the conscious mind with the sub-conscious mind & therefore becoming aware of your subconscious.  It is usually a very painful experience that has many symptoms, most of which are hellish, but there are some very pleasant symptoms also.  Once the process has finished, you are left in a state of complete contentment as the egoic mind has been almost completely dismantled.

So what does this mean?  What is the egoic mind?  When we are born, we are pure awareness, but then the conditioning begins.  We are given an identity (name), we are told what is right & what is wrong, we are taught subjects at school, take on other peoples character traits so we can try to fit in with the societal norm, we watch the news, we are taught authority,  etc.  All of this becomes your identity, your ego & we believe every bit of it to be true.  It’s basically a mass psychosis.

So what would happen if all this dissolves and all those compartments in our minds are no longer there?  The simple answer is we become pure awareness again, just as we were born to be before our conditioning began.  We become more child like by making the most of every moment.  We stop worrying about yesterday or tomorrow, the what if’s disappear and our minds become very quiet indeed.  Monks spend decades meditating to try to achieve this state of being but for the very few lucky ones, it happens naturally.  Once you achieve this state of being you begin to notice everything around you ‘in the now’, all the beauty that you never noticed before, but you also notice all the bad stuff and it doesn’t take long for you to come to the conclusion that something is seriously wrong in the world and once you reach this point, you will want answers to questions that have never come up before, you can’t help it, & believe me, there are a million and one questions and each one of those questions leads to more questions.

David spent decades asking these questions & devoted his whole life to sharing his findings with the world.   Over the years, his followers have increased exponentially & this is not because he claims to be any kind of Messiah like some people would have you believe, but because these followers have also come to their own conclusions that something is seriously wrong with the world and are looking for answers.

Love him or hate him, David is in no way trying to force his beliefs on other people, just simply wanting to share his findings with the sole intention of getting more people to ask more questions.  Truth is all that matters & it’s always up to ourselves to decide what is true.  Neon Nettle supports David Icke & what he stands for as Neon Nettle also has the same goal – to bring awareness to our readers, create free and open debate, and create a platform for our contributors to voice their opinions without fear of being judged.

Question everything and come to your own conclusions.




I’ve cautioned people about hopping on the Red Cross bandwagon when sending assistance to victims of these so-called “natural” disasters—or ANY appeal of any kind, be it the Salvation Army, Breast Cancer Foundation, all of it. Many of them are fronts for theft, plain and simple.

The Red Cross executives get most of what is donated and if we really want our resources to go to victims, we have to find charities and organized groups such as churches, who actually provide aid directly rather than lining the pockets of the charity administration, et al.

Oh, the Red Cross, FEMA… all the cabal’s organizations put on a great show so the lamestream media has those wonderful, heart-warming pictures to show us on TV to illustrate just how much help is on site, but they don’t actually DO much of anything.

The purpose of these tragedies is to wreak as much destruction and misery on The People and their environs as possible.

Just as happened in Haiti during the colossal earthquake of 2010, and at the time of the 911 domestic terror attack and other calamities, Hurricane Sandy was, among other things, a prime opportunity to stuff the cabal coffers with taxpayers’ generous donations—and they don’t feel they owe us any explanations.

From BrasscheckTV… everything you never wanted to know about the American Red Cross… ~ BP

The Red Cross Screws Donors and Victims Again
Red Cross clams up about missing $300 million

I call it ‘missing’ because I was there after Hurricane Sandy.

I didn’t see anything but Red Cross photo ops—and neither did any one of the dozens of people I talked to all over the disaster zone.

Now propublica.org is asking them how they spent the $300 million they raised to ‘help’ after Hurricane Sandy and the Red Cross “prefers not to say.”

27 Jun 2014

Bush & Blair: Blackmailed pedophiles or just war criminals?



Today, after more than a million dead and several millions exiled, as the “too extreme for al-Qaeda” ISIL is grabbing more and more of Iraq, the question once again arises:

Why did George Bush and Tony Blair drag us into the Iraq quagmire?

They told us it was about Saddam’s WMD. But that was a preposterous lie. Bush even camped it up about looking for WMD under his desk. He thought it was fabulously hilarious that anyone had ever believed in Iraqi WMD.

So what was the real reason for the Iraq war?

Some say oil. But that seems dubious, since big oil lobbied hard against the Iraq invasion, fearing it would destabilize their business.

Others say Israel. That makes more sense; the Zionist lobby was the main force pushing for war in Iraq. But how can a sh*tty little country like Israel force a superpower to do its bidding?

One way is by blackmailing politicians. And in Bush and Blair, they had plenty of opportunity.

