23 Mar 2014

From DRAKE BAILEY : The New 911 Plan?


I have not been sitting by waiting for people with intel to come to me, just so you know.
Rather, I have been actively seeking out incidents and planning for incidents.
Too few are aware of much of what is going on.

I outed info that was published/outed in interview on the show, The Keiser Report on Russian TV. This concerned the ‘robotics’ the elite are trying to get ready to deploy. I made reference to a cross between ‘terminator’ and ‘predator’ as how these things are designed to be.

I really hope people took my word for this…?
After all this, I assumed that would be pretty much a nice bump in the road for those who intend to use such devices…
I was wrong!

Seems there are more ‘Plans’ for All of We The People of Planet Earth.
I give you Flight 370.

Flight 370 ‘vanished’ with 227 passengers and 12 crew.
Of the passengers, 20 intel people from throughout the world who were the foremost electronic warfare experts, were on board.
Flight 370 received a ‘highly suspicious cargo, traced to the Indian Ocean, from the US Flagged container ship, MV Maersk.
The US SEALS whom were assigned to protect it, Mark Kennedy and Jeff Reynolds, were found to be dead. They were employed by the Virginia Beach secret security firm, Trident Group.

The cargo aboard Flight 370 was Atomic or Biological materials, diverted by the US Navy to the secret air base, Diego Garcia.
Flight 370 diversion occurred during the time that ‘all’ of the Spratly Island communications operated by China Mobile were ‘automatically’ jammed.

The US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego Garcia Base because ER is equipped with a ‘fly by wire’ FBD system that replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with ‘electronic interface’, allowing it to be ‘controlled’ like any Drone style aircraft.
Most think of this as ‘remote control’.
American mainstream media has yet to report or question, let alone, Demand ‘disclosure’.
This leaves this kind of real reporting up people like me, online news, and the many press releases found outside the ‘Controlled’ mainstream media.

-Note: this area of the Indian Ocean is ‘covered’ electronically like no other on our planet, So, the information is available, IF you know how to look for it.

I hope that some of those irresistible ‘investigative reporters’ go after this.I have stated that when there is info that ‘we’ need, I will publish it for everyone.


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