25 Mar 2014



Citizen Grand Jury

The result of ordinary people taking the reins 
and allowing us to participate in 
the emancipation of Humanity globally. 

We can’t wait for anyone to give us permission to seize what is rightfully ours, be it free energy, the truth about our origins, the Extraterrestrial presence, or the right to a fair trial for significant crimes.

The Citizen Grand Jury will enable The People to have a hand in the roll-out of our new Common Law judicial system that will free those who have been wrongly incarcerated, and ensure that the corruption in the courts and law enforcement is ended.

Judges can no longer be bought or get bonuses for sending non-violent people to prison.

We’re not talking only of the USA here.  Those who have spearheaded the initiative have been in contact with people in Canada and many other countries.

Corrupt judges have been notified that the old system is no longer in effect and the new system is being rolled out. Sheriffs, bailiffs and clarks have been notified that the Common Law system is now the standard.

In the USA each county will take responsibility to hear cases and resolve them according to the “crime”. In the case of victimless crimes, there is no crime.  Where someone has been harmed, the one responsible will provide restitution.

There will be no more sending people to jail over parking tickets, bogus charges and setups, or anything that is not honest.

It’s not about putting people in jail. Jurors will use honour, justice and mercy to decide what is appropriate.

The People will be trained and educated about the common law system and will sit on a Grand Jury and decide the outcome in fairness. Statutory Law is going the way of the dinosaur. You can contact these people if you would like to be a juror.

The entire justice system will undergo a reform and will once again be FAIR.
I urge everyone to visit the web site to learn more about the Citizen Grand Jury.

Major progress is under way to seize control of the corrupt legal system in America and the world.

If you would like to listen to John Darash explain the details, you can listen here, beginning about the 68 minute mark. It was interesting and exciting to hear John tell us what his group has done thus far and what it will mean for Humanity. I highly recommend it.

Judges are going to jail. Who doesn’t applaud that?!

This is rolling out across the USA. Get informed and share this information. Volunteer to be added to the jury pool.

This is HUGE news!

The Power of the Grand Jury 

  In the Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, 112 S.Ct. 1735, 504 U.S. 36, 118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992), Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government "governed" and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights.



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