As Sherman Skolnick reported years ago in Bush Bisexuality Asserted In Scorching New Book:

“It relates to George W. Bush’s homosexual relationship, since about puberty, with Victor Ashe, long-time Mayor of Knoxvillle. When some in Congress began inquiries in the fall of 2003, Ashe in December, 2003, gave up being Knoxville Mayor and was appointed by George W. Bush, the occupant and resident of the White House, as the U.S. Ambassador to Poland.”

Another story about Bush Jr. is that his dad invaded Panama because Noriega was trying to blackmail the Bush family into giving him a bigger cut of the CIA’s cocaine profits. Apparently Noriega was in possession of photos of W. taken at a Caribbean brothel that caters to pedophiles. This is not just a rumor; I have heard it verified by a well-placed intelligence community source.

And let’s not forget Jeff Gannon. During Bush Jr.’s presidency, the fake journalist and homosexual prostitute Gannon regularly spent nights at the White House, apparently entertaining the President.

But Gannon wasn’t W’s only gay entertainment.

Wayne Madsen Reports revealed on Nov. 18, 2005:

There is good reason for the embarrassment of the Pentagon in the (Abu Ghraib) affair. The orders to take the sexually-oriented photos and videos, some of which involve teenage Iraqi boys and girls and sodomization by their guards, came directly from a pedophile and closeted male homosexual ring operating in the White House, according to the intelligence sources. Copies of the tapes and photos were sent directly to the White House for the entertainment of senior members of the Bush White House, including officials in the Vice President’s office and the Executive Office of the President.

None of this is surprising to anyone who follows the seamy underbelly of American politics. The Bush family is notorious for its sexual degeneracy. For example, George H.W. Bush attended parties serviced by child prostitutes, according to sworn testimony from the children themselves. For details read The Franklin Scandal and The Franklin Cover-Up and check out the video Conspiracy of Silence.

And the Mossad is very good at getting hold of blackmail material. During J. Edgar Hoover’s tenure at the FBI, Hoover had pornographic blackmail photos of just about everybody who mattered – which made Hoover the USA’s unelected dictator. But the real ruler, the éminence grise behind Hoover, was Mossadnik crime kingpin Meyer Lansky. It seems likely that Lansky’s heirs in Tel Aviv have an extensive collection of child pornography featuring “adult actor” George W. Bush.

And as for Tony Blair, he too appears to be a blackmailed pedophile.

Despite the strict libel laws in the UK, a British researcher has reported some, shall we say, “ugly rumours”:

‘In the autumn of 1983, a young well-dressed man presented himself to Bow St Magistrates’ Court on a morals charge. He was given a conditional discharge and bound over to keep the peace. The young man gave his name as Charles Lynton. He is now among the highest in the land.’

Blair’s middle names are Charles and Lynton. I have asked for the records of the period (the Court no longer exists) but failed to trace any mention there of the ‘case’ – if indeed it ever existed. Although I found the general attitude of information suppliers to be obstructive, there wasn’t any strong feeling of hiding stuff; frankly, I’d be amazed anyway if something incriminating about Tony Blair hadn’t been removed by now. Another source wrote to us as follows:

‘He was caught importuning in a Westminster toilet. It was all covered up.’

Two things are, however, relevant. Gossip did abound about Blair’s sexuality during his time in the rock band Ugly Rumours at Oxford. And while nobody has ever stood them up, it is widely accepted that Derry Irvine (Blair’s boss in Chambers) regularly referred to him as “the star closest to Uranus”.

While the Bush White House was jerking off to live feeds of Abu Ghrayb torture, Tony Blair’s government was cavorting with child prostitutes:

“In 1999 an international investigation into child porn by Britain’s National Criminal Intelligence Service codenamed Operation Ore, resulted in 7,250 suspects being identified in the United Kingdom alone. Some 1850 people were criminally charged in the case and there were 1451 convictions. Almost 500 people were interviewed “under caution” by police, meaning they were suspects. Some 900 individuals remain under investigation. In early 2003, British police began to close in on some top suspects in the Operation Ore investigation, including senior members of Blair’s government, allegedly Chris Smith, Peter Mandelson and Gay Gordon.”

Tony Blair with his good friend, serial child molester Jimmy Saville. The sheep are scared.

Perhaps Blair never grew out of his fondness for liasons in public toilets – even while serving as Prime Minister. Blair’s government was embarrassed when an investigation found traces of cocaine in Parliament’s public toilets, while other investigations showed that Blair’s crowd was neck-deep in satanic ritual child abuse.

In early 2003, the “Operation Ore” investigation was about to reveal Blair and his cronies as serial child abusers. Then Blair issued a gag order imposing a 100 year blackout on all discussion of the subject. Articles with titles like “Tony Blair Caught Protecting Elite Pedophile Ring” got yanked from circulation.

What were Bush and Blair doing when they locked themselves behind closed doors to supposedly plot the Iraq war? Investigative journalist Bob Kearley says that “a lot of squaddies I’ve met think there’s something weird going on between Bush and Blair. If you’re then told that the executive responsible for the conduct of the war is staffed by child-molesters … well, then Saddam suddenly looks like the sort of bloke with whom you can share a few tins [beer].”

If you don’t think there was anything going on between Bush and Blair, scroll back to the top of this article and look at that Bush-Blair photo again. If it doesn’t set off your gay-dar, nothing will.

And if all of this sexual blackmail isn’t bad enough, it turns out that the Zionists had an even nastier card up their sleeves: 20 nuclear weapons planted in American cities, ready to go off in a fake “al-Qaeda” attack if Bush refused orders to invade Iraq. Gordon Duff revealed some of the sordid details about this nuclear blackmail on my radio show last Friday.

So it seems that 9/11 was the warning shot of a coup d’état designed to force the US to fight Israel’s “Clean Break” wars and destroy its enemies – the famous “seven countries in five years” mentioned by Gen. Wesley Clark. And blackmail, both sexual and nuclear, may have played a role.

How Military Exercises Are Killing Millions of Sea Creatures Every Year | Brainwash Update



Abby Martin goes over the effect war games have on the environment, citing the US and China engaging in the world's largest naval exercise, as well as how the use of sonar testing harming millions of marine mammals.

UK Column Wireless : censorship agenda ... shutdown of media in the UK

Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with more on ATVOD and how its censorship agenda fits into the broader shutdown of media in the UK.

DAVID ICKE cleverly : DOT CONNECTING THE LINKS ... Jimmy Savile Paedophilia Satanism and the Royal Family


Jimmy Savile was untouchable


A man who claims he was abused

said he saw 'Jimmy' 'drag away' a girl later found dead





British comedian Russell Brand sharply condemned Fox News' Jeanine Pirro in an online video titled "Is Fox News More Dangerous Than ISIS?" Criticizing Pirro's monologue in which she labels Iran as the devil while calling for the bombing of Iraq, Brand piece-by-piece dissects the Fox News segment and concludes Pirro's language is more volatile and dangerous than the jihadist group ISIS. RT's Manila Chan takes a look.

Horrific Fox News broadcast 

The symptom of an horrendus sickness 

running through the media and politics 

UK Government (Sky) (BBC) 

pushes the same story



26 Jun 2014

Cooking of Humanity - Invisible Global Warfare : MICROWAVE WEAPONS

“Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality.” — Dr. Michael Ellner 

Deborah Tavares interviews Scientist Barrie Trower
Portland, Oregon



UK COLUMN NEWS : Not The UK Column News - ATVOD Exposed

Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson discuss the attempted ATVOD regulation/censorship of the UK Column in a non-television-like way.

UK Column News : UK Column is pulled off the net by the regulator. Details later today

LADA RAY : Four New Videos on EarthShift TV


My name is Lada Ray. I am a linguist, financial consultant, Feng Shui Master, shaman, futurist and author of several books. I’ve been making successful and accurate predictions about politics, economy and investments since the early 2000s, and  it’s time to share them with my fellow citizens of planet Earth.

Lada’s 2 Cents: Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is trying to save the world from war. We should all help him.


I have uploaded 4 new videos on the EarthShift TV YouTube channel, based on some of the latest articles. Please follow the links to listen:

Russia-EU Pipeline Explosion & Mercenary Cover-up in Ukraine

Gas Wars: Why Is Ukraine Refusing to Pay for Russian Gas? 

Distorted Reality: Ukraine is a Disposable Lemon to Be Thrown Out 

Judgment and the Future of Humanity 

23 Jun 2014

BENJAMIN FULFORD : Big power plays by Rothschilds Rockellers leave Putin on the defensive and China in the middle

The unfolding geopolitical chess game between Western oligarchs and their puppet governments featured many big moves last week, notably in the Ukraine, the Middle East and the UK. These moves have, for now, left Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, uncharacteristically on the defensive.

The game being played in the Ukraine, by what are almost certainly proxy mercenary forces working for the Rockefellers and the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, is now clearly a move to cut off Russian gas exports to Europe. First, the new puppet Fed government in the Ukraine refused to pay for gas, then, when the Russians cut off the gas, the pipeline sending gas to the rest of Europe was blown up.


This was a response by the Feds to a Russian Gazprom move to price over 90% of Russia’s gas exports in Euros, Rubles and other non-Fed currencies. Not only that, but, according to French intelligence, the Fed puppet government in the Ukraine has been given nuclear weapons and is threatening to use them if Russia moves militarily against them. This means the Feds are holding the German’s gas and the Russian’s foreign earnings hostage through threats of violence.

That is almost certainly why anti-Fed riots broke out all across Germany last week. It is also why Putin’s economic adviser publicly called for an anti-dollar alliance.


It also gives us a possible motive for the probable murder of Richard Rockefeller on Friday, June 13th.
The Rothschilds, for their part, have made a move against the other big Russian gas export pipeline running through Iraq and Syria. The ISIS army in Iraq, run by a Saudi Prince and using US supplied weaponry, has the ability to cut off Russian gas exports running through land it controls. And now it turns out that Nathaniel Rothschild has begun exporting oil out of the new nation of Kurdistan on the northern border of ISIS through Israel.



So Putin is now reeling under a Rockefeller/Rothschild double punch. It might not be a good time for Nat to fly small airplanes.

The other big moves last week were seen as a result of the visit to the UK by Li Keqiang, China’s number 2 power broker. During his visit with Queen Elizabeth, Li, who is probably a member of the dragon family, was shown a hand written message sent to the Queen by a different member of the dragon family, according to MI5 sources. The message in part asks for the Queen’s support for “a campaign similar in size and ambition to a world war only this time the enemy will be poverty, ignorance, environmental destruction and all else that plagues this beautiful but fragile planet we all share.”

Li for his part, made a very friendly speech at a combined gathering of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) and the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tanks. In the speech Li promised China would import $2 trillion annually worth of products and invest $100 billion a year overseas for the next five years. He also promised the new government would make environmental protection and new energy technology major themes. The speech also explained in details plans to provide decent urban residences for 300 million more Chinese over the coming years.


Opium baron James Sassoon, head of the China Britain Business Council, held a 650 person gala for Li and his entourage at the Natural History Museum. The general trend of the business discussions was for the British to offer to transfer technology and know-how to China in exchange for China transferring money to the UK. The end result of all the discussions was that the British Pound became directly tradable for Chinese Yuan and London was designated as the largest Yuan financial trading center outside of China, according to MI5 an other sources.

The Fed response to this big anti-petrodollar move was to use their proxy mercenary armies to issue yet another nuclear terror threat against London.


So, to summarize the situation here, Federal Reserve Board mercenary armies have cut off two Russian energy export chokepoints, one in the Ukraine and one in Iraq, prompting the Russians to ask for an international alliance against the Federal Reserve Board. The Germans, French, Austrians and others have expressed support for this idea. At the same time, the British have made a big move to have the Chinese Yuan replace the US dollar as a linchpin to the London financial markets.
So, what is the next move going to be?

The future has yet to be written so many outcomes are still possible. However, it is clear the American oligarchs like the Rockefellers, who run the Federal Reserve Board and gave us a 20th century of misery and war, are running out of friends and allies.

For those of you who still think the Rockefellers are a bunch of has-beens, remember they have, according to Wikipedia


and other sources, funded and or led the following institutions:
The Council on Foreign Relations – David, David Jr., Nelson, John D. 3rd, John D. IV (Jay), Peggy Dulany, Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The Trilateral Commission -David, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The Bilderberg Group – David, John D. IV.
The Asia Society – John D. III, John D. IV, Charles, David.
The Population Council – John D. III.
The Council of the Americas – David.
The Group of Thirty – The Rockefeller Foundation.
The World Economic Forum – David.
The Brookings Institution – Junior.
The Peterson Institute (Formerly the Institute for International Economics) – David, Monica.
The International Executive Service Corps – David.
The Institute for Pacific Relations – Junior.
The League of Nations – Junior.
The United Nations – Junior, John D. III, Nelson, David, Peggy Dulany, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The United Nations Association – David. Monica.

Remember that Richard Rockefeller who died on June 13th was head of Medicines Sans Frontieres, a group that has pledged to vaccinate all children under five years of age in the world. Given the huge amount of misinformed Malthusian propaganda emitting from Rockefeller think tanks about the need to reduce the world’s population, it is hard to imagine Richard wanted to vaccinate all those kids in order to help increase the world population.

The Federal Reserve Board families have presided over the introduction of sperm killing chemicals into household products like shampoo, soap and tooth-paste and cancer causing chemicals into our daily foods. They have also turned the US medical establishment into a bunch of goons who poison cancer patients with radiation and chemicals. They have also dumbed down the education system and hijacked the political system.

A lot of Americans are angry and want revolution. Last week alone the Governor of Louisiana said rebellion was brewing against Washington while the South Dakota Republican Party called for the impeachment of President Obama.

The military and the agencies have in their possession a full list of all the names and addresses of the members of the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. If anybody else wants to find out who they are, all they need to do is go to the local library and look them up in a Who’s Who.

Here is a message to David Rockefeller: “An old age is ending and a new age is beginning, it is time to pass on the torch with honour and dignity.” Let us set up a huge series of world-wide celebrations and announcements to celebrate the transition to an age of world peace and harmony.

Police raid offices in parliament of Labour peer Lord Janner as part of inquiry in historic child sex abuse claims


‘Police have raided an office in the House of Lords as part of an inquiry into child abuse allegations, it was reported today.

Officers searched the workplace of Labour peer Lord Greville Janner in connection with an investigation into historic claims of child sex abuse.

It is highly unusual for police to enter the House of Parliament to carry out searches, because MPs and peers are usually protected by parliamentary privilege.’

Read more: Police raid offices in parliament of Labour peer Lord Janner as part of inquiry in historic child sex abuse claims

133 G77 Nations Vow to Destroy America’s New World Order

June 17, 2014. Bolivia. The American and European media are doing everything they can to black this news out. But it’s not going to stay a secret for long. As of this weekend, there’s a new New World Order on Earth and its enemy is the United States, the EU, the UN Security Council and the world’s shadow government led by the IMF and WTO. This new alliance of poor countries wouldn’t be much of a threat, except it includes two-thirds of the world’s nations including China and India.

It’s a sad day for the American people when their government and state-sponsored news industry blacks out such an important news story. Americans actually have to rely on outlets like the Havana Times in Cuba, The Times of India, and United Nations press releases. There’s a reason this news is being censored across the West. And it’s only the latest global news story over the past two weeks on this subject blacked out from the American people. Read on to find out why.

End of the New World Order

When the richest and most powerful nations on Earth formed the G7, G8, G20 and the like, they united to combine their dominance over the remaining 175 countries that make up humanity. And for decades, the wealthiest 20 countries led by the US have gotten exponentially more wealthy at the expense of the poorest 175 nations, who in turn have gotten even poorer. That’s been the result of the West’s ‘New World Order’, led mainly by self-appointed global governments like the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization.

133 of those 175 countries have had enough of the New World Order’s rigged global financial system based in New York and London. They’ve seen their economies destroyed by corrupt corporations and global governments that create a cycle of never-ending dependence and poverty. They’ve seen their nations’ vast resources stolen by multinational corporations. Their agriculture landscape has been poisoned. Their citizens bankrupted by the IMF and Wall Street. And their democratically elected leaders overthrown by foreign agents from countries like the US.

They’ve had enough of the New World Order. And an alliance of 133 countries, two-thirds of the nations on Earth, signed an agreement this weekend to end the West’s New World Order and replace it with a fair, honest and legitimate World Order - one that lets everyone participate and benefit, not just the super rich.

The Next World Order

The organization is officially called the ‘Group of 77 and China’, but the alliance actually includes 133 nations. Showing just how much influence they have, their meeting this weekend in Bolivia was opened with a keynote speech by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. In the audience were over 30 heads of state from around the world and official representatives from over 100 more governments. Also illustrating the organization’s growing influence, China isn’t even a member of the G77, but insisted on participating anyway in a show of unity with the globe’s Next World Order.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro participated, telling the gathered nations they had to unite to, “fight for fair and sustainable economic growth and for a new world economic order.” Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa went one step further, telling the gathered national leaders and representatives, “Only when we are united across Latin America and united around the world will we be able to make our voice heard and change an international order that is not just unfair, it is immoral.”

A report from AFP on Yahoo News, about the only report found in Western media, describes how Cuban President Raul Castro also participated, but reserved his comments for a call to help their top ally Venezuela. Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and a number of South American countries have insisted they are currently under attack by the United States and the CIA, who they insist are desperately trying to orchestrate coups to overthrow their democratically elected, pro-socialist governments the same way they are accused of doing in the Ukraine recently.

Iran and the UN
An announcement published by the United Nations this weekend touts UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s enthusiastic participation in the G77 meeting. It discusses how important this massive alliance is to the goals of the UN, particularly with regard to reversing the world’s growing economic inequality among nations. Moon and the UN are also sponsoring a separate but related meeting of nations in September to draft new climate resolutions to be enacted in 2015.

The announcement describes a private meeting between the UN Secretary General and Iran’s Vice President, ‘On the margins of today's summit, Mr. Ban met with the First Vice President of Iran, Eshaq Jahangiri, to discuss development issues, as well as the potential role that Iran could play in restoring stability in Iraq and Syria. The Secretary-General added that he looked forward to Iran's positive involvement on climate change and said he very much hoped that President Hassan Rouhani would attend the climate summit this September.’ The report also says the two leaders discussed Iran’s nuclear ambitions and the coming July deadline for compliance with past mandates.

Threats of America’s “second Vietnam” 

Many of the government leaders in attendance took the opportunity to strike a blow against what they consider to be the biggest enemy of world peace, democracy and economic freedom - the United States. One leader even went as far as calling out President Obama by name and threatening the United States with a second Vietnam.

As reported by the Times of India, the G77 conference’s host this weekend - Bolivian President Evo Morales - threatened the United States and the American President telling the gathered heads of state, “If Mr. Obama keeps assailing the people of Venezuela, I am convinced that, faced with provocation and aggression, Venezuela and Latin America will be a second Vietnam for the United States. Let us defend democracy, natural resources, our sovereignty and our dignity.”

Cuba’s President Raul Castro was possibly the most pointed and focused in his remarks regarding the agenda of the participating countries. As reported by the Havana Times, Castro told the alliance of 133 nations, “It is necessary to demand a new international financial and monetary order and fair commercial conditions for producers and importers from the guardians of capital, centered in the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and from the defenders of neoliberalism grouped in the World Trade Organization, which are attempting to divide us. Only unity will allow us to make our ample majority prevail.”

UN Civil War - dissolving the UN Security Council 

One of the more ambitious goals of the G77 and its 133 participating countries is the elimination of the United Nations Security Council. World leaders insist it is little more than a five-nation tyranny over the full UN body. With five permanent members of the UN Security Council having veto power over the rest, UN policies and actions have been dictated by those five countries - US, UK, Russia, France and China. Members of the G77 want the Security Council eliminated so the UN can go back to being a purely democratic body.

The Cuban leader went on to describe a global economic system run by American hypocrisy and financial corruption, “The principles of International Law and the postulates of the New International Economic Order are brazenly violated, concepts that attempt to legalize meddling are imposed, force is used and threats of force are made with impunity, the media are used to promote division.”

Dominoes beginning to fall

This is just the latest organized attack on a global financial system rigged by corrupt governments and the multinational corporations that control them. Just last month, Russia and China signed a long term trade alliance that represents the first major crack in the US Dollar bubble. The two countries agreed to stop using US Dollars in their transactions and instead use their own two currencies. The two largest banks from both countries immediately announced they would be dumping the US Dollar as well.

On top of that, the world’s ‘BRIC’ countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China - have publicly declared their goal of replacing the corrupted US Dollar with some other global default currency. Now that Russia and China have finally taken actual steps to do that, the remaining two-thirds of the world will most likely begin making preparations to stop using the US Dollar as well. It was only this weekend that 133 of them pledged to do just that.

The scary part for Americans is that both Washington and Wall Street have promised this would never happen, because if it did, it would destroy the US economic system and possibly the US itself. Read the Whiteout Press article, ‘Russia-China Deals move US Dollar closer to Collapse’ for more information.

To view a full list of the 133 nations that make up the G77, visit the Group of 77 website.

Courtesy of Whiteout Press


Lada Ray: Distorted Reality : Ukraine is a Disposable Lemon to Be Thrown Out June 22 2014


Below is a very educational exchange. As you will see, the view-point of the commenter is a typical Western brainwashed style, with added traumatic personal experience of her ancestors, which she still holds dear to her heart and upon which she bases all her present attitudes and opinions. If you see me being pretty straight with her, this is for the benefit of the readers. A surgeon has to cut through tumor in order to expose and remove it, especially if cancer spread too deeply.

These were posted initially in comments to: The Real Truth About USSR: Golodomor and Collectivization in Ukraine. It is obvious, this commenter can’t accept my story about Russia, Ukraine and collectivization, although the whole thing goes much, much further. It becomes a debate about the present day Ukraine and its role, the West, Russia, geopolitics, and the distorted reality. If you haven’t read this controversial article (also check out other comments), it is certainly advisable as this will give a better understanding of the facts.

Now, to the point!


22 Jun 2014

UN warns Britain over child voodoo rituals and paedophile sex tourists

‘Hundreds of children are being kidnapped in Africa and bought to the UK for voodoo rituals, a UN watchdog said, also voicing alarm about the number of British pedophiles who prey on children abroad.

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) urged Britain to do more to stop this brutal form of people trafficking.

“We’re concerned about reports that hundreds of children have been abducted from their families in Africa and trafficked to the UK, especially London, for religious rituals,” Kirsten Sandberg, head of the CRC and a former Norwegian Supreme Court judge, said Thursday.’

Read more: UN warns Britain over child voodoo rituals and paedophile sex tourists

Tens of thousands march in London against coalition's austerity measures

Russell Brand

The Guardian home

An estimated 50,000 people in London addressed by speakers, including Russell Brand, after People's Assembly march

Russell Brand told the marchers there will be a 'peaceful, effortless, joyful revolution' against austerity in the UK. Photograph: Rex Features

Tens of thousands of people marched through central London on Saturday afternoon in protest at austerity measures introduced by the coalition government. The demonstrators gathered before the Houses of Parliament, where they were addressed by speakers, including comedians Russell Brand and Mark Steel.

An estimated 50,000 people marched from the BBC's New Broadcasting House in central London to Westminster.

"The people of this building [the House of Commons] generally speaking do not represent us, they represent their friends in big business. It's time for us to take back our power," said Brand.

"This will be a peaceful, effortless, joyful revolution and I'm very grateful to be involved in the People's Assembly."

"Power isn't there, it is here, within us," he added. "The revolution that's required isn't a revolution of radical ideas, but the implementation of ideas we already have."

A spokesman for the People's Assembly, which organised the march, said the turnout was "testament to the level of anger there is at the moment".

He said that Saturday's action was "just the start", with a second march planned for October in conjunction with the Trades Union Congress, as well as strike action expected next month.

People's Assembly spokesman Clare Solomon said: "It is essential for the welfare of millions of people that we stop austerity and halt this coalition government dead in its tracks before it does lasting damage to people's lives and our public services."

Sam Fairburn, the group's national secretary, added: "Cuts are killing people and destroying cherished public services which have served generations."

Activists from the Stop The War Coalition and CND also joined the demonstration.

The crowds heard speeches at Parliament Square from People's Assembly supporters, including Caroline Lucas MP and journalist Owen Jones. Addressing the marchers, Jones said: "Who is really responsible for the mess this country is in? Is it the Polish fruit pickers or the Nigerian nurses? Or is it the bankers who plunged it into economic disaster – or the tax avoiders? It is selective anger."

He added: "The Conservatives are using the crisis to push policies they have always supported. For example, the sell-off of the NHS. They have built a country in which most people who are in poverty are also in work."

The People's Assembly was set up with an open letter to the Guardian in February 2013. Signatories to letter included Tony Benn, who died in March this year, journalist John Pilger and filmmaker Ken Loach.

In the letter, they wrote: "This is a call to all those millions of people in Britain who face an impoverished and uncertain year as their wages, jobs, conditions and welfare provision come under renewed attack by the government.

"The assembly will provide a national forum for anti-austerity views which, while increasingly popular, are barely represented in parliament."

The Metropolitan police refused to provide an estimate. A police spokesman said the force had received no reports of arrests.

A spokesman for the prime minister declined to comment.

20 Jun 2014

David Icke Videocast: The Isis Crisis - the Al-Sham Scam



The Dirt Book : How the sexual abuse of children is used for political gain




In 1995, the BBC showed a Michael Cockerell documentary called Westminster’s Secret Service about the role of the chief whip, whose task it is to ensure MPs attend important debates and vote as the party leadership desires. It was revealed that the chief whip kept a little black ‘dirt book’ which contained information about MPs, and this was used as a method of political control.

Tim Fortescue, who was Ted Heath’s chief whip from 1970-73, said:

For anyone with any sense, who was in trouble, would come to the whips and tell them the truth, and say now, I’m in a jam, can you help? It might be debt, it might be…..erm……erm, a scandal involving small boys, or any kind of scandal in which, erm er, a member seemed likely to be mixed up in, they’d come and ask if we could help and if we could, we did. And we would do everything we can because we would store up brownie points……., and if I mean, that sounds a pretty, pretty nasty reason, but it’s one of the reasons because if we could get a chap out of trouble then, he will do as we ask forever more.

In short, the chief whip would cover up any scandal, even if it involved “small boys”, child sexual abuse, child rape, whatever you want to call it. They wouldn’t report the crime to the police, although they may use their contacts with the police to make sure to make sure the matter went no further. This means that a paedophile would be the ideal candidate for promotion within the party, easily blackmailed and bought, loyalty and discretion guaranteed.

An example of how the dirt book may have been used is the case of Sir Peter Morrison, who was Conservative MP for Chester from 1974-1992, as well as being Margaret Thatcher’s Parliamentary Private Secretary. Morrison has been linked to a notorious paedophile ring that sexually abused children in North Wales care homes. Chris House, who worked as reporter for the Daily Mirror, twice received tip-offs about Morrison being caught abusing underage boys which resulted in just a police caution, but libel threats stopped the newspaper from running the story. Peter Connew, the former editor of the Sunday Mirror, said “such was the hush-up that nobody could get hold of a log of the arrest”.

Edwina Currie, who was a Conservative MP at the time, said “Peter Morrison has become the PM’s PPS. Now he’s what they call ‘a noted pederast’,’ with a liking for young boys; he admitted as much to Norman Tebbitt when he became deputy chairman of the party, but added, ‘However, I’m very discreet’ – and he must be!”

It seems possible that Morrison was given the job of PPS precisely because he was a paedophile; the party had ‘dirt’ on him so they could rely on his loyalty. Morrison was an alcoholic, famously incompetent, and often found asleep at his desk, so I can’t think of any other reasons for his promotion to PPS. Not a thought was given to the poor children who he abused, and nobody in his party went to the police to stop him committing these crimes. Edwina Currie was quite happy to save this ‘gossip’ about child rape to boost her book sales.

If an MP’s ‘indiscretions’ became too public to cover up, they were demoted or exiled to an obscure position. Mike Hames, who was head of Scotland Yard’s Obscene Publications Branch, talked of a raid on a brothel during which a man in pinstriped suit announced that he a cabinet minister. “That was before the end of Communism and, through a politician friend, I informed the PM, Mrs Thatcher. I noticed that the man, a junior minister, was quietly dropped later in a reshuffle.”

Elm Guest House would have been well known to Margaret Thatcher, having been raided by 60 police and then covered up by the DPP and the Attorney General, who stopped the press from reporting on it. It is thought that at least 7 Conservative MPs were visitors to the paedophile brothel. Were any of these MPs later promoted to ministerial positions?

Ted Heath is credited with introducing the dirt book:

The most significant changes in the role of the whips appear to have taken place during the late 1950s and early 1960s. Heath as chief whip from 1956 to 1959 brought a new professionalism to the job; he was the first holder of that position to routinely attend cabinet meetings,although neither he nor his successors have been full cabinet members. More significant was the way he systematically gathered information about every member of the party, and developed the art of using this to maximum advantage. He was after all responsible for piloting the Conservative party through the Suez crisis and its turbulent aftermath. When Edward Short became Wilson’s chief whip in 1964 he found that it ‘had been the practice to keep a “dirt book” in which unsavoury personal items about members were recorded’, and he immediately ordered this to be discontinued. It is probable that such stories arose simply out of the thoroughness with which Heath and his successors had gathered information. Heath himself explained his professionalism: ‘I acted on the principle that the more you know about the people you ae speaking for, and the more they know about you and what you are being asked to do, the better.’ (extract from ‘Churchill to Major: The British Prime Ministership Since 1945′ by
Donald Shell)

So the chief whip would proactively look for ‘dirt’ on MPs, not just wait for them to get into trouble. This might explain how the child abuse campaigner Geoffrey Dickens MP was so quickly exposed for having an extra-marital affair after he named the paedophile diplomat Sir Peter Hayman.

Although the Labour chief whip, Edward Short, claims to have discontinued the dirt book system, it seems obvious that both Labour and the Liberals would have continued to use it. The Liberal MP Cyril Smith would have needed his own book given his record of child sex offences stretching from the 1960s to the late 1990s, which makes it all the more staggering that former Liberal leader David Steel claims never to have received a complaint about him. Smith, as an Elm Guest House visitor, a friend of Jimmy Savile, and an associate of both Peter Righton and Sidney Cooke, would have been impossible for the chief whip to control, as he would have been able to bring most of Westminster down with him.

Fleet Street also have their own version of the dirt book, used to exercise control over politicians. What other explanation could there be for the Sunday Times/News International not using the leaked Operation Ore list, despite there being enough VIP paedophiles on the list “to fill newspaper front pages for an entire year”?

19 Jun 2014

CORBETT REPORT : US TRAINED TERRORISTS ISIS : Iraq's Break Up is the Real "Mission Accomplished"

This time they discuss the latest developments in Iraq as the US/GCC backed terror boogeyman organization threatens to complete the Neocon/Israeli agenda of splitting the country into three parts. They also discuss Fukushima, bitcoin, patriot demonization and more.


“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East


When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing war on Syria, not to mention the process of regime change in Egypt, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East. The latter consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of an Israeli expansionist project.
“Greater Israel” consists in an area extending from the Nile Valley to the Euphrates. 


Israel and the neocons may finally get their wish in Iraq